Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 3832 Su Chen’s Trap

Although this kind of opportunity is hard to find, Su Chen believes that this is the right way.

In the area close to the elixir base, with wars raging nearby, Su Chen seemed to have seen the Luo family's war period again.

However, the severity of the war that the Tang family encountered was obviously more severe than that of the Luo family.

The initial rebellion of the Luo family, even in the outer areas of the territory, most people did not know the news at all. The news was blocked. Only seven alliances surrounded the Luo family headquarters, and the battle basically revolved around the Luo family headquarters.

When it comes to the area covered by the war, it is really far inferior to the current Tang family.

Su Chen sent out soul-eating Gu insects to find out the news, while he stayed on the periphery to observe from a distance. Seeing the formation of the rebels, Su Chen himself had some guesses about the situation.

It can be seen that these rebels have vaguely got the news that there is a magic medicine base here, and are gathering their troops here. However, the main force of the rebels obviously did not have the correct method to break into the base.

Therefore, although the main force of the rebels continued to gather, they never launched an attack.

It can be seen that the rebels are also looking for an entry point.

After a while, the soul-eating Gu insect continued to send back a lot of information.

Su Chen concluded that the leader of the rebels was an ancestor-level figure. Under this ancestor, there are also a group of giants at the core elder level of the family.

Obviously, after the news of the elixir base was leaked, the rebels also attached great importance to it and planned to destroy the base in one fell swoop and seize it into the hands of the rebels.

If we could capture this elixir base, it would be equivalent to strangling the Tang family by the throat, which would greatly affect the Tang family's operations.

As for the Tang family's defenders here, their number is less than one-fifth of the rebels. If it weren't for the terrain and defensive formations, the Tang family would have been unable to defend it.

"Sir, according to my subordinates, there is no need to go to such trouble. The four of us will go directly into the rebel camp and kill the ancestor. Won't this battle end automatically? There is no need to make it so complicated."

A strong man under the high priest shouted impatiently.

"Then go and try."

Su Chen looked at the strong man with a half-smile.

The strong man shrank his head angrily and said no more. He also knows that the method he mentioned is not 100% safe. There are so many people on the other side, and it is fully capable of trapping a few of them. Even if they are high-level in the transformation realm, they cannot take this risk.

These strong men were a little disappointed when they found that their opinions could not be adopted by Su Chen.

Su Chen suddenly smiled: "However, I do have a plan here."

"Sir, what's your plan?"

These powerful men didn't realize it. Unconsciously, they followed Su Chen's rhythm and obeyed Su Chen's words.

Even when Su Chen came all the way to the Tang family to help put down the rebellion, they didn't object too much. Instead, they actively helped with suggestions.

"Tell me, if they knew that the true dragon bloodline appeared around here, would the leaders of the rebels be moved?"

Su Chen asked with a smile.

"Sir, you mean..."

Those three people were not fools, and they immediately understood what Su Chen wanted to do, "But wouldn't this be too dangerous for adults?"

Such a plan requires Su Chen to act as bait, which is naturally dangerous.

"I have no problem, it just depends on whether you can succeed."

Su Chen smiled.

"The three of us will certainly not let you down."

The three of them also clapped their chests and vowed.

That night, they began to arrange the layout.

Su Chen's layout consisted of traps, poisons and formations.

To be honest, this plan is not particularly brilliant. In ordinary times, it may not be 100% sure.

But at this time, people among the rebels were impetuous, and the probability of success was actually relatively high.

As long as the leaders of the rebels arrive and enter their trap, Su Chen feels that the possibility of the three high priests' strong men succeeding is quite high.

After the rebel leader is eliminated, the rebel army will be leaderless and will inevitably collapse.

In this remote and quiet valley, the early morning sunlight shines in, making the light in the valley slightly brighter.

However, the deep valley at this moment was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

The rebel troops are constantly gathering and have completely surrounded this area.

The person in charge of the rebels here is named Laozu, and he is a highly respected ancestor among the rebels.

His methods and control made all the people in the rebel army obey him and they did not dare to raise any objections. As a result, the organization of the rebels here appears to be much stronger than the previous seven alliances.

Even when the seven alliances are at their best, they often go their own way and no one obeys anyone.

Even if you obey the leader on the surface, you may make some small moves behind the scenes. For example, some families have many tasks and suffer heavy casualties, while some families have almost no losses.

This unfairness caused the seven alliances to have no basis for unity from the beginning.

The rebels here, at least on the surface, have no such problem.

Patriarch Na Lai would convene leaders from all walks of life every morning to discuss today's specific matters and solicit opinions from all parties.

The distribution of tasks is also relatively even, and there is no deliberate suppression of any company or protection of any company.

At least it can be fair on the surface, which is not easy for a rebel alliance composed of multiple forces.

On this morning, Patriarch Lai still followed his old rules and summoned the heads of various families to discuss pre-war countermeasures.

There were five rebel families assigned to the elixir base this time, and each family was led by a family leader.

These family heads, if they are not the second in charge of the family, or if they are not the supreme elders, they basically exist at this level. It can be said that they have very high standards.

Patriarch Lai's eyes were bright and he scanned everyone's face: "Everyone, we have been staying here for more than three days. Three days is not long, and it may not have much impact on the overall situation, but everyone must consider one issue. That is, regardless of any team, fighting spirit is cyclical. When the enthusiasm for this battle slowly fades over time, the ending may be completely different.”

"So, we must launch an attack within the next three days and break through the defense formation within three days. As long as we break through the defense formation, we can drive straight in and do whatever we want!"

Laozu Lai is decisive.

"Ancestor Lai, how powerful can the formation of this elixir base be? With so many of us, if we bomb it hard, can we still not break it?"

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