The further you go east, the better the scenery becomes, and it's not so depressing and lifeless anymore.

Gradually, some high terraces and pavilions, corridors and flower bridges appeared next to them, which were obviously different from the previous ones. This is the landscape of the hall. Although no one took care of it and it was much dilapidated, you can still glimpse the former beauty.

And Xiangxiang didn't run as unscrupulously as she did at the beginning, she carefully warned her surroundings, and specially advanced in the attic of the building to hide their figures.

After another half a day, Xiangxiang took him to the bottom of a roof, pointed to the other side and whispered: "The last thing is on there, it is a very rare fruit, green and purple red sea snake fruit."

At this time, they were still some distance away from there. It was a four-story four-cornered pagoda, about ten feet high, with four big red lanterns hanging on the four corners, emitting a hazy light. Zheng Zi looked at it but found that his mind was loosening, and he quickly looked away in shock.

A variety of defensive formations are engraved on the body of the pagoda to strengthen the defense of the pagoda, and a ray of light flashes from time to time, making the pagoda look more mysterious.

There are also four teams on both sides around the tower, each pair of two people, vigilant around all the time, and when they were observing in Guzheng, there were two small teams patrolling outside, interspersed back and forth, patrolling alternately, obviously Great importance is attached here.

After looking at it for a long time, Gu Zheng took his eyes back. There were no buildings around the pagoda, and the defense was so tight that it almost prevented all ways to get in.

Gu Zheng does not believe that there is only this kind of care, because the strength of those people are all below the cultivation level of immortals. If Gu Zheng is alone, he can force his way in. There must be hidden masters nearby, waiting for those self-righteous The idiots were fooled.

"Isn't it a bit difficult, but that thing is indispensable, and there is basically no substitute for it outside." Xiangxiang looked at Gu Zheng pitifully.

"Isn't it just to get something, don't worry, it will definitely work, let me think about it." Gu Zheng bit the bullet and agreed first, his greatest confidence is that the opponent's strength is low, as long as the hidden masters are not alarmed.

After comforting Xiangxiang a little, Gu Zheng began to think hard about how to temporarily remove the hidden master. Gu Zheng was sure that the other party was also staring there all the time.

After thinking for a long time, the brows on Gu Zheng's face finally faded, and he muttered to Xiangxiang a few times. Xiangxiang's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he kept nodding, and then the two of them backed away and left here.

And in a building closest to the pagoda, a big man in green robes and a young man in white robes were sitting by a window, staring at the pagoda.

"I said Commander Wang has been out for a while, why hasn't he come back yet?" The green-robed man suddenly said.

"Who knows, but I heard that he tried to get a token of the Yaoguang Realm. Did he go to inquire about the news in advance?" The young man said afterwards.

"It's not impossible. He put all his wealth on it this time and wanted to break through his realm, but it's true that his strength is also the lowest among us."

Although the two of them were talking, their eyes did not move. They looked at the pagoda for a while, without even turning their heads to look at each other, and spoke into the air.

"Hehe, the main reason is that he is highly valued by the adults, otherwise, why would the position of commander be left to him, but we have to be guarded here for a thousand years." The green-robed man was full of dissatisfaction.

"What's the use of saying this? Everyone has to be on duty. If anyone can't escape, why don't you say that Commander Wang doesn't even have a chance to go ashore. The guards here can only sneak out. It's not as good as us." The young man lightly He breathed a sigh of relief, adjusted his sitting posture, and continued.

"Besides, there's nothing wrong with this place. You can cultivate your body and mind, and the environment is very good. If you go to the top and have nothing to do, you can stay at home. It's better to be here. It's just too monotonous."

The green-robed man nodded irresistibly, and didn't say anything else. He just looked at the pagoda with his eyes. There were many rare and exotic objects in it, all of which were paid tribute from the nearby sea.

If I could get one-tenth of it, it would be enough for me to go up to a small level, but I can only think about it, all the things in it have to be transported back to the East China Sea, and no one dares to touch it.

However, he doesn't care about the adults' caution. This is the territory of the East China Sea. Although it is a bit remote and not as luxurious as other rich areas, if anyone has the courage to come here to find trouble, countless Donghai aquariums will drown him.

Moreover, since the adults took away most of the elites, Commander Wang even sent all the little soldiers and shrimps to patrol, and there are people guarding the vicinity all day long. In addition, there is a warning formation on the outermost periphery, so no one can sneak in here.

Of course, he would not say these words to anyone, it was just his own complaints. He has spent nine hundred and ninety years here, and in another ten years, someone will replace him, and he has tens of thousands of years left .

Even sitting in the city every day is better than doing nothing here. Move your head a little, look at the other party looking at the pagoda solemnly, and you can't help curling your lips.

It seems that he is so serious, but in fact, he has been wandering away for a long time, and he doesn't know what he is thinking, leaving only a trace of consciousness here to observe, too

Stealing rape and playing tricks.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong vibration from the ground, as if something exploded in the distance, the two of them trembled all over, and instantly came out of the room and stood on the roof.


Everyone on the side of the pagoda took action. Every other step, someone stood there with their eyes wide open, looking around, for fear that someone would take the opportunity to break into the pagoda.

And there were still many resting patrol soldiers around, and soon hundreds of people surrounded the pagoda so tightly that no flies could fly in.

A figure came over from the pagoda at a high speed, and said to the green robed man above, "My lord, a burst of black light suddenly burst out in the distance just now, and it seems to be coming from the restricted area."

As soon as the big man in black robe heard it, he knew that someone must have entered here silently, and even ran over there.

All of them are not qualified to enter there, nor are they allowed to enter there, so they can only report first.

"Idiot, go back and pick a few people, and go over there with me to check, what kind of broken rules are you still obeying at this time." The young man shouted directly.

The voice was so loud that even the side of the pagoda could hear his roar, and several people who looked like captains hurried over with some subordinates.

"Go, I'll keep watch here." The green-robed man said, giving him a reassurance.

After speaking, the big man in black robe flew directly towards the pagoda, landed directly on the door of the pagoda, sat there, his body glowed with a faint golden light, and directly covered the gate to ensure that no one else would sneak past.

The young man led a dozen people to rush towards the forbidden area.

In the past tens of thousands of years, it is not without some desperate people who wanted to sneak in, but most of them were blocked outside without exception. Even if some weird things bypassed the patrols and traps, they were still blocked by this large warning formation. to stop.

It is impossible to pass here without holding a special token. It seems that someone seems to have cracked the peripheral detection through unknown means, which is really a very serious problem.

If the other party hides and cannot be found here, it will be of great disadvantage to them. You must know that although this place has been abandoned, it cannot be destroyed so easily by the other party. This is simply slapping them in the face.

Under their speed, they arrived at the door of the black temple in just one stick of incense. At this time, the only place with protection and the only place with value.

The young man was stunned, the vortex mist at the main entrance was intact, without any trace of violent damage, it seemed that the explosion was coming from nearby.

"My lord, there are traces of people around. It is estimated that two people have appeared here." Of course, their subordinates would not stand still, and soon discovered the traces of Gu Zheng and the others. After all, they did not hide.

After the young man finished listening, he took out a token-shaped thing from his pocket, and a blue light flew out of it and landed in the whirlpool.

The vortex flickered for a while, and suddenly expanded into a circle, allowing several people to enter and exit at the same time.

The young man rushed into the hall immediately with a few people. The furnishings in the hall are very simple, except for some messy things and shelves, there is nothing around, and the head can be seen at a glance.

There was no one there, and there were only a few scattered footprints on the clean ground.

"No one, could it be that the other party has already escaped?" The young man said to himself, sweeping back and forth in every corner of the hall in disbelief.

Because one of the surrounding shelves was a bit empty, it could be seen that it had not been long since it was taken away, and someone had already come in to take some things away.

Although there is nothing too precious in it, but the other party can come in and out quietly, this problem is very serious.

"Search for me, they will definitely leave some clues." The young man squeezed out a cold order from his mouth. If they are not found as soon as possible, it will be too bad to cause other damage.

Thinking of Lord Lei's terror, he couldn't help but tremble. After scanning the main hall with his consciousness again, he made sure that there was no one there. The young man sealed the main hall again and led everyone to investigate.

In a house away from the four-faced pagoda, two figures emerged from it, watching two people appear from a distant house, and another person left.

Gu Zheng shook hands, and it seemed that he had successfully lured the other party out of the dark, but it was a pity that the other party was too careful, and only left one person, while the other blocked the door frantically.

But all of this was within Gu Zheng's expectation. Gu Zheng signaled to the school to start his plan. Seeing Xiang Xiang nodded clearly, he took out a black flying sword and sacrificed it quietly above his head.

A somewhat distorted and fuzzy black light gushed out from the flying sword, directly submerging the two of them, and the two figures became one with the surroundings.

This flying sword can't help but hide itself, and it can also hide the scenery around the user.

And Xiangxiang used her innate ability again, a little bit of transparent light is hidden around them, which can effectively prevent the visitation of the spirit.

After doing all this, they floated up and flew past the stupa.

Although those vigilant people looked around, and their spiritual senses swept over 360 degrees without letting go of any corners, no one noticed that there was an unusual mass on top of their heads. Even if they glanced over, they subconsciously As air, ignore the past.

Most people's cultivation base is not enough, the naked eye can't see through the disguise of Gu Zheng, the only person who can see through is blocked at the door, but unfortunately the spiritual consciousness is completely blocked by Xiangxiang's secret technique, and they can't find it at all.

Soon, the two of Gu Zheng and the others drifted to the side of the pagoda. At this time, all the patterns on the pagoda lit up, and a faint light leaked out. It seemed that the defensive formation was activated.

Gu Zheng was suspended in the air, muttering something, holding Xiangxiang's dagger in his hand.

Gu Zheng suddenly spewed a faint breath of fresh air from his mouth, covering the dagger directly, and saw that the blue liquid on the dagger began to melt slowly, and a strip of blue liquid was pulled out by Gu Zheng.

The ball of liquid was like a naughty elf, wandered around outside mischievously for a while, and jumped directly at the window on the first floor in front of it, blending in instantly.

Feeling the consumption speed of the immortal energy in his body, Gu Zheng waited patiently.

After climbing for too long, a faint blue line suddenly appeared on the edge of the window, and began to swim along the edge. A circle with a height of half a person appeared there, and inside the circle was still the restriction of the tower itself, but at this time some dim.

It appears to be still there, but has actually lost all defensive functions.

The window without the restriction was like a fake, Gu Zheng and Xiangxiang immediately disappeared into the window.

As Gu Zheng's dagger glowed slightly again, the blue circle shadow shimmered a few times, and then left there immediately. The restriction outside the pagoda immediately returned to normal, and it was impossible to see anyone entering from here.

It all happened between lightning bolts, so fleeting and inconspicuous, that no one noticed.

Gu Zheng entered from the second floor, and once inside, he came to a brightly lit hall.

The main hall does not look very big, it is basically a single wooden frame with some delicate jade porcelain vases on it, and a layer of white light is shrouded outside, and there is an upward and downward staircase in the corner.

"These are some unimportant things." Xiangxiang said to Gu Zheng through voice transmission, "the first floor is some larger things, some unique weapons and magic weapons are placed there, but there are no good things."

"The third floor is to put some unique things, but they are very rare and not very valuable. Our goal is mainly to put the real good things on the fourth floor."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng turned his eyes away from those shelves. At this time, they were still in the form of just coming in, so as to prevent people from outside from coming in suddenly.

What Gu Zheng didn't expect was that there were restrictions on the stairs, and it seemed that going up was stronger than going down.

Gu Zheng came to the front of the stairs and took out Xiangxiang's dagger again. The green liquid on it is really good, and I don't know where I can get these things.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng asked, she also got it by accident, and she didn't know what it was, she only knew that it could assimilate many restrictions and let her run around without causing fluctuations.

Gu Zheng did the same, as before, when the upper stairs were assimilated into a hole, he rushed up quickly with Xiangxiang.

As soon as he went up the stairs, he obviously felt that the surrounding space was much smaller, but Gu Zheng didn't dare to breathe when he stood at the door.

At this time, the hall is empty, forming a concave shape, and in the middle of the front, there are actually two crab-like guys who are sleeping, lying directly in the middle of the hall.

The noise outside did not disturb them, and their volume here already occupied more than half of the space.

The red body looked extremely hard, a pair of huge pincers were placed on the ground randomly, and some fishy air bubbles were continuously spit out from the mouth, revealing the sharp teeth.

The tentacles around the mouth fluttered without wind, taking up some of the already narrow space, almost filling the space on both sides.

The deep and sea-like aura on his body told Gu Zheng that these are two crabs at the peak of heavenly immortals. They seem to be of the same species as the little crabs before, but their strength is worlds apart.

Gu Zheng just glanced at it and hurriedly moved his eyes away, for fear of arousing the other party's vigilance.

Xiangxiang didn't even look at the other party at all. After feeling the vast sea-like breath in the air, she closed her eyes directly.

Behind the two of them, a marbled stone door is there,

Unexpectedly, there are two such strong spirit beasts here, which are stronger than the guards outside. It seems that there are really good things there, otherwise it would not be so strict.

"What should I do? I remember it was kept outside before, without the two spirit beasts here to take care of it." Xiangxiang said via voice transmission.

Gu Zheng felt some of her anxiety, and patted her on the back lightly, "It's okay, just be careful, just go around them."

At this time, Gu Zheng is so thankful that he is still in the invisible state, otherwise he would be noticed by the other party the first time he came up.

You can't make some noise to disturb them, otherwise once they wake up, they really have nowhere to hide.

Gu Zheng hugged Xiangxiang lightly, and moved his feet slowly to lean against the wall. It can be said that his back was directly against the wall, and he started to walk over.

Tentacles wandered aimlessly back and forth, sometimes Gu Zheng had to wait for a while to find the right opportunity to slip through the narrow gap.

After a while, Gu Zheng's face was already covered with cold sweat, but Gu Zheng didn't dare to wipe it off, because he was holding Xiangxiang with both hands, and Xiangxiang was burying his head in his arms, not daring to look at it. , I can't spare my hand.

Regardless of how short the distance is, normally I could travel back and forth dozens of times in the blink of an eye, but now I have only traveled half of the distance.

Now Gu Zhengka is stuck in the middle, unable to advance or retreat. He doesn't know why he is too close to the opponent, and the frequency of the opponent's tentacles is getting faster and faster.

Except for the place where I am now, there is still some gaps, other places are simply within the range of the tentacles dancing, and I can't get through.

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