Messenger Wu showed his whole body, and he didn't look damaged at all. Now he was laughing at Mr. Hao, mocking the other party's ignorance, and the nervousness and seriousness before was just for them to see.

"Damn it." Mr. Hao could not have known that the other party's emissary showed him on purpose, the veins on his forehead were all exposed, and now he was furious with anger.

A mouthful of pale golden blood spewed out from his mouth, slowly floating in front of Mr. Hao, his face became even more ugly, he didn't allow himself to be ridiculed like this, but he wanted to walk on a more glorious road.

He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and controlled the ball of painstaking effort to merge into the blood mist above. After the blood mist was replenished, it suddenly expanded in a circle, the color of the blood light became more dazzling, and the aura contained in it became stronger .

"Go." Master Hao commanded the blood mist to surround the emissary again, this time leaning on the outside, leaving some space in the middle, not close to the body, and his body was covered with blood red, which looked terrifying.

A series of blood-red sharp arrows shot in all directions, trying to surround and kill him here.

"I really don't want to give up until I reach the Yellow River, so I'll let you completely despair." The emissary Wu commanded the skull to rush over again.

Suddenly, four green lights flashed in the eyes of the skull, which directly turned into four green nets. The nets were densely packed, leaving a small gap, and in the middle of the gap was an even smaller green line, which connected into one piece in the air, just covering the black messenger's body. stature.

Those bloody sharp arrows were directly blocked by the green net. Every time a sharp arrow hits, the green net flashes a green light, spreading the damage evenly. Although there are many sharp arrows, they cannot be concentrated at one point at the same time, and they cannot break through. past.

Seeing this, Lord Hao showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Following the transformation of the spell in his hand, a bloody flame began to appear on the shot arrow. When it was blocked by the green net again, the flame directly hit the green net. burn up.

Although the green net emitted a burst of light, trying to extinguish the flames, but this is not an ordinary flame. It is made of blood and ignited with gas, and it cannot be extinguished at all. It is even slowly absorbing the energy of the green net, and it burns more vigorously.

In this way, more and more flames hung on it, and burned fiercely on the surface of the green net, directly forming a red-green net cover, trapping the black messenger inside, killing the ghost energy in his body all the time.

Under this wear and tear, the green net gradually looked a little helpless, retracting a little bit, although the speed was very slow, but the blood flame was slowly breaking through this layer of defense.

The black messenger returned to his expressionless face. His spell is indeed evil, but he is not false. It is more evil than weird.

A mouthful of pure black air spewed out from the black mouth, shot at one of the skulls, and directly entered its mouth. The skull began to chew in the void, making a crackling sound, as if it really bit something. .

Streams of faint blue flames spewed out from its mouth, slowly floated outwards, also covered the filter net, seeped out from the green net inside, overlapped with the blood flame layer by layer, and the two flames began to When they get entangled, they all want to devour each other and strengthen themselves.

Then the emissary Wu opened the fan again, and with a light swipe, a stream of the same pure black air shot into the eyes of another skeleton.

I saw that the green light in the skull's eyes was shining brightly, and the light had already overflowed from the empty eye sockets, and then quickly shrunk to the extreme, and almost no green light could be seen, and then the light burst out again, and after repeated several times, it completely stabilized.

The skull turned to the direction of the blood mist, and its head began to spin rapidly. With the twinkling of its eyes, green arrows appeared out of thin air outside the green net. The flame has no carrier, so it can only float down by itself, falling to the ground and burning.

At this time, Ding Xiao saw that the two were deadlocked, and he didn't know what was going on inside, but he knew that Mr. Hao had already consumed a lot before and couldn't hold on for a long time.

It is not suitable for everyone to attack now, and I have almost recovered, so I hurriedly explained to the commander, took out my own weapon and charged directly.

When Master Hao saw Ding Xiao coming up, there was a gap in the blood mist and he let Ding Xiao in.

As soon as he entered, he saw what was going on inside. He exploded with all his momentum and slashed towards the opponent's green net. At this time, the blood flame was still entangled with the green flame, but the light was already a little erratic, and there was obviously no follow-up The support is almost defeated.

Ding Xiao's weapon is a silver scimitar with an arc, like a dragon sailing out to sea, quickly slashing dozens of knives at the weakest point. The continuous attacks turned into dots of green light and dissipated.

Ding Xiao didn't pause at all, he threw the scimitar in his hand, and shot directly at the emissary Wu, and a scimitar appeared again in his hand, which seemed to belong to a pair with that one.

Messenger Wu dodged sideways, dodged the scimitar's surprise attack, and didn't take out anything else. He closed his fan directly, like a short dagger, and blocked the opponent's scimitar with one hand in front of him, appearing to be able to handle it with ease.

The two people faced each other directly, looking at each other's cold and evil face. Ding Xiao also met Deng Wenxuan several times, and then he didn't know where he went. He didn't expect to see him again, but found that he was dead and his body was broken. Also occupied by doves and magpies' nests.

He wanted to press down on the opponent with all his strength, but even with all his strength, the opponent's hand remained motionless, and the other hand had already hit him in the chest.

I had no choice but to turn back and take a few steps back. Behind the emissary Wu, a flash of light was spinning around soundlessly. It was the weapon thrown by Ding Xiao. After traveling a certain distance, it turned back by itself.

But the emissary Wu seemed to have eyes behind him, facing Ding Xiao with his head, the fan in his hand flew directly behind, blocking the scimitar that was about to approach, and the scimitar was directly sent flying.

Ding Xiao knew in his heart that he was facing a formidable opponent, so it was better not to use some of his little tricks, but to attack in an upright manner.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, the scimitar returned to his hand again, feeling that the opponent's expression was too relaxed, as if he didn't take them to heart at all, as if he was teasing them.

Suppressing the wavering belief in his heart, it is useless to think about these things at this moment, he can only fight desperately, then Ding Xiao charged forward again with two knives in hand.

In order to prevent accidentally injuring Ding Xiao, Mr. Hao stopped the shooting of blood arrows. As the blood mist rolled again, two hideous puppets flew out of it, looking like a ghost.

He has a strong body, holding a curved long-handled weapon, his skin is red, with huge spikes growing on his back, his whole body is covered with a bloody mist, only his scarlet eyes are exposed, and he looks majestic.

As soon as he came out, he went straight to the emissary Wu, but unfortunately, on the way, he was blocked by the two black skulls. The two puppets unceremoniously raised their weapons and slashed at each other.

The skull mouth opened silently, as if talking about something, a long sword and a shield appeared on both sides of them, although the size was somewhat miniature, the black phantom extended beside the weapon and the shield plate, seeming to expand the scope of the weapon shield.

The small shield is directly in front of them, but the degree of defense is unquestionable. It directly blocks their frontal attack. The three-foot black inch light in front of the small sword in his hand directly attacks the puppet. Although he has no hands, he is still a very flexible controller. Weapon shield Disk, and the puppet started fighting.

Once the skull is armed, with the help of better weapons and equipment, it is even as powerful as the puppet, and no one can do anything to the other.

In detail, the puppet is also at a slight disadvantage, because the opponent is small in size and flies around very nimbly. From time to time, it will quickly attack from the side, and some blood mist will escape from it.

And when the puppet wants to move forward to the black messenger regardless, the skeleton will concentrate on attacking his weaknesses, making him have to stop. When he blocks the opponent's attack, but seeing the puppet stop, the skeleton will not fight recklessly with the opponent. Just a roaming attack.

Master Hao is controlling the puppet to fight against the skull. Seeing that Ding Xiao and the emissary Wu are fighting fiercely, the two of them change positions quickly and continuously, and the waving shadows of the two knives keep attacking each other, while the emissary Wu only relies on one With a fan, you can communicate with Ding Xiao.

So far, no one has been injured, and no one has focused on the other side.

Mr. Hao quietly took out the copper coin again. After this time, the copper coin regained its previous spirituality and was thrown out by him. With the help of the breath of blood mist, the copper coin quietly came to the obliquely above the black messenger, hiding in the blood mist , and he didn't notice it at all.

When the two were fighting each other again, Mr. Hao saw the right moment, and the figure of the copper coin swelled several times, like a huge ring, falling from the sky like lightning, and the hole in the middle passed directly through the head of the black envoy.

It stopped at his waist, and before he could react, the figure of the copper coin shrank again, and it was firmly stuck in his waist together with his arms, unable to move.

Ding Xiao was overjoyed, and took advantage of the moment when the opponent was stuck in action, he directly slashed at it with two knives. Although the copper coin was already broken free by the opponent in the next second, and was knocked down by a palm, it fell to the ground and could not be driven again in a short time.

But Ding Xiao had already taken the opportunity to leave dozens of wounds on his body, especially the two scratches on his chest, where the muscles had been cut open, and the internal organs in his body could be vaguely seen.

If the other party hadn't dodged in time, this blow would have cut him in half, so there were many scratches on his arms, legs, and even his neck, with traces of blood flowing out.

Emissary Wu felt the pain in his body, the bloody wound now had a lot of black mist wriggling, repairing the wound.

Although this injury seems exaggerated, in fact, it didn't hurt me at all, and I didn't lose much combat power, because this body was taken up by myself, even if I destroyed myself, I could escape again at most, but my strength can't be reduced. there is none left.

With only a ray of soul left, I basically have no strength. If any enemy can pinch me, then all my revenge plans will be ruined.

Seeing that Ding Xiao was still looking at him solemnly, the scimitar in his hand was eager to try, and he kept looking at himself, wanting to continue to leave scars on his body.

The black mist on the black messenger exploded directly, forming a big black ball, besieging the two of them inside, and also serving as the first layer of defense on the outside, saving them from being attacked again.

Now he couldn't see Ding Xiao's specific actions, he just mixed with the other party, under the cover of the black mist, he couldn't see what was going on, so he was also stuck, and couldn't continue to help him.

Seeing the black skeleton still entangled, he became cruel, and directly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and melted into the snow mist.

Now Mr. Hao's face is even more ugly, and he can no longer overdraw his efforts, or he will overdraw and die before the opponent attacks.

This time, I couldn't recover from the damage in ten thousand years, and it left a lot of sequelae, but I can't ask these things now. Taking advantage of the serious injury of the other party, I will work harder and join hands with Ding Xiao to eliminate the other party in one go.

At the same time, he also signaled to the people below to be safe and not to be impatient, and waited for his signal to act. Now that the outside was covered by his own blood mist, they could not attack at all, and had to wait until he withdrew.

However, I have the confidence to join forces with Ding Xiao to eliminate each other, although delaying the opponent is very powerful, but there are two of us.

At this time, the blood mist rolled again, and four similar evil spirits came out of it, and rushed directly to the skeleton, wanting to kill them first and then help Ding Xiao.

Now the two skeletons can't stop each other, they can't stop the attacks from all directions at all, if it's not for the hard body, they have already been smashed to pieces, and now they can barely support, and now they can't stop biting up and down, as if they are asking for help.

Just when Mr. Hao was about to put in more effort to eliminate them in one go, two black lights rushed over from the black ball and directly sank into the skeleton.

"Crackling" the two skeletons quickly became larger, several times larger than before, and more agile and powerful. Before, the opponent could not block two attacks at the same time, but now three attacks landed at the same time, which would only shock the opponent. back some.

It can't be like before, even the shields can fly, the empty door is wide open, and every time they take this opportunity, they will leave a series of attacks on their heads.

But now, the time when I wanted to laugh and break through to help Ding Xiao was shattered again. I wanted to resist the past one by force, but the puppet was almost cut in half, and it barely recovered with the replenishment of a large amount of blood mist.

Now he started to release the blood arrow again, but when it hit the black ball, it was just mist, and even the blood flame couldn't burn on it.

Mr. Hao feels that the other party did this on purpose. You are stronger, and he is stronger, making you think that as long as you work harder, you can succeed, and make you unconsciously follow his rhythm.

So far, only his own surprise attack has succeeded, and all others have been blocked.

The cold sweat on his body continued to drop, and while he was controlling the puppet to attack the skeleton, he racked his brains to figure out what else to do.

Mr. Hao thought it was right, that's what Emissary Wu did, because he hadn't completely completed his sublimation, one was to delay the time, but to save the other party from despair holding him and dying together.

If the other party blew himself up while holding him alone, he would definitely be seriously injured. Don't talk about them at that time, those Shura people below are enough to eat a pot by themselves, so give them a little hope, hang them, consume them, even if they end up When they found out, they had enough heart but not enough energy to hold themselves back, and they could escape calmly.

Gu Zheng watched Master Hao's face flushed from below, and the sweat on his face fell like blood, and it seemed that he was about to be unable to hold on.

Everyone also knew that the battle situation was not going smoothly, but a layer of blood mist blocked the view, and everyone could only hear the occasional cry of pain when they fought back and forth, but they didn't know who it was.

Gu Zheng was also anxious, knowing that he might not be able to block such an attack, but it seemed that he and the opponent were in a stalemate.

If it goes on like this, Mr. Hao can't hold on anymore.

Instructing Pan Xuan in a low voice, Gu Zheng was about to step forward and help them together, when suddenly an earth-shattering change occurred on the stage.

The blood mist covering everyone had all dissipated, Master Hao was half kneeling on the ground, blood dripping from his mouth.

And Ding Xiao directly turned into a slanted line and flew down from the stage, with little or no aura on his body.

It happened so fast that everyone couldn't figure out what was going on.

A few Shura people hurriedly administered the elixir to him to calm down his breath, and passed out like Ji Yi, his hands were covered in blood, and there was a deep palm print on his blood-stained chest, which was sunken .

It seemed that Ding Xiao was hit by the opponent's palm, and the weapon fell on the steps in mid-air, but no one dared to pick it up.

How could the situation turn upside down in an instant, even Ding Xiao was beaten to death, how could it be possible, everyone looked up.

I saw Envoy Wu laughing wildly on his face, and his aura kept rising in everyone's eyes, and soon he broke through the peak of Jinxian, and he had already become the early stage of Daluo.

Although the opponent has only entered the realm of Daluo and is not stable enough, they are not able to stop him. When he was still at the peak of Jinxian, he was already at a disadvantage against the two people on his side, and now he has no other way.

Gu Zheng only regretted not going up ahead of time, but Mr. Hao said several times before that he would definitely be able to deal with the other party, and told him to keep an eye on his own clansmen, and not to be attacked by the other party in the cold. Plenty of energy to replenish yourself.

This time, everyone's faces were ashen. I didn't expect that the opponent had really advanced into a big Luo. This time, it was really over. Now there is no one here who can be his opponent.

At this time Master Hao also reacted, and now he finally understood the opponent's trick.

The ridiculous thing is that at the beginning, I was self righteous and wanted to kill him, but I didn't expect to be used by the other party to delay the time.

I didn't expect the other party to reach Daluo from Jinxian so quickly. If you only know that the reserves in your body are huge, and you don't meditate for a long time, how can you go up.

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