"I know, with the two of us, no one knows the news, and I suspect that some of us have already defected to each other, so we have to select the people we really need." Bird said while combing his feathers .

"Well, this is an excellent opportunity. After this incident, the ancestor will retreat. There is no big deal. It may not come out for a long time. Let's think about it carefully." Xiong Lao's eyes showed a trace happy.

Anyone who sees a dawn in despair will firmly grasp it.

The two would discuss their ideas in detail every other day, and finally quickly and roughly decide on the final plan. At this time, they discussed it many times, and the plan with the highest success rate was the one.

"Don't worry, I'm a chance for Nirvana, maybe you'll see me again then." Looking at Old Xiong's sad face, Quiniao comforted her.

Many days later, under their notice, on a relatively high hillside, Xiong Lao and Shenniao called everyone to gather here. The two of them are the strongest. Everyone came to see what was going on.

"Everyone be quiet, listen to me." The divine bird flew back and forth in the air, quieting all the people below.

At this time, there were already thousands of people below, forming a dense circle, centered on the hillside, surrounded by layers, the closer they were, the stronger their cultivation.

"Boss, if you have anything to say, hurry up, is there anything worse than being stuck here." A younger-looking person said from below.

After the divine bird flew around, invisible fire dust fell on many people, and it continued to fly back after seeing that almost everyone had arrived.

"Don't interrupt, Fu Yun." Shenniao finally landed on top, exchanged glances with Mr. Xiong, nodded, and said loudly:

"I have a piece of news. Everyone knows that a teleportation array has been established in the south, and some Shuras have already entered in the early stage."

"Of course I know. If the ancestor hadn't set up an enchantment there, we would have rushed over, who would stay here." A silly voice appeared, it was a strong man with two horns on his head.

"That's not the point. The point is why they built a teleportation array. Does the ancestor need to rely on it to get in and out." The divine bird was suspended in the air, ensuring that everyone could hear its voice.

Only then did I slowly tell everyone what I had heard.

The ancestor has already decided to abandon this place, and plans to transform it into a trial place for the Shura clan. When the time comes, those who are unwilling to surrender here will either die or be forcibly transformed. This is just the point of Shenniao.

Xiong Lao watched everyone's reactions quickly, and selected some real core characters from them.

Many people were angry at the beginning, puzzled in the middle, and fanatic at the end.

Here, the rest are some elite figures, and those unruly people have already fully integrated into this world.

At this time, this world is still full of aura, unlike the sky that was later transformed into a hazy pink, some ordinary people have not all died.

Here, they more or less re-cultivated their dream of immortality, but they had no chance to go out again.

Waiting for the divine bird to finish speaking, some couldn't help the excitement in their hearts, and said gratefully and hurriedly:

"Really? So we have a chance of getting out?"

"Would that be a trap? I think it's better to stay here, at least my life is guaranteed."

"It's too dangerous to rush over. Maybe only they can rush through the sea of ​​blood. We are just cannon fodder."

The whole scene was chaotic, and one after another expressed their opinions. Some people looked forward to the life of escaping, while others suspected that this was a trap.

Some even thought maliciously that they just told them that they needed some cannon fodder, how could they escape because of their low strength.

"Whether you believe it or not, we have already come up with a feasible plan. If you really want to join, please gather here in a month's time."

At this time, Xiong Lao stood up and shouted at everyone.

"If you don't have this idea and are willing to serve the Shura people, we will support it. If anyone has a wish, we will not force anyone."

Xiong Lao's words made it very clear that anyone can choose whatever they want, and no one will force anyone.

"I will express my thoughts now. I am willing to follow the adults. I bought this bird place. I would rather die than stay here."

As soon as Xiong Lao finished speaking, a thick voice spoke up, expressing his thoughts.

"The poor Taoist is also willing." A Taoist priest dressed up and stood up.

"Since your lord has a plan, how could I be missing my poor monk." A monk with a shining golden light said the same way. It seemed that he believed in Western religion, and there was no one around him, so he was very unpopular.

Many people in the front row expressed their opinions on the spot, and some people's eyes flickered, thinking about something in their hearts.

After Xiong Lao and Shenniao finished talking, they waited for a while, ignored everyone's solicitation, and a flash disappeared in front of everyone.

"Quiniao, do you think it's really okay for those people to inform you?" Mr. Xiong was opposed to making it public at the very beginning. With so many people, there must be someone who wants to inform to get credit.

"It's okay, he hasn't been discovered by anyone. Think about it, with the arrogance of the ancestor, he won't consider our opinion. We just need to escape from here successfully." Quiniao knew what Xiong Lao was worried about, but he knew the inside information More than anyone else imagined.

"But, why did you escape by death?" Old Xiong was puzzled at this moment.

"Look what this is." Bird turned out a small bottle from his hand, and there was some clear green liquid in it, exuding a cool smell.

"This is not a holy medicine for healing. Is there something special about it?" Elder Xiong took it and looked over it. It contained strong life energy.

Even Xiong Lao poured out some and tasted it in his mouth, it tasted very good.

"At this time, they will control our things in the future, and now they have begun to fully prepare, and you will see it in a short time." Quiniao stared blankly at the sky.

"Don't you think the sky has changed?" Quiniao didn't ask Xiong Lao, and also avoided the previous question.

The green thing was useless to them, and he pointed to the sky and said, "Why did I gather to make a decision after a month? It's because I don't want them to see what powerlessness is. Some of them are still thinking naively." on."

"Well, anyway, I can't see anything, the sky is darker than before." Xiong Lao took a closer look, and indeed found that the sky was once bright, but now there is some mist around it, very shallow, very light, no Look with confidence, you can't find it.

"There is a Shura man whose status is not low. He was a fool in the past. I accidentally rescued him once. Now the other party is in charge of all the operations in the early stage. He told me to send someone to tell me secretly."

Seeing what Xiong Lao wanted to say, Quiniao said directly, "Don't think about it, he has no qualifications, and he dare not let me go secretly, even for any insignificant person."

"Now this matter is a big matter among the Shura tribe. I am satisfied that he can tell me everything, and he promised me that he will send two tribesmen to stay here for a long time in the future. If there is anything If you need it, go to them with this thing, and they will try their best to help this person, but only once."

As he spoke, Quiniao handed over a necklace in the shape of a water drop from his hand, motioning for Mr. Xiong to catch it.

"When it stabilizes in the future, you can give it to whoever needs it. I hope it can be useful."

"I just hope that everything is not as bad as you imagined." Xiong Lao put the thing away, looked at Quiniao's gloomy face, and comforted him.

That cultivator, Quiniao, not only saved his life, but probably other important things, otherwise he wouldn't dare to take the risk of telling them what happened.

"I hope so." Quiniao said to herself, but her eyes were full of sadness, it was worry and confusion about the future, and she didn't know what the future would be like, so she could only try her best to arrange it.

Just for that chance.

When Mr. Xiong and the others had a talk there, everyone did not go far away, they were discussing around here one after another, and every day there were fights because of disagreements,

Generally speaking, there are only two ideas. Some are the surrender faction, saying that the ancestor is so powerful that no one can resist. If you dare to resist, in addition to dying faster, it is better to surrender to the other party. At least you can live.

It is better to die than to live. If there is a better chance in the future, it is no better than taking this risk.

To be honest, it was the strength of the ancestors that frightened them so much that they had already accepted their fate.

There is another kind of thinking, of course they want to escape from here, which accounts for the vast majority of people, but there are also differences in it.

One is to follow the views of Xionglao and Shenniao, because they are the most powerful, the problems they consider, and the future scenarios they see are much stronger than themselves.

No matter how you arrange it, the other party must have a deep meaning. If you do it yourself, you will obey their arrangement, at least the success rate will be higher.

The other is that since the ancestor temporarily gave up his eyes here, everyone can find an opportunity to break out desperately. With so many people, the opponent will definitely not be able to stop them.

Every point of view has some powerful Asura as the leader, but among them, the people who support Xiong Lao and the others are the most, because most of them know that it is not so easy to escape from here.

With so many people, it is estimated that only one-tenth of them have hope. If there is another point of view, one has completely lost the freedom of ginseng, but it is said that they are slaves of his family.

The other is to risk your life to gamble, the number of people is too small, maybe none of them can get out.

But people have different aspirations and ideas.

There are also some people who don't know what to think, and fan the flames inside, making everyone panic, not knowing what to do with their next fate.

In this way, after seven days in a row, everyone is still debating. By this time, everyone's ideas are in various debates and have been fixed.

The more I realize that I am right, the more I feel that others are wrong, and I want to correct others.

Suddenly the sky was dark, as if someone had covered it with a cloth, and the whole world was pitch black. This situation lasted for three days.

In everyone's panic, the sky returned to light again, but what made everyone even more uneasy was that a huge eye appeared in the sky.

Now there is a trace of pink mist spraying out from the eyes, and the mist is rendering the color of the sky, making the color of the sky obviously different from before. In addition to the lack of stars, everything here is no different from the outside.

There are tall trees, hillsides and plains, and small streams and big lakes. There are some fish in it, and everything is modeled on the outside.

But the eyes that suddenly appeared broke all this, making everyone think whether all this will change in the future.

On the second day, a great Asura came galloping over from afar, not hiding at all, releasing his aura without any scruples.

"Who is your Excellency, why are you here?" Elder Xiong directly stopped the other party on the periphery of the crowd. This place has always been the center of their activities, and the scene around here is the best place in it.

"You must be that white bear." The Asura man looked at Old Xiong indifferently and said with disdain.

Although he is also at the peak of Da Luo, it is obvious that he seems to be a bit inferior, but no matter how strong he is, he is still defeated by the ancestor and can only be imprisoned here.

"Excuse me, what's your need?" Old Xiong held back the anger in his heart.

"Nothing, just one thing to announce, but I'm too lazy to read it, so I'll let you see for yourself,"

As he said that, the Asura man took out a scroll from his hand, a little light shone faintly on it, and stretched out his hand.

"However, I won't hand it over to you." When Old Xiong was about to catch it, Shura quickly withdrew his hand and said this deliberately, wanting to provoke the other party.

Old Xiong was about to explode with anger, knowing that the other party was deliberately embarrassing him, trying to maintain the expression on his face, but it was not as good as the other party meant.

"Hey." Although he looked expressionless at the other party, but his goal had been achieved, he laughed loudly, this feeling is really good, and he is looking forward to the future more and more.

Then he threw Wang Tian in his hand, took the book scroll and turned it into a bright light, rushed to the sky, and then burst into a brighter light, attracting the attention of everyone nearby.

After doing this, the Asura man walked away with a chuckle, turning into a shooting star and disappearing into the distance.

Old Xiong stared at him, knowing that his figure had completely disappeared before his eyes, so he turned his head to look at the book scroll in the sky.

The book scroll slowly began to unfold, and a little long scroll leaked out of it.

There is a kind of restriction around it, blocking the prying eyes of Xiong Lao.

Under all the expectations, the scroll was not fully unfolded until half a day later, occupying a large space in the air, very conspicuous.

At this time, the sky also dimmed, imitating the bad environment of the outside world.

The more conspicuous fonts are constantly shining in the sky, and everyone can see them clearly against the backdrop of the environment.

However, the font on the scroll is the script of the Shura people, which is very uncommon.

No one knew anyone. For a moment, everyone was stunned and asked each other what the above said.

"If you use your spiritual sense to read, you will naturally know what is said and written." Xiong Lao's voice resounded through the sky, guiding those who didn't know how to read.

And those with stronger cultivation bases already knew it, but they were overwhelmed by the more bloody words in it,

That kind of threat is coming, the stronger the strength, the more you can feel the threat inside.

It was as if there was a sea of ​​blood in front of him, from which there were countless lonely ghosts, struggling to get out, and pulling him down.

Countless people were screamed by this hallucination, but they didn't expect that there was also a sinister spell in it.

But what surprised everyone even more was that the content in it was similar to what the bird said.

There are only two ways for everyone, either surrender to the other party as a puppet, or bear the consequences at your own risk. They also specifically wrote that they have a way to force people to be transformed into unconscious puppets, intimidating them.

Naked threats, everyone knows with their toes, the consequences are nothing more than those kinds.

Either you are killed, or you are forced to transform into a puppet, or you are refined into something else.

Everyone can feel the aura of the ancestors from above. There are a lot of things written in this final notice, but most of them are threats. The most important thing is that everyone has to make an initial decision within a month.

When the time comes, someone will be sent to guide them.

Then the ancestor will come again in person to give those stubborn people and let them know what will happen.

Many people's persistence collapsed and collapsed on a notice, and they changed their minds.

The scroll didn't spontaneously ignite and disappear into the sky until half a month later.

At this time, everyone already knew the news, and even worse things happened.

The sky now looks blurred, and the day and night that used to be there have disappeared completely, there is only day and no night.

The surrounding river began to become turbid, and many of the creatures inside had all died, and there were many fishes with their bellies exposed on the river.

The green leaves on the trees began to fall, the grass began to turn yellow, and even the air felt a little blocked, not as fresh as before.

Even some people with relatively low cultivation bases began to cough, as if they were infected, although these people were all mortals here, and they only practiced here.

In the rules here, although he has practiced for a long time, and the highest level of cultivation is only the third level, he has been reborn after all, and he is also a well-known master in the outside world.

As time went on, the situation started to get worse.

Those who had symptoms at the beginning started to get sick just like that, talking nonsense in their mouths, and in severe cases, they had already begun to fall into a coma.

But none of us found out the reason, everyone asked Mr. Xiong, and Mr. Xiong just shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

It was not until the fifteenth day after the disappearance of the scroll, less than ten days before the other party came, that no one noticed something was wrong in the air.

"The aura here is polluted, please don't absorb it lightly." A man who was cultivated as a celestial being discovered something strange.

If there is no major event at a higher level, it takes a long time to replenish the aura in the body, so the problem can't be found for a long time, which is why many big guys haven't analyzed it.

That's why he didn't discover it until now, and those whose cultivation base is lower than that of a heavenly immortal can't discover the ingenuity.

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