"They are moving forward, what should we do next, the other party will be out of range in less than a minute." A person from the hidden house shouted softly to the bottom, and he was responsible for reporting the other party's direction and actions.

There are four people below him, standing in different positions, using some kind of formation to control the thundercloud.

Everyone has different battle marks on their bodies, and now their bodies are steaming, their faces are flushed, and they are concentrating on controlling the formation.

A middle-aged man with an older complexion couldn't help frowning after hearing the words.

They are now barely controlling the formation, and they are powerless, unable to move the black cloud.

The previous battle consumed a lot of immortal energy, and now everyone is injured.

This time, they aimed at the right timing and ambushed on the way they must pass. They couldn't use more moves in a hurry, and all their minds were controlled by the black cloud above.

I can't fight them face to face. They are just puppets of the lowest level. If they are seen by the other party, they can directly order themselves.

"The last big one, grandma's, attack with all your strength, don't hold anything back, just withdraw after the fight." The middle-aged man swears directly, knowing that he can't stop the opponent at all, so he hastened to order.

After a while, it was too late, and the opponent walked out of the attack range.

Everyone nodded one after another, unreservedly increasing the input of immortal energy.

The black clouds above were rolling again, and the Asuras clearly felt the changes above, as if a thunderbolt was brewing, and they all accelerated their speed. They all found that the black clouds were so rigid that they would not move with them.

A small silver dragon appeared out of the clouds and mist, and rushed directly to the bottom. During the flight, its stature suddenly swelled, from only a few feet in size at the beginning, to a silver dragon with a length of several feet.

Tiny electric arcs all over his body kept jumping up and down, rushing towards the few people behind him with a roar.

Now most of them have gone out of the attack range, only these few are still behind.

At this time, the thunder and lightning all over the sky have disappeared, and even the clouds and mist have shrunk like the naked eye, and all the energy is concentrated on this silver dragon.

There is only this silvery dragon left between the sky and the earth.

Asura at the front saw that the thundercloud above had dissipated, and that there was no danger, they took out their weapons one after another, and shot beams of energy directly at the silver dragon. Several flying swords also rushed straight up, turning into giant swords. The giant sword slashed at the opponent.

The giant dragon opened its mouth wide, and a silver ball finally spewed out quickly from the mouth, exploding directly in mid-air.

The sky full of electric arcs shot around, those flying auras dissipated in mid-air, and those giant swords were also surrounded by electric arcs, nailed in the air and could not move forward again, and other spells were directly blocked by the electric arcs.

In the next second, the giant dragon directly hit the rearmost Asura man, and the shield on that side was smashed like a piece of paper. The giant dragon opened its mouth and swallowed him from head to toe.

The silver dragon's body began to bulge into a ball. It was because the Asuras were still alive and wanted to break out of the body. The silver dragon flicked its tail and directly sent the people in front of it flying, while it flew directly into the air.

A loud bang

The silver dragon suddenly exploded in mid-air, and the silver light continuously splashed out, like shooting stars, extremely beautiful.

A figure fell from the sky, and the people below hurriedly caught it, only to find that his body had already been burned to a blank, and he was already dead, and now only a shell remained.

"No, come with me." The leader Shura slapped his head, and quickly led the two of them to the roof above.

But he found that he saw several figures running away from a distance.

Before he could open his mouth, the other party disappeared into the woods, and at the same time a white smoke rose from the edge of the forest, obviously to cover up their tracks and make it impossible for him to track them down.

"Damn it, they escaped." He had thought before that it should be the fault of those lowly people, and Master Ouyang had already reminded himself.

But along the way, he kept guarding the surrounding area, never thinking that his side would still be ambushed by the other party.

The opponent hid farther away. Although the power of the spell decreased and he could not control it flexibly, the opponent successfully killed the two people on his side.

Normally, the silver dragon should blew itself up below, so that it could kill the opponent the most, but in the end, the silver dragon went to the sky abnormally, attracting their attention, which wasted time.

By the time they reacted, the best time had already been missed, allowing them to escape successfully.

When he came back, he saw the two dead people lying on the ground, and the others were also in a panic, which really made him very angry.

Simply put this clansman aside first, the most important thing now is the side of the stone tower, they can only wait until they come back to resettle.

Be wary of the surroundings along the way, and even the two of them have been setting off on the roof. Although the other party is not there and may risk returning, everyone still does not relax.

Knowing that we have come to the bottom of the stone pagoda, there is an open space around here, and there is no place to hide, so I am relieved.

Looking at the long sword on the top of the stone pagoda, exuding a terrifying power, the red light swept over his body, nothing unusual happened, and he remained motionless on it. The leading Shura man let out a breath, waved his hand, Let all the clansmen not far behind follow up.

"Everyone keep going, everyone follow closely, and pay attention to the abnormality next to the alert."

No one was ambushing them on the road anymore, and everyone finally came to the bottom of the stone tower without any danger, and their tense hearts relaxed again.

Seeing the shimmering red grid in front of them, which was eroding the stone tower, everyone felt a burst of emotion and wondered how this thing got entangled.

The sturdiness of this stone tower is well known to everyone, and even Jin Xianfeng's full blow could not leave a trace on it, but they are standing below, and now the stone tower can be clearly felt trembling.

As if something was trying to pull it out.

"Everyone spread out to search, two people in a group." Now there are only six people, just divided into three groups.

Soon the three groups finished their discussions, one of them went into the stone pagoda, and the other two went along one side and began to search separately.

The stone pagoda is not big, but it is not small. After a while, the two groups of people outside, after a half-circle, finally meet behind the stone pagoda.

A dark circular black hole was on the stone tower, and the two groups went back and forth to search for it several times, except for the blood-red veins, which was quite special.

They can guarantee that there was absolutely no such black hole before, and it must have appeared only recently. Considering the current abnormal situation, it is very likely that the appearance of this black hole happened just now.

Now the four of them are standing here looking at each other. Everyone can feel the suction coming from the black hole. Although it is not very strong, no one wants to touch it.

They found traces of a person next to it, but the final result showed that the person seemed to have entered a black hole.

"Or we'll wait outside, anyway, sooner or later he will definitely show up." One of the Asuras suggested.

"I think so. I don't know what's going on here. Too many things have happened during this period. We'd better be careful. As long as this stone tower is still here, I really don't believe anyone can remove it. .”

After hearing this, the members of his team quickly agreed and expressed their thoughts,

"Alright, then one of us will guard here, and the other group will go to patrol the next four weeks to prevent other sudden madness." The other group also agrees, so many people have died now, plus Youxing's Rebellion, everyone has a feeling that the mountains and rains are about to come.

So the two groups of people acted separately, staying here was the group that proposed not to go in at the beginning. The two of them were a little farther away, holding weapons and guarding against the black hole.

The other group began to explore around the stone tower, making sure not to miss any place.

Just after a while, suddenly there was a sound in front of the stone tower, the sound was very loud, and there were some faint voices, which seemed to be the voices of another group of members.

The two looked at the past, and immediately rushed to the front to check what was going on. Just as they arrived at the door, members of another team also came from the side.

"What's going on, why can't they come out." A person looked in front of him in shock and said to the person next to him.

The group of members who went in is now desperately attacking a light curtain in front of them, but no matter what kind of attack falls on it, it will cause a little ripple, which cannot break the light curtain at all.

There is also a new clansman next to him, who should have been stranded in the cultivation before, but he forgot the time and did not go out.

"We can't get out now. When we came in just now, we tried it ourselves, and we could still go in and out, but in a blink of an eye, this extra light curtain just happened to block the door." The leader is also here , he had previously volunteered to search the Tower.

"Yunming, look at what's going on, try to see if you can open it outside," the leader said loudly inside.

Yun Ming stepped forward, the light curtain was at a relatively inner place, he stretched out his hand to test his spirit, and just as his hand went in, just touched the light curtain, a huge force directly knocked him out.

The people inside were dumbfounded, and the people outside didn't expect that the light curtain was so cruel to the outside world. When they saw Yun Ming's light touch, they all flew out.

Soon Yunming came back and shook his head to the house, saying that he was fine, and a group of people began to think of ways to rescue the people inside.

When Gu Zheng's eyes went dark and he reappeared, he found himself in a strange place. There was only a black stone bridge under his feet, and there was a tower tens of feet tall on the opposite side. Behind him was a bottomless void, far away. The place is covered by black air, it is hard to see clearly.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Zheng knew that he was sucked in by a black hole. Looking around, he seemed to have entered the interior of the stone tower, and the tower opposite looked familiar.

Half of the whole tower is blood red, half is bright white, and the bright white area is gradually disappearing, being eroded by blood red.

His eyes were directly attracted by a gleam of light above the tower, from where he could feel the atmosphere outside, it seemed that if he wanted to go out, he had to climb to the top of the tower.

In addition to these, there are stones of different sizes floating in the sky. Those stones are like enlarged versions of night pearls, flashing in the air. There is a stone bridge directly in front of it, but there is no guardrail on the side, it is more like a single-plank bridge.

The bridge is not long, only about 100 meters at most, usually this distance can be crossed without a single breath, but this black hole is brought by the mysterious black light, I don't know who released it, so I have to pay more careful.

Gu Zheng was ready and tried to enter the bridge. As soon as he entered, he felt like a bird entering the sea from the sky, his whole body surrounded by thick liquid.

Even doing something as simple as raising your hand is twice as slow as a normal person.

Lifting his feet with great effort, and walking forward slowly, this feeling is really tormenting, feeling that there is a liquid around him squeezing him all the time.

After trying it myself, but there is actually nothing, then this short 100 meters seems a bit far away.

After a big meeting, Gu Zheng only walked one-third of the way. It took too much energy and physical strength. Looking at the tower in front, it seemed to have shrunk a lot, and Gu Zheng always felt that this road would not be so long. Simple.

After walking a few steps forward, a relatively small stone in the sky lit up, drew a slanted line, and ran directly towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng hurriedly stabilized his center of gravity, and then opened the defense. Just now, Gu Zheng took out the judge's pen to see if it was the same, but found that the speed was really impressive, and it was a little faster than himself, not to mention other magic weapons said.

With a "bang", the stone hit the protective shield and turned into shattered pieces. Gu Zheng's figure swayed. The impact force was not too great, but there was no relaxed look on his face.

If I'm not mistaken, this is just the beginning.

Sure enough, after walking a few more steps, another bright light flashed across the sky, hitting the protective shield again, this time with greater force than last time.

Gu Zheng keenly discovered that the powder that was broken into by the stone melted into it when it fell onto the bridge deck, and the larger ones stayed on it instead, and he felt that the stagnant force in the air was stronger again.

Gu Zhengfen tried his best to walk another third of the distance. At this time, every step he took required all the immortal energy in his body to tear away these obstacles.

Panting for breath, he threw a elixir into his mouth, recovered a bit, looked behind, there was already some dense fog covering the back, and he didn't know if he could go back.

Gu Zheng took a few steps again, and two stones slanted down from the sky. One was the same as before, rushing directly from the bridge, while the other hit hard from the side.

At the same time, two stones collided with the defense formed by Ren Shu at the same time, and the surface of the shield flickered wildly, but it was blocked anyway.

However, Gu Zheng's footsteps have shifted a bit sideways, and now the stone is a cup larger than before, and the force of the impact is also getting stronger.

If calculated in this way, if he continues to walk down, it is very likely that the force from the side will directly knock him out, and he has no time to adjust the angle.

It only takes a short time from falling to your side.

Looking at the close distance, Gu Zheng is a bit in a dilemma now, trying to think of any way to directly resist the past.

Now Gu Zheng doesn't have to worry about climbing up the tower, because as he approaches, the tower is slowly shrinking, and the light gate on the tower is also falling.

The red color has already occupied more than half of the tower, and it seems that it will be completely occupied soon.

Gu Zheng's eyes kept scanning around to see if there was any mystery outside.

After a while, I reluctantly retracted my eyeliner, and I couldn't see why no matter how I looked.

Seeing that Li Huan on his arm was still tirelessly absorbing the energy of the ring, he didn't know why he was so hungry.

At this time, the ring was already in his hand, and it was fully displayed. It seemed that in this situation, he was dragged by the ring and could not hide it.

Gu Zheng has never understood the function of this ring, so he learned a teleportation.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng suddenly thought, since this place was established by the Shura people, there must be a way to get through here, instead of carrying it by himself.

Looking up, there are still several huge stones, which are dozens of times larger than the original ones, like a huge stone ball, and most of the light sources here are emitted from them.

When Gu Zheng saw this before, he was in trouble. It was impossible for him to block such a big ball, so he was in trouble.

Feeling that the ring in the hand is full of energy, although it is absorbed by the ring, there is still a lot.

Control Lihuan, follow the method Pan Xuan gave her, and immerse her mind directly, thinking about the open space in front of her.

After the ancient battle started smoothly, he found that he was still in place, and he clearly felt that he could pass, and the energy inside the ring had been successfully activated by him, and he could still feel the fluctuation of his wrist.

Is it not allowed here, blocked by the special illusion here, I was thinking so.

Seeing the ring fall off by itself, six red lights appeared in front of him, and then began to connect end to end, forming a circle, constantly rotating by itself.

Dots of red light flashed from the edge, and became brighter and brighter, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster. In the end, Gu Zheng could only see a line stopping in the air.

The ring was spinning so fast that even Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't keep up with his speed.

The astringent feeling around him is actually decreasing rapidly, and he is obviously much more relaxed.

When the ring was at its brightest, four strange runes suddenly appeared in front of him. One bright and one bright, they also began to rotate and began to move forward slowly.

Gu Zheng found that when the rune appeared, all the surrounding obstacles disappeared, but as he left, the invisible obstacles squeezed in again.

Gu Zheng hurriedly followed those runes, and those runes began to rotate at a constant speed, and Gu Zheng followed behind.

Under their opening path, those stones seemed to have not found Gu Zheng, and still stayed in the sky honestly, which made Gu Zheng feel relieved.

The further back the rune went, the slower the rotation speed, and even the light on the rune began to dim a lot, and it felt like it was about to be unable to support it.

However, under Gu Zheng's worried gaze, he finally wobbled across the bridge and finally disappeared into a streak of astigmatism.

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