Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 24 The Secret of the Great Seal


Jiang He had already taken several steps, but when he heard these words, his steps stopped instantly.

And Jiang Shan's gaze from further away shot towards him like a sharp arrow at the first moment!

"The patriarch's seal?"

Jiang Shan strode over and stared at Su Chen with his eyes, as if to poke holes in Su Chen's face, "Do you know the family master's seal?"

At this moment, Jiang Shan and Jiang He were both extremely surprised!

The Jiang family has an ancestral family head's seal. According to clan rules, only the person who holds the family head's seal can legitimately ascend to the position of family head.

But after the death of Patriarch Jiang, the father of their four brothers, the Patriarch's seal disappeared.

No one knows where the Patriarch's Seal has gone. Some people say that Patriarch Jiang found an unknown place to hide the Patriarch's Seal in order to prevent power struggles during his lifetime.

Some people say it was stolen by thieves.

Others said that he was taken away by Jiang Hai back then.

Jiang Shan and Jiang He have been working hard to find the family master's seal for these years, but there is no news about the family master's seal as if it has disappeared into the sea.

By this year, they were becoming a little anxious. After all, without this Patriarch's Seal, they would never be able to truly take the position of Patriarch.

What surprised Jiang Shan and Jiang He was that Su Chen seemed to know about the family leader's seal!

A glint flashed in Jiang Shan's eyes, and he waved away everyone else present, leaving only Jiang Shan, Jiang He, Xu Yin and Su Chen in the meeting hall.

The matter of the Patriarch's seal is of great importance and should not be heard by too many people.

"How do you know about the patriarch's seal?"

Jiang Shan looked at Su Chen and slowly narrowed his eyes. The disappearance of the head of the family, Dayin, was a secret of the Jiang family. Only he, Jiang He, Jiang Feng, and Xu Yin knew about it.

He didn't believe that Xu Yin would tell such a confidential matter to a fifteen-year-old outsider, and Xu Yin was not such a stupid and ignorant person.

But if Xu Yin didn't say it, how did Su Chen know?

Xu Yin also had a look of surprise on her face. She had indeed not told Su Chen about the family leader's seal. Even Jiang Tingyi didn't know about it. How did Su Chen know about it?

"You don't have to ask me how I know."

Su Chen looked calm. Facing Jiang Shan, a seventh-level powerhouse in the Condensation Realm, and facing his aggressive gaze, Su Chen looked particularly calm and composed.

"You just need to tell me if you want to get the family master's seal."

Su Chen's voice seemed to have a seductive magic power in its plainness, making Jiang Shan's eyes flicker, and there was also a slight movement in his heart.

Reason told Jiang Shan that Su Chen couldn't possibly know where the family leader's seal was. However, Jiang Shan still couldn't help but said: "Do you know where the family master's seal is?"

"Yes, I know."

Su Chen told the answer Jiang Shan wanted to hear.

Suddenly, Jiang Shan's eyes shrank violently, and he couldn't help but reveal a hint of ecstasy.

"Brother, don't believe him!" Jiang He said anxiously from the side, "How could he know where the Patriarch's seal is? Don't forget, we have been looking for ten years and still haven't found it. How could he, an outsider, know where the Patriarch's seal is? Where is it printed?”

After Jiang Shan was reminded by Jiang He, the ecstasy in Jiang Shan's eyes faded like a tide. He was a cautious person by nature, and just now he was just a little bit irrational because he was so happy when he heard the news about the family leader's seal.

Now that Jiang Shan calmed down, his inner doubts took over.

He stared at Su Chen tightly and said, "You said you know where the family leader's seal is, can you provide evidence?"

Jiang He was beside him with a fierce look on his face: "Boy, if you lie to others, don't blame us for not caring about our feelings!"

Su Chen looked calm: "When I say I know, I know. Why should I lie to you? Bring me a pen and paper!"

Jiang Shan frowned. Although he didn't know what Su Chen was going to do, he still ordered his servants to bring white paper and brushes.

Su Chen picked up the brush and made a few strokes on the white paper. Then he tore the white paper and threw it to Jiang Shan: "Don't you want evidence? Take it!"

Jiang Shan subconsciously caught the white paper and took a closer look. He couldn't help but be shocked on the spot!

"Brother, what did this kid draw that surprised you so much?" Jiang He came over with a suspicious look on his face, but when he saw the content on the white paper, his eyes widened like bells!

Seeing them like this, Xu Yin was full of doubts. When she stepped forward and looked at the contents on the white paper, she couldn't help but gasped: "Xiao Chen, you...how do you know what the family leader's seal looks like?"

No wonder the three of them were so surprised, what Su Chen drew on the white paper turned out to be the seal of the head of the Jiang family!

Moreover, all the details of Su Chen are lifelike and exactly the same as the real seal of the head of the family!

As the core members of the Jiang family, the three of them had seen the Patriarch's seal more than ten years ago, so it was not surprising that they knew what the Patriarch's seal looked like.

But Su Chen actually knew what the family leader's seal looked like.

There can only be one explanation for this, and that is that Su Chen has also seen the family leader's seal before.

"Does this kid really know where the Patriarch's seal is?" Jiang Shan's eyes were shining brightly. If he was still doubtful about Su Chen just now, now he has some confidence.

Because the appearance of the big seal of the head of the Jiang family is very special, anyone who has never seen the real thing would definitely not be able to draw such a similar one.

"Tell us the location of the Patriarch's Great Seal!" Jiang Shan said solemnly. He and Jiang He have been looking for the Patriarch's Great Seal for ten years. Now that there is news about the Patriarch's Great Seal, he must not miss it!

"Tell you what? It's not impossible, it's just..." Su Chen smiled lightly.

Jiang Shan was such a slick person that he immediately knew that Su Chen was trying to make a condition, so he immediately said, "How do you tell us the location of the Patriarch's seal?"

"Cancel the marriage between Tingyi and the Wang family." Su Chen went straight to the point without beating around the bush.

Hearing this, Jiang Shan's heart couldn't help but beat hard. The benefits that the Wang family promised to him and Jiang He would be gone if the marriage was cancelled, and they would still offend the Wang family.

Jiang Shan felt extremely heartbroken when he thought of this.

However, Jiang Shan also knew very well that the Wang family's promise was very tempting, but it was not as tempting as the family leader's seal.

Without the Patriarch's Seal, one would never truly be able to sit on the position of Patriarch. There is always a difference between the acting head of the house and the head of the house.

When I thought that I might become the real head of the family, I would order everyone in the Jiang family as the head of the family...

Who can resist this temptation?

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Shan finally made up his mind: "As long as you tell us the location of the family master's seal, I can promise to cancel the marriage between Tingyi and the Wang family!"

"Master Jiang is indeed a happy man." Su Chen chuckled and gave Jiang Shan a rare compliment.

"Okay, can you tell me the place now?" Jiang Shan looked at Su Chen and said.

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