Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 84 Master Wang

"Tomorrow is the promotion day for the Alchemy Guild."

Su Chen took a breath and prepared to go back to the room to have a good sleep.

At this moment, a clerk from Wubaotang came over with an envelope: "Mr. Su, during the time when you were practicing in seclusion, your cousin came to see you, but she left again after knowing that you were practicing. A letter was left."

"Cousin has been here?"

Su Chen took the letter and opened it. He saw Jiang Tingyi's handwriting on the letter, which contained a few words, saying that he had left for Tianyue College. If possible, he asked Su Chen to take care of his mother.

In addition, he also specifically stated that he would wait until the day when he became a truly strong man to meet Su Chen again.

Su Chen shook his head and looked at the handwriting on the letter. The words were just like the person he was writing, showing Jiang Tingyi's unique stubbornness.

"Just let her be."

Su Chen is not worried about Jiang Tingyi. Tianyue College is a very suitable place for her. After she breaks through the Condensation Realm and condenses the Yin and Yang dual true essence cores, she will definitely receive the attention and cultivation of Tianyue College, and her future will be bright.

Moreover, since Jiang Tingyi has gone to the Imperial Capital, they will meet again sooner or later, and that day may not be too far away.

Early the next morning, Su Chen woke up from his deep sleep, full of energy.

He walked out of the room and came to the entrance of Wubao Hall.

At this moment, a carriage with the Alchemy Guild logo was parked at the gate of the Five Treasures Hall, and a coachman stood beside the carriage.

As soon as the coachman saw Su Chen, he came forward respectfully and saluted: "Master Su, please get in the car!"

Su Chen got on the carriage and saw a figure flashing past the alley in the distance with his peripheral vision.

Su Chen sneered inwardly, knowing that this was probably someone sent by the Ye family to keep an eye on him, and wanted to take advantage of him when he left the Five Treasures Hall. Unfortunately, they were going to be disappointed. The Alchemy Guild sent a carriage to pick them up. Even if they had a hundred courages, they would not dare to touch the Alchemy Guild's carriage.

Sitting on the carriage, Su Chen discovered that the carriage looked low-key on the outside, but the interior decoration of the carriage was actually very exquisite, and the horses pulling the carriage were also magnificent horses that could run as fast as walking on the ground. Such a carriage was very popular in the market. It's also worth a lot of money.

He couldn't help but secretly lament that he didn't understand these things when he was in the Yunyuan Empire in his previous life. Now that he was reborn, he realized that in the Yunyuan Empire, the alchemist industry was so rich.

When the carriage arrived at the Alchemy Guild, Master Mo was already waiting at the door. When he saw Su Chen, his joy was beyond words.

"Little friend Su, please come this way."

Master Mo led Su Chen to the Alchemy Guild and said as he walked, "Little friend Su, there is something I need to tell you in advance about today's promotion day."

"What's up?"

Su Chen saw that Master Mo's face didn't look very good, so he asked.

"Today's promotion day, several people from the Anyang City Alchemy Association came over." Master Mo said.

"Well, that's normal." Su Chen nodded, his expression unchanged. Since it was the promotion day for the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild, there would definitely be people from the higher-level Alchemy Guild coming to act as reviewers, and he could expect that.


Master Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying, "What I want to say is not this matter, but another matter. A few months ago, that guy Sun Xuan saw that I was worried about the promotion of the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild, so he I made the decision without permission and helped me invite a second-grade alchemist from Huangshi City, saying that he could be temporarily affiliated with the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild and help me refine the second-grade elixir on promotion day."

"I didn't know about this matter from beginning to end. It wasn't until a few days ago that Sun Xuan told me." Master Mo said with a bitter smile, "The second-grade alchemist in Huangshi City is very famous, and I don't dare to tell him. Don't come, for fear of offending him."

"Su Xiaoyou, what do you think this should be?"

"That's it."

Su Chen didn't think this was anything, "It doesn't matter, let the second-grade alchemist from Huangshi City refine it. But the Coiled Dragon Grass still has to be mine."

Master Mo quickly said: "Of course, we agreed on the Panlongcao in advance. How could the old man break his promise?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "That's no problem."

Anyway, his goal from beginning to end has only been Coiling Dragon Grass. He couldn't ask for someone who was willing to help him refine it and save him time.

Master Mo felt relieved when he saw that Su Chen had no resistance. He knew that geniuses all have their own arrogance, and he was afraid that Su Chen would be unhappy if he knew that there were other alchemists coming to help the Qinghe City Alchemy Guild today. Now he was relieved to see that Su Chen didn't resist.

The two walked through the hall of the Alchemy Guild, went upstairs, and arrived at a large conference room on the top floor.

There is a rectangular table in the middle of the large conference room, and four or five people are already sitting next to the table. When Su Chen and Master Mo entered, they happened to hear these people chatting.

One of them, an old man about fifty years old wearing a flame robe, had a displeased face and said: "Master Mo said to pick up someone, but it's been so long and he still hasn't come up, why are you so procrastinating?"

Another middle-aged man with two golden coats of arms on his chest smiled and said: "Maybe the person hasn't arrived yet. Master Wang, please be patient. He should be here soon."

The old man in the flame robe known as Master Wang complained: "These guys in Qinghe City are too rude. They said they invited me to help refine the second-grade elixir on the promotion day, but in the end they invited others to help refine it. "What does this mean? Do you doubt my ability?"

The middle-aged man wearing two golden coats of arms said: "How is it possible? No one will doubt Master Wang's ability. Even if there is no other person to help today, with Master Wang's ability, it should not be difficult to refine a second-grade elixir." ”

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

Master Mo and Su Chen walked in, and the eyes in the conference room immediately focused on the two of them.

"Hey, Brother Mo, didn't you say you were going to pick up someone downstairs? Where is he?" one of them asked.

"Yes, Brother Mo, didn't you say that you invited a master who is extremely skilled in alchemy to come over and help refine the second-grade elixir?" Another person said, looking behind Master Mo, "Where is that person? ?”

"You're not here, are you? That's a pity. The master who can be praised by Brother Mo should be extremely outstanding in alchemy. I still want to get acquainted with him."

Master Mo smiled happily, gently pushed Su Chen beside him forward, and said: "Everyone, I would like to introduce to you, this is the master I told you, Mr. Su Chen!"


"Brother Mo, are you kidding us?"

Everyone in the conference room had expressions of absurdity and surprise on their faces, and at the same time, they finally began to carefully look at Su Chen next to Master Mo.

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