Since the last provocative incident, the Yile family has basically stabilized here, while Gu Zheng asked for a small courtyard in the middle of nowhere and plunged into it.

It took half a year to stay, because when he was studying the seal, he suffered a lot of minor injuries in his body, and it took half a year to get rid of it. If it wasn't for that little girl who made trouble every day, I would have to study Lihuan next time. .

But he had just recovered, stretched himself refreshed, and Xiang Xiang, who had been paying attention to this place, pushed the door in directly.

"Brother, your injury is healed, hurry up and cook me something to eat, I'm so hungry." Xiangxiang had a bitter face, and gently touched her belly with one hand.

In this regard, Gu Zheng was really helpless. Half a year ago, he used the excuse of his own injury to push it away, thinking that she would leave by herself if she waited for a while, or her family would take her away.

What he didn't expect was that she was actually guarding his door, guarding him every step of the way, really afraid that he would accidentally run away and make Gu Zheng laugh bitterly.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng had told Yile in advance that no one could come in here, and he even sent a small crab to guard the door, and this Xiangxiang was really patient, squatting right now, and really didn't eat a meal.

Although for Xiangxiang, it is enough not to eat for hundreds of years, but her posture seems to be abusing her.

"Okay, okay, how about it, what do you want to eat, I'll get you some, I still have things to do." Although Gu Zheng really wanted to ask her about the water attribute material now, but now he has no magic weapon , It is really a disadvantage to meet the enemy. If an enemy comes to snatch it, I may have to retreat in defeat.

"I want to eat meat porridge, I want broth, and I want hot dishes." Xiangxiang's eyes lit up, she took out her little finger, and Balabala said.

"Stop, stop, I know I want to eat a lot, but there is nothing right now, let's go out and find some ingredients to talk about." Seeing that Xiangxiang wanted to continue, Gu Zheng quickly stopped her.

It seems that I don't interrupt her, she wants to order a table by herself, and she regards herself as the cook of her family.

"Oh." Xiangxiang put down her fingers aggrieved, she hadn't eaten for half a year, couldn't she ask for more.

Gu Zheng looked at the aggrieved little face, and went out cruelly, not because he was stingy, but because he really couldn't do so much.

As a descendant of Tiexian, every morsel of food must be treated with 200% energy, especially for a picky little girl.

I can't smash my own brand, although no one knows.

"Wait for me." Xiangxiang yelled quickly, and hurriedly followed, for fear that Gu Zheng would run away.

The courtyard where Yi Le is located is very huge, but for Gu Zheng, it was just a matter of sweeping his mind, and he immediately found Yi Le in the living room.

When Gu Zheng found Yi Le, she was sitting there with a sad face, and she was the only one in the huge living room.

Seeing Gu Zheng and the others come out, he stood up with a strong face and a smile. Suddenly, everything seemed to be normal, but the sadness in his eyes still couldn't be hidden, and Gu Zheng could see it at a glance.

"What's the matter?" Yi Le's figure revealed a trace of exhaustion.

"I want to borrow your kitchen and borrow something." Gu Zheng said truthfully.

"No problem, Mr. Gu can take whatever he likes." Yi Le didn't expect that Gu Zheng would make such a request. Could it be that he cooked by himself for this little girl.

Yi Le also heard from the soldier that day that the little girl seemed to have followed here just for food, but the other party hadn't eaten for the past six months.

With doubts, Yi Le personally led them to the kitchen. Although she had many worries in her heart, she still wanted to know how the immortals cook and whether they are the same as ordinary people.

"Miss Yi." When Yi Le and the others arrived in the kitchen, there were still many people busy inside. Seeing them coming, they greeted them one after another, and they were curious why she brought the two of them here.

Their kitchen is astonishingly large. After all, there are so many people eating together, even if they are servants, there are dozens of them.

Gu Zheng glanced casually, and when he saw the stored ingredients, he had an idea in his heart.

"Please lend me your dagger." Gu Zheng said to Yi Le, although these ingredients are some common ingredients, but in the prehistoric world of heaven and earth aura, they are already very good, so naturally they cannot be processed with ordinary kitchen utensils .

"Ah, good." Yi Le didn't expect the other party to borrow his weapon, and after a moment of surprise, he took it out of his cuff without hesitation and handed it over.

Looking at the dagger that cut iron like mud, Gu Zheng still felt a little regretful, there were still some magazines in it, but at this stage, it was enough for what he wanted to do.

Gu Zheng walked around for a while and prepared everything.

The others stared and stared at what this gentle man was going to do. Looking at the pale fingers, it seemed that the ten fingers did not touch the spring water. Could it be that they came here for some fun, but Miss Yi would go crazy with him. Now The situation at home is not bad.

In fact, Gu Zheng intends to simply cook a bowl of fish porridge, a bucket of beef soup, and a side dish.

Seeing Gu Zheng take out the sharp dagger, his complexion tightened, making it obvious that he had begun to enter a certain state.

Those of them could only see the silver light shining all over the sky, and couldn't see Gu Zheng's movements clearly at all, but Xiangxiang stared at her big eyes, watching with relish, not willing to look away at all.

As the ancient battle proceeded in an orderly manner, soon there was an attractive aroma in the air, which lingered for a long time, making the mouth water stay unconsciously. I didn't expect him to have such good cooking skills. Just by smelling it, they have already defeated all of them.

At this time, an afternoon passed without knowing it, and other chefs began to get busy, but everyone's eyes couldn't help looking at the piece of Gu Zheng.

It lasted until the evening, and there were only four people left in the whole kitchen, and one was the chef here, who was in charge of the kitchen. He just wanted to see what was in the pot, it would be so attractive .

You know, he is also a little famous, and of course he is also very curious about the other party's tactics, and wants to ask for advice.

After going to Guzheng to close the fire for two times, I took out a bowl of porridge and a dish of side dishes. Although it looked very good, what puzzled Yile and the others was that the ancient fragrance in the air was much dimmer. , as if all take two things

On the contrary, there was a look of surprise on Xiangxiang's face, and she was not afraid of being hot, so she directly picked up the bowl of fish porridge, squinted her eyes, pursed her red lips, and took a small sip.

Feeling the information from the taste buds on the tip of her tongue, Xiangxiang closed her eyes, with an intoxicated expression on her face, she felt that she had guessed right, and the little calculations in her heart began to type quickly.

After finishing the fish porridge in one go, and then swept the side dish directly into his stomach, he nodded in satisfaction.

Gu Zheng returned the dagger to Yi Le, and then walked out directly with Xiang Xiang.

"Young master Gu, there is still a pot of stuff." Yi Le shouted from behind.

"It's the reward for lending your dagger." Gu Zheng's voice came from afar.

After hearing this, Yi Le was taken aback, and came to the vat out of curiosity. He opened it and saw that the pot was filled with a stream of white broth, and there were some paper strips of ingredients beside it.

Yile took a sip, and immediately put away the note. A little relieved smile appeared on her face, and she immediately asked someone to watch the bucket. She was secretly grateful to the other party. Gave them a way out.

Under the giant tower in the middle, in a magnificent hall, a middle-aged man with a majestic expression sat on top, and several people below were reporting to him.

"My lord, Princess Xiangxiang still hasn't been found, it seems that the other party has already hidden." said the person below.

"Then continue to send more people to look for it. A bunch of idiots. She must still be in the city. Once she goes out of the city, I will sense it."

"Yes." The people below clasped their fists together and walked down.

A year has passed in a hurry. During this year, Gu Zheng has been hiding in the house and has not come out. Except for coming once in a while, Yi Le is busy outside.

On this day, Xiangxiang and Xiaoxie were muttering outside.

"Little princess, it's been a year, and you're still waiting here? It's said that people looking for you are crazy." Xiaoxie said, waving the pincers.

"You don't need to ask, he has already promised me to make Baise Yan for me once, and I must eat it." Xiangxiang said with a puffy face, she was a little anxious to wait, but there was nothing she could do if he didn't come out.

"Princess Xiangxiang, I don't want to stay here. Tell him, take me with you." Xiaoxie rolled his eyes and continued, because he didn't expect to meet Her Highness the Princess here.

"If you have to ask him, I don't want to help you. I still have to wait for my Baiseyan." Princess Xiangxiang shook her head. Now that she finally has hope, she has been waiting for thousands of years. Satisfy the desire in your heart.

Gu Zheng heard clearly inside, and of course he knew the agreement with Xiangxiang, as long as he accompanied her to find some ingredients and helped her make a dish, she would directly give him the water attribute ingredient.

It doesn't matter if you don't help her, she will also tell him the location of the materials and let her get them by herself.

Of course, Gu Zheng chose to get it by himself, but she did not expect that she pointed her little finger at the high tower and told him that it was in a room below it.

And told Gu Zheng that her identity was the youngest princess in Haicheng. Although Gu Zheng roughly guessed that the other party's identity was extraordinary, he still didn't expect that this city was actually the person in charge of Donghai here. so here

Gu Zheng had no choice but to choose to accompany her to go out. There were so many masters under the tower that he didn't even dare to search for his spiritual sense there.

Gu Zheng told himself in his heart that he would just treat it as playing around with the children, anyway, he didn't have anything urgent to do right now.

Following Gu Zheng's thoughts, a fiery red circle returned to his wrist with a whoosh, and turned into a red thread to stay on it.

After this year of sacrificial training, Gu Zheng has almost mastered Li Huan, and now it is time to leave here.

Gu Zheng pushed the door that hadn't been opened for a year, and walked out.

Xiangxiang ran over in surprise, grabbed Gu Zheng's clothes and said, "You said it would take a short time, but it turned out that you stayed for a year. You are too bad."

Of course Gu Zheng understood Xiangxiang's tricks, so he didn't point it out, and said with a smile: "It's a bit long, but I can find something for you in this way, so let's go now."

Gu Zheng's spiritual sense swept the entire courtyard, and found that everyone's faces were smiling, much better than the lifeless one a year ago, squatting down to hug Xiangxiang, and disappeared from here in a flash.

Only the little crab with a resentful face was left, waving the little crab continuously. It only knew that it had received an instruction, and the restriction in its body would disappear automatically when the time came.

Gu Zheng and him have already made a deal, let him stay here for fifty years, and take care of the home here. Thoughts, but it also kept him from encountering greater danger.

At the same time, Gu Zheng also deleted its memories of the past to ensure that he would forget it, and made him swear a poisonous oath before, once the secret was leaked, it would die. Only with three layers of guarantees can it survive.

Otherwise, Gu Zheng would definitely kill it, and he would not put his own life in the mouth of others. .

When the two reappeared, they had already come to the street outside. Gu Zheng was walking ahead, holding Xiangxiang's little hand. Xiangxiang had a smile on his face, just like a father and daughter, so warm and harmonious .

Soon the two of them walked out of the city, and after a little distance, they quickened their pace and fled towards the East China Sea.

At a distance of more than ten days from Haicheng, two figures, one large and one small, galloped towards a certain direction.

At this time, the sky was blue and white clouds, and white clouds like sea waves covered the sky densely in the sky, which just blocked the scorching sun, and the slight sea breeze blew past my ears all the time, and the sound of sea waves could be faintly heard.

But Xiangxiang didn't have the leisure time to enjoy these things, and now she was just following the pace in front of her out of breath. Since the two of them left Haicheng, they have been moving forward at a fast speed, and this walk lasted more than ten days.

Because it was she who said that she had to leave here as quickly as possible, as long as she reached the seaside, she would have a way to completely cover her whereabouts, because as soon as she left the city, she would definitely be sensed by that person.

It's not that he doesn't treat himself badly, he satisfies his basic requirements.

It's just that she is too strict with herself, this is not allowed, and that is not allowed, keeping her in the palace alive makes her very depressed, and she can't beat her again and again.

It's been a long time since I have driven so desperately. Although I am not physically tired, I am a little tired mentally. I have been worrying about someone chasing me from behind, and my nerves are tense.

Now that they have stepped on the beach, they can vaguely see the edge of the East China Sea, and they will reach the surface of the sea in a short time.

This made Xiangxiang's tense little face relax a little bit. She knew that he was powerful, and even the sea area with a radius of several million around here was under his control. Although it was a bit remote here, it was also a place under Donghai. Is the nameless generation.

Guan has dozens of generals under him, but most of them are patrolling in the sea area, and they will go ashore every once in a while to report information.

Except once every 100,000 years, that adult will go to the East China Sea to report, and will be in Haicheng at other times. Of course, Haicheng has only been established for tens of thousands of years, and it was always in the palace under the sea before.

At this moment, the ancient battle in front of him suddenly stopped, and Xiangxiang, who was caught off guard, bumped into it, and then fell on the beach.

"Why did you stop all of a sudden." Xiangxiang rubbed her nose and said in a low voice, but this hit him unclearly.

"The front looks a bit bad." Gu Zheng looked at the front, glanced over, and now the sea level has set off a huge wave, and the roarer used it towards him.

Xiangxiang stood up and looked at it, then smiled and said: "You are making a big fuss, but you may not know that there are hundreds of thousands of miles around here, and there are countless whirlpools below, and there are countless tearing vortices all the time. The force is generated, and this performance is generated on the surface of the sea."

Xiangxiang patted the dirt on her body, put her small hands on her eyes, looked at the familiar tide and continued, "Although it looks like someone made it on purpose, it is actually formed naturally, and the power is not very great. You look at the seaside The tens of kilometers are all caused by these tides, so don’t worry.”

Saying that, Xiangxiang patted Gu Zheng's waist on purpose, and then continued to run forward by herself.

But just after walking a few steps, he found that Gu Zheng was still standing still, squinting his eyes and looking at the huge wave, with a frightening look in his eyes.

Xiangxiang stopped helplessly, returned to Gu Zheng's side again, and pointed there with her finger.

"Brother Gu, why are you so timid? I told you that this huge wave was only formed from below." Xiangxiang suddenly got stuck, her eyes were suddenly dull, and her mouth opened slightly.

Because dozens of water dragons flew out of that huge wave, and all of them came towards this huge wave, which was completely different from what I said.

This is clearly someone operating behind the scenes, how could it be possible to suddenly encounter such a thing in the head, and suddenly become confused and stunned there.

Gu Zheng wouldn't be stunned. He had noticed something was wrong before. Although he heard Xiangxiang's explanation, there was always a hint of vigilance in his heart. He really didn't expect that there was a mystery.

Glancing at Xiangxiang who was still in a daze, Gu Zheng rushed a certain distance with a single step.

He took off from the spot and jumped into the sky, and punched out the void in front of him.

The sound of "bang bang" means that every water dragon collapsed from the air and turned into a puddle of water and fell down.

Those seemingly majestic water dragons did not approach Gu Zheng's side, and were all defeated by Gu Zheng halfway.

"Ah!" Xiangxiang screamed from behind, and Gu Zheng turned around quickly, fearing that something might happen to Xiangxiang.

But she found that Xiangxiang covered her eyes and screamed herself. She only realized her feelings now. I really don't know what her cultivation base is. She has no experience at all, and it feels like she hasn't gone through any battles.

"It's okay, it's okay." Gu Zheng returned to Xiangxiang and said comfortingly.

"They're coming, be careful." The words that made Gu Zheng startled came out of Xiangxiang's mouth.

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