“Xiao Wu, why were you eliminated?”

“Why do you still live if you are eliminated?”

Director Chen couldn’t believe it, the official experts, teachers, and principals were also shocked, could it be that the thriller game was fake….

Unfortunately, their illusions were immediately shattered.

Wu Guowei explained angrily:

“The first round of players, with special benefits, each can be resurrected once, and my chance to resurrect is gone.”

“It’s all to blame Jiang Feng, they deliberately pit me!”

Jiang Feng?


Chen Weihong was stunned, this kid is so ruthless?

Principal Zheng Jun, class teacher Zhang Lele, and official experts do not believe it, they have some understanding of Wu Guowei, this guy is very unreliable, and his credibility is not high~

Sure enough

As soon as the class leader opened his mouth, he was completely revealed:

“Jiang Feng’s trick coin is real!”

“Moreover, there is also a special kind of huazi cigarette, which he uses to curry favor with weirdness, cheat, and is assigned to the safest job.”

“Not only doesn’t it help us.”

“I won’t lend money to everyone.”

“Also disobey the command of the squad cadres.”

“It also made me mistakenly think that cigarettes can please the weird, but I accidentally angered the security captain and was killed…”

“Not only did he not save me, he gloated.”

“It’s hot with weirdness.”

“I see that he has a dangerous tendency to be a human adulterer!”

Wu Guowei’s eyes were full of hatred, and he did not hesitate to pour dirty water on Jiang Feng, but no one cared about this at all.

Instead, his pupils shrank sharply in shock

“What did you say?”

“The tricky coin that Jiang Feng sold is a real tricky coin?”

“This can’t be!”

“The thriller game has not started, how can he have real tricky coins? Could it be that those weirdness were deceived by him? ”

“True coins? That’s troublesome…”

“The people who scold Jiang Feng on the Internet are all wrong?”

“We were wrong too…”

The head teacher Zhang Lele shook his head with a wry smile and generously admitted his mistake, but some teachers couldn’t wipe their faces.

Even, the impression of Jiang Feng was even worse!

Let them lose face~

At the same time, he also hoped to find Jiang Feng to buy tricky coins.

It would be better if you could not collect money….

Chen Weihong recalled Jiang Feng’s experience of scolding himself, and also rebuked him in an indignant manner: “This Jiang Feng is unorganized and undisciplined, and his ideological consciousness is really poor.”

“Is that how he treats his classmates?”

“Is there a little bit of team spirit?”

“I also have questions about his trick coins, and when the game is over, I must receive our investigation.”

He thought crookedly.

Want to play tricks to pinch Jiang Feng!

Of course, this is pure wishful thinking….

Even the experts of the official team, Zheng Jun, Zhang Lele did not think so, and they were too lazy to talk to him.

Unorganized and undisciplined?

So what is organized and disciplined?

Unconditionally as cannon fodder?

Huh (rolling eyes).

Why listen to you when your life is at stake? What are you? The little director, really think of yourself as a big guy, you see who cares about you~

Zheng Jun pointed to Sang Huai’s criticism of Wu Guowei——

“Wu Guowei.”

“You’re not quite right to say that!”

“Private property, sacrosanct, no one is obliged to lend you money, not to mention that as far as I know, your relationship is very tense.”

“How can others listen to you?”

“Although you are a squad cadre and are in charge of commanding.”

“But you can’t use others as cannon fodder!”

“In addition, thriller games are not exams, where is there any saying that cheating is not cheating? Even if the cheat passes, it is an excellent skill. ”

“Jiang Feng and Wei Wei fought hotly.”

“Doesn’t that mean people are capable?”

“You have to learn humbly.”

“Don’t be jealous of your ability!”

“Don’t have any crooked thoughts~”

Chen Weihong: ????? (Confused).

Hey, CNM, there’s an insinuation here, right? Chen Weihong was scolded and wanted to hit someone.

Wu Guowei roared angrily:


“Why should I learn from Jiang Feng?”

“A scumbag, if it weren’t for the tricky coin, there would be nothing remarkable at all, what kind of ability is this?”

Zheng Jun looked at him calmly and blinked.

Banknote ability ah~

Moreover, you are the least qualified to say this!

Wu Guowei was connotated by his glance, understood in seconds, and attacked from a different angle in shame: “Do you think it is an honorable thing to survive cheating?”

“Won’t that bring shame to our school?”

Zheng Jun did not speak, sighing slightly.

Take out your phone and open the browser hot search——

TOP-1. The first loser of the thriller game is released, from the West Suburb Middle School of Rongcheng, China, the third and sixth classes of high school, the participation time is less than half an hour, named Wu Guowei

Top-2. The elimination of the annals of history is born

TOP-3. Global media is rushing to Rongcheng

Wu Guowei: “………” (confused).



Global media coming?

He was stunned and doubted life, his brain was down, and he was silently mocked, together with Chen Weihong!

Whether cheating will bring shame to the school is uncertain.

But what is absolutely certain is –

You have put the whole country to shame on your horse!

Still beeping here, fuck

Zheng Jun sighed helplessly: “Alas, now it depends on Jiang Feng’s ability, I hope he can achieve the best results.”

“Counteract the ill effects of some people…”

Horror World

In the Garden Community on the other side, the players of the third and sixth classes of high school also received the system announcement and were frightened.

The squad leader was actually the first to be eliminated?

Then aren’t they leaderless!

Well, they think they are leaderless, but in fact it is more accurate to say that they are bereaved dogs and headless flies.

“The squad leader actually hung up, is it so fast?”

“What should we do~”

“Do you want to go to Jiang Feng?”

Most people’s first reaction was to turn to Jiang Feng and ask Jiang Feng to take them, but they felt that they couldn’t erase their faces.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng was not willing to deal with them!


There is no need to dwell on the issue of losing face at all!

Only the deputy squad leader Sun Hui was ecstatic, Wu Guowei was eliminated, she was the most senior squad cadre….

“Hahaha, the whole class is under my control?”

“There is so much cannon fodder.”

“I’m sure I can do it easily!”


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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