Gu Zheng also tried, and found that unless he cut it off with absolute force, he would not even think about it. The width of the cell outside is very wide, because there are restrictions to imprison them. This place is basically used to imprison them.

Here is another secret lair of the enemy. Who knows how many enemies there are. If the enemy is alarmed, it will make people go crazy if they are fine and the six monkeys cannot be rescued.

The six monkeys had already recovered their original body, their faces were full of pain, bead-sized beads of sweat kept dripping from their bodies, their hair was also a mess, and a pink light flashed across their faces from time to time.

Wu Xiaofeng knew that this was a manifestation of too much evil energy in his body, and he was very afraid that Liu Monkey would become a puppet completely, so he kept calling Liu Monkey in a low voice, hoping to wake Liu Monkey up.

Maybe it really worked, Liuhou really opened his eyes and looked at Wu Xiaofeng in a daze.

"Hurry up." Wu Xiaofeng urged, Gu Zheng had agreed with him just now, as long as he wakes up, he will borrow Gu Zheng's green liquid first. Anyway, he already owes a favor, and there is no obstacle in his heart when he owes it. Two are also returned.

Gu Zheng took out the bottle directly, opened the mouth, controlled the green liquid into a thin line and flew into Liuhou's mouth.

Some of the dizzy six monkeys felt a chill in their mouths and swallowed it subconsciously. As the green liquid took effect, the six monkeys also slowly recovered. Finally, when the green liquid was half used up, the six monkeys signaled to Gu Zheng said that he no longer needed it.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng put away the green liquid.

"Are you okay?" Wu Xiaofeng asked worriedly, Gu Zheng was on the sidelines to guard the outside to prevent anyone from coming in.

"It's all right." Liu Hou took a little control of his body before saying, "I'm sorry, captain, I"

Wu Xiaofeng interrupted Liu Hou directly, "Stop talking, as long as you are fine, brothers are waiting."

Liu Hou's tears flowed down in a flash, they were tears of remorse, someone told him before that he would gain strength when he came here, and the price was only to serve the master here for a period of time.

Of course I wouldn't believe it, how could there be such a good thing in the world, but before leaving, that person gave me something like a diamond, and said to myself, eat it if you encounter a crisis.

That thing allowed him to survive a fatal crisis, and even improved his cultivation level, which was stagnant by his own aptitude, which made Liu Monkey believe it a little bit.

Some time ago, I saw that I was holding back the team, and I was afraid that I would hold everyone back in the jihad. Thinking of what the mysterious person said, I thought about giving it a try, and if it didn’t work, I would go back. To break through yourself.

Unexpectedly, this was a naked scam. After I arrived as agreed, I placed the signal, and while I was waiting, my eyes suddenly went dark, and I was already in this prison when I woke up again. After drinking the evil sewage, the whole person becomes confused.

It wasn't until he heard the captain's voice that he struggled out of that state. Liu Hou saw that he had drank so much green liquid, and he probably would have been able to earn it back in the past few hundred years and return it to Gu Zheng. Fortunately, he still had time. If he hadn't I hope I will never drink it.

Liuhou decided not to have illusions anymore. His captain came here to look for him at a critical moment. Now Liuhou can't wait to give his life to the other party. With such a captain in this place, he really has no regrets. .

Seeing Wu Xiaofeng still foolishly competing with that railing, Gu Zheng slapped his head and said speechlessly, "Brother, don't bother, didn't Li Feng be escorted out of here by himself? Then there must be a key or something that can control this place. "

Wu Xiaofeng stopped his hands and slapped his head. His forehead was really pinched. He didn't expect that the Shura man was pulled out just now, and there was nothing there. Then the keys and the like must be on someone else's body .

"Let's go, brother, let's go to other places to see if we can find it." Wu Xiaofeng turned to Liu Monkey and said, "Liu Monkey, you stay here at ease now, my brother and I will look for it together and come back. "

"Well, captain, Mr. Gu, be careful." Liu Hou pretended to be the same as before, in case someone suddenly came in and noticed the abnormality.

Gu Zheng and Wu Xiaofeng took care of the unlucky ghost's body, and when they came to the initial intersection, Gu Zheng took the lead and cautiously walked to another road.

I don't know if this place has never been discovered before. There are basically no preventive measures here, and there are no patrolling guards. I followed the noise and went smoothly all the way.

Gu Zheng, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, gestured backwards, and told Wu Xiaofeng that there was a situation ahead. Looking from the side, there was a guard inside a side wall. If it wasn't for the reflected shadow, he would have hardly noticed it.

He held his breath and sneaked over, came behind him and killed this dedicated Asura man with one blow, without making a sound, Wu Xiaofeng stretched out a thumb to express his admiration.

Gu Zheng was very curious about what he was doing here. This was a specially opened groove with a small eye on it, as if watching something.

Gu Zheng took a closer look, and it turned out to be a small room with all these sundries piled up in it, facing a ninety-degree passage, with a faint red light at the end.

Gu Zheng felt a little familiar, and suddenly remembered that this was not the red light from the small hall that came in before. In this way, Gu Zheng's previous guess was completely correct. Sure enough, someone was watching all the time. If he entered rashly at that time, I am afraid that all the enemies would know Someone has invaded here.

And my side is the mechanism of the small hall that can't be opened, because it is completely controlled by the inside.

Gao, that's a really good idea. In this place where spiritual consciousness is completely suppressed, no one would have imagined that there is something hidden in it.

Continuing along the passage, the passage quickly came to an end, and Gu Zheng came to the corner. At this time, the sound of bang bang was even louder, and there were many sounds of walking.

Gu Zheng quietly showed his head, and saw many human puppets knocking off the black stones on the wall, using a special hammer to dig them out of the wall bit by bit, and there were many beasts picking and transporting them below.

Why do you say it is all puppets, because you can tell by looking at your lifeless face and dull movements.

There were only a few Asura supervisors watching there, and their strength was not strong, as before, all of them were in the mid-stage Golden Core.

Those beasts were transported into a box, which happened to be full. A monitor went over to close the box, fiddled with it, and shook the box violently. After a while, the box opened automatically.

Shura, who had been waiting for a long time, dumped the box into a small tan next to him, a puff of smoke came out, and many spars the size of walnuts floated on top of it. Salvage the spar, put it in a crystal-like box, and continue to wait for the treasure box to be filled.

It's a pity to see that little bit of powder falling off the wall. It seems that one stone knocked down is counted on a yearly basis.

When Gu Zheng saw the blood diamond, there seemed to be a cheer on the surface of his body, urging Gu Zheng to pick it up. Gu Zheng was sure that the thing that attracted him was the blood diamond.

After observing for a long time, Gu Zheng didn't find anyone else. So the power of this place is not strong, but most of those laborers have the same level of cultivation. There must be more powerful people sitting in the town, and they may have gone out.

Wu Xiaofeng waited behind, even after such a long time, he didn't show any impatient expression, watching Gu Zheng signaled that he was here to guard the back road, ready to go out and have a look alone.

After Gu Zheng saw Wu Xiaofeng nodding, he stopped hiding and walked out from the corner openly.

"Who?" The Asura inside was very sensitive, and when he heard the footsteps, he immediately looked over, and after realizing that it was not his companion, he shouted loudly, "There are enemies."

All Shura immediately assembled urgently, no more, no less, exactly five people, those puppets were still doing their jobs as usual, without any reaction.

Gu Zheng didn't go up to attack rashly. It would be much easier if there were only the five people in front of him, but he had to leave a living, so he could ask about the key. The matter of the six monkeys is the most important thing, anyway. Get to know each other.

The five Asuras looked at themselves vigilantly, but did not launch an attack.

I don't know what kind of mystery the opponent is making, but Gu Zheng is not afraid, his own strength is enough to crush the opponent.

"Everyone, I think who knows who holds the key to the prison cell. If I tell you, I will never hurt everyone. I just came to rescue my friend." Gu Zheng said sincerely.

Wu Xiaofeng heard curling lips from behind, who would believe this.

Of course the Shura people on the opposite side didn't believe it, and they were on guard with the thing in their hands.

Seeing that the other party didn't listen to him, Gu Zheng said helplessly, if you don't say it, I have no choice but to call you.

Gu Zheng came in front of them in an instant, without using any weapons, kicked them out, and the opposite side only had time to defend their weapons in front of them, and the five of them flew in different directions. Shura, who was terrible for ordinary golden immortals in the middle stage, was in Gu Zheng It seems that there is no difference between him and a fairy, there is no way, who let himself have extraordinary talent, although he has a human appearance, he is actually a Tiexian, a monster that has existed since ancient times.

Wu Xiaofeng also looked at it with a look of surprise, he didn't expect to be so strong, although he was not afraid of those five Shura people, but it would take a lot of effort to deal with them, not as easy and comfortable as Gu Zheng.

A group of people suddenly flew towards the passage from above at high speed. It was the hidden sixth Shura. Wu Xiaofeng saw a figure flying towards him and subconsciously blocked the way.

"Go away." An angry voice came from the figure, and an arm swung towards Wu Xiaofeng.

With a loud "bang", Wu Xiaofeng blocked the blow abruptly, and even spat out a mouthful of blood. This was caused by the echo of the channel, which caused more damage than the black shadow's attack. His head shook so much that he was about to faint.

Heiying was forced to retreat again, damn it, Heiying cursed secretly, he knew that there was another person in ambush in the passage, and with his peak Jinxian strength, he should be able to break through, but he didn't expect that the other party's strength was only slightly inferior to his own, One-on-one, it only takes a short time for me to break through the past, but the person behind has already surrounded me, so I don't give myself a one-on-one chance.

The golden fairy peak is so worthless now, Soi Ying thought sadly and indignantly.

It's too difficult to break through here, and you don't want to break through without a huge amount of green liquid. This also leads to the level at which most of the abandoned people come in, and they will be at that level until they die. At most, they will have more immortal energy and richer experience.

No wonder Soi Ying thought that way. Seeing the two men glaring at him, he suddenly thought why he didn't dig a secret passage back then, and now he's reaping the fruit, because the enemy blocked him and he couldn't get out.

"Boss." The five Shuras gathered together again, watching all this from a distance. They were mortal enemies, and there would be no state of shaking hands to make peace. Everyone understood that this battle was inevitable.

"Boom" A huge evil spirit came from the leader. The leader and even himself must not be able to win. Now it is best to find a way to escape from this place. I have to give up the task arranged by the Lord. Fortunately, the previous I have already taken it back, so the Lord's punishment must be less from this point of view.

Immediately burst into his strongest state, and strive to break through a gap in a short time. As long as he doesn't die, it doesn't matter if he is seriously injured. Now he is not sure that he will escape with a minor injury, or even die here accidentally.

Get out of the encirclement as soon as possible, otherwise, the further you go, the more hopeless you will be.

The leader punched quickly, the black fist was like Mount Tai, the pressure made Wu Xiaofeng's breathing tight, and the power actually evacuated the surrounding air.

"Ha." Wu Xiaofeng didn't dare to underestimate the opponent, so he calmed down and punched each other. Wu Xiaofeng was quite confident about his physical strength.

Gu Zheng was afraid that Wu Xiaofeng would not be able to stop the opponent alone, so he jumped forward and flanked the opponent together with Wu Xiaofeng.

The leader knew that the other party would not be able to stand by, so he was prepared. He took out a jade bottle with his other hand. The jade bottle was white and moist, surrounded by a haze. It was not ordinary. The leader tilted the jade bottle and a blood-red water flowed straight into it. Gu Zheng, the fishy smell, turned into a long rope in mid-air, and wrapped it around Gu Zheng.

The leader didn't expect this magic weapon to force the opponent back, but just wanted to block the opponent for a moment. When Gu Zheng saw that he opened his tongue slightly, a three-foot-long sword flew out from under his tongue. Come out and shoot at the bloody rope.

"Boom..." The man in black punched Wu Xiaofeng first, and the sound shook the entire hall. The five Shura who wanted to support were caught off guard, their minds dazed, and they stopped where they were.

Wu Xiaofeng was directly sent flying into the passage, and the leader was also stopped in place by the force of the counter-shock, and the opportunity to enter the passage disappeared because Wu Xiaofeng roared and returned at a faster speed.

A round shield was erected in his hand. It was Wu Xiaofeng's defensive magic weapon. I don't know how much damage he had resisted in previous battles. Although the surface was a little bumpy, the luster was still there. The defensive power became more outstanding in each battle. connected.

Wu Xiaofeng knew that his strength was not as good as the opponent's, but as long as he guarded this passage, they would have difficulty flying with their wings. As long as he was on the sidelines, the opponent's hands would be tied up in battle.

When he came to the entrance of the passage, the round shield in Wu Xiaofeng's hand was thrust down fiercely, a flash of light flashed out from the shield, and it slowly expanded, just blocking the passage tightly. Wu Xiaofeng looked at the leader with a chuckle through the translucent round shield, Find the right time to attack the opponent.

Isn't it not as strong as you, isn't it because of the terrain that I have to fight with you? Okay, I won't fight hard with you, I just need to hold on to it, and I'll see what you do.

The leader almost vomited blood in his heart when he saw it, it was too despicable, this move hit his own weakness, so he would definitely not be able to break through the turtle shell for a while, now he had to turn around and deal with the enemy who came back first.

With a clear sound of "Puff", the little sword spun in a circle and cut the blood rope into several pieces, turning into a puddle of blood and falling from mid-air, and the puddle of blood returned from the ground to the jade bottle in a dingy manner. The jade bottle also lost its previous luster, and it looked badly damaged.

The leader didn't think that the magic weapon would come back without success before he could make a move. With a whoosh, a silver light popped out from his waist. At this time, the shape of a ruler was obtained by killing the opponent with a lot of effort. loot.

As soon as the ruler came out, it split into three parts in an instant, one of which faced the little sword, and the remaining two went straight to Gu Zheng, one up and one down, blocking all the space that Gu Zheng came over.

Hmph, compare magic weapons with me, don't you know that my ambition is to learn from Taoist Duobao? I have few innate treasures, and even the most powerful ones are gifts from others. It's extremely shabby, but compared to this leader, let me show you what is the savings of many years.

Another two flying swords spit out from the mouth, these were prepared before coming in, sometimes the time to take out the magic weapon from the space is enough to decide life and death, Gu Zheng will not be careless.

Wrapped around the two rulers, the three magic weapons ping-pong in the air for a while, no one can do anything to them, one ruler may be more powerful than a small sword, but if it is divided into three, then there is nothing that can be done between brothers no one.

Gu Zheng also punched in the past, his hands were ordinary, Shura was overjoyed when he saw it, he was especially good at close combat, since the opponent dared to come up, let the opponent suffer a little loss first.

The same black glow covered his hands, and the confident leader also punched him right in the face, even considering whether to continue chasing to expand his advantage or to bombard the tortoise shell first.

Wu Xiaofeng looked at the leader with a smile, but Gu Zheng was no better than himself, especially in the physical body. Wu Xiaofeng believed that ordinary magical weapons could not break through his defense.

At the moment when the fists touched, the leader's expression changed from self-confidence to shock, to disbelief. Just like Wu Xiaofeng was blown away by him just now, he also turned into a ray of light and flew behind him. Unfortunately, there was a wall not far behind. The leader was directly bombarded against the wall, and the force of the countershock made him spit out a mouthful of blood again.

Gu Zheng scratched the crescent moon, leaving a bright light in mid-air, and an astonishingly powerful sword energy suddenly appeared and charged straight up, slamming on the leader's chest. After a burst of explosions, the leader still stood in place, with a burst of light shining on his body, obviously It is a magic weapon of defense.

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