The death of two monsters with the strength of transforming energy, not only suppressed all the monsters, but also made the monsters in the realm of transforming spirits a little dumbfounded.

This is a rhinoceros essence, and this rhinoceros essence has reached the late stage of gasification, even if it wants to take down this rhinoceros essence, it will take some effort, but I didn't expect that someone in the city would kill it so easily. This gave him a chill in his heart.

There is a fairy in the city, it must be, or a very strong fairy, at least stronger than him.

There will be no witches in the city, and the witches are not with the human race. The witches think that the human race is an inferior race, and they have always looked down on the human race, because the human race was created, and they were born of heaven and earth.

Similarly, the Yaozu also look down on the Human Race. The Yaozu here refers to the real Yaozu, not ordinary monsters.

However, the thoughts of these monsters inevitably affected other monsters, especially many monsters directly said that the human race was created by the female snail, and the female snail is their famous predecessor of the monster race, so the human race should be created by the monster race. slavery.

However, the human races all live on the ground, while the Yaozu's territory is in the sky, so the Yaozu didn't pay much attention to humans.

But some powerful immortals appeared in the human race, and some immortals even worshiped under the saint's door. The monster race still knows this. No matter what the human race is, there are always saints, such as Sanqing.

In fact, several leaders of the Yaozu never thought that Sanqing was a human race. Sanqing was transformed by the spirit of Pan Gu, not a real human race at all, but Sanqing took care of the human race, so they gave Shang Sanqing some face, Even if he gave face, it was just ignoring the human race.

This time, nine of the ten golden crows were shot and killed by Hou Yi, which aroused the wrath of the demon emperor Jun. This was his son. They didn't fight, and there was no explanation afterwards.

Although he was angry, he still knew the influence, so he invited Lu Ya for revenge, and Lu Ya killed Hou Yi, but the clever Lu Ya didn't help Di Jun take the blame, and let the Wu clan know the truth.

People of the Wu clan have a fiery temper, otherwise Gonggong would not have slammed into Buzhou Mountain because of losing a fight, knocking Buzhou Mountain down, and the sky almost didn't completely collapse.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches quit immediately and approached the Demon Emperor. The Demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi jointly ruled the heavens. They were originally one body, so the two emperors were naturally unwilling, which eventually triggered a great war.

The monster clan and the witch clan have already started a full-scale war. There are not so many monster clans in the sky, but there are many witch clans on the ground. The witch clan likes to live in the mountains. This conflicts with the monster clan on the ground. There have been many conflicts for a long time. For example, today when the monster clan descended to earth, the monsters on the ground immediately responded and attacked the witch clan.

This monster team is under the jurisdiction of a monster clan in the sky. The leader of the monster in the realm of transforming gods is a mountain king and a squirrel spirit. Although it is not big in body, its ability is not small. This time He volunteered to come out to look for food.

Monsters who have reached the state of transforming gas have a certain ability to fast, but they can't stop eating at all. Golden Immortals can do it, but there are too few monsters at the level of Golden Immortals, not to mention, there are still a large number of them who have spiritual intelligence and have not reached the level of Monsters in the realm of transforming gas, these monsters can't break their rations.

Ten days of trouble caused the entire prehistoric region to reduce production on a large scale. The rations that were abundant in the past were not enough now, so the squirrel spirit led a team out to look for rations.

Fucheng, where Gu Zheng is located, became his target, but this time there were too many ordinary monsters, and it took nearly a month to arrive. After they arrived, these monsters would make everyone into adults and take them back. , for everyone to eat.

This is not the first time that the squirrel spirit has done it once before, but that time it was a small town with only a few thousand people, and it was quickly eaten up. This time it was the fox spirit who suggested that there is a city here, why not Coming directly to plunder, the vixen had passed by this place before reaching the state of transforming gas, and even pretended to be a human being, and went to the city to eat a lot of good things.

It knows the situation in the city and knows that there are no powerful people here, so it suggests coming here.

Whether it is the vixen or it, they all think that this is an easy task, and they will definitely be able to bring back a large amount of rations, and then defeat the Wu clan over there in one go. Unexpectedly, before entering the city, its two right-hand men are already dead. Empty.

"Immortal Artifact, still a powerful Immortal Artifact!"

The squirrel spirit said by himself, his eyeballs kept rolling, whether it was this immortal artifact or the immortals in the city, he was not sure how to deal with it, and now it was ready to retreat.

But it understands that it was so arrogant when it came, and it is not so easy to run now. It has a premonition that the gods in the city have already watched it, and as long as it runs, it will definitely come after it.

"Don't be afraid, I will stop the opponent's strong man, attack in full force!"

The squirrel spirit suddenly yelled, and those monsters who were stunned in place all turned around, stared at the city wall, and yelled again.

Attack, all attacks, all the monsters rushed forward, the catapult on the city wall, the crossbow arrows flew out again, and after a while, several monsters died under the crossbow arrows, and there were more monsters Injuried.

The squirrel spirit stared at the chaotic scene and didn't pay attention. Instead, he kept giving orders to attack, to attack forcefully, and to break into the city no matter what.

Under its forced order, some agile monsters really climbed up the city wall.

These monsters themselves have a certain strength, all of them are much stronger than ordinary people, and the crossbow arrows are powerful, and they are somewhat threatening to them, but compared to the number of monsters, they are still too small, and there is no way to stop so many monsters.

These are hundreds of monsters, and there are only more than a hundred crossbow arrows.


As soon as a monster climbed up the city wall, Ma Duo held up a big knife and let out a loud roar. Its big knife shone brightly. , suddenly became bigger, and a monkey spirit that had just climbed up was cut in half by him.

"Fairy Artifact!"

The squirrel spirit's eyes narrowed slightly, its eyesight could naturally see that the person on the city wall was holding an immortal artifact, and soon he found that not one, but two immortal artifacts had also changed, beheading The monster that climbed the wall.

"There are immortals in the city, and there are more than one powerful immortals. No, we must go!"

When the city wall was full of chaos, the squirrel spirit suddenly turned around and quickly flew to the distance. It has reached the state of transforming gods, and it can fly without the help of foreign objects.

The elephant it was riding watched in astonishment as his king left just like that instead of going to help on the city wall, very confused.

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

Just as the squirrel flew out, a faint voice suddenly appeared in its ear, the squirrel stopped hurriedly, and saw a young man in white standing in front of him.

"No, this is an illusion!"

The squirrel spirit immediately used the formula, and soon, it saw clearly the real person under the white clothes, a child of seven or eight years old.

Gu Zheng's illusion is very simple, not to mention the realm of transforming spirits, even people in the realm of transforming qi can't hide it. His illusion is originally for mortals, not real immortals.

Seeing that the other party was just a child, Squirrel Spirit was obviously relieved.

But soon, it frowned and asked: "Are you the immortal who killed my two brothers in the city?"

Without waiting for Gu Zheng to answer, it continued: "No matter whose sect you are or who your master is, do you know that my monster clan is now at war with the witch clan, and what you do will be harmful to you and your master?" There is no benefit, once my monster clan comes to take revenge, you... um..."

Before it finished speaking, its eyes suddenly widened, while Gu Zheng shook his head slightly.

This monster talks too much nonsense, Gu Zheng doesn't want to talk so much with it, there are still a large number of monsters attacking the city, and there have been casualties on the city wall, Ma Duo and the others alone cannot resist it.

Although there are immortal weapons that can greatly increase their strength, their realm is too low after all, and their immortal power can't last much time.

The squirrel spirit was about to make a long speech, and when he came to threaten Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng had already made a move quietly, and a fairy sword flew from behind it, directly piercing through its body.

Gu Zheng's realm is much higher than it. In addition, Gu Zheng has a lot of powerful fairy arts and methods. It is really not difficult to deal with a squirrel spirit in the early stage of transformation.

On the city wall, the battle has reached a fever pitch.

Ma Duo, Wu You, and Aunt Cui are showing off their supernatural powers. They all have the low-level immortal artifacts given to them by Gu Zheng. Now is the future, there is definitely a difference between having a fairy weapon and not having a fairy weapon, not to mention the current era where magic weapons win.

It's a pity that there were only three of them, but there were hundreds of monsters, and some monsters rushed to the city wall.

There are more and more monsters climbing up the city wall. Before they get excited, they suddenly fly over in vain. They only feel a pain in the head, and then their consciousness slowly dissipates. Outside the city, Gu Zheng floating in the air is satisfied. Looking at the whisk in his hand.

This whisk is not of high rank, but it is a powerful weapon for group warfare. Each of the whisker's nine hundred and ninety-nine white hairs can be turned into a sharp arrow, piercing through other people's bodies. It is perfect for dealing with this large number of little monsters. But that's all.

All the monsters were killed, most of them were killed by Gu Zheng, a few were Wu You and Ma Duo, and a few unlucky ones died under the crossbow arrows.

"Young master!"

Ma Duo was covered in blood, and when Gu Zheng landed on the top of the city, he hurried over and bowed to salute. He was very excited about killing so many monsters with his own hands, and he felt an indescribable sense of comfort.

His village was plagued by monsters, and he hated monsters the most in his life, but he never thought that he would have such a chance to kill monsters. He hated monsters, and he had been ruthless before. It is not obvious that he is a kind-hearted person.

"Young master!"

Wu You and Aunt Cui also came over, and they also killed a lot. The fairy artifact that Gu Zheng gave them was really good, but it was a pity that it was too expensive. Now they all feel limp and have no strength.

"You all did a great job!"

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded, Anpin and the others also went to the top of the city, looking at the corpses of monsters all over the city wall and under the city wall, trembling with fear.

"This is just a part of the monsters. They will come again. Increase the recovery of making crossbow arrows. In addition, the corpses of these monsters will be disposed of, and all useful things will be left, especially the bones. A batch of bone arrows will be produced!"

Gu Zheng gave an order, floated directly down the city wall, and returned to the Wu Mansion to practice.

He was right, this is just the first batch, the Lich War has already begun, and the words of the squirrel spirit have confirmed all of this, now the entire prehistoric world is full of battlefields, where is the pure land, even the ancient war does not know.

Maybe there is a real pure land, but it is impossible for these mortals to reach it. If this group of monsters can come, it proves that there is a lich battlefield nearby. Possibly a more powerful monster.

He only has the strength of returning to the void, not even a golden fairy, even if he has two innate treasures in his hand, he still feels powerless.

He doesn't know how long he can protect this city. Maybe next time, maybe the next time, there may be enemies that are difficult for him to deal with. He has life and death in his hands, and he has various means. There is also a way to abscond temporarily, but once he leaves, everyone in the city will be unable to stay, and will eventually die.

In fact, he really wanted to take Wu You and the others away from the city. With his power, it is not difficult to lead them to live in seclusion, so that they will not be watched by a large group of monsters, but he has never been able to make up his mind. , so the people in the city will be organized to defend.

Hundreds of thousands of lives can be lost as soon as they are lost. Gu Zheng has never been relentless. He often says that Ma Duo is kind-hearted, but sometimes, just like Ma Duo, he cares a lot and cannot give up.

Perhaps because he is also a human being, he doesn't want his compatriots to suffer. After all, there are too many innocent people here.

After the monsters attacked the city, everyone in the city became more active. They all understood that danger was around and could appear at any time, and now it was no longer the original peaceful world.

Some timidly left the city, thinking of hiding outside, these people did not stop the ancient struggle, and did not let Anpin stop them. Now that there is a large-scale war, there is no safe place, but spread out, maybe some are lucky They can hide, after all, Honghuang is so big, it is impossible for them to find it everywhere.

In this way, some seeds can still be left.

After a month, there are still quite a few people leaving, a total of 10,000 to 20,000. However, this month has produced hundreds of crossbow arrows and 800 bone arrows, all of which are made of the sharp bones of those monsters. The original iron-headed wooden arrow is much stronger.

Two months later, the flames rose again. This time without Gu Zheng’s order, everyone went up the city wall. Now there are 400 crossbow arrows on the city wall, but there are only 1,500 bone arrows. The only suitable monster bones are these. Five hundred bone arrows were to be used in key places, so they also prepared eight thousand ordinary wooden arrows.

Huoyou and Rolling Stone are all prepared. Faced with the possible danger this time, the people in the city are not as panicked as last time.

After winning once, many people think that they will definitely win the second time.

The wolf smoke is lit very quickly, there is a beacon tower in the thirty miles, as long as there is a warning ahead, the smoke will be lit immediately, so as long as the wolf smoke is lit, there will be a continuous area.

Gu Zheng also stood at the head of the city. I don't know the strength of the opponent who came this time, but if it was the group of monsters sent last time, it must be stronger than the last time. The army is wiped out, no matter how stupid they are, they will not send people with the same strength to come again.

Not long after seeing the wolf smoke, a dense patch of darkness appeared in the distance, which made Gu Zheng's heart tighten a little.

The speed of coming this time is much faster than the last time, which also shows that the strength of the opponent who came this time is stronger than last time, much stronger.

The loess rolled up in the distance was quickly spotted by the people in the city, and many people clenched their weapons tightly, waiting for their opponents to approach.

After a while, Gu Zheng's brows twitched again. He had already seen that it was not monsters who came here this time, but the Wu Clan. A large number of soldiers of the Wu Clan rode all kinds of tame beasts, roaring towards them.

Soon, the people of the Wu clan arrived under the city wall. There were thousands of people in this group of Wu clan, each of them was more than three meters tall, and they also held various weapons in their hands, including maces and big axes. There are also big swords, the witches are not monsters, they also have weapons.

For Gu Zheng, if possible, he would rather face the monsters than face the witch clan.

The Wu Clan also has high intelligence, and they also use weapons. Sometimes they even use tactics. Facing the Wu Clan, whose individual ability is much stronger than that of the Human Clan, the Human Clan has no advantage.

At this time, the only advantage for the people in the city was probably the city wall, but the city wall was only five or six meters high, and it was really not a serious obstacle to these Wu tribe warriors whose height was at least three meters.

Thousands of Wu tribe soldiers were parked more than a mile in front of the city wall, not moving forward.

The leading Wu Clan was wearing armor and looked very aggrieved. After looking at the city in front of him, the part of the city wall that had been damaged by monsters had been completely repaired. Everyone looked at these Wu Clan and became nervous again.

The witch clan is different from monsters. The witch clan is relatively closed and unwilling to deal with the outside world, so the human race doesn't know much about the witch clan, and when the witch clan can have enough food and clothing, they won't go out, and they won't meet the human race , no contradiction can occur.

"Get in!"

The leader of the Wu Clan leader suddenly raised the long knife in his hand, swung it forward, and then rushed forward first. A thousand Wu Clan warriors, led by him, fiercely headed towards the city wall.

"Tabuchet, release!"

Wu You yelled, and thousands of trebuchets threw the boulder out at the same time, and some of the Wu clan's team suddenly appeared on their backs, but those Wu clan who fell on the ground quickly got up, and those who were not injured on their mounts rode again. Get on the mount and come forward. If the mount is injured, he ran and rushed over by himself.

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