"All of this is my guess. There may be other situations. I dare not destroy him. If something unexpected happens, it will not end well."

Master Hao walked back and forth thoughtfully, and now everyone on both sides looked at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

Mr. Hao was already a little unsure about paying attention at this time, feeling that many eyes were focused on his body, and an invisible pressure made him a little irritable.

"I've decided." Lord Hao looked around slowly, "I'm going down, if you're afraid of danger, please go back, I don't believe that the ancestor would leave such a dangerous entrance."

"We ask to take the lead." As soon as the words fell, a small team of Mo Ran squeezed out from the crowd and stood in front of Mr. Hao.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Hao knew this team. He didn't expect that they hadn't left yet, but he didn't seem to see their captain.

"Sure." Muran's team's eyes were full of firmness. They had discussed it for a long time before, because they also felt that the ancestor would not harm them, and those clansmen who died before died only because of their own greed.

You must know that Mr. Hao has long made it clear that the time is ripe to lead the team, and the situation is also seen by many people. Mr. Hao just came here at the end of everything.

More importantly, in this way, everyone knows that Mo Ran and the others will go down first, and if the captain returns, they can get news about them.

"Okay, I'll go down with you." Mr. Hao also said with pride, not taking his own life seriously.

The way many people look at him has changed. In the past, many people left everyone with the image of greed for money and fear of death. Unexpectedly, he is also such a famous man in his bones.

"My lord, I will go too."

"Count me in, my lord."

"Whoever is afraid of death is a coward. Anyway, I am going to see the secret realm left by my ancestors, and I will die without regret."

The blood in the hearts of many Shura people was ignited, and they responded together, wanting to go together.

"If you have the guts, follow along, You Xing, you stay here, and play by ear if you have anything to do."

Master Hao arranged directly, and when he came to the entrance of the cave, the silent team also surrounded the entrance of the cave and jumped down first.

Looking at the unfathomable entrance of the cave, Mr. Hao is already filled with immortal energy to deal with this unknown crisis.

With a leap, Lord Hao disappeared directly in front of everyone. Some self-sustaining cultivations were good, and they also jumped down closely after Lord Hao. One after another, groups of Shura people disappeared on the ground.

Looking at the somewhat familiar Mo Ran, Gu Zheng remembered Hua Long who died under his hands, and after thinking for a while, Gu Zheng put the casual clothes that Pan Xuan had given him on his face again.

Pan Xuan looked at Gu Zheng in surprise, thinking that she might not want the other party to see her, so she didn't pay much attention.

"Let's go." Pan Xuan and Gu Zheng came to the entrance of the cave and jumped down like everyone else.

Soon, there were only a few dozen Shura people left on the ground. Although they knew that there was a high possibility that there would be no problem, they still chose to stay on it due to hesitation in their hearts.

Those Shura people looked at the enemy opposite, with contemptuous eyes on their faces, most of them left here dejectedly, only a few persisted here, waiting for the people below to return with full rewards.

You Xing looked coldly at the opposite Elder Qin. He was not considered a friend in the past, but only met a few times by chance. Now they are their own masters, and it is impossible to give them good looks.

You Xing slowly sat nearby, warning them.

Elder Qin looked at the empty place and sighed. No matter what happened to them, he only hoped that they could come back safely.

"Wu Xiaofeng, lead everyone back, I'll wait for them here." Elder Qin ordered directly.

"Elder, I'll wait here with you." Wu Xiaofeng refused without hesitation. He had timidly backed away, and he absolutely couldn't escape from this place again. He felt sorry for himself.

Elder Qin looked at Wu Xiaofeng, who was also strong, and rubbed his head with a headache. If his wife was here, he would definitely be able to persuade him.

Elder Qin had no choice but to send other people to lead the team back. In the end, there were only a few people who stayed here. Everyone had reasons of one kind or another. They also hoped that Ji Yi would lead them out successfully and safely.

For a while, everyone on the ground was silent and waited quietly.

They didn't know that a figure was already in their sky, watching them quietly.

When Gu Zheng Gu Zheng jumped down, he didn't feel any strange feeling, just like jumping from a high altitude as usual, but after the moment his eyes went dark, the scene in front of him was quite different.

Looking at the crowd below, there were even a few people who accidentally fell down and squeezed others, causing a commotion.

Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan floated down to an open space. Looking up, there were still people falling from above.

Looking from below, everything at the entrance of the cave can be seen clearly. Gu Zheng watched some people want to fly up again, and told the friends outside that it was safe down here, but in the middle of the sky, no matter what, he couldn't move forward.

Gu Zheng also tried it, and he also stagnated in the approximate position, not being pulled by someone, nor blocked by anything, just feeling that he was also flying upwards, but the distance from the entrance of the cave remained the same.

So close, so far away.

I don't know Gu Zheng, many people tried it, even Pan Xuan tried it out of curiosity, and if so, then came to the front together with Gu Zheng.

At this time, a group of them were all in a corner, and in front of them was an incomparably empty space, and the entire space was brightly lit, which was not the most shocking.

There are many huge temples in the middle in the front, neatly lined up, and countless statues are scattered in the space below, all of which are some rare and exotic beasts, and the carvings are lifelike.

The eyes on the face of each statue are countless night pearls, and they provide the light of the space.

Majestic and sacred, everyone who saw this scene was filled with solemnity.

At this time, Ji Yi had already led their people to stand alone on one side, while Master Hao was also standing at the front, and Pan Xuan and Gu Zheng were also walking beside Master Hao at this time.

Although I have seen it twice, Mr. Hao is still immersed in it and can't extricate himself from it for a long time.

At this time, there are still many people who are still inconceivable looking at all this, this kind of huge project, especially the few huge stone pillars are like the jade pillars that support the sky, they are even more uncanny, shining with all kinds of light.

The rare and exotic animals carved inside seem to be moving.

A group of people continued to walk in with Mr. Hao, and the deeper they went, the more they felt the greatness of these palaces.

"Look, there's someone up there." As the distance drew closer, someone finally spotted the figure on the high platform in the distance.

That palace is very special, it is completely in the air, there is no supporting pillar below, and the steps alone are ten feet high, everyone is attracted by it at first sight.

Master Hao looked at the very familiar figure in the distance, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he let go of his last ounce of guard in his heart. He was an old acquaintance, and it seemed that everything was still going according to plan.

"Hello everyone."

The ethereal voice floated in the entire space, making it impossible to guess where the source of the sound was. Everyone was startled and looked for the source of the sound.

"It's the people above who are talking." Someone shouted, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to look over.

"That's right, everyone, don't panic. I'm a phantom left by the ancestor, and I'm here to explain your doubts. You can call me the emissary of Wu."

At this time, everyone also came to the bottom of the palace, looked up at the so-called black messenger, and found that he had no cultivation level, but they were relieved when they thought that it was just a phantom.

"Excuse Messenger Wu, can you explain this place to us, is it a secret realm left by the ancestors? There are many things we don't understand here."

Mr. Hao cupped his hands at the top, pretending not to know him and asked.

"Everyone, please rest assured. Let me tell you clearly that this is indeed a secret place left by the ancestor."

The envoy Wu first gave everyone a reassurance when he came up, so that those who were a little uneasy could calm down instantly.

Everyone quieted down one after another, listening to what the so-called Wu envoy above had to say.

Ji Yi and his small team stood aside coldly. Anyway, they were determined to pay attention, and they would not participate if they could not participate, so they had to protect them and wait to get out.

Ji Yi didn't think they could let them go out with the precious magic weapon, it might as well just stay by the side obediently from the beginning.

"I know, everyone can't wait to get the reward from the ancestor." Wu Envoy seemed to know everyone's thoughts, but then changed the subject.

"However, it is impossible for everyone to get something for free as long as they come here, and only by participating in the test left by the ancestors can they enter the treasure house and obtain those treasures."

Everyone nodded, this is normal, and it is impossible for the ancestor to give out to everyone, if that is the case, why not give out one to everyone.

"Everyone, please take a look. The three palaces for this test are on your right. There are three halls, red, yellow, and blue. Each hall has a different degree of danger. Please do what you can," Wu Envoy continued.

"So what's the difference between these?" Mr. Hao only saw the key to asking questions for everyone.

Although there are many palaces in the main hall, none of them are as dazzling as the three on the right. There is a layer of fog rolling around the three palaces.

"Of course there are, because the things in each treasure house are different, the more dangerous the things in it, the better, and it is really life-threatening, and the strength is not enough. Please don't force yourself into the dangerous area, stay in a safe place."

"The red palace suggests a late-stage Golden Immortal, the yellow suggests a mid-stage Golden Immortal, and the blue suggests an early-stage Golden Immortal."

"Is it really possible to die if you go to a dangerous area with a low cultivation base?" Someone asked loudly.

"Of course not, it's just a chance. Everyone should do what they can. Some of the tests inside are arranged by the ancestors. Even if everyone goes in together, there is a high possibility that they will not meet together. There are ninety-nine in each palace. to the test."

As soon as Messenger Wu's words fell, everyone was in an uproar, how could it be possible to pass the ninety-nine tests.

Emissary Wu looked at the ebullition below, and waited for a while before continuing, "Of course, of course, not everyone has to pass all the tests in it, but three are randomly selected, and when they pass the three tests, they will automatically be sent to the treasure house to choose." , At that time, everyone can choose one according to their needs, and once selected, it will be sent out, so there is no choice to regret, so you must carefully select and have enough time to choose.”

"Emissary Wu, if you have anything else to say, please share it together. It's your first time here, and many of you don't know about it." At this time, Mr. Hao saw everyone talking, and asked quickly.

Although I have been here a few times, I really don't know the rules here, except Yu Shao and the black messenger in front of me.

"No, it's just that each palace can only enter a maximum of ninety-nine people, so you need to discuss it, but every time the ancestor wants to motivate everyone, as long as the top three people who come out of each hall the fastest can come. The palace behind me chooses the real rare treasures."

"A friendly reminder, the one with a relatively low value is the blood of the phoenix."

Wu Envoy stopped talking after finishing speaking, looked down, and sneered in his heart. I deliberately closed the six palaces, making each palace 10% more powerful.

Originally, he was right. Under normal circumstances, there is little danger to life, and each person will be given a seed, which can be used to leave the palace at any time, but he detained them all, and he deliberately explained the danger in advance.

It's not that he wants to say, but that if he wants to achieve his effect, he must deceive some of the more powerful characters into it, so as to meet his expectations.

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Gu Zheng became a little excited. Even Ji Yi's team couldn't help but look at Ji Yi, and it seemed that they wanted to participate.

Even the blood of the phoenix is ​​relatively low in value, so the things inside are believed to be exciting, even if you can only choose one, it is enough.

"By the way, let me add that those with low cultivation can participate in high-level secret realms, but those with high cultivation cannot participate in low-level ones. If you get stuck halfway, don't worry, you will be automatically sent out after a certain period of time."

Messenger Wu looked at some Shura people with high cultivation bases, and looked at Lan Lan frequently, wanting to use their cultivation bases to pass quickly and come to the palace above to pick up things.

Directly "friendly" remind them to go through the level honestly and don't think about taking shortcuts.

This is a secret realm laid down by the ancestors. Could it be that anyone without a master can enter it?

"After half a day, I will open it for everyone, and everyone can go in at any time. Now you should think about it." After speaking, the figure of Wu Envoy blurred and disappeared in front of everyone.

"This old Deng's cultivation has become more and more advanced. Even I didn't see how he disappeared."

Mr. Hao murmured in his heart, but he still spoke to everyone.

"Everyone do what you can, don't blindly pursue speed, but also pay attention to safety. Since it was ordered by the ancestors, everyone just needs to be more careful."

The main purpose this time is to lure Pan Xuan and his companions into the hall above, and then collect some treasures on his side. As for Gu Zheng, what will they do after they enter.

When I first asked, Yu Shao's evil smile left the deepest impression on me.

"Next, it's time for the special envoys to go out. If you have any of them, you don't think there will be any problems."

Yes, there is nothing to do next, but Mr. Hao knows that there is probably a blood mold in the other side of the valley.

Everyone vaguely leaned against the side of the palace, and now there is a layer of enchantment outside the palace, preventing everyone from approaching.

"How about it, do you want to go?" Pan Xuan paid little attention to her in this atmosphere.

"I don't really want to go." Gu Zheng directly expressed his thoughts, and he didn't need those things, including the blood of the phoenix, although it was indeed very rare, but he didn't need it at the moment.

"Okay, then I'll go by myself. In case there is something I need in the palace above, I need to go and see. No matter how bad it is, there are other treasures, and I won't return empty-handed."

Pan Xuan looked disappointed, although she knew that there was a one-third chance that she would not meet, but what if it was the same illusion.

"Forget it, let me walk with you." Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan's appearance, and sighed in his heart, thinking of Pan Xuan's meticulous care of him before, "

I am not a fool, and I understand a little bit of her thoughts in my heart,

But it was me, after completing this task, I went back simply, I really wanted to see Elder Xiong's plan, if not, I would also contribute to speed up the progress.

After I saw Brother Big Snake last time, I saw the green fruit in his hand, and I vaguely thought of their thoughts, which were indeed much more reliable than my stupid thoughts.

If she can leave smoothly, she won't be able to find herself, and she will gradually forget about herself, so I can use this time as a repayment for her kindness.

Even Gu Zheng decided that before leaving, he must return the gloves in his hands to her, and let her complete the task satisfactorily, which should be considered a little reward for him.

Pan Xuan looked at Gu Zheng with surprise. She didn't expect that the other party agreed at the critical moment. It was really great news for her. If someone is willing to do something for you, it means that she has something in the other party's heart. Certain servings.

In fact, Pan Xuan had also noticed before that Gu Zheng seemed to be a little bit unimpressed with him. He already felt that he was enough to let go of his figure, and he was very courteous, but he reacted a little more when he was notified. A feeling of looking at oneself.

This made Pan Xuan very discouraged, but before Gu Zheng gave him a necklace again, he was worried about his safety, and seeing himself lost, changed his original intention, which made Pan Xuan regain his confidence.

It is very likely that the other party is the kind who is not good at expressing his heart, and is relatively strong. Pan Xuan feels that her guess is right.

Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan's beautiful eyes and looked at himself with a smile. Just now, his expression was a little depressed, but in a blink of an eye it returned to normal, even a little happy.

"You still have some elixir here, or you can take some spares."

Pan Xuan knew that Gu Zheng didn't have much reserves, so she looked at Gu Zheng with a face of refusal, and directly forced it into Gu Zheng's hands, then closed her eyes, waiting for the secret realm that was about to start.

You must break through faster than others and win the top three before you can enter the treasure hall above.

I don't know Pan Xuan thinks this way, everyone who wants to enter wants to try his luck to see if he can get the top three.

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