Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4232 Half Demon


Someone suddenly screamed.


"Where is the murderer?"

"get out!"

Many people immediately had magic weapons in hand and shouted loudly.

There was originally a roaring sound, but this scream directly ignited the tension in the scene.


A weak voice came, "No, I was just too nervous. I felt a gust of wind blowing on the back of my neck, and I couldn't help but scream."

Everyone was speechless, this guy was too timid.

Those who sacrificed the magic weapons also put away the magic weapons.

Everyone sat down again, and the boat was quiet again.

"Did you...hear someone singing?"

After a while, someone suddenly said timidly.


"Are you too suspicious?"

"Did you hear the sound of the wind as singing?"

Everyone has been fooled once, so they are extra cautious this time.

"No, I really heard someone singing!"

The man insisted, "If you don't believe me, try pulling out the cotton in your ears."

"I don't!"

The other party immediately flatly refused.

"I, I heard it too."

Another person said with a trembling voice.

"I also……"

More and more people report hearing singing, even with cotton stuffed in their ears.

But the strange thing is that some people heard the singing, but some people didn't hear it at all.

"Haha, there can't be a ghost, right?"

Some people couldn't help but joke, which relieved the tense atmosphere.

Su Chen also frowned, he didn't hear the singing either.

However, this should not have anything to do with ghosts, but rather the fact that human ears have different perceptions of sound frequencies. For example, children can hear some sounds but adults cannot.

That's the reason.

Maybe some people here have special hearing and can hear singing at that specific frequency.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you?"

Amidst the exclamations of the people next to him, someone suddenly stood up, with an expressionless face, and the black eyes rolled up, leaving only a patch of white, and walked towards the side of the ship.

Someone tried to stop him, but he couldn't. The man seemed to have become a walking zombie. He only knew how to move forward and could not hear any other words.

Everyone was stunned, what is going on?

Next, more people stood up, a dozen or so people, and walked towards the side of the ship.

"Have you noticed that these are the people who said they heard singing before?"

Someone said tremblingly.

When everyone saw it, it turned out to be true.

Hear a song that no one else can hear, and then be pulled by an invisible force and have to jump into the sea?

Maybe it's because the thing is too unbelievable, maybe it's nothing to do with you, or maybe it's because you can't stop it. In short, except for a few people who came out to block it at the beginning, there was no one behind it. Just watch. Then he jumped into the sea with the dozen or so people.

Su Chen thought for a moment, then jumped out of the ship and headed towards the sea.

Anyway, the boat couldn't leave now, so he just had to come back before dawn.

The strange situation here made him curious and wanted to find out.

Soon, Su Chen fell into the sea, activated his Third Eye, and saw the people who had jumped into the sea before.

At this moment, these people were all rowing their arms vigorously and swimming in the same direction.

Su Chen quickly followed, jumped into the sea, blended into the group of people, and swam forward with his arms.



After a moment, Su Chen looked surprised because these people actually swam out of the fog.

In the sight ahead, a huge reef appeared, with many figures sitting on the reef.

When we got closer, we could see that these figures were not ordinary human beings, because what they were fluttering and slapping in the sea was not their legs, but fish tails that shone with golden light!

"A half-demon?"

Su Chen could clearly see that these figures were all women, each with long golden hair and different looks, but generally speaking, they all had green eyes and extremely fair skin.

This scene made a familiar figure appear unexpectedly in Su Chen's mind.

Mo Qing'er!

Mo Qing'er's mother is said to be from the Jade Fox clan among the half-demon.

The mermaids in front of them obviously belong to another branch of half-demon.

Half-demon, as the name suggests, half human blood, half monster blood. In the territory of human warriors, their existence is rarely seen.

At this moment, these mermaids were opening their mouths, as if they were singing, but strangely, no sound came out, at least there was no sound to Su Chen's ears.

The goal of those who jumped into the sea was this huge rock. After they swam there, they all climbed up. They all stood with their hands hanging down and their eyes dull.

Su Chen also mixed in with them and followed them onto the reef. He felt that the temperature here seemed to be unusually low.

"It seems that we are lucky this time. There are sixteen people with the same frequency as us."

One of the mermaids spoke.

"Take them back quickly and eat them after mating. The flesh and blood of these human warriors is a great supplement."

"Hehe, look at these two, they are quite handsome.

I couldn't bear to kill him so quickly. "

"Don't be crazy, they are not our kind."

These mermaids obviously thought that none of the humans present could hear their conversation, so they spoke unscrupulously.

After hearing this, Su Chen understood that it turned out that these mermaids were the source of the singing. Their singing could only be heard by specific people. People were tempted and lost their sense of autonomy. They were like walking zombies and had to go to them to stop.

It seems that the fog is also their masterpiece. It is used to trap people here. At night, they use singing to attract people on the same channel, and take them back to use as fertility tools and food rations.

As for why they need to act at night, maybe their singing has the best bewitching effect at night.

At this moment, all the doubts had been solved, and Su Chen was not interested in pretending anymore, and said with a smile: "The most poisonous woman's heart is really not wrong at all."


The mermaids were shocked. How could anyone hear their conversation and interrupt?

"This guy was not affected, he just came here with the others!"

Some mermaids reacted immediately.

"Hmph, there is always no shortage of people like this looking for death."

The other mermaids sneered.

"I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed today."

Su Chen stood with his hands behind his back and said.

"Will not!"

A mermaid came to kill, her tail flicked on the ground, and she burst out with bizarre speed. Her body rose in mid-air to almost ten feet in length, and then she fell towards Su Chen in a dive, like a big fish rushing to eat. generally.

The mermaid grinned. A normal human's mouth could only open to a certain extent, but this mermaid seemed to be able to open its mouth infinitely wide.

Out of sight, only a huge mouth remained.

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