Pan Xuan looked carefully at the crowd and found that everyone expected to be selected by her.

Even though Gu Zheng looked at her with hope, his eyes focused on a building behind her ears. The shape under the eaves was really unique, with a different style.

"You, you, you, the three warriors, please come out together." Pan Xuan had no choice but to choose a few people from among them, all of whom felt stronger, and among them was the strong man who came out first.

After Pan Xuan picked out good people, she took them away directly. Since Gu Zheng didn't want to see her, she would wait for the next opportunity.

She memorized all the faces of this group of people, and planned to find out all their information sometime. If she looked for them one by one, she would not believe that she could not find them.

"Okay, the team that was selected just now, just let me know when you elect a captain and need to add members." The person in charge made simple arrangements and took out a white roster.

"All the teams understand their missions, and they have to come here to report the situation every day, and I will always be here."

"Li Qing, your team is in charge of patrolling the South Block." After the person in charge finished speaking, a ray of light shot out from the white roster and wrapped around Li Qing's black badge.

"Yes." After Li Qing received the order, he left here with his team.

One by one, the teams were arranged one after another. The front ones were responsible for patrolling the urban area and maintaining law and order. There was basically no danger.

"Gao Feng, your team is responsible for patrolling the edge of the magic circle in the east. When you meet a single clansman, guide them to the passage in front of the school grounds."

"Yes." Gao Feng also accepted the order, and after seeing his patrol point on the map next to him, he immediately started to set off.

Soon Gu Zheng and the others left here together, and Gu Zheng heard that the person in charge would make arrangements next.

"Wu Lei, your team is in charge of the passage in front of the school field together with Master Ouyang, maintaining order, and Master Ouyang is the master of everything."


Next, the person in charge couldn't hear what Gu Zheng said, and now all he was thinking about was Ouyang Ping.

I thought he would be locked up, and no matter how bad he was, his freedom would be restricted. I didn't expect that he would still be reused here, and it was a key point. I don't know how he did it.

But I don't want to deal with him, but if I have time, I can also go to see the passage left behind, and see if I can find a chance to escape here.

After their members left the town, their speed picked up and they flew directly towards their patrolling location.

A day later, they had come to a relatively raised hillside, and from here, all the way to the east, were the patrol locations they needed.

They don't need to go back every day, just send someone to report back every week.

"Everyone rest here now." Gao Feng said standing directly on the hillside, there is no need to worry now, after tomorrow starts, each of them will take turns to rest.

This was arranged by Gao Feng on the road, and everyone agreed that the captain had to arrange it.

At first everyone was still excited and hoped to meet clansmen or enemies, but soon everyone was disappointed.

One patrol mission back and forth, almost exactly one day, every day except rest is on the road.

But a month later, the same scene made everyone no longer excited at first. So far, they have not met a single enemy, nor have they met any enemies.

At the peak of a month, we will take everyone back once, and report the situation by the way, leaving only one person to continue patrolling.

Qiu Ning volunteered to stay, but was snatched away by Ma Pingqing.

On the last day, we walked to the end as usual, and then returned. Everyone moved forward at a constant speed, so as to save the most time and effort.

"Captain, look, there is someone there." Ma Pingqing was looking around when he suddenly found a small black spot in the woods opposite, which looked like a person, and said excitedly.

"Stop, it seems to be really a person." Gao Feng waved everyone to stop, and observed carefully, "Your eyes are so powerful, you can see from such a distance."

Hearing the captain's praise, Ma Pingqing smiled and said nothing.

And that person seemed to have found his side, and rushed over quickly.

"Captain Gao, it seems to be the boy from the Su family, Su Nan." Qiu Ning whispered to Gao Feng behind him.

"I know, I saw him once hundreds of years ago." As the distance increased, Gao Feng also saw the other person's face clearly.

"What's going on here." Su Nan from outside came outside and stroked the magic circle with his hand.

"Lord Su, some time ago, the guardian activated the emergency circle. It is said that some rebels caused it. We don't know the other details. If you want to know, you need to go back." Gao Feng replied.

"I wasted a little time in the forest before, and I really don't know what happened. I remember that everyone went to the ancestor's secret realm. What happened?" Su Nan really didn't know what happened later.

He also wouldn't say that he should have been here earlier, because of Xiao Chong, she wanted to stay outside for a while, so she delayed for a long time.

"Master Su, let's talk as we walk. Our task is to patrol this section. We just go back today and walk along the edge of the magic circle until we reach a passage."

Gao Feng regained his energy. He didn't expect that when he went back today, he happened to meet someone, and he was considered a big shot.

"That is the passage specially left by the guardian for the exiled clansmen. I heard that it is heavily guarded now."

In private, everyone said that few people have leaked out, and even the people in the mining area have been notified.

"Let's talk as we go." The two teams went back together through a magic circle.

But Ma Pingqing stopped when he passed his defense zone, stayed on the hillside, looked at them, he still needed to continue patrolling, Gu Zheng and the others continued to walk towards the west.

Two days later, they had entered the urban area, which was already close to the entrance of the passage. At this time, there were more people, and pairs of frequent patrols passed by from time to time.

And Su Nan has already learned about the situation, knowing that he can't go back, and it's hard to say when the teleportation array will open, it may be three to five years, or dozens of years.

Gu Zheng was silent along the way, very low-key, even if he had to say something, he didn't say a few words. Fortunately, the captain was chatting with Su Nan all the way.

The others were similar, unable to speak.

I feel that Su Nan seems to know that he is in the team, but I don't know what he thinks. Although I have a good relationship with Xiaochong, there is no situation where Su Nan can help.

In his opinion, Su Nan's ability to not expose him is because he is concerned about his previous affection.

"Xiao Chong, are you sure who it is these few days?" Su Nan communicated with Xiao Chong from the bottom of her heart,

"No, Gu Zheng's hidden methods are even more sophisticated than before. I can only be sure that it's not the captain of the opponent. Others can't tell the difference at all."

"Xiao Nan, let's help Gu Zheng." After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Chong still spoke to Su Nan.

"He is my enemy. I want to help him, but I am against the entire Shura tribe." Their speed had already slowed down.

"However, Mr. Xiong has helped me a lot, taught me many spells, and Gu Zheng has been taking good care of him, and he has also trained me such a precious medicine. I want to help them." Xiao Chong said his I spoke my mind,

"Well, what's good here, the air is much better, and I heard from others that you are being bullied by others." Xiao Chong began to act coquettishly.

Although Xiao Nan is much stronger than before, but many times I watched him in a daze alone, frowning, and I could feel the pain in his heart.

"It hurts to see you, and it hurts me too. At worst, let's find a place where no one can find it, and just live in seclusion." At this moment, Xiao Chong's voice became low, and he began to choke.

I really don't like it here, and I don't want Xiao Nan to live here.

Su Nan can fully feel Xiao Chong's thoughts, and knows in her heart that there is nothing worth commemorating here in Shura, and nothing is gone, but she is used to this place in her heart, but it is hard to let go.

But when Xiaochong finished his last sentence, Su Nan's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he said something solemnly to Xiaochong in his heart.

"Okay, I promise you."

"Really? That's great, Xiao Nan, I knew you were the best." Cheering emotions emerged from Xiao Chong's heart, and even Su Nan could feel that kind of happiness.

If it weren't for the awe-inspiring atmosphere here, I would have figured it out.

She only knows that she can help her friends, and there is a senior who treats her very well, and Xiao Nan is really happy to help them escape from here.

Xiaochong doesn't know how difficult her intercession is for Su Nan, but in the situation of having nothing, Xiaochong's status is infinitely high, for Xiaochong, Su Nan is willing to give up some things.

Especially bad memories and places.

"What's the matter, Mr. Su." Gao Feng saw that Su Nan was standing still, and they also stopped, asking with a puzzled look on their faces.

"It's okay, I just remembered something just now, let's go." Su Nan waved his hand, signaling them to move forward together.

Now that you have figured it out, find some time to try it out and you will know who it is.

"Old Gao, you have crossed the line, how can you steal the people we met?" Just as Gao Feng and the others continued to move forward, a shout came from the front,

I saw a handsome man in a brocade robe walking from the front, followed by several people.

"What's the matter, Jia Ning, you just said that I crossed the border, what evidence do you have?" Gao Feng's tone was very aggressive. He had been at odds with the other party a long time ago, and he didn't expect that he would come here this time, and he was still spitting blood.

"The people I stayed behind told me directly that he was the one who saw Mr. Su first, but when you came back, you happened to see that a strange beast was forcibly inserted." Jia Ning watched some people pay attention to this side, and said loudly.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Su."

Jia Ning felt that Su Nan would not turn against him because of this conflict, and he wanted to overshadow the other party in every aspect and sell himself a face.

And speaking of it, Su Nan bowed her head respectfully when she saw one of her elders.

She used to be the younger sister of Su Nan's grandfather, so there is still some relationship between the two families.

If Su Nan picked it up from his own side, then the contribution would be great, and he could completely exchange for the things he coveted in advance.

In order to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm, some terms are simply stipulated here, and there is a fixed contribution every day. If you complete your job well, you will make different contributions depending on the situation.

And these contributions have accumulated to a certain level, even if there is no trouble every day, they can be exchanged for some good things, which can be regarded as corresponding rewards.

The patrol team that maintains law and order now wishes that those people would cause trouble and fight every day, and catch them to earn contributions, but everyone is not stupid, it will be miserable if they are caught, and everyone is very strange.

There is really a problem that cannot be solved, and there is a ring next to it, and these people are determined not to let these people catch the pigtails.

Jia Ning looked at Gao Feng proudly, as if he had the chance to win.

"No, I came from Gaofeng, but there was a person who followed us sneakily on the way, I don't know if it is your member." Su Nan said lightly.

I have already decided to leave here, so why give him face, even if I know that his family has relatives, but where was she when I was in trouble.

The people who were waiting to watch the play couldn't help laughing after hearing this. They didn't expect Su Nan to give him no face at all.

Jia Ning's personality is not very good, and he likes to force other credits. This is not the first time this has happened.

But he also has winks, he won't look for those characters who are more powerful, and everyone sees his face behind him, and he has succeeded a few times.

"Since Mr. Su said so, it seems that my team member lied, and I will definitely teach him a lesson when I go back." Jia Ning blushed, and simply went down the steps, letting that subordinate take the blame again.

I know that Su Nan is great, and even a small team of my own is not qualified.

"Let's go, Captain Gao, let's go all the way." Jia Ning said without a smile, and he hated him in his heart.

"I don't want you to worry about it, just walk slowly." Gao Feng said tit for tat.

He is not afraid of him. According to the consensus of the Shura clan, strength is the biggest backer.

If you have no strength, even if the background behind you is Tongtian, they will all look down on you, and even your own people will bully you.

The two teams walked alternately, even when Jia Ning passed by, he snorted coldly, making it clear that he kept this account in his heart.

Gao Feng didn't take it seriously, at worst, the soldiers came to block it, and the water came to cover it.

"Stop, non-essential personnel in front are not allowed to enter." After everyone continued to walk forward for a while, an official member in a purple jersey stood on the edge and said to Gao Feng.

"Master Su, you can just accept the inspection at the front position, and we will leave first." Gao Feng said to Su Nan, this place is already within the warning range of the passage, and they have no right to enter.

"Thank you, Captain Gao." Su Nan could already see the situation there, and walked over by himself.

Gao Feng led everyone to the school grounds, and they needed to report back on the situation before they could get a few days of rest.

Since these two days were the days when the team came back, when they got there, they would have to wait for a while before it was their turn.

Everyone made a decision on the way. After the report is completed, they will go to the tavern to relax. After two days of rest, no one wants to go back to the residence to practice hard.

Soon after Gao Feng finished his report, everyone followed him and left here.

And Gu Zheng walked at the end, thinking along the way, how can he pass through that passage.

Before leaving, Gu Zheng glanced over there. Although it was a glimpse, it was enough for him to know the situation there.

On the periphery of that passage, Jie is heavily guarded, and there is an official member guarding there at every distance, blocking all other curious people, no one is allowed, and no one can enter.

There is an arched passage above the magic circle, the only one connecting to the outside exit, and there are two team members standing by the side at any time.

And Gu Zheng also saw Ouyang Ping there, he was resting in meditation with his eyes closed, he seemed to be guarding here, and let others do everything.

Gu Zheng is sure that he must have a switch to control the passage in his hand, or there is only a way to close it. If something goes wrong, he can close the passage in time.

The sharp-eyed Gu Zheng also noticed that his ears were trembling slightly, and he was always vigilant about his surroundings.

And it seems that his lazy appearance is just to paralyze the enemy and make himself better aware of some upcoming dangers.

It's no wonder that he is worried. Even if he is not to blame for what happened some time ago, he will still be implicated.

If something goes wrong this time, it will be the biggest disaster for Ouyang Ping, he doesn't think he will have another chance.

Such an important place definitely needs strict protection all the time.

Gu Zheng thought about it for a long time. With his current strength, it is basically impossible for him to pass silently, but Ouyang Ping couldn't even pass that level.

I have to find a better way, it is best to transfer Ouyang Ping, as long as I have a little time to work.

In Gu Zheng's thinking, the group of them soon came to the tavern.

At this time, there are quite a few in it, and it seems that most people choose the same.

Gao Feng and the others randomly found an empty seat and sat down, ordered some food and wine, and began to eat and drink.

Gu Zheng also threw out the idea just now, talked and laughed with everyone, and integrated into his new identity very well.

Another team pushed the door and entered, which attracted everyone's attention. This team was an official team. After patrolling the hall for a week, they came directly to Gu Zheng.

"Captain Gao, there is something new." Mu Xiaofan secretly reminded Gao Feng.

Here he was the only one facing that side, so he could clearly see the unkind look of the leader, as if he was coming towards him.

"What's the matter, could it be that Jia Ning is here." Seeing Mu Xiaofan's solemn expression, Gao Feng thought that Jia Ning was here to find fault.

"No, it's the inspection team." Only then did Mu Xiaofan notice the badge on their chests, which was the unique logo of the inspection team.

"What." Gao Feng was stunned when he heard that, what did the inspection team have to do with him, and he didn't make any mistakes.

"Gao Feng, you have been reported for some unusual actions during your mission. According to temporary regulations, you need to come with us." The captain of the leading inspection team took out a warrant and said to Gao Feng.

"If there is any misunderstanding, please bear with me. After all, this is a special period, and every detail cannot be missed."

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