Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 752: The Ending of the Guan Family's Rebellious Son (Fourteen)

This is destined to be the last night before dawn——

But obviously, the meager darkness in the sky is no longer enough to cover up the light.

At least, Luoyang City is now decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

Although it is not the Chinese New Year, Uncle Liu was crowned king, the northern border was conquered, the barbarians were wiped out, and the Han Dynasty, which had been fighting for decades among the princes, was about to be unified. The people had been looking forward to the end of the troubled times for so many years...

Finally... finally the hope is over.

It is precisely because of this...

The firecrackers sent by Mianshui Villa are selling like hotcakes. Tonight in Luoyang, the ground is covered with paper flowers, just like keeping a New Year's Eve, and the whole city is celebrating.

During this period, considering Cao Cao's status and situation, Liu Bei personally arranged all his meals, which were cooked by trusted cooks and then delivered by the most loyal white-eared guards.

These white-eared guards come in teams of five, and the white bird feathers and animal hair on their armor are extremely eye-catching——

However, there were a few more figures among the white-eared guards who delivered supper to the Wei palace today.

It’s Lingju, Ma Chao, Zhang Fang——

One of them is the mistress of the parrot, the other is the general of the Han Dynasty, and the other is an undercover person behind enemy lines who has made great achievements.

In addition, Fazheng, who was directly involved in controlling the White Ear Guards, also made secret arrangements.

That’s why…

This time they blended into the food delivery team, carrying murderous intent, quietly, but no one noticed.

However, compared to Luoyang City tonight, compared to the bustling fireworks and firecrackers...

The place where this white-eared guard walked was destined to be low-key and dark.

Especially the city wall that used to be the palace city of the King of feels heavy and heavy, like a large area of ​​dark shadow.

The huge scream came from this shadow.

As fast as a shadowless whirlwind.

They haven't waited for Bai Erwei to deliver the meals, nor have they waited for Lingju, Zhang Fang and Ma Chao to take action.

In the deserted palace of King Wei, the little yellow gate that communicated to Cao Cao had already screamed.

I don’t know what happened here after the birthday banquet of Wei King Cao Cao?

No one knows about Cao Cao's death? Is it because of that deadly cold light? Or is it a cold murderous intention and a hidden arrow?

The white silk falls off——

Cao Cao's body fell heavily. Because of Bai Ling's strangulation, his eyes were closed, his face looked extremely pale because of the blood settling in his footsteps, and his tongue was slightly pushed forward due to the pressure on his throat. This was an obvious and prominent sign of death...

But the whole cheek... was very calm.

There is absolutely no pain after a violent struggle——

No screams…

Even the sound of his body being hit hard was covered up by the continuous "cracking" sound of firecrackers, and no one could hear it.

Gorgeous fireworks soared into the sky.

At that time, it was almost midnight.

The white-eared guards who came over also stopped when they arrived at the door of the house. Including Ma Chao, Lingju, and Zhang Fang, they all looked at the former King of Wei in front of them in astonishment, the former No. 1 in the world. Butcher's knife, this sworn enemy who has done many evil things.

Just like that... just fell to the ground silently, without any expression.

Once upon a time, they had thought about revenge countless times, and even Lingju did not hesitate to steal a fire gun from the arsenal for this operation, just to ensure that one hit would kill——


Not that any of them would have thought of it.

Cao Cao will end his career in this way——

Lingju is especially incredible.

"Did he hang himself?"

Ma Chao frowned with anger, but...compared to the anger when he first met Cao Cao when he was on the Wei River, his expression at this moment was filled with more confusion.

"Why? Why?"



How could Cao Cao hang himself?

He was such a selfish, cruel and unkind person who would rather betray others than let others betray me... How could he hang himself?

In fact, Ma Chao never believed that he hanged himself to protect and help others... let alone that Cao Cao would help others.

On the other hand, Zhang Fang turned around and faced the sky... He knelt down with a "click", "Hahahaha...hahahaha..."

as if…

Those ten years of forbearance, those ten years of tenacity, and those ten years of obsession can be completely released at this moment, forming a closed loop.

He laughed hysterically, and while laughing, he chanted, "Dad, uncle... you... you can rest in peace!"

At this moment, the night sky is blooming with beautiful flowers.

The whole city's fireworks were about to reach its peak.

The joyful and tearful atmosphere of this night was in stark contrast to the sadness, silence, and complexity here.

It seems that... this indicates that the era that belonged to the Wei Dynasty and Cao Cao... this era of treacherous heroes in troubled times has finally... also come to an end.

The palace of the King of Wei was in chaos, with maids and officials carrying basins and towels walking around in confusion.

Cao Hong, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Liao and other clan members looked anxiously.

Several imperial doctors came in and out, saying the same thing.

"King Wei, he is dead..."

"Even the Great Immortal Daluo can't save him."

A eunuch led a group of women in. They were all upright and young. Although they were dressed simply, they looked young and bright.

They were all Cao Cao's women. At this moment, seeing that the king in their hearts was no longer breathing, they could not help but sob softly.

Cao Zhi picked up the suicide note placed on the table by his father Cao Cao and read it.

"The country is in a difficult situation, and it is not good for a person to start a business alone. The treasures obtained from conquering cities and lands over the years have been mostly rewarded to meritorious soldiers. You have followed me alone, and your clothes are not beautiful, your shoes are not colorful, and you are quite diligent..."

Speaking of which…

Zhang Xiu's aunt Mrs. Zou, the cuckold Qin Yilu's occupied wife Mrs. Du, He Jin's daughter-in-law Mrs. Yin, and Cao Chong's mother Mrs. Huan chanted in unison: "We can't serve the king. This is already our blessing. Who among the men in this world can match the majesty of the king?”

Cao Zhi paused for a moment...

Let these ladies finish their words, and then continue to read, "The heroic spirit has its time. After being alone, there are some spices left, which I can distribute to you. Gu knows Xuande. He has always been kind and will not be embarrassed. You guys, if you miss being an orphan, you can live on the Bronze Bird Terrace, look at the Guxi Mausoleum Field, sell incense and buy silk, and learn how to make shoes and peddles to support yourself. If you don’t want to, you can also marry your beloved again!”

Having said this, Cao Zhi paused and then wiped away tears.

"Go down..."

In fact, Zhen Mi was also among these crying women.

But she didn't cry, she knew... it was Cao Cao who almost ruined her life. It was Cao Cao who used her to ignite the fight between his two sons. Maybe... if the Wei Dynasty hadn't been destroyed, she wouldn't have dared to imagine the rest of her life!

She won't cry, she won't cry for the man who personally sent her to this place...

This...this may be the last bit of stubbornness that belongs to her alone.

After the eunuch led these sobbing beauties out, Cao Hong, Xia Houyuan, Xiahou Dun and others, who were anxious outside, entered.

Cao Zhi's words recited again, "I have been alone for more than thirty years. I knew the end was coming, but how could the leader of the lonely Wei Dynasty die of illness? The king has his own way of dying, and even if he dies, he will die vigorously... Also be noticed by the world!”

This sets a big tone and proves that he committed suicide, not homicide...

The implication is that the clan members should not have any thoughts of revenge for him.

"Gu Ping has governed the army according to the law. This law cannot be changed, but Gu Po has made many angry mistakes, and you cannot follow his example. Now that the four seas are unified, the people are still tired. The funeral of Gu should be simple. There is no need to follow the king's system, and the power can be controlled by the general. , on the tombstone of Ran Gu, be sure to mention the words - the tomb of Cao Cao, the general of the Han Dynasty's expedition to the west, Gu's wish is fulfilled!"

When Cao Zhi thought about this.

Suddenly there was a "clang" and Liu Bei barged in...

Seeing the dead Cao Cao on the bed, "Meng De... wu wu -" he burst into tears and cried bitterly -

Ten breaths, twenty breaths——

Fifty breaths, one hundred breaths——

Liu Bei cried hoarsely and burst into tears. He cried for a whole quarter of an hour.

"Meng De? Didn't you agree to work with Gu... to expand the territory of this big man? Why did you lie to Gu? Why did you bother to deceive Gu?"

"Mengde...Mengde, why did you leave? Why did you fly away on a crane? If you are dead, who will have wine with Gu Qingmei and talk about the heroes of the world?"

Speaking of this, Liu Bei burst into tears again...

After all, there is a time when the tears dry up.

Liu Bei wiped the tears from his eyes. He turned around and asked Cao Zhi and all the Cao clan members present, "Did he leave any letters to his orphans before he died?"

Liu Bei, the King of Hanzhong, can already call himself "lone"...

However, before Cao Zhi and others could respond to this question, Fazheng replied first, "No, except for a suicide note to the Cao family and the Xiahou family, the only other thing is a letter to Yunchang... I have Send someone to deliver it to Yunchang!"

It was this answer that disappointed Liu Bei.

"Meng De? Why...even if he dies...doesn't he have anything to say to me?"

But with this groan.

He suddenly realized something. His eyes widened, with surprise and hesitation, confusion and clarity. He looked at Fazheng, and then...then he asked lightly, "Xiaozhi? How do you know?"


Fazheng was stunned. He opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to answer, but he still swallowed the words.

On the other hand, Liu Bei's hesitant gaze only paused for a moment, and his gaze towards Fazheng became gentle. He said in a very soft and fine voice, "Xiaozhi, withdraw from the Cao and Xiahou clans and return the favor." There should be supervision over those who were once demoted by the Wei army, and all the imprisoned people, except Cao Zhang, should be released. Meng De has gone, they are no longer a threat, and your worries are no longer necessary - "

That is, with Liu Bei's voice.

Fa Zheng solemnly handed over his hand.

"Yes Yes--"

This was what he expected.

This was also the key to his convincing Cao Cao, and it was one of the purposes of Cao Cao's death.

Lift the restrictions and confinement on all tribesmen and generals.

Let them shine their own light in this era.

This was the last thing that the king of the Wei Dynasty, the former master of the Wei Dynasty, did to the Wei Dynasty... and to his people!

"Cao Cao is really dead?"

This is the countless time Guan Yu has pondered this evening.

Even...his spirit became trance-like.

He walked out of the house several times, but in the end he took back the leg he took out. He just hesitated and hesitated, so hesitant and uncertain.

So... in addition to Guan Ping, lieutenants Wang Fu, Zhao Lei, Zhou Cang, Liu Pan and others, sons and daughters Guan Ping, Guan Xing, Guan Yinping, Guan Suo and others, and even... fourth daughter-in-law Zhang Xingcai, fifth daughter-in-law Bao Sanniang , Wang Tao, Wang Yue, Hua Wan and others all came here to accompany him.

after all…

For them, the bond between their general, their father, and the great lord of Wei, Cao Cao, is deep and inseparable...

Everyone was afraid that Guan Yu would get too excited and hurt himself, and even more afraid that he would be unable to think straight.

Guan Lin was the last one.

He was surprised and unbelievable when he heard the news that Cao Cao had hanged himself.

This was completely different from his plan.

Guan Lin spent a lot of effort to describe the world to Cao Cao, just to make his "conquest to the west" to the west of Bashu, to the Kushan Empire, to Rome, to conquer Jerusalem, to Siberia!

These... are Guan Lin's great hopes for Cao Cao.

But in fact, this is very difficult, and there are many obstacles in the middle.

Regardless of Cao Cao's current age...

The first level alone, the biggest and most difficult to overcome is the merits of the Han Dynasty today, those enemies who are mortal enemies with Cao Cao -

These... are not easy to solve.

Therefore, this has always been the most entangled point for Guan Lin. He knows that... this is also the most entangled point for Zhuge Kongming today, and Liu Bei, the uncle of Hanzhong King.

Now... it's OK -

With Cao Cao's death, this biggest problem, the biggest hidden danger, has been solved.

Zhuge Liang can go all out to implement the new policy and solve the problems left by the big families;

Liu Bei can also rebuild the mountains and rivers and completely put the disintegrating Han Dynasty back on track;

Zhang Liao, Jiang Wei... they can go to conquer the barbarians and reshape the great achievements of the champion Hou Huo Qubing;

Even... the concerns about the Cao and Xiahou families, the concerns about the restoration of the old generals and old ministers of Cao Wei, all these problems came to an end this night.

It's over, this is the most thorough and heartbreaking end -

Even uncle Liu Bei will not be too sad, too bleak... After all, compared with Cao Cao, his "old enemy", he still has countless things to do.

But, only one person will be sad, lonely, sad, and bleak.

That is Guan Lin's father - Guan Yu!

Since entering the mansion, Zhang Xingcai secretly told Guan Lin... Guan Yu had sighed countless times that night, and chanted the sentence "Cao Cao is really dead" countless times, even if his lips were chapped... even if his voice was extremely hoarse.

As expected...

Guan Lin muttered in his heart - a world where only Guan Yu was injured, a night where only one person was injured... This achievement was indeed achieved!

"Yunqi, go and persuade Dad..."

Guan Yinping saw Guan Lin and hurried over, grabbing the corner of Guan Lin's clothes... She was actually a little woman who was in a panic.


Guan Lin coughed lightly, then exhaled and walked straight to his father.


Guan Yu ignored him, still facing the sky, holding the "Spring and Autumn Annals" in his hand.

Guan Lin remembered... When Cao Cao saw Guan Yu like this, he sighed, sighing... What a heavenly man!

"Dad... I heard Cao Cao left you a letter? What did it say?"


Guan Lin's words made Guan Yu come back to his senses a little. He took a deep breath and said to Guan Lin, "There is a message for you in it."


"Brother Meng De said that he thanked you for letting him know that the world is round, but he is old, and this circle... should be left to you young people to conquer for him..."


Guan Lin noticed that Guan Yu glanced at the letter on the table when he spoke, and at a glance, Guan Lin saw the last signature.

It is the letter of Cao Cao, the former general of the Western Expedition in the Han Dynasty——

Guan Lin wanted to look up and see what Cao Cao wrote to his father.

But it seemed that his father Guan Yu found it... and took it back.

Now... Guan Lin is even better.

"Dad? What did Cao Cao write to you?"

As he asked this question, Guan Yu's hands trembled more and more. The Spring and Autumn Annals had fallen on the table because of the trembling, but... Guan Yu held the letter tightly, and the tears in his eyes were desperately restrained... It seemed that he was very painful because he didn't want to lose his composure in front of his son.

Guan Lin knew what to do... He simply walked away and stopped asking his father about the content of the letter.

Guan Yinping, Guan Suo, Guan Ping and others came forward to ask, but Guan Lin just waved his hand, "Nothing will happen, let our father be alone, tonight... He probably wants to be alone!"

Guan Lin spoke while asking everyone to disperse.


All was silent, and Guan Yu was the only one left in the huge room. It was also at this moment that he could no longer, no longer, no longer restrain himself.

His tears were like a spring, like a broken string of beads...

Wet the table, wet his hands, and wet the letter.

And the sentence in the letter that Guan Yu had deliberately covered with his hand, at this moment, was revealed as his big hand loosened... and appeared in front of everyone.

——『In my eyes, Yun Chang's appearance is always at Sishui Pass! You returned with a sword and a horse, and I kept the warm wine in my hand. Only the Qinglong Yanyue hanging down was like a thunderclap! 』

——『Well, well... I often think, if I could have met Yun Chang before Taoyuan, how great would it be? How great! 』

——『My beautiful beard, my Han Shou Ting Hou, my Yun Chang, goodbye, goodbye, don't miss me, don't miss me! 』

Just a few words...

Just a few words.

Guan Yu, who had never cried before, never stopped crying tonight. He was sleepless tonight.

"Cao Cao? Really dead--"

"I let you go at Huarong Road, but this time, you didn't let yourself go--"

This was the last sentence Guan Yu said that night...

That is, after saying this, he stopped looking…

His hair turned a lot whiter, and his beard turned a lot whiter, as if they… understood Guan Yu’s state of mind the best.

Forget it, forget it, let the world argue.

Very good, very good, there is still friendship.

Your treacherous hero in troubled times;

Your capable minister in peaceful times;

Your treacherous and cunning;

Your dominance comes first!

Mengde, Guan really wants to fight with you, just like the white horse at Guandu, but you Cao Mengde…but if you Cao Mengde really returned to Han, that would be Guan’s last regret——

——If you are not a hero, don’t read the Three Kingdoms. If you are a hero, how can you not be lonely!

…(End of this chapter)

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