"Young master, this, this is an elixir!"

Wu You took the jade bottle, couldn't hide the joy on his face, looked at it over and over again, Ma Duo was better than him, but the good was limited, he also held the bottle and kept looking at it.

Aunt Cui's performance was slightly better, she was a bit reserved, but she was also overjoyed.

"Mine, where is mine?"

Aunt Cui took the Android bottle away, and she screamed anxiously, Aunt Cui opened the bottle with a smile, but she was about to cry if she didn't give it to him.

"Go back, remember, no matter who it is, you can only eat it once every seven days. If you eat it once, you must not eat it again within seven days. Do you understand?" Gu Zheng ordered again.


Several people happily left Gu Zheng's room with the jade bottle, while Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head.

To him, this is a contemptuous elixir, but to Wu You and the others, this is the best treasure, the best treasure, the treasure that can enhance their strength.

This kind of elixir is okay to use in the realm of transforming Qi, but it is a bit reluctant in the realm of transforming gods. It is not very meaningful when it reaches the realm of returning to the void. Using such elixir with Jinxian's strength is basically useless. It is estimated that Quantum is also used to motivate Disciple, he himself does not eat.

Now that these elixir have fallen into the hands of Gu Zheng, just let him reward Wu You and the others. On the front line, monsters were also killed.

Gu Zheng has been thinking about what rewards to give them, and this time the elixir is just right, so that Gu Zheng, who is empty-handed, can finally come up with a reward.

The elixir has not been distributed, only half of it has been distributed, and the rest will be given to them in the future, which can also be used as an incentive.

The four left happily. Aunt Cui strictly followed Gu Zheng's request and only gave Andrew half of the elixir. Now that he is too weak, eating one can't digest it, and it's not good for his health, so he can only give half of it at a time.

Even half of it is of great help to him, and can quickly improve his strength.

When several people got the elixir, they all made the same choice, retreat, especially Wu You and Ma Duo, who were too eager to improve their strength and strength. These few times it was Gu Zheng's hand, and they couldn't help , There is always that sense of powerlessness in my heart.

The monster clan and the witch clan are still fighting, and the human race alliance will not come over to disturb the ancient dispute for the time being. Fucheng has rarely returned to calm. This time, it will last for a whole year.

In a year's time, Gu Zheng did two food repairs and went out once more, but even so, his cultivation base was only raised from the middle stage of returning to the void to the late stage of returning to the void, and he had just broken through, from the late stage of returning to the void to the late stage of returning to the void. Jinxian is a slash, and he doesn't know when he will be able to step over this slash.

This year, Tao still didn't come back, and now he has lost all news of him, if not for his life and death, Gu Zheng would not even know his life and death.

That knife, that magic knife, if he could go back, no matter what, Gu Zheng would completely destroy that knife, but unfortunately he couldn't go back, and he couldn't find Tao.

"Young master, there are many immortals outside!"

Gu Zheng was standing in the yard, Ma Duo ran in quickly, and then said loudly, after a year, Ma Duo's cultivation base has improved a lot, with the help of elixir, now he has reached the late stage of the fifth floor, and he is far away from Qi Hua. The realm is only one step away.

If nothing else happens, he will be the first to become a fairy.

Next is Wu You. Wu You has caught up well, but he is still farther and farther away from Ma Duo. Now Wu You is only at the early stage of the fifth level of inner energy. It will take a while to break through to the Saint Immortal.

Aunt Cui is at the late stage of the fourth floor, and she has calmed down recently. Aunt Cui has been practicing with peace of mind, and her realm has not changed much.

Finally, there is Andrew. He can't compare with Wu You's physique after washing the marrow and cutting the bones. He is only in the middle of the third level. more than just distribution.

Fair distribution, which seems to be the best, is actually the most unfair. Those who cultivate fast, work hard, and have talent, there is no need to wait for the people behind, just go faster if they can. Only by improving their strength as soon as possible can they have Maybe it will help me in the future, the ancient struggle has always been like this, so the distribution is also like this.

Ma Duo practiced the most diligently and improved his realm the fastest, so the resources were tilted towards him, so that Gu Zheng could get help as quickly as possible.

"I see!"

Gu Zheng replied, and walked outside. He had just discovered that there were many immortals flying in the sky, there were dozens of them, but these people seemed a little embarrassed.

The immortals all landed in the inner city, and An Pin was carefully entertaining them. When Gu Zheng arrived, he saw dozens of people sitting there, looking very decadent, and many people were injured.

"Uncle, he, he is that Fellow Taoist Tiexian!"

As soon as Gu Zheng came, a young man pointed to Gu Zheng and said, this is the first time a young man came here with Jin Mingzi, and the man he called Master Uncle was a man in his forties. flushed.

"Fire poison into the body?"

Seeing his appearance, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. This person was not weak, but he couldn't control his expression. It was obvious that he had been poisoned, and it was very poisonous.

"Friends of Daoist, you have a good eye, Daoists who are under fire. These are all immortal cultivators of our Human Race Alliance. The Wuliang Kingdom has encountered a catastrophe. I have escaped by chance and escaped all the way here. I hope you will not take offense!"

The man with a fiery face clasped his fists and said, he is one of the three leaders of the Human Race Alliance. Who is it that can poison a golden fairy with a fire attribute?

Last time, the three of Jin Mingzi had told him about the situation of the Human Race Alliance. Gu Zheng was no stranger to the Human Race Alliance and knew their strength. They had more than 20 Golden Immortals and more than 800 Celestial Immortals. Such powerful strength However, no matter whether it is the witch clan or the monster clan, neither side could please them in the past. If they want to eliminate them, they will definitely suffer great losses.

But now that the two lich clans are fighting, it is impossible for anyone to separate their forces to turn against the other side.

"What happened to the Boundless Kingdom?"

Gu Zheng frowned, and asked softly, there are more than five million people in Wuliang Country, and they are all human beings. If Wuliang Country suffered disaster, one can imagine what will happen to the people there.

"Boundless Kingdom, gone!"

Daoist Huo had a sad expression on his face. They had been guarding the place all the time, but now it was gone, and no one felt good about it.

No matter what their purpose is or how selfish they are, after all, they are working hard for the whole of mankind. The place they are guarding now suffers a catastrophe, but they escaped. Everyone's heart is very heavy.

"Don't worry, rest here first!"

Gu Zheng didn't continue to ask, and asked Wu You and the others to prepare food and accommodation. Regardless of the relationship between the Human Race Alliance and him, and regardless of the former Wuliang Daoist's desire to seize his treasure, since these people came here, he will receive them. Take care of them.

After the break, Gu Zhengcai communicated with them and finally knew what happened.

Because of the presence of many immortals, Wuliang Kingdom has become a refuge for humans. Over the past year, humans have been migrating to the surrounding areas. The total population has exceeded six million. There is a food shortage with the Yaozu, and it is the same with them.

In order to obtain food, Wuliang Kingdom also searched everywhere, but tried to avoid the battlefield of the Lich clan.

But there are only so many resources around, you can’t get them if you get them, the nearest Lich Battlefield is only more than 50,000 miles away, and the two sides there are out of food, food is scarce, and they are all eyeing the Wuliang Kingdom This big piece of fat.

Millions of people, plus the food surplus in the city, this is enough to feed any one of them for a long time.

Who would have thought that the two Lich clans who have been fighting for a long time, actually ceased the war for food. The two sides made an agreement to attack the Wuliang Kingdom separately, and they could only attack for one day at a time. During this period, the two sides went on strike.

For the sake of food, the two sides in the war actually stopped. Although they did not join forces, it was almost like joining forces. They attacked the Wuliang Kingdom separately. How could the Wuliang Kingdom withstand such repeated attacks? After holding on for ten days, they were finally defeated.

It was the Witch Clan who finally defeated the Wuliang Country, but the Yao Clan did not keep their agreement. After they defeated the Wuliang Country, they came to snatch the population of the Witch Clan and sneak attack the masters of the Witch Clan.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the monster race, I'm afraid that Taoist Fire and the others wouldn't be able to run away. The fire poison in Taoist Fire was injured by a monster with a fire attribute.

Taking advantage of the Lich War, they escaped. After escaping, they had nowhere to go. One of them thought of Gu Zheng, and a group of people ran this way. First, they wanted to see if the city on Gu Zheng was still there. They continued to run forward, if they were there, there would be a place to rest.

"You just sit back and watch those two clans, and plunder the population of the city to their heart's content?"

After hearing what they said, Gu Zheng's face was very ugly, and his tone was not very good. They failed, and there were only 30 or so of the more than 800 immortals left, and there were only three golden immortals, and the others were not killed in battle. , I just don’t know where to go, I’m not with them.

"We are helpless!"

Speaking of this, the Fire Taoists seemed a little ashamed. They knew that they had escaped like this, and they were no different from their companions who escaped in the previous battle. At that time, they called those who sneaked away as deserters, but in the end they also became deserters.

No matter what the reason is, they left in the end, that is, deserters, because the people they guarded were being slaughtered and plundered.

"Forget it, you guys are recuperating here first, if you need anything, just tell me!"

Gu Zheng shook his head and left for the time being. These people were all placed in An's house. An Pin has been very busy these days. They are all immortals. He doesn't know how powerful these immortals are, but an immortal can easily Squeeze them to death.

But judging from their attitudes, it seems that they don't dare to offend Lord Tiexian in the city, that's good, at least they won't be overwhelmed by others, and he is also worried that these immortals will become masters showing off their power once they arrive here, and they will all be in bad luck.

Ordinary people have no possibility to fight against the immortals. The kid in their family, Andrew, has only been a teacher for a long time and has been practicing for a long time. Now more than a dozen big men in the family can't beat him. If he didn't keep his hands, he would kill them all.

According to him, this has not yet reached the realm of a true immortal. After reaching the realm of an immortal, he will be truly powerful. At that time, he can fly in the sky and be omnipotent.

Andrew is still young, and he believed that immortals are omnipotent since he was a child, even if he practiced himself, he couldn't change this view.

"Uncle, are we going to let him humiliate like this?"

In the backyard of An's house, Daoist Huo was pulling out the poison himself. Several young people walked in, and one of them said something angrily.

"shut up!"

Taoist Huo's expression turned pale, and he immediately scolded.

The young man was not talking, but it was obvious that his expression was still the same. This time they ran out, and they were like bereaved dogs at first. Seeing that the city still existed, they came here immediately, even if they were living under the fence.

But not everyone has this kind of awareness among them who live under the fence. After all, they are all used to being high-ranking immortals. Suddenly there is someone watching them here, and they feel uncomfortable doing anything.

In fact, this is also their own feeling, Gu Zheng has never cared about them at all, as long as they don't act recklessly to harm the ordinary people in the city, they can do whatever they want, and Gu Zheng will not interfere.

This is their own feeling. They always feel that there is an 'outsider' called Gu Zheng. They are not used to it. According to their thinking, everyone in this city should provide for them. If there is any best thing, come and bring it to them first. , People in the city can do what they allow, and people in the city must not do what they don't allow.

They used to be like this in Wuliang Kingdom, and they still want to be like this when they come here, but there is Gu Zheng, which prevents them from enjoying these treatments, and the people in the city are only convinced by Gu Zheng.

"I've already found out that he's only in the realm of a fairy, but he's just returned to the void!"

The young man who spoke is only in the realm of transforming gods, it is really inexplicable that Gu Zheng's return to the void is actually dismissed.

"I said shut up, you didn't hear me, if you want to die, go yourself, don't implicate us!"

Daoist Huo really got angry this time, and glared at the young man fiercely. The young man was startled, said a few words submissively, and ran away again after finding an excuse.

After he left, the rest of the people also left, but two people came out from behind. They were always there, but those young people didn't notice it at all.

These two are all golden immortals, and they are also the other two golden immortals who survived this time.

"Fellow Daoist Huo, what he said is actually unreasonable. That Tiexian is not a little fairy, but he dared to scold us directly. Now that we have cultivated a lot, it is easy to take him down. It is better to get rid of him. We are temporarily This hideaway!"

A golden fairy agreed with what the young man said just now, but he said what the young man failed to say.

"You guys, you are so confused!"

Daoist Huo didn't treat him like he did to those young people. He sighed and continued, "Do you know that the Juming Department of the Monster Race and the Haotian Department of the Witch Race are near here?"

The two nodded, and Taoist Huo said again: "It's so close, will they let this place go, will they come here? Besides, how many people came here last time and went back to report, saying that there were dozens of people from the demon clan, Jinxian There were five of them, and when they came here, one of them was inexplicably killed on the spot by the Tiexian, and the others ran away, have you all forgotten about this?"

What he said was quite a sensation in the Wuliang country at the beginning. As soon as he said it, the two golden immortals immediately remembered it.

"What Fellow Daoist said, I understand what Fellow Daoist means. That Tiexian is not as simple as it appears on the surface, not a fairy, but a master who hides his strength?"

"You guys!" Daoist Huo shook his head again: "His realm, I think, is like a fairy, not hiding his cultivation, his real age is only about ten years old, just a child, but he doesn't talk like a child at all. A child, I suspect, he was reborn from his house, and he still has the treasure from before!"

Taoist Huo's guess is a bit outrageous, but it is close to the truth. Gu Zheng is not the consciousness of Tiexian itself, but the consciousness of a later generation. It can be said that it is the past.

But he doesn't have the disadvantage of taking the body, this is his body in the first place.

Somewhat contradictory, but true.

Gu Zheng had a baby, and they guessed it. Taoist Huo also knew something that other people didn't know. The unscrupulous Taoist was jealous of this person's baby, and ran out secretly, but he never went back after going out. The disciples he took out also failed to go back. At that time, Daoist Huo and the others explained that Daoist Wuliang was going out on business and might have to come back later.

To the immortals, going out for a few years is nothing at all. Who would have thought that this catastrophe would come a year later.

Looking at it now, Daoist Wuliang may have encountered an accident, and his sufferer may be this Tiexian, this child, so Daoist Huo never underestimated Gu Zheng from the beginning to the end, on the contrary, he paid great attention to it.

"Also, we have already asked, the witch clan and the demon clan have not been here for more than a year, why, I guess, they are afraid of this place, why are they afraid of this place, isn't that obvious?"

"You mean, they are afraid of Tiexian?"

The two golden immortals were suddenly serious. They knew the temperament of the Lich clan very well. Now that food was in short supply, they would not let go of the powerful Wuliang Kingdom. How could they let such a small town go?

There is only one immortal in this city, but this one immortal has protected the city, and no one from the two races has come to harass him.

"That's why I'm worried, but it's okay, at least it will be much safer here. Let's recuperate first, and everything will be done after the injury is healed. If no one here dares to attack and stay here, it might not be us. good luck!"

These immortals say they want to protect human beings, but in fact they also have a lot of selfishness in them. There are battlefields everywhere in the Lich Wars. Individuals are easily injured or killed by them. They are not cultivators on their own side. , are all one word, kill.

If it is safe here, staying here until the end of the war is equivalent to allowing them to escape this disaster, so it is also their good fortune.

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