In the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, he just died like this, which is too fast, and the fighting power of these two people is too terrible, right?

Wang San couldn't help shrinking his head. Now he is very lucky. Fortunately, he was able to survive in the hands of these two people. If they hadn't asked him to do something, he might have been killed by these two people. The fighting power is really terrible.

Hu Feng's eyes also tightened slightly. These days, Wang Shuo has a very good attitude towards these two people. In fact, he has objections.

After all, only one of these two is a Daluo Jinxian, and the other is a Jinxian. In terms of strength, they are completely inferior to them. What's more, this Jinxian has such a treasure as life and death, and he should have killed him long ago.

With the balance of life and death, they have a greater possibility to unify the underworld.

But Wang Shuo has never agreed, and has been refusing. Looking at it now, Wang Shuo is right. The strength of these two people is really too strong, especially the gluttonous fairy, one-on-two, who can hurt two big players. In the middle stage of Luo Jinxian, it is really scary.

Wang Shuo narrowed his eyes, but did not speak.

"not good!"

Gu Zheng was vigilant suddenly, a somersault cloud appeared under his feet immediately, he turned over with a tendon, and a giant hammer suddenly appeared in the void, hitting his original position.

Gu Zheng disappeared, and the giant hammer also disappeared. Soon, the body of Ouyang Fu who had lost his head disappeared, and another Ouyang Fu appeared from the darkness.

When it comes to the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, there are basically some means to save his life, let alone Ouyang Fu, who has existed since before the opening of the sky, it is not so easy to kill him.

Even so, Ouyang Fu was taken aback by the two teaming up this time. He really hated the disappearance of a life-saving means, so he shot mercilessly, and the Vajra Hammer directly targeted Gu Zheng.

If it wasn't for Gu Zheng's fast running, he would have been killed with a single blow just now.

However, he didn't care about Gu Zhengrun. After being locked by his diamond hammer, he couldn't escape at all. There is another guy who makes him hate it even more. This guy's blood stains are really serious, and he is also sealed inside. , nothing can be sensed.

Shangguan Qing, who was with him, also had his own magic weapon, which he had already brought out to fight with Tao.

He was injured after a face-to-face meeting, which made him really annoyed, especially in front of Wang Shuo and the others. Ouyang Fu and Wang Shuo were on the wrong side, and Shangguan Qing and Wang Shuo were even more on the wrong side. trick.

Wang San was a little hesitant. Normally speaking, he is Gu Zheng's helper. He should do it at this time, but he secretly glanced at Wang Shuo and Hu Feng. Neither of them showed any signs of wanting to do it. After thinking about it, he Shrunk back again.

He was only in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and he couldn't match their strength. Wang Shuo didn't make a move, and he had no need to make a move.

On the other side, Gu Zheng just ran a somersault, suddenly felt something was wrong, and immediately turned somersault again.

In the void, a huge hammer suddenly appeared, and it was smashed down fiercely. Fortunately, Gu Zheng ran out ahead of time. If the hammer hits hard, even if he has life-and-death protection, he will not be able to do it. After all, the hammer is too powerful up.

I contacted Gu Zheng twice, and both locked on Gu Zheng, making him understand that the hammer can't run with pure speed. Wang Shuo said that the hammer has the ability to break through the air, which is true.

If you can't run away, then don't run. Gu Zheng has never been a one-sided person, and how many times can he run? Somersault Yun's speed is fast, but even he can't use it too many times a day. Run down, sooner or later you will be caught up by the hammer.

With the determined ancient battle, he turned another somersault in an instant, but this time it was in the direction of Ouyang Fu's battlefield.

Two somersaults came out, and one somersault back was enough. Before Gu Zheng fled blindly, he didn't care about the direction at all, but this time he went back, it happened to be a triangle.

Equilateral triangle.

Gu Zheng came back again, Wang Shuo and the others looked at Gu Zheng, one against two, although the realm was not as good as the two, but they did not lose the wind, on the contrary, Shangguan Qing and the others got a little angry.

In the void, the hammer appeared again.

Gu Zheng's body suddenly disappeared again, but when it reappeared, it was next to Shangguan Qing, and several yellow lights went towards Shangguan Qing at the same time.

This is the light of life and death, which is the light of life and death. It specializes in ghost cultivation, and even the Daluo Jinxian can't bear it.

A veteran Da Luo Jinxian like Shangguan Qing knew this very well, and hurriedly dodged, but just half way of dodging, his heart twitched violently.

Gu Zheng suddenly appeared beside him, then disappeared, and a huge hammer smashed towards him fiercely.

Gu Zheng actually used the diamond hammer to lead the hammer to Shangguan Qing's side, and used the enemy's weapon to deal with the enemy.

It was too late for Shangguan Qing to dodge. If he dodged, the light of life and death would be next to him. That thing would be more harmful to him, so he might as well resist the hammer.

He is not Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng is just a Golden Immortal, unable to withstand the heavy blow of the Vajra Hammer, he is a middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian, only in terms of realm and strength, he is much higher than Gu Zheng.


In this way, Shangguan Qing stubbornly resisted the blow of the Vajra Hammer. Fortunately, he also had a magic weapon in his hand. With the help of the magic weapon, he finally blocked it, but it also made him numb all over. If he had flesh and blood, his blood would definitely rise.

After leading the vajra hammer to Shangguan Qing, Gu Zheng flew towards Ouyang Fu without waiting for him to react. Tao and he almost had the same intentions, and the two teamed up to attack Ouyang Fu.

Although Ouyang Fu's state is very high, he is extremely afraid of Tao's blood knife and Gu Zheng's life and death. Under the pincer attack of the two, he is at a disadvantage.

The fighting power of the two of them stunned Wang Shuo and the others next to them again.

Two versus two, one side has two Da Luo Jinxians, and they are both in the middle stage, while one side has a Jinxian and a Da Luo Jinxian early stage, but now the combination of Jinxian and Da Luo Jinxian's early stage has completely gained the upper hand.

If someone told them this, they wouldn't believe it at all.

Hu Feng, in particular, would suddenly feel that Wang Shuo was right before and did not rashly attack the pair of brothers, otherwise it would not be certain who would win. If they had an absolute advantage, they would have been defeated long ago.

Ouyang Fu roared again and again, and an exquisite umbrella was summoned by him.

Although this umbrella is more effective against ghosts, it is a powerful treasure after all, and it is equally threatening against people with physical bodies.

On Shangguanqing's side, he finally withstood the attack of the Vajra Hammer, and immediately came out angrily.

With him joining, Ouyang Fu finally withstood the crisis just now, took the opportunity to retract the Vajra Hammer, and smashed it again.

But this time it's not about smashing ancient wars, but gluttony.

The reason why the attack target was changed was not because the Vajra Hammer was ineffective against Gu Zheng just now, it was purely because his hatred for Tao had already surpassed Gu Zheng, and he was so embarrassed by Tao just now.

The huge hammer smashed straight down from the air.

Tao was not Gu Zheng, and he didn't have somersault clouds, but he rushed straight towards the hammer, and raised the blood knife in his hand. Before Gu Zheng had time to persuade, Tao and the diamond hammer had already collided.


There was a louder sound than just now. This sound can be heard for thousands of miles around. Many ghost cultivators with low cultivation bases looked around in panic. You don’t need to look at this movement, just sense it, and you will know that there is a very powerful force. are fighting.

In the air, Tao's figure stepped back, to be precise, he fell backwards.

Gu Zheng swayed and caught him hastily. With Gu Zheng's help, Taocai stabilized his body. At this time, Ouyang Fu did not take the opportunity to attack, but stared blankly at the sky.

In the sky, that huge hammer just floated there quietly.

Wang Shuo, Hu Feng, Wang San and even Shangguan Qing were all looking at the hammer. The hammer gave them a different feeling.


The violent sound resounded again, but this time it was not a muffled sound, but a crisp sound. The hammer in the air was torn apart and fell down immediately.

The congenital treasure, the Vajra Hammer, is it broken just like that?

Not to mention Ouyang Fu, even Wang Shuo and the others couldn't believe it. This is an innate treasure, an extremely hard innate treasure. Let alone a Da Luo Jinxian early stage, even a quasi-sage, it is not so easy to destroy such a magic weapon. Hammers are inherently tough.

But now, it was destroyed, and it was destroyed by a Da Luo Jinxian early stage. For a while, everyone couldn't believe it.

Especially Ouyang Fu, who was almost stupid there.

Even Gu Zheng didn't expect Tao to be so powerful. He smashed the vajra hammer with one blow, which really relieved his anger. However, Gu Zheng was more worried about Tao's body. His blood was obviously unstable. hurt.

"I'm fine!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Tao stood up straight, and he held the blood knife in front of him again.

Blood knife, this blood knife.

Gu Zheng immediately stared at this saber. From the very beginning, he knew that this saber was weird, but he didn't expect that this saber was so powerful. ruin each other.

What kind of treasure is this blood knife?

Ordinary innate treasures are definitely not comparable to this blood knife, and even those innate treasures cannot be compared with it. Only a few in the hands of saints may be comparable to it.

It is even possible to reach the level of the magic weapon in the hands of Hongjun Daozu.

Not only Gu Zheng, but Wang Shuo and Hu Feng also looked at the blood knife in Tao's hand. Everyone knew that it was not Tao who really destroyed the Vajra Hammer, it was the blood knife that could not reach his strength.

In other words, it was Tao and the blood knife that destroyed the Vajra Hammer.

The treasure who can destroy the Vajra Hammer is Wang Shuo, and he is extremely jealous at this moment.

"Do it!"

Wang Shuo recovered quickly, and suddenly shouted, Hu Feng immediately understood what he meant, and the two flew forward, attacking Ouyang Fu together.

Wang San also moved, he didn't dare to move, otherwise the battle would be over, when the two people from Gu Zheng came to settle accounts with him, he didn't have the confidence to face these two perverts, let alone two, he would be alone Are unwilling to face.

Even if Gu Zheng only had a Golden Immortal cultivation base, he didn't have the confidence to fight it. Gu Zheng had life and death on his body, and with that abnormal speed, he believed that even if Gu Zheng attacked him, he would surely die.

Who made Life and Death Bo the ghost Xiu's nemesis, and he didn't have anything that threatened Gu Zheng in his hands.

Thinking about it now, it was ridiculous to think that there was a magic weapon with a full-strength attack of the middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian, and he could grab the life and death. .

The two real big Luo Jinxians couldn't beat these two in the mid-term, and his previous actions became a joke.

Wang Shuo's sudden move was both unexpected and expected.

Wang Shuo had been on the sidelines before, because he wanted to know the real strength of Gu Zheng and Tao. If they were not the opponents of Ouyang Fu and Zhuge Qing, then he would not mind joining hands with Ouyang Fu to kill these two and win the life and death book.

If the two sides are tied, he can better plan his subsequent actions.

If Gu Zheng and Tao had the upper hand, he could act as a middleman and force Ouyang Fu to agree to Gu Zheng's affairs, so that he would save face, and his prestige would only increase, not decrease after the word spread.

But even he didn't expect that Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing were no match for these two brothers, even Ouyang Fu's treasure was destroyed.

If things go on like this, Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing will lose sooner or later, and if they really lose, they may even lose their lives. At this time, any plan he thought of before can't be implemented, but he is also a decisive person, just thinking about it Next, a new decision was made.

Helping Gu Zheng and dealing with Ouyang Fu together can kill this enemy, and it won't do him any harm.

The addition of the three of them made Ouyang Fu finally panic. Facing the pair of perverted twins, they were no opponents, plus Wang Shuo and Hu Feng who were not inferior to him, they were even more opponents.

The three of them attacked together, Gu Zheng only had a cold light in his eyes, and then stepped forward again.

Of course, he knew Wang Shuo's purpose, but now they had destroyed Ouyang Fu's treasure and made a big enmity, so there was no reason to let this enemy go.

No matter what Wang Shuo's purpose is, at least it is beneficial to him at present, and Gu Zheng doesn't want to expose him, and there is no need to do so.

As for whether Wang Shuo's power swelled after killing Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing, it had nothing to do with him. It was good for him if it swelled up, at least it would be easier for him to do what he wanted to do.

Gu Zheng and Tao joined the battle group, while Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing were already thinking about fleeing.

They are not opponents, they are very helpless, at this time they cannot escape, especially Tao, although he was injured before, but now he is fighting more and more bravely, most of the injuries on Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing are caused by him brought.

Wang Shuo and the others didn't know that Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing's strength would decrease by one point without being injured once, but Tao's strength would increase by one point instead.

Ouyang Fu and Shangguan Qing felt it, but they couldn't avoid it, so they could only fight hard.

A day later, Ouyang Fu's figure turned into ashes and disappeared, while Shangguan Qing had died half an hour ago.

The five people teamed up, they could last for a day, or because Gu Zheng released the water, or because Tao deliberately did this, Tao was slowly harvesting them, absorbing their strength, and then harvesting them for his own use.

Killing two big Luo Jinxians in a row was still in the middle stage, which made Tao's strength increase a lot, and he faintly improved a level.

"Fellow Taoist Taoist, fellow Taoist Taoist Taoist, how do you distribute these things?"

Wang Shuo didn't know this, but he was in a good mood after killing even an old enemy. He displayed the spoils this time with a smile on his face.

There are a lot of trophies, and there are bad things in the storage bracelets on the two of them, but the ones that can really catch their eyes are those few powerful magic weapons.

First of all, Ouyang Fu's Shura Umbrella was destroyed by the Vajra Hammer, but the Shura Umbrella was not there. In the end, Ouyang Fu was killed and the Umbrella fell into their hands.

Then there is Zhuge Qing's soul-chasing sword, which can be regarded as an innate treasure, but the level is not too high. Zhuge Qing originally had a defensive magic weapon, but it was destroyed in the previous battle, so it cannot be used as a trophy.

"The Asura Umbrella belongs to you, the Soul Chasing Sword is to Friends Wang and the Third Daoist, and the rest is ours!"

Gu Zheng just thought about it, and then made a distribution arrangement. They were the main force to kill Ouyang Fu, and they had already demonstrated their strength. They would make the distribution, and no one else would have any objections.

"Give me?"

Wang San was stunned for a moment, there were only two treasures among the five of them, but Gu Zheng actually gave him the soul-chasing sword among them. of.

It is very difficult for a later Daluo Jinxian like him to get such a treasure.

"Yes, here you are!"

Gu Zheng didn't explain the reason, but it's obvious that he won't treat people who work for him badly, as long as others know this, that's enough.

Wang Shuo also did not expect that Gu Zheng would distribute it like this.

Except for these two treasures, although the other things are good, they can't compare with these two at all. He originally thought about whether he could win the Soul Chasing Sword, but he didn't expect that Gu Zheng would directly give him the Shura Umbrella.

Of these two treasures, the Asura Umbrella is of a higher level, more powerful in the Underworld, and more suitable for them.

Gu Zheng himself, however, only chose those things that could not be exchanged for a single treasure, which really surprised him.

"Fellow Taoist Tiexian, I admire you!"

He couldn't figure it out, but it didn't stop him from thanking Gu Zheng. He was very satisfied with this distribution plan, and Wang San was also very satisfied. It seemed that Gu Zheng was the only one who suffered.

Gu Zheng just smiled and didn't speak.

It seems that he is at a disadvantage, but in fact, it is not the case for him.

The Shura Umbrella is of no use to him, his Life and Death Bomb is much higher level than the Shura Umbrella, with the Life and Death Bottom, the Shura Umbrella is useless, as for the Tao, it is useless, his Blood Knife is the best weapon.

In addition, those things, after all, are the middle-term collections of the two Da Luo Jinxians, which are still very impressive and very good. There are also some things before the opening of the sky, which can be used to refine better treasures.

There are still many things in it that can be used by Wu You and the others. This is the reason why Gu Zheng chose these.

Compared with the two magic weapons that have no effect on them and are not of interest to them, these scattered things are more valuable, so after thinking about it, he made such an arrangement, which can be regarded as a happy arrangement.

And Tao, as long as Gu Zheng does anything, he will not object, and he has no interest in these magic weapons.

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