Zhao Man took a closer look, and saw that a long gun with blue light was firmly resisting the thick beam of light, and even the air next to it was a little distorted.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Even Zhao Man, who thought he was doomed this time, turned around and blocked himself with a long spear that came out of nowhere.

Slowly, the beam of light became thinner and thinner, and the blue light on the spear's body became weaker and weaker.

With a bang, the beam of light disappeared, and the spear was still suspended in mid-air. Could it be some tiny lightning flashes flowing on the gun?

Zhao Man had another feeling that the spear was calling to him, waiting for him with joy.

Slowly, Zhao Man approached the spear, and the people behind him almost stopped breathing. This is a magic weapon against the power of heaven and earth.

As soon as Zhao Man grasped the body of the gun, the blue light that was still outside was received into the body of the gun with a whoosh.

The spear is two feet long, golden in color, with a five-clawed dragon coiled on it, extremely sharp, shining with a cold light. The whole body is cast from star steel, and scattered starlight looms on the pitch-black surface. The spear is sharp, and a blue light flows, showing extraordinary power.

Zhao Man was looking at it, when suddenly a force surged from the gun, Zhao Man involuntarily raised the spear in his hand, pointed it at the sky, and a blue beam of light emerged from the tip of the gun.

The slender blue light eats insects in the sky, lifeless, and the sky that was covered with dark clouds just now disappeared directly into the sky without leaving a trace, as if it had never appeared.

Even the howling wind disappeared, and the sunny weather with blue sky and white clouds returned.

The entire army looked at Zhao Man who was holding the battle flag high in one hand and the spear in the other.

"Lord Protector of Artifacts" Xiaowei Lu murmured to himself

All the people are not talking in silence, the follower Zhao Man continues to move forward, feeling that there is endless power in his body, the morale is full, everyone knows

"Justice Must Prevail"

Xue'er stuck out her tongue at the end, and massaged Gu Zheng attentively.

The eldest prince was patrolling the entire camp and returned to his tent, where Lin Zui was already inside.

There was a bandage around Lin Zui's head. It seemed that the wound had been healed from the previous battle. Looking around, many people were frowning.

The whole tent is in a state of depression, the current situation is really bad.

When the old thief in Yongquan took the opportunity of face-to-face with some of his own soldiers and some guards who had been recruited to detain the father and the emperor, the eldest prince happened to be not in the palace.

Soldiers were gathered immediately to counterattack the palace. In order to preserve the integrity of the palace and reduce casualties, they did not immediately order a desperate attack.

It wasn't until the gate of the outer city was tricked that the eldest prince realized that it was an extremely huge conspiracy. Most of the soldiers stationed outside turned traitor and were infiltrated under his nose.

In a hurry, the eldest prince had no choice but to lead the soldiers and generals of the royal family out of the city, and sent envoys to ask for help from the city lords.

Originally, the eldest prince was almost the same as that thief soldier in Yongquan, but it was a pity that the city lord who first wanted to help the former emperor came from behind, causing a collapse.

Fortunately, Lin Zui led the soldiers to the rescue in time, otherwise even the eldest prince would have been involved in that battle.

Originally, the relationship with Yongquan over there will now have more soldiers, and there is a quasi-immortal with internal energy reaching the fifth level on the opposite side. If it weren't for Lin Zui's adventures, he would have advanced as well, and his side would have been killed by thousands of miles up.

In the past few days, there have always been more losses than wins in large and small battles, and morale has been very low.

And every day on the opposite side, new city lords lead private soldiers to join in, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger. The number of soldiers has reached 8,000, while Party B only has two city lords who came, and they were ambushed halfway, causing heavy losses.

No one expected that Yongquan would rebel so straightforwardly. There was no movement before, and no one expected it.

One must know that the first emperor was so kind to him that even his granddaughter married his eldest son as his wife.

The eldest prince still said, "Do you have any other good ideas?"

A subordinate stood up and said, "Now we only have 5,000 soldiers, which is not only half the number of troops, but also the morale is very low these days. What's more, our supplies are running out."

The subordinate once again mustered up his courage and said: "Otherwise, we will go back to the city under our control and come back another day."

"No." Lin Zui interrupted the following words directly, and said to the eldest prince, "There are still many nobles in the city who have not surrendered to Yongquan. If we retreat, we will really be powerless."

The eldest prince understood Lin Zui's words, if he was really afraid, then those guys might completely lead him to the other party, how could he fight against him with the few cities at that time.

"There's still the sixth prince." A weak voice recalled.

Everyone remembered that there was also a heroic sixth prince, but it was a pity that one person's limit on the battlefield was too small.

Unless the sixth prince suddenly becomes a fairy, it is possible to end this war.

With this kind of thinking, it is still a bit reliable to think that all the high-level people on the opposite side will be poisoned to death collectively.

The atmosphere that had just been lifted fell down again.

The prince also said helplessly: "Go down, comfort the soldiers, and strengthen the camp."

Everyone retreated one after another, only the eldest prince and Lin Zui were left in the tent.

The eldest prince asked Lin Zui disappointedly: "Do you think we still have hope?"

The fairy who saved him suddenly flashed in Lin Zui's mind, and he said in an uncertain tone


At the same time the other camp.

Unlike the silent Grand Prince Yingding, this place is full of laughter.

Soldiers are more energetic and confident.

At the central tent, the banquet has already started.

Yongquan sat in the main seat, with an unstoppable smile on his face, toasting and drinking with his surroundings, and the tent was full of laughter.

Everyone is praising Yongquan, what a joy for the host and guest.

By the time everything was over, it was already midnight, and Yongquan was a little drunk.

The original special envoy came again, Yongquan looked at him and said proudly, "I have done what you said, don't forget your commitment."

The special envoy doesn't care about Yongquan's arrogance, some tricks are useless in the face of absolute strength.

"Don't worry, what I promised you is definitely fine. People have been sent over there, five of them, and nothing will go wrong. I just hope you don't screw up. Let's end it as soon as possible."

"No problem, you can see the result tomorrow." Yongquan was a little proud and smiled wildly.

If I hadn't waited for them to give me a final answer, I would have stopped delaying. With the master they gave me, although Lin Zui on the opposite side was also at the fifth floor, which was beyond my expectation, it was harmless.

Supporting Lin Zui, the rest will be pushed away in a wave. In addition, the opposite side has already sent Ren to hunt down and kill the sixth prince. Even if he is promoted to the fifth floor, he cannot resist the siege of the five people.

I am only one step away from the position at my fingertips, although I am also a puppet.

"I'm waiting for your good news. If that's the case, I'll take my leave first. I'm not needed here anymore." The special envoy chuckled and slowly retreated.

Yongquan really wanted to keep the other party, but the other party's background was too terrible, so he had no choice but to let go of his years.

The next day, early in the morning, Yongquan buried the pot and cooked, preparing for the final attack.

The bustling situation could not be concealed from the other party, the eldest prince worriedly called everyone to discuss what to do.

Discussions came and went, and in the end, they still had no choice but to choose the thieves to stick to the camp. A little defense is better than going out.

This change is also actively mobilized. For the eldest prince, this may be a better thing, because even if the other party does not come in a few days, he will have to go there. There is no way, and he is short of food.

When they retreated from the royal capital, they didn't bring so many supplies, even some supplies were lacking.

Slowly, the sun rose higher and higher, and when the eldest prince was still in full swing and stepped up to increase the defense of the camp, he came back quickly following the guarding of the surrounding soldiers.

The eldest prince knew that the other side had come, and the war was imminent.

The eldest prince brought some personal soldiers and personally commanded in front to shake up the fluctuating morale.

Rows of soldiers stood behind the low guardrails in strict formation. In front of each guardrail were sticks stabbed obliquely, and behind them were several low arrow towers. To be honest, it was not easy to do this.

If it is in the city, it is not afraid to double the army, but it is a pity that there is no pity.

Yongquan led several generals and stopped outside the range of the bow and arrow.

Every soldier in the back is ready, so he has to take Yongquan to give an order to break through the enemy.

"Eldest prince, why do you say we should fight and kill? If you surrender here, I guarantee that your family will have no worries in the next life. Why waste the lives of soldiers." The loud voice guaranteed that everyone on the other side could hear it. Not low either.

"Soldiers on the opposite side, if you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, I will also guarantee your safety. Why die with the eldest prince? Think about your family and the wife behind you."

As soon as they come up, they start to attack the mind, which is also based on the continuous victory of Party B.

To be honest, if the officers who had been recruited hadn't rebelled and guaranteed that the eldest prince would die in the city, they wouldn't have worried about this army.

Is Yongquan's words useful? It's useful, as you can tell by watching the commotion on the side of the eldest prince.

The eldest prince didn't answer, and continued to comfort everyone in the camp. These useless words are basically useless in this place. At this time, either you die or I die, and harmonious scenes will not be used.

The eldest prince's strength is the same as that of ordinary people, because he is the next generation of kings, and the training method is different. This is also because the naming given in the early stage is full of flaws. It will be better after knowing that General Lin Zui has arrived.

Yongquan also knew that these words had started to take effect, and it was just to disgust the other party. Seeing that the other party did not answer, he was very disappointed, and wanted to humiliate the other party.

Directly ordered the army to attack the opposite side.

Because there are many forests on both sides of the camp, they are directly divided into two parts and attack the camp in an all-round way.

The front row is a row of swordsmen holding shields, holding up the shields to block the arrows on the opposite side, followed by the bows and arrows of the second party, and the other infantry are on the two wings, lined up in a neat formation. advance.

There are also about 500 cavalrymen wandering around the periphery, waiting for the opportunity. This is the heaviest trump card.

It was not the soldiers of both sides that started the battle first, but Lin Zui.

A figure flew out directly from the opposite side, Lin Zui had no choice but to go out and let the other party block the outside, no one besides himself could stop the rush.

For a moment, the two figures rolled up and down, and the fight was fierce. In the previous few fights, the strength of both sides was equal, and now it will not be over for a while.

In the end, it depends on the respective armies to determine the final result.


First of all, the eldest prince shot out a rain of arrows, but most of them were taken down by shields, only occasionally a few unlucky soldiers were shot.

Afterwards, following Yongquan's bow and arrow shooting, the two sides shot back and forth at a distance of 80 meters. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but the eldest prince's side had fewer casualties, after all, there was a place to hide.

The sword and shield soldiers and the soldiers on the flanks took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward.

Just like the tide of the sea, they rushed to the reef in bursts. A group of people died in the front, and then continued to go up, endlessly, making people desperate.

The wooden thorns were pulled out, the fence was broken, and the simple traps were filled. After paying a lot of casualties, the defense lines on both sides were breached one after another.

It directly entered the fierce hand-to-hand combat, and every moment both sides died, and the screams and screams resounded throughout the battlefield.

The eldest prince is protected by layers of people, but the news from everywhere is not good, and the entire battlefield is retreating steadily.

"The general trend is set." Yongquan said to the people around him outside.

"Congratulations to General Yongda, no, it's Your Majesty." A sycophant was already flattering him when he saw the situation.

"Haha, let the cavalry come on, let this be over."

Yongquan laughed and ordered, no need for any tricks, just destroy the opponent with absolute strength.

The cavalry who had been lingering around the outer area couldn't bear it anymore after seeing the barrier opened. When they heard Yongquan's order, they killed them directly.

Even if there were only 500 cavalrymen, the movement caused was not small, and billows of yellow dust were flying behind.

The soldiers of Yongquan saw a passage and rushed over. They didn't look like they were killed by their own people.

How could the soldiers who had gathered in a hurry after seeing the cavalry be able to resist it? It didn't take a single round, they charged in at high speed, and they only lost a few members.

The nearby soldiers collapsed immediately and fled back in a hurry.

"Good opportunity." Zhao Man's eyes flashed, and he ordered the whole army to prepare to attack from the flank.

It turned out that Zhao Man had already arrived, sneaked to the other side of the forest under the cover of night, and got in.

Originally, according to Zhao Man's plan, he would directly find the eldest prince to join him, but Xiaowei Lu strongly opposed it and explained the reason to him.

If you add it yourself, the general trend cannot be changed. If you can fight and attack from behind, you can change the direction of the war.

In the end, Zhao Man agreed to Captain Lu's plan, and hid in the woods. Under the cover of someone, Zhao Man, who had hidden himself very well, was not discovered by the scouts from both sides, and he also had to worry about whether there were any spies on the side of the eldest prince. .

When the battle was in full swing, Zhao Man was eager to move, but the cavalry outside was too dangerous. On the plain, his team would definitely block the opponent's charge.

Seeing the cavalry on the opposite side rushing in, they will definitely not be able to come out for a while. Although I feel sorry for them, I have to do this in order to win.

"The whole army charges." The soldiers who were waiting in full battle rushed out with Zhao Man, pierced through the enemy's army on the flanks, and continued to advance along the arc.

Zhao Man was in the front, holding Lei Yan in his hand, no one could survive a round under him, no matter if it was a general or a soldier, standing in front of him would be death, unstoppable.

The earth-shattering shouts of killing came from the side, which was beyond everyone's expectations. When the eldest prince learned that it was reinforcements, his morale increased greatly. With hope, Kashgar got up desperately, and even knocked back the enemy's offensive by half step.

Yongquan's side was really shocked. No one thought that there was an army ambushing from behind and from the side.

Under the attack from both sides, now Yongquan's army is actually killed, please, my sister.

Yongquan hacked a deserter beside him to death, and the Great God shouted: "Kill over, whoever runs away will be killed without mercy." He also organized some soldiers behind him to see who retreated and executed him immediately.

Now the troops are still dominant, and when the cavalry inside are out, the reinforcements outside will not be a worry.

Now the competition is willfulness.

The eldest prince also knew this, and everyone desperately supported the cavalry, for a while, the pair of cavalry would not be able to fill up.

Although the master who fought against Lin Zui was also shocked by this scene, Lin Zui in front of him is the current enemy.

The two fought for a long time, and they left the battlefield a long time ago. Everyone was out of breath, and the blood on their bodies was stained with red clothes.

But Lin Zui is still desperately attacking his opponent, and the fourth young master doesn't care about his own injuries. This is different from staying behind before. This time, he really has to go all out. If the army is destroyed, what is the point of himself.

The master on the opposite side is also suffering, and he doesn't seem to die with the other side, but now he pulls away at all, unlike before, he has guessed, and now he is angry. Whoever dares to relax will die first.

For some reason, when he was about to raise his hands to block Lin Zui's attack, he was in a daze for a moment, and finally he saw the fist that was close at hand.

The head of the "crack" master was directly punched, and it was obvious that he would not survive.

Lin Zui was also stunned, this was just an ordinary blow, he had hit it countless times before, but this time there was a trance on the opposite side, it was really unbelievable.

Could it be that hemorrhoids are committed on the opposite side? Unable to figure it out, Lin Zui hurried to the battlefield.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was not objective. Although the first sneak attack caused a lot of support, but after Yongquan brutally suppressed the deserters, the situation was gradually reversed by the opponent.

If things go on like this, Yongquan's victory is certain, but a big victory will turn into a miserable victory.

At this time, Zhao Man was covered in blood, and he was still waving his spear and fighting hard. He kept moving forward, and continued to return and continue to kill after he got through, just to divide the soldiers on the opposite side. The captain is also by his side, but there are several cuts in his back.

But there are more and more enemy troops, and Zhao Man has been opening the way ahead, consuming more energy than usual.

Lieutenant Lu watched all this, cried and persuaded: "Mr. Liu, we will escort you to break through, if you don't go out, you won't be able to get out."

Zhao Man didn't speak, his resolute face remained silent, but he still swept away the surrounding enemy troops again and again.

Xiaowei Lu's knife chopped off the roll, grabbed one from the opposite side, and held it up high.

"Fight to the end."

The soldiers behind followed suit.

Looking at this scene, Yongquan sneered slightly: "It's just a struggle before dying."

No matter who it is, it can't stop me.

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