The eight ghost kings all looked at Gu Zheng with vigilance.

With their strength, it is natural to see that Gu Zheng is driven by the flesh body, and there are no simple characters who can enter the underworld with the flesh body. They are all ghost kings, and they are all old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years. How terrifying is the person who enters the underworld.

In the past, there was a person who strayed into the underworld with his body. It was a Daluo Jinxian. After arriving in the underworld, he wanted to go back, but there was no way. Not his opponent.

In addition to the Da Luo Jinxian, there were some people who came to the underworld later, basically with the same premise, they entered by mistake, entered by accident, did not know how to enter, and then wanted to go back.

There are prehistoric people, and there are also practitioners from other planes.

These people, the lowest level of cultivation are all golden immortals. Ordinary immortals cannot enter at all. As for mortals, that is even more impossible. Mortals enter the underworld with their bodies, and the yin energy of the underworld will instantly erode them and directly turn them into souls.

If a mortal enters the underworld directly, it is tantamount to becoming a ghost and looking for death.

Therefore, it is not easy for people who can enter in the flesh. These ghost kings have only heard of people who have entered the underworld in the flesh, but they have never seen it. For them, this is also the first time they have seen it.

"Everyone, I am here this time, and I have something to ask for your help!"

Gu Zheng was not polite at all, and walked over directly, regardless of whether they agreed or not, and sat down at the table. Although ghosts do not have physical bodies, their powerful ghost bodies are their physical bodies, and they can also eat and taste delicious food.

The things on the table are not bad, the underworld is a world of its own anyway, stronger than the three thousand small worlds of later generations, there are still some delicacies here, including wine.

Tao sat beside Gu Zheng, followed Gu Zheng, and sat down without saying anything.

"What do you want us to do?"

A ghost king stood up and asked Gu Zheng in a deep voice. Gu Zheng raised his head, glanced at him, and said lightly, "Who are you?"

Gu Zheng's words made Changshan Ghost King stunned for a moment, and his face immediately showed anger. Before he could speak, another person suddenly shouted: "Bold, this is the underworld, no matter who you are, you can't let yourself be arrogant here!"

The person who spoke must also be a ghost king. Gu Zheng didn't know which ghost king it was, and he was too lazy to know. Gu Zheng didn't say anything, and the reincarnation pen was suddenly thrown out by him. The attack magic weapon, but in the underworld, this is a divine weapon, the most powerful divine weapon.

The pen of reincarnation passed directly through the ghost king's body, and the ghost king didn't even have time to let out a scream, it turned into black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

With just one blow, one ghost king was killed, the powerful ghost king, and the remaining seven ghost kings were all stunned, gathering together unnaturally, all looking at Gu Zheng.

"I came to the underworld this time to find three dead souls who died in vain. I'm not interested in your power. You just need to listen to my orders and do what I say, and you'll be fine. But if you have any thoughts, Don't blame me for being rude!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he stood up suddenly, and he summoned Life and Death Book. The yellow scroll unfolded straight beside Gu Zheng, and the dazzling yellow light shot straight into the sky in an instant.

The Book of Life and Death should actually be in the underworld, it was born for the underworld, and only here can it play its true role.

The seven ghost kings stayed there for an instant, and the frightening aura from Life and Death Bo made them feel like they couldn't stand still and wanted to kneel down to worship. Every ghost king's body trembled slightly.

At the same time, figures appeared from many places throughout the underworld, looking up at the sky.

Life and death Bo appeared in the underworld, as long as the ghost kings who have reached the Daluo Jinxian realm can sense it, these are the real ghost kings, not those in front of Gu Zheng. Just the king of ghosts who dominates.

"Hell, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful!"

Beside the distant Wangchuan River, a ghost king with a slender figure stood by the river, looking at the direction of the ancient dispute, and sighed slightly, life and death can determine the universe of the underworld. I don't know where the book of life and death went after the opening of the sky. Of the three books of heaven, earth and man, only the book of the earth appeared in the world, and the remaining two books disappeared without a trace.

This disappearance has been going on for so long, but today, Life and Death Book appeared, and it appeared in the underworld, and it is unknown what kind of changes it will bring to the underworld.

"Brother Wang, did you feel it too?"

A figure suddenly landed next to the slender figure. The person who landed was wearing a black robe, including his head was covered by a black hat, so he couldn't see what he looked like at all.

"Who can't sense the appearance of a human book!"

The slender figure seemed unfazed by the man in black robe, and snorted coldly.

"That's right, life and death are rare, and it has a great influence on my underworld. I really don't know who is lucky enough to get this treasure of heaven and earth!"

The black-robed man didn't care at all about the tone of the slender figure, and said with a sigh, the two of them, one named Wang Shuo and the other named Hu Feng, were both Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base.

Wang Shuo has reached the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian, not an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian.

Now it is the early days of the prehistoric period, and it is difficult for the Da Luo Jinxian to cultivate. Except for those who existed before the opening of the sky, most of the Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base is not high. In the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, it is already not easy.

Although Hu Feng is only in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, he is not an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian. He is a cultivator that existed before the creation of the world, and even a cultivator of the monster clan. , At that time, he was only in the realm of the Golden Immortal, so he had no choice but to escape from the army. Fortunately, he entered the underworld and practiced in the underworld with his primordial spirit.

The two were originally enemies. When it was said that Hu Feng was almost killed by Wang Shuo, but after fighting for so long, the two became friends instead, but they usually spoke in this tone, which was not quite right.

"Good luck, I don't see you either!"

There was a flash of light in Wang Shuo's eyes. Hu Feng knew that he was an ambitious person and had always wanted to unify the underworld, but he had never been able to do so.

The resistance to unifying the underworld does not lie in those ordinary little ghost kings, but in the hidden forces of Da Luo Jinxian, those ghost kings on the bright side, they don't even look at them, even if Hu Feng doesn't like to develop his own power, there are many Such a little ghost king belongs to him for his protection.

Without the protection of Da Luo Jinxian from behind, it is impossible for these little ghost kings to gain a foothold.

Therefore, although most of the Da Luo Jinxians did not directly command one side of the forces, in real terms, their strength is not small, and they can summon a group of forces to fight for themselves at any time.

According to Hu Feng's investigation, Wang Shuo controls more power. Even he doesn't know exactly how much. Anyway, the investigation reveals that it is much more than him.

Hu Feng only investigated once, and asked lazily afterwards. Anyway, he has no ambition to rule the underworld, he just wants to live a safe and stable life for himself, and whoever rules the underworld has nothing to do with him.

On Gu Zheng's side, Gu Zheng and Tao sat in the center, and the seven ghost kings were all standing there. Apart from them, there was no one else in the hall.

Through these seven ghost kings, Gu Zheng has a deeper understanding of the power of the underworld.

These seven ghost kings all have a common Da Luo Jinxian behind them, a Da Luo Jinxian named Wang San, a very common name, and because they belong to the same power, they usually have a good relationship.

Gu Zhengliang was born and died. Although they were not Da Luo Jinxian, they could face the life and death directly, and immediately felt the huge pressure. Gu Zheng said whatever he asked, and quickly leaked all the old stories.

"How many great Luo Jinxians like Wang San are there in the underworld?"

Gu Zheng asked again, knowing that there is a stronger force behind it, so there is no need to grab these little guys, and it will be better to find these big Luo Jinxians to cooperate.

It doesn't matter if they don't help, then call them to help. In short, even if they search the whole hell, Gu Zheng will also find Wu You's souls.

"This, we don't know, there must be many, the underworld is too big!"

Several ghost kings looked blank, and in the end it was Changshan ghost king who stood up and answered. For ghost kings of small forces like them, they really don't know how many people are at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

"Where is Wang San, you all know!"

Gu Zheng asked again, the seven ghost kings were terrified, but they still nodded bitterly. They are relying on Wang San's forces, and they don't even know where their boss behind the scenes is, so how could they say it.

"Yin Shan, you run, please come here to tell Wang San, I'll wait for him here!"

Gu Zheng said something to the Ghost King of Yinshan, and the already pale face of the ghost king of Yinshan immediately showed the color of crying, looking extremely ferocious and ugly.

"Why, don't you want to go?"

Gu Zheng deliberately snorted angrily, revealing his mid-Golden Immortal cultivation. The Ghost King of Yinshan trembled in his heart and shook his head hastily. It's as simple as crushing an ant, in fact, it's the same. The previous companion was easily killed by him.

If these evil gods want to find the big boss behind the scenes, they should report it. When the time comes, be careful, it's not that they don't resist, but they can't resist. I believe the big boss behind the scenes will not make things difficult for him.

After Yinshan Ghost King took the order, he left quickly. As for whether he would escape midway, Gu Zheng didn't care at all.

He can give up his power and run away, and Gu Zheng can still give him a thumbs up, not to mention where he can go when he runs, Gu Zheng has life and death, he can attract more power, sooner or later he will find him.

The remaining six ghost kings were still standing in front of Gu Zheng, no one dared to move, and Gu Zheng ignored them, instead enjoying the delicacies of the underworld with peace of mind.

Although the underworld is dark, it is one of the upper realms after all, and the taste of the food still has its merits. When the interest came, Gu Zheng even made some delicacies with the ingredients from the underworld. He and Tao had a great time eating.

The territory of Changshan Ghost King has already been taken by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng didn't give them any orders, just waited like this, when he was idle and bored, Gu Zheng even used the ingredients from the underworld to study food cultivation that could be eaten by the soul.

Ghost cultivators are different from ordinary immortal cultivators. They do not have a physical body. Many immortal cultivators can take elixir, food cultivators and the like, but they cannot. They must make something suitable for their soul and physique.

I have never tried this before, but this time I can try it.

Seven days later, Gu Zheng's ghost food cultivator hadn't been researched yet, a ghost cultivator with red hair and very long hair descended from the sky, and the remaining six ghost kings rushed to greet him, kneeling there, not daring to move.

Although no one came to report, but just looking at their attitudes, Gu Zheng knew that the right lord he was waiting for had arrived.

"Your Excellency is not a ghost cultivator, why did you come to my underworld and kill people in my underworld without authorization?"

Seeing Gu Zheng coming out, the red-haired Ghost Xiu had a bright light in his eyes, and he spoke slowly, although his tone was not serious, it was obviously asking for guilt.

"I'm not a ghost cultivator, and I'm not interested in the underworld. I'm here this time purely because of one thing. For this matter, I want to ask all the fellow Taoists in the underworld to help!"

Opposite is a big Luo Jinxian, Gu Zheng didn't speak much softer like the ghost kings before, no matter what, Gu Zheng needs the help of the forces of the underworld, and it is impossible to find Wu You by him alone of.

Relying on him alone, just like when he was in the wilderness back then, no matter what, it was impossible to find Tao, even though Tao was actually by his side.

"Please help, do you have such an attitude?"

Wang San's tone was still calm, but aggressive, Gu Zheng smiled, just looked at him, not talking.

In fact, when Gu Zheng let the Ghost King of Yinshan pass by, he knew that Wang San would definitely come. Take the bait.

For ghost cultivators, Life and Death Bottom is stronger than other magic weapons, and it is the best treasure. No ghost cultivator can refuse this temptation, so Wang San must come.

Because of this, he was in the mood to study food there before, just waiting for Wang San to come.

Come, he don't want to leave.

In fact, it was true. Wang San had sensed the appearance of Life and Death Bo before, but they could only sense the direction, not the specific location, so Wang San didn't move.

The ghost king of Yinshan Mountain came to him and told him that someone had entered the underworld with a physical body, and the life and death of the person who carried it was thin. The most important thing was that this person had only a middle-stage Golden Immortal cultivation base, which made his heart move all of a sudden.

Life and death is powerful, but it also depends on who owns it. In the hands of Jinxian, this golden immortal is invincible in the underworld, but it is not suitable for Daluo Jinxian. Power, especially the power of the ghost cultivator, the power of the ghost cultivator can never break through the thin defense of life and death.

Not only that, Life and Death Bo still has a powerful attack force in the underworld. The light of life and death brought out by Life and Death Bo is ineffective against living people, but it is born to restrain ghost cultivators, not to mention Jinxian, even Da Luo Jinxian can't resist.

That's why ghost cultivators are so eager for life and death.

If Gu Zheng were the Da Luo Jinxian, he would never come, he would just seek death, he was very relaxed, as a ghost cultivator, he would never be the opponent of Da Luo Jinxian who has life and death, this is a natural restraint, there is no way.

But Gu Zheng is a golden immortal, and he does not only have the attacking method of a ghost cultivator in his hands. He has also entered the underworld with a human body before. He once harvested a good magic weapon, which is a one-time attack magic weapon. A powerful attack in the mid-term, and not the attack power of ghost cultivators.

This kind of attack can break through the defense of the life and death book controlled by the golden fairy. As long as the golden fairy can be killed, the life and death book will fall into his hands.

With the life and death book, he is the strongest person in the underworld. When the time comes, he can dominate the underworld and become the real king of the underworld.

Such a temptation, he couldn't help but come.

Seeing that Gu Zheng didn't speak, he didn't get angry, and looked at Tao beside Gu Zheng.

This is also the entry of the physical body. Previously, it was Gu Zheng who shot, and Tao did not move, so everyone was not very clear about his strength, but Wang San became more cautious the more he watched, and his expression became more serious.

He found that he couldn't see through this person.

There are only two kinds of inability to see through. One is that this person is stronger than himself, and the other is that he has concealed himself. Otherwise, even if he can't see the real cultivation of the other party, it is probably still possible.

Every realm is different, low realm practitioners cannot see through high realm practitioners, but high realm practitioners can somewhat see through low realm practitioners.

Can't see through, this is definitely not good news for him, it means that this person can either hide himself, or his strength is not weaker than himself.

If the former is better, but if it is the latter, the opponent has life and death, if his blow can't kill the opponent, I'm afraid he will run away, otherwise he may not even be able to run away.

Wanting to understand this, Wang San didn't hesitate, and suddenly summoned his magic weapon, but before he could use it, his eyes turned into a mass of blood, Tao rushed to strike first.

Today's Tao is not the inexperienced innocent kid back then. When Wang San stared at him, he had already guessed what the other party was thinking. He didn't know what means the other party had. wrong.

He has been doing the same for a long time, and he is the first to act first.

Even Zhao Gongming couldn't get rid of Tao's blood stains, let alone Wang San, a ghost cultivator. Wang San immediately became dazed in the blood stains, and soon there were several wounds on his body. The ghost cultivator had no body, so there was no blood. What flows in their bodies is the essence of their own cultivation.

In just a split second, Wang San felt that one-third of the power in his body had disappeared, which surprised him.

Wang San was surprised, Tao was also very surprised, but Wang San was shocked, he was pleasantly surprised, although Ghost Xiu's body has no blood, but his blood knife can directly absorb the energy in Ghost Xiu's body, which is better than directly absorbing blood.

This discovery made him ecstatic. Doesn't this mean that the underworld has become the best place for him to practice, and here, he can definitely improve his cultivation quickly.

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