"Everyone disperse quickly, and form a team with several people to resist together." Su Nan and Pan Xuan can see that all Jinxian peaks can't get together, so the pressure will be even greater.

If you expect a group of people to deal with a meteor, and then take advantage of the cover to descend a longer distance, it will cause a huge waste of power.

It would be easier to spread it out and deal with it in twos, and others can help others.

Pieces of vigor, thunder and lightning, and fire dragons continued to intercept meteorites in midair.

Meteorites were being exploded in the sky one by one, and for a while, countless small meteor showers fell in the sky.

Facing the landing of such a pure small stone, there is not much harm, and basically everyone can ignore it with a shield.

After defeating the meteorite facing him, Jinxian Peak began to help others continuously. Occasionally, some meteorites fell to the ground, but they were all avoided.

The meteorite hit the ground and burned a huge flame directly, directly making everyone's space more crowded.

A Shura man watched the meteorite above Jinjiang fall, and he was blocked in a corner, with flames in front of him and meteorites above.

The Shura didn't even think about it, and rushed into the flames with the shield on. Compared with the huge meteorite, the flames seemed less threatening.

But as soon as he entered, he screamed violently, and the screams stopped abruptly with one breath.

"This is the fire of the stars. If you don't have a special magic weapon to resist the flame, don't come near it. It will directly burn the soul." Su Nan noticed the situation here and reminded loudly.

Fortunately, the barrier did not block the transmission of the sound, but other people also saw the appearance of that person, went in but did not come out, knew the horror of the flames, passed each other, and everyone stayed away from the flames.

There were also flames falling from his side, but they were frozen by him immediately, and did not cause much harm.

On the other hand, Pan Xuan took out her picture scroll and directly sucked the flames in.

Ding Xiao also came up with his own method, the scimitar was combined together, and spun directly towards the flame quickly. Wherever it passed, it was cut into two pieces and slowly extinguished, but the scimitar was not damaged at all.

In the previous battle with the Wu Envoy, Ji Yi's weapon was about to be damaged, but his was intact, so it can be known that his weapon is really extraordinary.

When this wave of meteor shower is over, except for one unlucky ghost who died, the others are more or less in a mess, but the problem is not big.

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that the barrier had disappeared, and everyone gathered together again.

"This place should be the dark scene in the sky. They seem to be preventing our arrival, and they have already prepared for it." A Shura man said worriedly.

"I believe that even if they are prepared, they don't have too many resources. For example, no one can control this formation. Otherwise, how could we be so relaxed." Action, very rigid.

He recounted her situation just now.

Because just now she found that when a group of people were resisting the meteor, one barely smashed the meteorite in front of them, but only then did they find that another meteorite appeared in front of them.

At that time, they were a little exhausted and couldn't use their strength to resist, but others couldn't see it, so they could only wait to die.

Unfortunately, because they were half lying on the ground, a Shura peak who hadn't seen them accidentally kicked someone in the chest when he went to rescue others.

Although he discovered the wrong peak Shura in time and had already controlled his strength, he still kicked him far away.

And that meteorite flew over with him, because its target was it, even if it could kill a Shura as long as it fell.

It pretended it didn't see it, and looked for that person, but was smashed in mid-air.

The two Shura people escaped death by narrow escape.

"So, what we have to do now is how to break through here and break out." Su Nan interjected, "But I didn't find the formation here just now, so I don't know how to get out."

"I'm also trying to find it, but I can't find it either. The other party's hiding is too deep, maybe we need to crack it violently." Ding Xiao held his two scimitars and rubbed them back and forth, making a piercing sound.

"Ding Xiao, you put down your weapon, it's a bit harsh, didn't you see someone is suffering?" Pan Xuan said to him bluntly.

Ding Xiao saw that some people had already subconsciously covered their ears, and then put away their weapons embarrassingly.

"Then what should we do, everything around here is sealed, even if we fly, we can't fly up." A person groped around and said back.

"Wait, the previous scale doesn't look like it can end at all. There must be another way. Hurry up and take the elixir at this time. Everyone, pay more attention." Pan Xuan said affirmatively.

Here, it can be said that her opinion is the biggest.

At this time, some of the ground was burned with potholes, and some embers were still burning, but the fire had gradually weakened, and it seemed that it would soon be extinguished.

Everyone quieted down, and they were all vigilant about their surroundings.

"Look, the ground is collapsing." Shura, who had been looking at the flames curiously, suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked over with his gaze, and on the flame that was about to go out, it was obvious that a piece of almost transparent thing was falling down.

Splash a little in the liquid below.

"Don't you feel that the liquid below has risen a lot?" Only then did someone notice the bottom, "And it seems that the water below has started to go berserk.

"Yeah, it seems to give people a feeling of wanting to explode." Everyone looked down at their feet.

"Attention everyone, it is very likely that the next round of attack will follow," Pan Xuan hurriedly shouted.

Some people have also guessed this, but the process is slower, like boiling a frog in warm water.

If it appeared at the moment when the meteor shower ended, it would cause a lot of damage.

It is too difficult to control from the tower. At this moment, Mrs. Qin feels that under the interference of the outside world, this situation is even more difficult than imagined.

From the very beginning, my contact with the outside world was intermittent, but fortunately, once the formation map was activated, it would automatically suck the target into the body.

But after the first stage is completed, the explosion in the second stage cannot be detonated.

Mrs. Qin suspects that this light curtain is also blocking part of it, after all, it can block any spiritual thoughts and consciousness, and this is also arranged by Mr. Xiong.

Even Old Xiong probably didn't think of this.

Feeling that she couldn't control the second stage, Mrs. Qin directly started the third stage of the array.

When the water flow below started to get bigger and bigger, some had hit the top.

At this time, the Shura people had already made preparations.

The original order is that once you come in, you will be bombarded by meteors all over the sky, and then all the broken stones left by the meteors, large and small, will be detonated, blasting the cuticle below.

The explosion can easily explode, and then the people above quickly fall into the already roaring water.

Just these three simple changes can cause them a lot of casualties.

But no matter what, the turbulent liquid also washed away the cuticles under their feet, and all of them rushed into the water without exception.

They didn't panic as they had already prepared, but the impact speed of the water still surprised them.

This silver-white water flow feels similar to the clear water outside, but once it falls below.

The silver-white water flow will directly erode the inside of the body, even if you open the shield, it can still penetrate in.

Once it sticks to your body, it will be directly integrated into your body, and you will feel that your control over the mana in your body is weakened.

Coupled with the fact that all the people had to resist the pressure of the water in this endless rotation, soon a few Shuras sank silently and did not get up again.

Here, everyone can only rely on themselves, and no one can help others.

The current of water carries all the people who don't know where it leads, and it only takes a short time, which makes many people feel like a year has passed.

Pan Xuan kept trying to stick her head out, but the outer layer of the water flow was very weird, the more you tried to get out, the faster the water would seep.

It seems like the pressure is stronger there.

On the contrary, the closer to the center, the smaller the pressure. Many Shuras tried to get out, and they all resisted the invasion in the center.

But Pan Xuan knows that this is a trap, if you don't come out soon, sooner or later you will lose the control of the immortal energy in your body, and thus drown here alive.

However, the body shape itself is not easy to control in the water flow, and the faster the outer water flow is more volatile, coupled with a continuous turning and turning, if you are not careful, all previous efforts will be wasted, and it is easy to be hit back again.

During this period, Pan Xuan also saw that many people thought of this problem, and they were also struggling to climb out, trying to pass through this barrier.

But more people failed, and Pan Xuan didn't see any other familiar companions, so he could only continue to move forward alone.

But after all, Pan Xuan was not good at breaking out. Every time she felt that she was a little bit worse, she succeeded in breaking through.

And the more so, the more Pan Xuan refused to admit defeat, the more she wanted to break through.

But Pan Xuan gradually felt that she was tired, and found that her body had been soaked in silver liquid before she knew it.

These liquids are in the key points of his body, hindering the operation of the mana in his body, and at the same time, there are waves of weakness in his body.

Pan Xuan was suspended in the water in a daze, feeling powerless in her heart.

"If Gu Zheng is here, it will be no problem to break through this protection." Pan Xuan thought so.

Unconsciously put his hands on his chest, where there is a necklace given to him by Gu Zheng.

A warm feeling appeared in his hand, and the next moment, the water flowed rapidly again, and Pan Xuan subconsciously activated the protection on the necklace.

A gentle shield emerged from Pan Xuan's body, blocking out all the water.

Pan Xuan was pleasantly surprised to find that although she was still following the water flow, all the fluctuations of the water flow were isolated and had no effect on her, and the silver liquid could not pass through here.

"Good opportunity." Pan Xuan thought that every time under the interference of the water flow, she would not be able to break through to the top. If she could stay inside the protection, she could definitely go up.

Thinking of Pan Xuan's immediate action, she swam up again.


This time, with the help of the necklace, Pan Xuan finally got half of her body outside. At this time, she could not feel the interference of the water flow at all.

Only then did they realize that they were now in a wide cave, and the water flow brought them forward at a high speed, beside which were passages wide for two people.

However, most of them are blocked by the earthy yellow rock wall, and only occasionally a gap will be exposed.

Seeing the right timing, Pan Xuan jumped and landed directly in a gap.

"Be careful." Accompanied by a familiar voice, he found that something had been crushed beside his ear.

Pan Xuan looked quickly, and it turned out to be a silver spider the size of a palm, but now it was broken into several pieces and fell to the ground.

"Thank you, Su Nan." It was Su Nan who reminded her and helped her.

"You forgot our friendly agreement, maybe I will thank you next time." Su Nan walked over from behind, "I thought you came in the morning."

"No, I'm late for some things." Pan Xuan didn't have the nerve to say that she almost couldn't make it.

"Well, I've been wandering around for a while, and other people have come up. I met Ding Xiao just now. He seems to have broken a mechanism before. Now that the speed of the water flow has slowed down, there may be other switches. Let's look for them together. Go." Su Nan invited Pan Xuan.

"Okay" Pan Xuan agreed without thinking, and the two started walking along the narrow passage.

From time to time, I still pay attention to some small spiders next to me. They are very fragile, but the silk threads they spit out are difficult to tangle with. They have the same effect as the silver water droplets of water droplets, and they are more tenacious.

There are so many passages here, and it is still impossible to fly here, even Pan Xuan and Su Nan came to a dead end and had to jump down the river again, looking for a gap again.

Going down this time, Pan Xuan obviously felt that the pressure on the river has decreased a lot, even if she can go out without relying on the shield, it seems that someone has found the mechanism again and closed it.

The two of them who were still searching suddenly felt that the cave was shaking, and the water level of the river was dropping.

"What's going on, has someone already solved it completely?" Su Nan and the others stood on it, and Su Nan asked puzzled.

"I don't know, the water seems to lead to another place." Pan Xuan was also confused, except for going around and killing many sneak attacking silver spiders, they found nothing.

"Miss Pan, Mr. Su, come down quickly, the exit below is closed now, it will be too late." Suddenly a head leaked from the water and shouted at them.

Then he went in again and disappeared. He still needed to see if anyone fell outside, and informed them that he had seen a few Shuras disappear while they were bound by the water, and ran to the top.

As everyone knows, there is an exit below, if you can't get out, who knows what will happen if you stay here.

Su Nan and Pan Xuan jumped down without hesitation.

In the water, it is obvious that a suction force is pulling them down, and the water is not flowing, just like stagnant water.

When they dived a little, they found a hole several people wide below them, and the suction came from a vortex on it.

Now the hole has been closed by a third, and a sideways plate is slowly moving horizontally at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a dog eclipsing the moon. If you don't hurry up, you will be trapped here in the end.

The two swam directly towards the void, and when they approached the vortex, their figures suddenly stopped, and they were directly sucked in without any resistance.

Su Nan only felt his figure tighten, and then his feet were empty, and he felt that he was falling directly from the air along the water flow. Fortunately, there was no accident in his body, and he directly slowed down when he rushed out of the water flow. Looking at this A new world.

This is an incomparably huge space. On the stone wall above his head, water flows out continuously, like a small waterfall, and there are more water flows in other places, flowing underground and directly merging into the ground.

From time to time, members of his own clan rushed out from inside, and now there are already many Shura people below, and they are now in a place where there is no water flow, hurry up to get rid of the silver liquid in their bodies.

There are stone walls on three sides, but not far in front, there are huge light spots, none of which are as large as several feet, and they are flickering and fading in a very regular way, as if they are breathing.

"Su Nan, here."

Su Nan heard someone calling herself, followed the voice, and found that Pan Xuan was already with a group of their peaks, beckoning to herself, beckoning herself to come over.

Su Nan's figure flickered, and he rushed straight down.

"What's the matter, is there anything new?" Su Nan was puzzled, there seemed to be no restrictions here, and he had already found that they seemed to be on a huge platform.

"Dong Wei discovered something just now, let him explain it to you." Pan Xuan pointed at a person, and it was only then that Su Nan realized that this person only had the cultivation base of the late Golden Immortal.

"I'm very interested in the stars in the sky, so I've done a lot of research outside, and I'm venting some things there." He pointed to the stars in front of him.

"Could it be that you found the exit to destroy the array?" Su Nan blurted out.

"You can say yes, or you can say no." He nodded and shook his head again, "If you blow up those tens of thousands of stars, the map will naturally be solved, but those stars are really arranged according to a certain trajectory. become."

"Each one is connected with its neighbors to form a whole. Dealing with one is actually fighting against hundreds of them at the same time. With our strength, it is difficult to defeat their outer defenses." His face was a little ugly, "And I found that those The stars are beginning to beat regularly, and if I'm not mistaken, they will soon turn into terrifying things."

"In this way, the biggest test is coming. We have to work together. I believe we will be able to overcome this difficulty. The guardians will definitely find something wrong and help us. We must persevere no matter what." Pan Xuan was by the side Said.

Originally, I wanted to catch the enemy by surprise, but I didn't expect the enemy to be prepared, and instead beat them back, causing them to suffer a lot.

Now several clansmen have died here, you must know that they are carefully selected here, each one is regarded as an elite, and they are loyal to Shura.

Especially now that the number of people is still so small, what a pity.

"Don't worry, we will succeed in breaking through here." Ding Xiao said while holding the weapon in his hand tightly.

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