Just like at Changshan Ghost King, Gu Zheng has taken over here.

The difference from there is that there is only one leader, the Ghost King of the Four Seas. Before he left, he made a special arrangement to take good care of these people and never neglect them, so he left in a hurry.

This is his base camp, his lair. After operating it for so long, he would not run even if he was told to run away, and he didn't want any accidents to happen here, so there was such an explanation.

The ghost king of the four seas has left, except for the ghost king's mansion, everything in Yandu City remains the same. The ordinary ghosts in the city don't even know that a strong man has come to the city, and they don't know that their ghost king has left Yandu City.

The city is naturally different from Changshan Ghost King's place. Changshan Ghost King's place has a lot of people, but it's a hill, so it's not as lively as the city.

Gu Zheng is still very interested. He walked around Yandu City and even bought a lot of things.

Except that the sky is always dark and the food is different, in fact, this place is no different from the city in the mortal world. There are many ghosts, and it is the dead people from the mortal world who come here.

Gu Zheng noticed that there were many elderly people in the city, and many of them were the ghosts of old people who died normally.

"I remember that many people died in the mortal world, why are there so few young people?"

Gu Zheng asked casually, Huang Xiaolei hurried forward, and replied with a flattering smile: "My lord, you are talking about the mortals who were killed in the Lich War, right? There are indeed many dead souls who have gone to the underworld, and they were killed, so they all carry With resentment, ghosts with resentment are not allowed to enter the city, not only can’t enter the city, even the places where other ghosts live are not allowed to go!”


Gu Zheng stopped and asked in surprise.

"They are the souls of undeserved death. The resentment of the undeserved souls can't be eliminated. They may turn into ghosts at any time. Ghosts will lose their sanity and hurt other ghosts. Therefore, they are not allowed to enter the city. They can only enter the city after washing away their grievances city!"

Huang Xiaolei quickly explained, while Gu Zheng frowned, but soon relaxed.

Wu You and the others also died in vain, and they must have resentment on them, and it seems that they can't enter the city, but with this characteristic, they can narrow down the scope and find it easier.

"The soul of death in vain, how to cleanse the resentment?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"There are many ways to wash away grievances, such as the Wangchuan River outside the city, the river water can purify the soul and wash away grievances, if the grievances are not deep, take the water from the Wangchuan River for three months in a row, and bathe with the water of the Wangchuan River every seven days If it can be washed away, if the resentment is deep, the water of the Wangchuan River will be useless, and it is necessary to take the fruit of washing resentment!"

"Resentment fruit?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"This is a special fruit of the underworld. There are a lot of it. It is more effective than the Wangchuan River. It can wash away grievances better. For ordinary people who died in vain, if the grievances are not deep, take the fruit for washing grievances, one a day. Thirty days can cleanse the grievances, and the fruit tastes good, but the price is a little higher!"

"What if the resentment is very deep?"

Gu Zheng asked again, Wu You and the others were killed by Jinxian, and they were induced out of Fucheng, they were framed, the resentment is probably not too small, and they are immortal cultivators, this resentment must be Greater than ordinary mortals.

Unjust souls with too deep grievances will be captured and sent to the tower of hell, where the grievances can be washed away. If the grievances are not too deep, they can be released after a few years of purification in the first few floors. If it is really irresolvable Resentment, then send it to the eighteenth floor of the tower of hell, where the innocent souls can basically never come out again.

"The Tower of Hell?"

Gu Zheng turned his head and looked at Huang Xiaolei. Huang Xiaolei hurriedly explained: "The tower of hell was created when the underworld was born. It does not belong to anyone and no one can control it. Only innocent souls can enter it. Ghosts without resentment are Those who cannot enter the Tower of Hell, the deeper the resentment, the deeper they will go inside, and once they enter the eighteenth floor, it will be tantamount to resentment that cannot be washed away and cannot come out at all!"

"Can't you come out?"

"Yes, from the day of the birth of the underworld, there have been unjust souls being sent to the tower of hell. The first few floors have had the unjust souls come out after cleansing their grievances, but there are only eighteen floors, and no one has ever come out. There was once a The seventh floor has been purified to the first floor, and the ghosts who finally left the tower of hell said that the eighteenth floor of hell is very scary, and there are countless miserable resentments every day. Living in pain, but not free!"

When Huang Xiaolei said this, he looked around mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "I once heard an adult say that the Tower of Hell is a prison set up by the Dao of Heaven in the underworld. As a disciple, after entering, you will be immortal inside, but you will suffer pain every day, and you will never be able to get out, it is too scary!"

After Huang Xiaolei finished speaking, it seemed that he was also afraid, and he patted his chest.

There is something funny about a ghost acting scared.

"It's all rumors, it's unbelievable!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, but what he was thinking about was some things about the underworld in later generations. Bodhisattva, but his strength has reached quasi-sage, which is far beyond the comparison of Bodhisattvas with the strength of ordinary Daluo Jinxian.

Not to mention bodhisattvas, even some real Buddhas are no more than Ksitigarbha in terms of strength.

Such a strong man, sitting in the underworld all the year round, and there is such a sentence, which really makes people very puzzled. Gu Zheng never thought about it before, but now listening to Huang Xiaolei's words, this tower of hell is indeed a bit weird.

But the purpose of this trip to the underworld is not to explore the secrets of hell, but to find Wu You's dead souls, and the tower of hell, just listen to it.

After wandering around the city for a day, Gu Zheng also brought back a lot of grievance fruits when he went back. There was a store in the city that had the goods, and they all collected them and sold them outside the city.

Gu Zheng bought this thing purely out of curiosity, wanting to see what is so magical about this fruit, it can wash away grievances, and it is better than the water of the Wangchuan River, which is the largest river in the underworld, and the underworld is different from the prehistoric , There are four major continents in the prehistoric world, and the four major continents are all separated, and the underworld is a place without separation.

Although the underworld is not as large as the flood, it is larger than a single continent, and the area is not small. The Wangchuan River runs through the entire underworld. You can imagine how long this river is.

"It's a nice little thing!"

Gu Zheng tasted the fruit himself, and his eyes immediately lit up. Although it was born and raised in the underworld, there is a pure sweetness in this fruit, which is completely different from the underworld full of yin, and even incompatible.

No wonder this kind of fruit can wash away resentment. The purity in the fruit is as clear as the thoughts of the most innocent and innocent child. Resentment will be assimilated quickly under this purity.

"It seems that another food cultivator can be researched!"

Gu Zheng said to himself there, the food repair that can be directly consumed by ghosts has not been successfully researched, and Gu Zheng thought of the second food repair, the food repair to wash away grievances.

Use the fruit of Xienyuan as the main ingredient, with other accessories that have the same power of purity, such as water from the Wangchuan River, etc., to cook Xixiu for Xienyuan. It can wash away the grievances, and if the grievances are serious, there are only ten bowls at most.

If ten bowls can't be cleaned, they can only be sent to the tower of hell, and Gu Zheng has no choice.

The most important thing is that according to Gu Zheng's budget, this kind of food repair only needs ten grievance fruits as the main ingredient in one pot, and ten bowls can be made out of one pot of food repair, which is equivalent to one bowl of one.

Gu Zheng can solve what can only be done with 30 grains, and this is the extraordinary thing about Food Cultivation.

As for this kind of saving, Gu Zheng didn't care much about it. What he cared more about was the effect, which increased the effect of the fruit of purifying resentment. Those who must be sent to the first few floors of the tower of hell, after having this food repair, can There is no need to go in, the Tower of Hell only accepts people with resentment, even Daluo Jinxian, can't enter by himself, unless he has resentment on his body.

Also, Gu Zheng's research on this food cultivation is not for the benefit of the underworld.

He was preparing for Wu You and the others. There must be resentment on Wu You and the others. I don’t know how many ancient disputes there are. If you prepare early, you can completely wash away the resentment on them after you find them. Whether to bring them back or stay here is of great benefit to them.

This research lasted for five days. After five days, Gu Zheng looked at the boiling pot of food cultivation with satisfaction, purging his grievances and food cultivation. In theory, it had been completed.

As for whether it is really successful, he still needs to do an experiment. After all, no one with resentment has eaten the food training he made, and the effect is not yet known.

"Have you found all the people I asked you to find?"

Gu Zheng walked out of the room and asked a ghost cultivator with the strength of a fairy outside. The ghost cultivator nodded hurriedly and left quickly. Not long after, he brought ten different people over, and these ten people were accompanied by more than twenty people. People, several of them are golden immortals.

These ten people are all ghosts. Unlike normal ghosts, their eyes are red.

The redness of the eyes of the ten people was also different, some were very light, some were very dark, and they all glowed brightly. This was the resentful soul that Gu Zheng asked them to find outside the city in advance to test his food cultivation.

The reason why the Golden Immortal followed was because they were afraid that some of these unjust souls would suddenly turn into ghosts.

Although the resentment does not reach a certain level, it cannot be turned into a ghost, but it is not absolute. Some resentment is not deep, and it is possible to turn into a ghost. The wronged souls of the people may reach the realm of celestial beings.

That's all, the point is, if you are scratched or bitten by a ghost, you may be infected, and there is no cure, so ghosts with resentment will not be allowed to enter the city, or other ghost gathering places, and only wait for their resentment to dissolve. Entry is only allowed after removal.

In this way, even if a wronged soul turns into a ghost, it is still outside and has limited influence on the city.

Ten ghosts stood there one by one. Except for one with a little strength, the rest were ordinary people. The stronger the ghost, the stronger it would be when it turned into a ghost. It even reached the late Golden Immortal, so no one dared to ignore it.

Gu Zheng poured out a bowl of food repair, and first gave it to the soul with the reddest eyes.

The wronged soul was very puzzled, but sniffing his nose, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, even though he had no saliva to swallow.

"Drink it!"

Huang Xiaolei brought the food repairer over. The ghost hesitated, but he quickly drank all the food repair in the bowl, and took a breath of satisfaction. The food repair made by Gu Zheng was all for these ghosts to drink. s things.

Gu Zheng stared at the wronged soul, while the wronged soul looked around blankly, and his red eyes gradually weakened, and finally stopped when they weakened to half.

"How did you die?"

This person has a lot of resentment, Gu Zheng asked casually, and the expressions of the other ghost cultivators around him suddenly changed. For the wronged souls, the last thing they can ask is how they died, because it will arouse their memories of death, Resentment will increase.

The wronged soul lowered his head, seemed to be a little sad and angry, raised his head after a while and said: "I am originally from a rich family, and my family has a little money, but my brother, in order to fight for the family wealth, deliberately seduced his married wife, and the two joined forces. Murder me!"

It turned out that this man was killed by his wife and younger brother. No wonder the resentment is so deep. These two people can be said to be his closest relatives, but they joined hands to kill him.

After he finished speaking, his eyes were still the same, they didn't deepen, and they didn't show signs of turning into ghosts, which surprised some people around.


Gu Zheng asked Huang Xiaolei to send all the food repairs to them. The ten grievances quickly finished drinking the food repairs. Except for the first one, there was one resentment that had not been completely eliminated, but it was already very light. Gu Zheng estimated According to the situation of the first one, three bowls of food repair can completely clear up his grievances, and for the other, two bowls are enough.

After taking Shixiu, you can take it again after three days. Even the first one can be completely resolved in less than ten days.

Gu Zheng asked specifically, for someone like him who eats grievance-washing fruit every day, it takes a long time to dissolve his grievances. During this process, there should be no other accidents, such as discovering that someone close to him was killed, or finding that he was more than Such a little grievance.

No one can say the exact time, but one month is definitely not enough, maybe three months, maybe even a year, and if it is more serious, it will be sent to the Tower of Hell.

This shows that Gu Zheng's grudge-washing food cultivation was completely successful, and the effect was particularly good. It could indeed wash away the resentment of these innocent souls.

Except for these two, the other eight innocent souls have all their grievances washed away, and they are also very happy after washing away their grievances. Can.

This unexpected harvest made them very happy.

They are all ordinary souls, souls who were killed in vain in the war. They have no power or wealth of their own. On their own, they can only use the water from the Wangchuan River to cleanse their grievances. All of a sudden, the grievances are gone, and I can live in the underworld normally, how can I be unhappy.

The ten innocent souls are grateful to Gu Zhengdu.

Gu Zheng didn't care about this, he succeeded in cleansing his grievances, and when he finds Wu You and the others, he will be more confident in washing away their grievances.

Ten days later, the Ghost King of the Four Seas came back, but Wang Shuo did not come.

However, the ghost king of the four seas brought a message, and Wang Shuo invited them to come over and talk to him. Before Gu Zheng, he did not show the weakness of life and death, and he failed to attract Wang Shuo like he attracted Wang San.

"Then go to him!"

Looking at the ghost king of the four seas, Gu Zheng said something indifferently, but the ghost king of the four seas was full of bitterness. He just ran once, and now it seems that he is going to run again, and wants to take them there together.

However, what happened next surprised the Ghost King of the Four Seas. Gu Zheng didn't let him lead the way, he just asked the way clearly, and then they set off by themselves.

The ghost king of the four seas is just a golden fairy, and his speed is very slow. It is not enough to waste time by taking him. What Gu Zheng wants is Wang Shuo's location, as long as he knows the location, there is no need to take him with him at all.

The Four Seas Ghost King himself ran back and forth for more than half a month, Gu Zheng and the three of them only took three days to reach the place he mentioned, a relatively quiet place by the Wangchuan River with a good environment.

Wang Shuo is here, and next to Wang Shuo is a man in black. He is completely wrapped in black, which is a bit like the previous Tao, which makes Tao keep looking at him.

"Fellow Daoist Wang San, two fellow Daoists of the Great Desolation, welcome!"

Standing there, Wang Shuo's slender body looked very good-looking. On the later earth, this is definitely a handsome man who has attracted countless women to scream.

The Ghost King of the Four Seas had already explained the situation, and he also knew that the three of them were coming, so he was not surprised.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Shuo, I have long admired you!"

Even though he hadn't recovered yet, Wang San was not timid in front of Wang Shuo. He clasped his fists and greeted him. Anyway, he was also a Da Luo Jinxian.

"I heard that the three of you have something to discuss with me, what's the matter?"

Wang Shuo seemed very polite, and he was not arrogant just because he was a middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian. He also invited all three of Gu Zheng in, and sat down to talk in detail.

"I want to borrow the power of Fellow Daoist Wang Shuo!"

Wang Shuo got straight to the point, Gu Zheng didn't hide it, and explained it directly. Wang Shuo's expression didn't change, but Hu Feng beside him raised his head abruptly.

"Dare to ask you, why do you borrow?"

This Wang Shuo is very scheming. If someone else heard that he wanted to borrow his power, he might have turned his back on him long ago. To put it bluntly, it is borrowing. To put it bluntly, this is an order. Who can bear others to order themselves.

"Find someone!" Gu Zheng's answer was also very simple.

"Find someone?"

Wang Shuo lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head: "Fellow Daoist, someone was killed in the wilderness, and the soul of the dead has already entered the underworld?"

"Yes, indeed!"

Wang Shuo is very smart. Gu Zheng and Tao are not ghosts, but physical bodies. They came here from the prehistoric to look for someone. They must not be looking for living people, they must be dead souls.

Undead souls will not enter the underworld. From this point of view, the dead are quite important to Gu Zheng and the others, otherwise they would not come here from the prehistoric.

This surprised Wang Shuo.

He has lived long enough, so he knows more. It is not so easy to go from the prehistoric to the underworld. Even if you are a Daluo Jinxian, you cannot enter the underworld at will. Break the void to enter the underworld.

Just a channel, it's not that simple.

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