After coming here for so many days, Su Nan has also learned to use force to speak. This is completely different from the rules of the outside world. If you don't keep a low profile outside, you may provoke people who shouldn't be provoked and plant the seeds of disaster. Here you have to If you keep a low profile, everyone will think you are timid and fearful, and you will be bullied even more.

After going back and forth several times, Su Nan also learned how to make herself less troublesome.

Go towards that person, from the back view, this person looks quite young, but why does he give me a feeling of fear, then the other party must be very strong, and he seems to be familiar with him.

As he got closer, the familiar feeling became clearer, but I didn't teach any friends here, so how could I have this feeling.

He walked straight over, sat directly opposite him, and looked at him deeply. The other party was as young as himself, and he was eating food bite by bite. It seemed that he had almost finished eating. He didn't respond to his arrival, and still lowered his head. .

He looks almost as young as himself, but it is indeed the first time he has seen him, why is there something about him that attracts him.

Su Nan didn't care about enjoying the things she ordered, and kept looking at the other party, trying to quickly recall whether they had crossed paths at a certain time before.

But after the other party got up and started to leave, I still didn't fully remember it. I looked at the food in front of me a little depressed. At this moment, I didn't want to eat these things at all. I was thinking about where the bug was. Not anymore.

Su Nan was really worried. She disappeared suddenly a few months ago. No matter how I contacted her, the telepathy between him and her had completely disappeared.

I actually felt the breath of Xiao Chong from him just now, I really missed him too much and hallucinated.

Suddenly, Su Nan straightened up, suddenly why did he feel that the person was so familiar, it turned out that the other person had the breath of a bug, Su Nan quickly looked up, but unfortunately the person had already left.

Su Nan hurried out, but found that the other party had disappeared at this time, and she didn't know how to find it.

Su Nan, with a disappointed face, returned to her actions, casually thinking about how to find him. Since the other party has appeared here, it will definitely appear again.

In the next few days, unless necessary, Su Nan waited here for that person to appear, but it's a pity that he didn't come again.

Could it be that the other party has gone out? Su Nan has not only doubted that, because there are also many people training nearby. After all, there are many puppets around who can be opponents.

This day, the waiter was bringing food and drinks to Su Nan as a routine. Seeing that Su Nan had been here for the past few days, she seemed to be waiting for something, "Are you waiting for someone?"

Because Su Nan didn't look down on these humans who had voluntarily surrendered, it warmed their hearts a little bit. Seeing him sitting there with a sad face, he asked.

"Well, the man who sat here a few days ago." Su Nan also tried to ask, maybe the other party might really know him.

"Are you talking about Yu Shao? He rarely comes here, basically only once in decades or hundreds of years."

The waiter remembered that very mysterious Yu Shao. He had been here for thousands of years, and he hadn't seen him many times.

"Oh, thank you." Su Nan immediately gave up when she heard it. Could it be that Xiao Chong was captured by the so-called Yu Shao, but why couldn't she sense it.

He didn't know that the waiter was not answering the previous person, and the two of them happened to be wrong.

"We summoned people to teach him a lesson and let him know that Miss Pan is not worthy of him."

Sitting on the table next to Su Nan, a man seemed to be drunk and yelled loudly,

"You do what you want, everyone wants to teach him a lesson, but his cultivation base is left there, and you are not enough for others to breathe." The person next to him sneered.

"Yes, my cultivation base is low, but why don't those adults dare to go, anyway, I am not reconciled."

"It's right if you are not reconciled. Even if you are ten times stronger, others still look down on you. Don't think it's useless. Drink and drink."

The people around also persuaded, this is true, it will be staged here every day, Su Nan also knows that Pan Xuan is so beautiful and moving, even when he saw it for the first time, his heart trembled, and even more so. Don't talk about these people.

Hearing that a newcomer had given her the upper hand, everyone was shocked. They didn't know how the other party got Miss Pan's heart.

It's a pity that I don't care about my own affairs. Now I just want to find the person from the previous few days. It seems that there is no hope for the time being, so I put down the wine glass in my hand.

Su Nan stumbled and walked out, she had something on her mind, she didn't want to drink away at all, she regretted it, she just took Xiao Chong and ran away, otherwise how could she get into such a dangerous place.

At the door, Su Nan didn't know where he should go for a while. Now there are very few people who challenge him, so he just needs to go there from time to time to collect their entry fees.

I want to leave here, but my preparations are too insufficient. Although I am confident that I am not afraid of anyone, but there are too many people on the other side, and I can't stand it.

Looking at the unchanged sky, Su Nan was at a loss. It would take at least a year for him to scrape together enough things for travel.

"Let's go, let's go, Miss Pan and the others have come out, hurry up and see what the one who captured Miss Pan's heart looks like."

A few people hurriedly walked in front of Su Nan, still shouting in their mouths, summoning the people nearby to go, Su Nan didn't know what to think, so he followed them and set off.

Many people gathered together one after another. Many people were already retreating in front of them. Su Nan hurriedly retreated to both sides of the road like the people next to her, as if everyone lined up to welcome Miss Pan. .

When the crowd moved away, a man and a woman appeared in front of Su Nan's eyes. At a glance, Miss Pan was still so beautiful and attractive, especially the temptation of acquaintances while walking, it just tickles people's hearts.

This is even more charming than a vixen, Su Nan thought.

Then he looked at the man at the side, and he was also very curious about who the other party was using. It didn't matter, the angry eyes appeared directly on Su Nan's face, Su Nan barely controlled himself, and then went up to find that man.

Who made Miss Pan attract everyone's attention so much that most people ignored him immediately, at least those people who said they wanted to see who would win Miss Pan's heart are still staring Looking at Miss Pan, as for the person next to her, she was automatically ignored.

He is the person Su Nan met that day. It turns out that he is Yu Shao, and he still has the aura of Xiao Chong on his body. It wouldn't leave such an aura, he must know where the little bug went in the end.

You don't need to look at the breath of the other party to know that the strength is definitely not weak. Otherwise, how could Miss Pan fall in love with him? If the strength is low, it is estimated that Miss Pan will not be able to stand by her side.

Su Nan kept telling herself this, hold back the impulse, don't act rashly to startle the snake, since she knows who the other party is tricking, then there will be opportunities to ask, the two of them together have absolutely no chance of winning.

Not to mention Pan Xuan's unfathomable illusion ability, which makes me extremely jealous, but only to say that if I am an opponent against Miss Pan, then my teammates in this area will attack me in a blink of an eye, or even do it wrong. Will secretly kill himself.

You can't underestimate this group of people who admire Miss Pan. There are so many people, as long as you are not Da Luo, you can wait to die. One person can drown you by spitting.

The blue somersault on Su Nan's arm was exposed, and it seemed that he had endured a lot of hard work. He stared fixedly at Gu Zheng, and followed everyone around them slowly.

The target they went to was the high level of the town, the temporary management agency of the town.

In fact, Gu Zheng was also depressed. Since he knew that he was a public enemy since he went out last time, he dared not go out again, and continued to rest at home. The eyes of those people outside were angry. I should wait for everyone to be more rational. Gu Zheng was very afraid that many people would name him and want to compete with him.

Although I was misunderstood, Gu Zheng would definitely not explain it to those people. Besides, even if I explained Gu Zheng, the group of people would not believe it. Who told me that I came back that day with her on my back, and Pan Xuan still had such a willing face. Who will believe adultery.

In this way, Gu Zheng stayed in Pan Xuan's house and waited for the calm outside.

On this day, Pan Xuan finally came down from upstairs and changed into a red dress, which was even more colorful and attractive.

"Are you feeling better?" Gu Zheng asked worriedly, who knows if that Big Snake brother will take pity on him, and what if that guy gets ruthless.

Gu Zheng was really worried, Brother Big Snake was not that interested in bullying a little girl. To Brother Big Snake, Pan Xuan was really just a little girl.

"It's okay, it's much better, and it's completely fine now." Pan Xuan was very happy in her heart, and felt that after this incident, the relationship between the two people became closer, but it was a pity that she didn't know what the other party wanted to say at the time, and she didn't know if the other party would say it or not. will say to himself.

Thinking of this, Pan Xuan's face became even more beautiful.

"It's fine, are you going to go out?" Gu Zheng has now entered the saint mode, and there will not be too many ripples in her heart. After all, she is a little immune to seeing her every day. Besides, Gu Zheng's self-control is still very strong.

"Yeah, you forgot what the person in charge of the mine asked us to carry." Pan Xuan looked disappointed, "It's a pity that the puppet died before it was used."

"Then what are you looking for, and what exactly are you looking for, I can also help you find it." As for the puppet, it was indeed indirectly caused by myself. Let's see what the other party is looking for and whether I can help.

"I don't know too well. Someone asked me to look for it. It was a pair of red gloves, and then there was nothing. Really, I didn't explain anything clearly. If the other party hadn't returned a large number of precious things, the previous That puppet was also sent to protect me, but it's a pity it's broken now."

Pan Xuan's face was full of helplessness. Finding a pair of gloves in such a big place was extremely difficult. What if someone hid her in a corner and looked for it by herself.

"The only good news is that the other party must be using it. Let me pay more attention to other places. If you find it, press this button to notify him, and he will come right away."

A red round button appeared in Pan Xuan's hand, and she moved it closer to Gu Zheng so that he could see it more clearly.

Gu Zheng pretended to look at that thing, but his mind was running crazily. Why was she looking for a pair of red gloves? Could it be that the one in his hand was also his target? The other one is still being used. What is it for.

"Then didn't the grown-up tell you specifically?"

"No, this is the most difficult thing for me, but I only need to search for this place for ten years, and it doesn't matter if I don't find it by then."

"Such a big place, let alone ten years, you won't be able to find it in a hundred years, and there is no clear goal." Gu Zheng said with a look of surprise, this task is still special.

Pan Xuan shrugged, "I guess the special envoy wants me to mobilize those who admire me to look for it, and assures me that whoever finds it will be rewarded. The reward is really valuable, and my share will be given separately. I."

"I'm not stupid. I can't find it anyway. I won't refund the reward I paid before." Pan Xuan stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "Besides, I think you can help me find it. , right? Will you help me?"

Pan Xuan stared at Gu Zheng with her big eyes shining.

"Of course, don't worry, I will find it for you." Gu Zheng said brazenly, without mentioning that he had one in his hand.

"I know you are the best." Like a little girl, Pan Xuan hugged Gu Zheng's arms happily.

Feeling the huge warmth in his arm, Gu Zheng quietly withdrew his hand, "Aren't we going to deliver something, let's go quickly."

Speaking of which, Gu Zhengti rushed to the door, waiting for Pan Xuan outside, but did not see the sly look behind Pan Xuan.

For Pan Xuan, it was hard for him to find someone who fit his conditions, and he would not give up. When he was healing upstairs, he didn't take the initiative to go up to see himself.

Since the other party is so dull, then I have to take the initiative to attack and hold him firmly, so that I won't regret it.

Of course, Gu Zheng didn't know what the other party was thinking. When Pan Xuan came out, his face had returned to normal, and the two walked side by side towards the administration.

On the road, Pan Xuan deliberately walked a little slowly. Sure enough, some people saw the two of them coming out together, and gathered around, looking so close.

Gu Zheng looked at those people around him, knowing that he was not liked by others, some were envious, some were annoyed, and what was even more surprising was that the one with a scar on his eyebrow looked at him and wished he could kill himself and replace him s position.

Unexpectedly, they all had dinner together, and they were so disrespectful, so Gu Zheng had no choice but to go to the administrative hall like this.

"I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble." Pan Xuan looked around and felt that the matter was getting too serious. She only wanted to sit and watch him as her lover in the eyes of outsiders, but forgot to hold him back. A lot of hate.

"It's okay, just ignore it, they won't attack me collectively, if that's the case, I'll admit it."

Gu Zheng pretended to be helpless and said, there is no way, the brain is on other people, why should he say loudly, Pan Xuan and I are just friends, there is no other meaning, who would believe it.

Pan Xuan was amused by this cold humor and opened her small mouth, covered her mouth with her sleeve, and said with a chuckle, "You really know how to make girls happy."

As for Pan Xuan's low point of laughter, Gu Zheng can't help it. If those classic jokes of later generations are told, you won't die laughing here.

The person in charge here has seen it a long time ago, and when Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan arrived, they hurriedly led them to their own room, because the hall outside couldn't hold so many people.

"Do you have anything to do?" When he came to the office of the person in charge, the person in charge poured a glass for the two of them himself.

Blood-red liquid, a drink that Shura women like to drink at this time.

Don't think that the person in charge is here to cover the sky with one hand, even Ouyang can not give face, but Miss Pan must be given face.

"It's like this, I went to the mine once before, and the other party asked me to bring this to you, so that you can open it yourself." Pan Xuan said, and took out the thing that the big man gave her before, and put it on the table .

The person in charge took out something from the inside, on which was the recent situation report of the big man, and there were some things that needed attention.

Pan Xuan and Gu Zheng sat quietly aside, waiting for his reply.

At the same time, on the east side of the town, a figure also passed through the dense forest and came to a very secret place. Under an extremely lush tree, the seemingly flat ground did not know that A figure was fiddling with something, and a stepped tunnel appeared on the surface.

Soon this figure walked straight down. If Gu Zheng saw it, this person was the one who sat opposite him when Gu Zheng was eating, that is, the so-called Yu Shao in the waiter's mouth.

At this time Yu Shao passed by all the way, and everyone in the underground lowered their heads to say hello after seeing him. Although the underground space is large, there are few people there. The rough style means that the owner has no time to build it here.

Yu Shao went directly to the last room, saying it was a room, but in fact it was a space opened on the wall, and a simple door outside was covered.

Yu Shao pushed the door open, and there was a stone pillar from top to bottom in the whole room, it was an artificially formed stalactite, the whole stone pillar glowed light red, and there was a small round hole in the middle, a person happened to hold it Red Gloves took out a red spar from a box next to it and put it in.

As soon as it was put in, the person hurriedly moved away from the stone pillar. At the same time, dozens of dense formations also lit up at the same time. The red stone pillar emitted an astonishing light, but they were all covered by the formation, trapped in this small space .

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