All agreed are in the south, where there is a space about the same size as this area, where the Shura people are going to open up a base, a place where they can rest after training.

Although those who agreed were forced to sign a blood contract, they would not be able to break through the current level for the rest of their lives, but they could still retain their own thoughts.

All those who disagreed were wrapped together by these so-called evil spirits, slowly eroding the consciousness of these people, from body to soul, once they succeeded, they would completely become puppets of the Shura people.

It's like a weapon, but in this way, most people and monsters will not yield, even if they are turned into puppets.

Gu Zheng thought of the densely packed balls he saw, probably all monsters and humans still resisting.

There are still some spheres in the middle that are empty, it seems that the transformation has been completed, and he went to the south by himself.

Then the big brother of the Shura tribe taught him how to capture any monsters from the outside world, and opened up a space point in the Shura tribe to link the interior of the tower. This pagoda was placed in a heavily guarded place.

Although the tower has six floors, only the third floor is this space, because the lower part of the tower is soaked in a part of the blood sea, which is taken from the blood sea, and the upper part is filled with countless spiritual energy, The location of the tower itself is a huge spirit gathering array.

The lower part has been filtered through two layers to make the energy more pure. The pool in the hall is like the filter of a sea of ​​blood.

The spiritual energy absorbed from the top of the tower was also filtered through layers, and then flowed into the blood pool to supplement the consumption of the blood pool.

You must know that every time a Shura tribe enters or summons, it will consume the energy of the blood pool.

The ability of the blood pool maintains the basic operation of the world, and some of it mixes with the aura of heaven and earth to become fog in the sky.

If when you restore the immortal energy, there will also be a trace of evil energy entering your body. It will be easy for you to clean it up at first, but it will become more and more difficult to remove it until it takes root in your body.

Later on, your body control will gradually be controlled by evil spirits, and when I go, you will all be controlled and shouted. The first layer is what you see, the eyes of the controlled party are full of green.

At this time, although the control of the body is lost, the consciousness is still in the mind, watching the body instinctively do some things.

I can hear and see, but it’s like being locked, I can’t control myself, everything is left to the instinct of the body.

The evil spirit below will start to invade your consciousness, once your sanity is completely invaded, then you will be naked as a puppet.

Except your body, your memory, your soul, everything including you is gone, and then your eyes will turn green.

It can be said that the color of the eyes can distinguish one's identity, and the Shura people have a set of sensory defenses against puppets and slaves.

You must know that the Shura people who came here have the six-color ring in their hands.

Those enslaved monsters and humans obey unconditionally. Those people's eyes are blue, but once they are disguised, you really can't see it.

Gu Zheng talked about the python he first encountered, why was that snake wandering outside?

Sister Xiong still explained gently

"I didn't tell you just now, but now those Asura people outside are still grabbing some people and throwing them in. For example, the highest level of Jinxian Shura can be sent back no higher than their own level, as long as the other party's resistance is not fierce."

"So, for example, if Fang Bida is in a coma or is in an undefended state, can it be brought back?" Gu Zheng swallowed some saliva again, the news was too horrifying.

Only the ghost knows that people and monsters have been caught after all these years.

"Yes, but what they catch is directly thrown into the random area. If you are unlucky, you will be caught and forced to transform over there. If you are lucky, you will come here like this, and you will be slowly corroded and transformed step by step. Although you don’t need to eat or drink, you always need some energy to maintain yourself, as long as you absorb the aura of heaven and earth, you will be successful in the transfer sooner or later.”

"Is there nothing special?" Gu Zheng couldn't help asking

"No, except for you, the ring on your body can now simulate any level. I don't know if it's because of the hall. There has never been anyone like you who forcibly branded the ring into your body." Xiong Sister said meaningfully

"To put it simply, there is a little problem with you pretending to be an Asura in front of those slaves. If you change it a little bit, those slaves don't know. Even if you pretend to be good, no one can see through it except Da Luo, because you have the mark of a pure Asura in your body." , only look at the ring imprint here."

Gu Zheng didn't know why the man in black was so kind, logically speaking, didn't he hope that he would die soon?

This is a misunderstanding of the black-clothed Shura. Normally, if the Shura dies, the ring in his body will disappear accordingly.

But when the man in black knew that his death was certain, he saw Gu Zheng's gourd, Lu Ya's natal magic weapon, the immortal gourd.

No one could have snatched it from Lu Ya, unless Lu Ya died, but now that Lu Ya is not dead, it means that it must have been lent to Gu Zheng with Lu Ya's consent.

The man in black wanted to send Gu Zheng to the place of trial, no matter what, sooner or later the gourd would be in the hands of the road builders, because there is only one exit there, and no one can calculate the location of that space unless a saint .

The ring also had strong defensive power, but Zaiqiang couldn't stop the flying knife, so the man in black gave up his defense and gave up a chance of escape.

Everything is for Shura, at this time every member of the Shura clan will remember it in their hearts.

Even if Gu Zheng died, the gourd would have to go through a place to go back to Lu Ya on its own. There were two peak Da Luo sitting there all the year round, so the gourd would not be allowed to escape.

He had already destroyed all traces, and even Lu Ya didn't know where his gourd went. The man in black really had a good plan.

Moreover, there is also a bit of residual information on the ring, which cannot be removed at all. It is easy to be found by people of the same clan. Who would have thought that after being baptized in the central hall, all traces of oneself will be washed away, which belongs to the ancient dispute. .

"Is there no special existence? Can't you escape here?" Gu Zheng looked at Sister Xiong, "Can't even you, who is strong, escape?"

Sister Xiong's face was beginning to look tired, and Sister Xiong yawned, "I had a chance, but I gave it up, there must be someone here to share the evil spirit for them, I am here for those who still The partners who are resisting should be the first bridgehead."

"Speaking of which, that fruit of yours was cultivated by the guy with Suzaku's bloodline back then, using himself as nourishment. It can temporarily suppress evil spirits and restore sanity to those who are still in the second stage. Maybe you will meet again More other stuff."

"Is it this? I still have a few, you can use them first?" Gu Zheng took back all the rest.

Sister Xiong pushed back the fruit in front of her, "You should keep this, maybe you will use it sometime, and I." Sister Xiong smiled wryly, "The best way is for me to hide in my mind, so that the following Partners can last longer."

For some reason, Sister Xiong always felt that the fate of everyone in this world, including herself, was in the hands of this little guy. In him, Sister Xiong saw a glimmer of hope.

"I'm about to lose control, so don't waste the fruits. I'll say what I need to say, and I'll let you understand what I need to understand. If you still don't understand, go ahead and ask other people?" Sister Xiong's eyes flashed with pain,

"By the way, let this little guy take you out." Sister Xiong thought for a while, and grabbed it casually, and a tiny bug about fifty centimeters appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

"Xiao Chong, you will stay with Mr. Gu from now on, do you understand what I mean?" Sister Xiong's tall head rested on Xiao Chong's head, directly covering the sky above Xiao Chong's head.

Xiao Chong nodded quickly, and quickly became a phantom.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." A crisp voice sounded, and the pain was like that of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old human child.

Sister Xiong nodded in satisfaction. At this time, the halls began to close slowly again. Sister Xiong frowned, "You don't have time, hurry up."

With a wave of Sister Xiong's hand, Gu Zheng was in a trance, and when he realized it, he was already standing on the ground of the mountain, and in front of him was the trail that led him up the mountain.

Looking at a mountain with a pillar supporting the sky, Gu Zheng felt that everything was an illusion just now.

Gu Zheng felt something bumping against him on his leg, and in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be the worm just now, with a sky-blue body that was crystal clear, and now the worm hit Gu Zheng's leg with its head to show its strength exist.

Sister Xiong looked into the distance from the top of the mountain, her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the invisible barrier, and she murmured to herself, "You are still holding on."

The green eyes appeared from the bottom of the eyes, rising up little by little, and the same kind of great pain emerged from the body, Sister Xiong resisted and still looked into the distance.

When the green was more than half, Sister Xiong couldn't hold on to the upright standing posture.

Lying on the ground, he beat the hard ground with his huge fists, and began to howl in a low voice uncontrollably, with traces of blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, but he still refused to vent loudly, just not letting those Partners worry.

The green eyeball finally defeated the bright black world and successfully dyed the original world green.

Sister Xiong, whose eyes had returned to green, was back to what she had been in Gu Zhenglai, and now she was returning to her previous state, patrolling when the palaces were closed.

Sister Xiong didn't tell Gu Zheng that other people couldn't bear this kind of pain, so many people and monsters couldn't bear it, and they killed themselves or surrendered. Those who were struggling, each had a bitter hatred for the Shura people. .

After hundreds of thousands of years of torture and enslavement, an indelible hatred has been firmly formed in his heart.

Xiaochong felt that he was the most unlucky silkworm in the world.

Originally, Xiaochong lived in an extremely cold place with his own parents, brothers and sisters. Not to mention a rich life, Xiaochong was happier than Xiaochong.

No adult worms were brought together in the snow, looking for something to eat under the snow, and hiding from their own world. It was a big bird with a length of five meters.

Sometimes seeing my brothers and sisters being taken away, I can't do anything about it, because the only attack power of Xiao Chong's family is to spit out cold air, what a low-level method.

But living in an extremely cold place, each bug is born with an inner diameter equivalent to three layers, and can reach up to five layers after adulthood. It is really enviable for Xiao Chong to become a big demon after adulthood.

Because of such a high level of cultivation, at least I will not be caught and eaten, and I can enjoy life in peace and security. The cold and delicious snow water, the fragrant plant roots, what a life I yearn for.

But an accident caused Xiao Chong's family to be torn apart. A huge flock of birds attacked his home. In order to protect the children, both parents died in battle, and his brothers and sisters also fled in all directions.

At that time, Xiao Chong also kept running in a panic, and then began to dig holes in the hard soil underground.

The Xiaochong family is born with the ability to make holes. In fact, they use their indestructible teeth to make a hole about the size of their own body.

Until I was exhausted, the hole in front of me was opened, and I fell into a bright and spacious cave.

There is a bright flower in the cave, exuding this astonishing cold air. You must know that the place where I lived was already very cold at that time, and now that I have entered here, Xiao Chong feels that he is about to freeze.

Looking at the way back, Xiao Chong thought about the big bird flying all over the sky, and the screams of his brothers and sisters before they died.

The cowardly little bug decided to take refuge here, and would rather freeze to death here than go out.

After enduring it for several days, the hungry bug wanted to go out only to find that the road he came from had disappeared.

He wanted to punch out again, but he was too weak to have any strength.

The little bug had no choice but to approach the bright flower slowly, the closer it was, the colder it became.

But freezing to death is better than starving to death. The feeling of hunger is really uncomfortable.

The shivering little bug came to the bottom of the flower with difficulty, and looked at the flower that was several times bigger than itself.

The little worm climbed up a hanging leaf, and slowly climbed up. The little worm felt that he was about to freeze, but his hunger made him bite it hard.

Xiaochong looked at his teeth wanting to cry without tears, and a few of them were broken off.

I had no choice but to use the remaining teeth to grind down bit by bit. After grinding for a long time, the unconscious bug finally rubbed off a little powder, and the bug that swallowed subconsciously froze into ice in an instant.

I don't know how long it took before the ice cubes outside the body fell, and Xiao Chong shouted in his heart that he was freezing to death, but he didn't feel hungry inside.

Xiao Chong's consciousness is still stuck in the thoughts before freezing, every time Xiao Chong is hungry, he will eat that flower, and every time he will be frozen into a lump of ice, anyway, Xiao Chong has no concept of time.

Eat when you are hungry, and sleep after eating, the body of Xiao Chong slowly changes from the original blue color to this translucent crystal.

The bug's body didn't change much, but it ate more and more stems and leaves each time. Finally, one day, the bug ate all the flowers from the root to the flower.

And on this day, Xiaochong officially became a fairy and crossed the catastrophe. Dark clouds began to gather in the sky above Xiaochong. Xiaochong was also very panicked, feeling that he would die if he stayed here.

Because the bug didn't even know what happened.

So Xiao Chong broke through the ice wall that he couldn't open before and went out. At that time, Xiao Chong was miserable. There was no magic weapon, and no one taught Xiao Chong what to do.

Jieyun behind him slashed at Xiao Chong one after another. Fortunately, Xiao Chong's skin and flesh were strong, and under the transformation of that strange flower, Jie Yun did not cause too much damage.

Following the final blow, Xiao Chong was also knocked unconscious, and a Shura who happened to be attracted by this movement attracted him, put Xiao Chong away, and found the cave where Xiao Chong was hiding before.

I took out the silk from before the worm, it was the worm entangled itself during the growth process, and when it came out, it shrunk a circle, the worm only knew that after the silk was spun, the body would become more pure anyway, changing from blue to green. Turned into blue, has become this crystal clear.

Afterwards, Xiao Chong was taken back to his home by the Shura man.

By the way, this Shura family is not bad, once let Xiao Chong find the feeling of heaven, what delicious food, millennium Ganoderma lucidum, ten thousand year ginseng, the same thing every day.

Later, it was discovered that the worm started to threaten Jiali to lure the worm without spinning silk. In the end, the worm spun silk obediently, but it could only spit a certain amount a day. After hundreds of years, the worm was given to a little worm Children, of course, the task of spinning silk every day must be completed.

At that time, Xiaochong came into contact with this world in a real sense. He studied and grew up with this little boy, and constantly instilled the knowledge of this strange world. He knew that the place he lived was called Honghuang, and he also understood that he was originally There is nothing wrong with raising pets to eat and drink, as long as they spit out the garbage that has not been fully digested.

Although he knew that the silk he spit out was a treasure, but for Xiao Chong, it was better to exchange it for some delicious food, such as Wannian Ganoderma lucidum or something.

Later, as the little Shura grew up slowly, Xiao Chong started to take risks with this Shura. This Shura was called Xiao Nan, and Xiao Chong was also named by Xiao Nan, and he liked it very much.

Xiaochong also helped Xiaonan save herself from danger many times in the battle. Breathing out is familiar and can no longer be familiar, and then it can be used as meat at critical moments. Although Xiaochong only has the cultivation base of a fairy, it is also very difficult to break through the golden fairy in the later stage .

Coupled with the handy illusion technique, Xiao Chong learned it silently.

When I was lonely, Xiao Chong could still talk with Xiao Nan. Those times were really happy, and the relationship between the two has become a reliable partner, and they can really live together and die together.

Then one day, Xiaochong looked at Xiaonan with a gloomy face, and said to himself a lot of words about not giving up on himself, saying that he would never hand you over to anyone, let me go to the trial place and wait for him to find Xiaonan. Worm, before Xiaochong could say anything, Xiaochong threw it in with a face of reluctance.

When I first came in, Xiao Chong didn't feel unaccustomed to it. The environment I was in before was worse than this, but it was difficult for Xiao Chong to have no food. Although I didn't eat well when I was traveling, I always It's better than these weird big trees and stones.

Although it's okay not to eat, but the bugs who are used to eating still go out to find food.

Instinctively, Xiao Chong headed towards the mountain peak closest to him, where there was the smell of his favorite food.

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