Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 17 It’s important to be a good person

"Let me tell you, that boy named Su is bringing humiliation upon himself by joining our Jiang family meeting..."

"He is an outsider, so it would be nice if he could be admitted into the clan association, but he is also very picky. According to me, that miscellaneous table should be prepared for him, haha..."

Listening to the discussions among the side tribesmen, Xu Yin's face turned extremely cold, but she had no intention of giving in.

After a while, even these discussions slowly died down.

The whole hall fell silent.

Just when everyone was waiting to see how this matter would be resolved, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "It's just a seat, is it worth arguing about?"

Everyone looked at him in astonishment and were surprised to find that the person speaking was actually the usually taciturn Fourth Master Jiang Feng.

It was precisely because he was usually taciturn, sometimes not saying a word for a month, that why he suddenly spoke at this moment surprised everyone.

When Jiang Feng saw everyone looking at him, he stood up and looked at Su Chen.

"I'll give you my seat."

After saying this to Su Chen concisely and concisely, Jiang Feng turned around and left in full view of everyone, and walked out of the hall.

Even from the back, it can be seen that the right sleeve is empty and empty.

It wasn't until Jiang Feng's figure completely disappeared that everyone in the hall reacted.

Jiang Feng gave up his seat to Su Chen?

Jiang Feng himself will not attend the clan meeting?

Although Jiang Feng's usual behavior was somewhat informal, this move still exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even Xu Yin was stunned. Is Jiang Feng helping her?

But she usually doesn't have any friendship with Jiang Feng, so why would she suddenly help her?

Only Su Chen looked at the direction Jiang Feng left and sighed in his heart.

Jiang Feng had done exactly the same thing during this clan meeting in his previous life.

Coupled with some subsequent contacts, Su Chen learned that the Fourth Master Jiang Feng was actually a cold-faced and warm-hearted person.

His nature is righteous, and he is completely different from Jiang Shan and Jiang He.

In his previous life, Jiang Feng's end was not good.

But this life is different.

Su Chen is a person who has a clear sense of grudges and grudges. In this life, anyone who helps him will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Take back your thoughts.

Su Chen's eyes stayed on Jiang Shan and Jiang He, and his eyes gradually became cold.

In the previous life, Jiang Shan and Jiang He excluded and harmed Xu Yin in every possible way. This incident was just the beginning.

Su Chen has no control over the Jiang family's affairs, but if he wants to touch his relatives, don't blame him for his thunderous methods.

"Does anyone still have any objections to Xiaochen's seat?"

Xu Yin said coldly, Su Chen was sitting in Jiang Feng's seat now. In other words, Su Chen was attending the clan meeting in Jiang Feng's place.

As for Jiang Feng, although he has always been somewhat marginalized, no one can deny that he is a direct descendant of the Jiang family.

No one can say anything about this.

Jiang He's expression was ugly, he glanced sideways at Su Chen who was sitting in Jiang Feng's seat, and snorted coldly: "The dove occupies the magpie's nest! We'll see later!"

Jiang Shan, on the other hand, was obviously more calm. He only glanced at Xu Yin and Su Chen with a slightly gloomy look, changed the subject and said, "It's almost time, let's start the clan meeting."

After everyone heard this, they also sat up straight, waiting for the clan meeting to officially begin.

Jiang Shanqing coughed: "Today's clan meeting involves two things."

"The first thing is about the allocation of training resources this month!"

"This month's Xiaoyuan Dan, according to past practice, the first and third bedrooms will each receive twenty pills, the second and fourth bedrooms will each receive ten pills, and the remaining twenty pills will go to the collateral clan members."

"Does anyone have an opinion?"

Xiaoyuan Dan is a kind of elixir that warriors in the Qi-Entraining Realm and Yuan-Condensing Realm take when practicing. It contains a small amount of spiritual energy. Taking it can speed up the practice.

Although Xiaoyuan Dan is very simple to refine, it is considered a low-end pill in the eyes of alchemists. But in the eyes of ordinary warriors who are not alchemists, Xiaoyuan Dan is still very valuable.

For warriors from big families, reliance on Xiao Yuan Dan has become an indispensable part of their daily practice.

As one of the three major families in Qinghe City, the Jiang family purchases one hundred Xiao Yuan Dan from Wubao Hall every month and distributes them to the warriors in the clan.

The distribution method is: sixty for direct lineage and forty for collateral lineage.

There are many collaterals, and forty pills can basically guarantee that each person will get one.

Among the sixty direct descendants, Jiang Shan's family, the first family, and Jiang He's family, the third family, can all get twenty.

But Xu Yin's family, the second bedroom, could only get ten pieces, only half of theirs, and the same number as the lonely Jiang Feng.

Xu Yin took a deep breath. Ever since Jiang Hai disappeared, Jiang Shan and Jiang He had taken over all the power. They had been allocated this way every month, and she had become accustomed to it.

Yes, it's better than nothing.

"If there is no objection, let's start dividing."

Jiang Shan waved his hand and ordered his servants to bring in a box.

The lid of the box was opened, and a hundred small red Yuan Dan were neatly arranged in the box.

However, just when Xu Yin was about to step forward to take away her share, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded.


"I have an objection!"

Third Master Jiang He!

It's him again!

Jiang Feng said: "If you have any objections, tell me!"

Jiang He sneered, pointed one finger at Xu Yin, and said, "I have objections to the second room!"

"There are only two women in the second house, but they have occupied the family's precious cultivation resources for a long time. I think that the ten Xiaoyuan Dan allocated to the second house every month is too much."

Jiang He said and smiled maliciously, "I suggest that starting from this month, the number of Xiaoyuan Pills in the second room should be reduced to...two!"

The words fell.

Xu Yin stood up suddenly, shocked and angry: "Third brother, can you say it again?"

Reduce the number of Xiaoyuan Dan in the second room to two?

Is it one-tenth of the price of a large or three-bedroom apartment?

What's the difference between that and gone?

Jiang He sneered: "Second sister-in-law, I am doing this for the good of the entire Jiang family. You have two women in the second house. Your daughter will get married sooner or later. The second house takes up so many precious resources and cannot make any contribution to the Jiang family!"

Xu Yin said coldly: "If Tingyi gets married, doesn't she belong to the Jiang family? Besides, even if Tingyi gets married, won't she still have me?"

As he said that, Xu Yin's eyes were as bright as substance, and she shot at Jiang Shan: "Brother, are you just going to let the third child do whatever you want and talk nonsense at the clan meeting?"

Jiang Shan's eyes flashed, but he said calmly: "Second brother and sister, don't worry, I think what Jiang He said is reasonable and worth considering."

"It just so happens that the Xiao Yuan Dan of the first and third bedrooms is not enough every month. If the Xiao Yuan Dan of the second bedroom is reduced, it just fills the insufficient part. It can be regarded as your second bedroom's contribution to the Jiang family."


Xu Yin took a breath and was simply shocked.

I was shocked by Jiang Shan and Jiang He's shamelessness!

They have twenty Xiao Yuan Dan a month, but they still want to count the few Xiao Yuan Dan from the second room, trying to put the Xiao Yuan Dan from the second room into their own pockets!

"Boss, third child, you need to have some face!"

Xu Yin couldn't hold back and said coldly, "When Jiang Hai was still here, he contributed more to the Jiang family than you two combined. But even so, he never asked for more for his second wife. The Xiaoyuan Dan is the same as yours every month, twenty. "

"But, after his accident, the first thing you two did was to eagerly reduce our second room's Xiao Yuan Dan to ten pills per month!"

Regardless of her always gentle image, Xu Yin burst out with anger in her eyes, pointed at Jiang Shan and Jiang He with her bare hand, and said sternly, "And the ten Little Yuan Dan that you withheld from you were all put in by you." out of his own pocket!"

"And now, you want to repeat the same trick and reduce the Xiao Yuan Dan for our second family again, but I won't agree! We are also direct descendants of the Jiang family. You get twenty Xiao Yuan Dan every month and we get two? Damn it, It doesn’t make sense!”

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