Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 72 Huang Shigong at the bridge, Huang Chengyan riding a donkey

This old man wearing leather clothes and riding a donkey is the "Old Huang" in Guan Lin's mouth.

He is none other than Zhuge Liang's father-in-law, Huang Yueying's father, and a famous scholar in Mienan - Huang Chengyan.

In Jingzhou during the Three Kingdoms era, when mentioning celebrities, the first thing that comes to mind must be Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui.

In fact, although Sima Hui is famous, he is inevitably inferior to the two.

One of them is Pang Degong who lives in seclusion in "Lumen Mountain".

His son Pang Shanmin married Zhuge Liang's second sister;

His son Pang Tong was an important counselor around Liu Bei and made great contributions to the victory of Yizhou;

Another of his sons, named Pang Lin, was Pang Tong's younger brother and was now serving as the governor of Jingzhou.

It is worth mentioning that Zhuge Liang's "Wolong", Pang Tong's "Feng Chu", and Sima Hui's "Shui Jing" were all gifts from Pang Degong.

This shows how famous this person is.

Secondly, this is Huang Chengyan. Speaking of Huang Chengyan, different from the top "Pang, Ma, Xiang, Xi" families in Jingzhou, Huang Chengyan's lintel cannot be said to be prominent.

But he is the son-in-law of Cai Xi, the leader of the "Cai Family", the largest wealthy family in Jingzhou.

Cai Xi had a son and two daughters. Among them, the son was Cai Mao, who was the governor of Jingzhou's army. His two daughters were married to Huang Chengyan and Liu Biao respectively.

After all this calculation, Huang Chengyan and Liu Biao are still a good "brother-in-law" pair!

Of course, with the rise of Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei dominating the two states of Jing and Yi, the status of Huang Chengyan, Zhuge Liang's father-in-law, has naturally increased.

But Huang Chengyan didn't like vulgar things or temples. He was only interested in Qimen Dunjia and hundreds of craftsmanships.

Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang asked him to come out many times, but he refused.

Now, as he grows older, after traveling around the world for several years, and his only daughter is no longer around, Huang Chengyan suddenly feels a sense of endless loneliness and isolation.

He is too withdrawn, and he is too eager to communicate with others, but he doesn't want to talk too much with those stupid people!

So he came up with the idea of ​​finding a disciple who was intelligent and interesting.

I can usually talk and chat with him, talk about Qi Men Dun Jia, talk about hundreds of craftsmanship, and relieve boredom...

In return, he is willing to teach others all his unique skills and skills.

Although there are many scholars, interesting disciples are difficult to find.

And this was the origin of Guan Lin's acquaintance with him.

That was half a year ago, Guan Lin had just come through the soul and was still in a state of confusion.

By chance, Guan Lin came to Desheng Bridge.

This is a wooden arch bridge. This bridge is located to the north of the gate of Jingzhou City. The river under the bridge is parallel to the city moat and flows into the Chang Lake.

The reason why it is called "Desheng Bridge" is because after the Battle of Chibi in the 13th year of Jian'an, Cao Cao fled northward in a hurry. Liu Bei's army and the Soochow army advanced together and chased to Nanjun and returned victorious. This bridge was called "Desheng Bridge". ".

Since the Battle of Chibi, there have been many wine shops and tea stalls here, and countless storytellers have gathered here to tell the stories of the heroes in extremely exaggerated ways.

This has also become the most prosperous and lively place in Jiangling City!

Of course, this will be of great benefit to Guan Lin in quickly understanding his situation.

But, right here, something strange and a strange person appeared.

There was an old man with gray hair, a long beard, and a cane in his hand. He was unkempt and always sat barefoot on the bridge.

There was a donkey following behind him, which was nothing at first, but unfortunately, there was a pair of worn-out straw sandals in the shallows of the river under the bridge, which seemed to have been dropped by the old man.

At first, Guan Lin didn't take it seriously. He just thought it was an old man who accidentally dropped his shoe off the bridge and was waiting for help from kind-hearted people.

But as he came more often, Guan Lin noticed that the "old man" was there every day. He also found that many young Confucian scholars would pick up shoes for the old man, and then the old man would ask these Confucian scholars to put them on for him.

Some Confucian scholars were unhappy and turned around and left, while others actually put them on for him.

Guan Lin was still scratching his head at that time, wondering, why does this scene feel so familiar?

What surprised Guan Lin was.

Even after I put on the shoes for the old man, the old man not only didn't appreciate it, he kept shaking his head, and threw the shoes into the shallows under the bridge without following the routine, saying "it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit..."

Guan Lin thinks this old man is quite funny...

Sitting at the tea stall every day, I couldn't help but pay more attention to this old man.

He wondered if the old man was waiting for a humble and patient young man to throw his shoes under the bridge and then pick them up and put them on for him?

This tests the patience of young people.

Once this idea emerged, Guan Lin felt that this old man was quite extraordinary...

Perhaps, he is an expert from outside the world and cannot be guaranteed... If a young man can withstand the test, he will be given a martial arts secret book, military strategy and so on.

——It’s not a loss either.

Of course, even if he thinks this way, it is impossible for Guan Lin to do such a thing as picking up shoes. In his two lifetimes, he has never been so humble.

Finally, after observing the old man for ten days, I finally saw a young man.

After picking up the shoes for the first time and putting them on for the old man, the old man said they didn't fit and threw them under the bridge as promised.

But the young man was very patient. He picked it up again and put it on the old man again, but the old man threw it off again.

——"Is this the third test?" 』

Guan Lin was thinking...

But soon, he realized that he was overthinking.

Because the young man picked up his shoes six times and wore them six times.

There was even one time in the middle when the old man said they didn't fit, so the young man gave his shoes to the old man, but in the end, the old man still threw the shoes under the bridge.

And that young man, no matter how good-tempered he was, couldn't hold back at this moment.

He pointed at the old man and cursed: "You old dog deceived my good heart, you scoundrel!"

This curse was clearly heard by everyone on the entire "Victory Bridge".

As for the old man, Guan Lin found that he ignored him and just kept smiling, like a fool.

Not long after, the young Confucian scholar left cursing...

Guan Lin slapped the table. He felt that this old man had really ruined me... He couldn't stay silent like this anymore, and he had to do something.

So Guan Lin picked up the two pairs of shoes on the shoal under the bridge.

Then... under the expectant gaze of the old man, he was thrown directly into the rushing water, and the shoes were washed away by the river.

Because this was not a big deal, his actions naturally did not attract too many people's attention, but it left the old man on the bridge stunned.

Guan Lin didn't like him either. In the spirit of "doing justice for heaven", he made a face at the old man.

He smiled and said, "In the future, no one will pick up shoes anymore."

Then, he turned around and left gracefully.

He felt that he had done another good thing.

If he hadn't worn a red scarf on his chest, he would have felt that the red scarf had become more vivid!

As a result...from then on, the old man never appeared at the "Desheng Bridge" again.

Desheng Bridge also lacks this "weird" scenery.

Facts have proved that Guan Lin underestimated this old man!

He just changed places. He started leading the donkey and stood guard at the gate of Guan Mansion with a disheveled look. He kept guard for a whole day. He told everyone that the young master of the Guan family had thrown away his shoes and he wanted to make the young master of the Guan family pay compensation. shoe!

Guan Lin was also drunk...

In order to avoid the spread of the situation.

In order to get rid of this old man, he spent his own money to buy a pair of good shoes.

But after the old man walked away, he came back the next day. He quit and said that these shoes were not as comfortable as the original pair of straw sandals.

At that time, Guan Lin finally felt what it meant to be a scoundrel and what it meant to be a porcelain... He felt that he had been blackmailed by this old man.

This is no longer a matter of disrespecting the elderly, this is a matter of the "bad guys" getting older!

Guan Lin had no choice but to buy him another pair.

But on the third day, the old man came again. He said they were still not as comfortable as the original pair.

It's a good thing that Guan Lin doesn't know martial arts, otherwise, his clenched fist would definitely knock the old man to the ground.

Of course, thinking about it afterwards, Guan Lin was very lucky.

It was a good thing that he didn't know martial arts, otherwise the old man fell to the ground and said, "The young master of the Guan family hit someone, and I don't know how much trouble he would cause."

Back and forth, another five days passed...

Guan Lin couldn't bear the disturbance.

When he found the old man, he showed his cards right away, "Just tell me how much money you want! I'll go home and steal... ah no, I'll go home and collect it!"

As a result, the old man was happy. He said that he didn't want money, he just wanted his pair of shoes.

Guan Lin felt so speechless for the first time.

If it weren't for the tradition of respecting the elderly in the Han Dynasty, anyone who beat an elderly person over seventy years old for no reason would be beheaded. Guan Lin just picked up every stone and threw it at him.

He discovered that... once an old man becomes evil, or once a bad person becomes old, it is so awesome that he cannot accept it.

Guan Lin patiently asked the old man, "Just tell me what you want, right? You don't want money, you have to want something else, right?"

At this moment, Guan Lin recognized it and bowed his head to the matter of "bad guys grow old".

Who would have thought that this old man said that he didn't want anything, he just wanted some truth.

Guan Lin was stunned and asked quickly: "What's the point?"

The old man asked, "Why don't you follow the rules?"

The implication is to ask him why Guan Lin doesn't play his cards according to the routine?

Guan Lin asked, "What are the rules?"

The old man had a look of disdain on Guan Lin, "You, the young master of Guan Mansion, have never read a book? Don't you know the story of the Marquis Zhang Liang picking up shoes at the bridge in the "Historical Records" compiled by Sima Qian?"

Guan Lin asked back, "Zhang Liang met an old man wearing a coarse short robe at the bridge. The old man deliberately took off his shoes and asked him to pick them up. Then he ordered Zhang Liang to put them on for him. Finally, he praised the boy for being teachable and made an appointment. See you at the bridge in five days!"

"As a result, Zhang Liang was late twice, and the third time he was finally one step ahead, so the old man taught Zhang Liang "Tai Gong's Art of War". The study of "Tai Gong's Art of War" was indispensable for Zhang Liang to become a sage. Later... Sima Qian recorded that the old man was none other than Huang Shigong, the legendary 'Gao Shi' who was invisible in the cave, also known as "the old man on the mountain!" "

Before time travel, Guan Lin worked as a "Baidu Encyclopedia". Wouldn't he know this?

After hearing this, the old man nodded repeatedly, but angrily scolded Guan Lin: "You know this, and you still don't pick up my shoes? You know this, and you still throw my shoes into the river?"

Guan Lin smiled and said, "Don't say that. In the past twenty days, there have been not a hundred people who picked up shoes for you, but eighty. From the time I sat there, in the past ten days, at least seventeen people have picked up two shoes for you." Second shoes! There is also a fool... ah no, there is a Confucian scholar who picked it up for you six times, but what did you pass on to them? You passed on loneliness!"

The old man's eyes were sure. He stroked his beard and said quibblely: "These are just traffickers and lackeys. They are stupid and stupid. They have no wisdom... I don't like them."

Speaking of this, he pretended to be profound and said: "Liu Hou Zhang Liang didn't just pick up and put on shoes, he also experienced four meetings with the 'Old Man in the Enshang' before he was able to pass on the "Tai Gong's Art of War"!"

"Forget it!" Before the old man could finish speaking, Guan Lin interrupted subconsciously: "We have met not ten times, but seven or eight times. In addition to asking me for shoes, you also What did you do? Others saw it and thought I was bullying the old man!"

"That's because the shoes you gave me are uncomfortable!" The old man insisted.

"What's wrong?" Guan Lin asked.

The old man pointed at the shoes and said, "These shoes are too big!"

"Your sister!" Guan Lin didn't care whether the old man could understand or not, and retorted directly: "The shoes don't fit at all!"

"You're being ridiculous!" The old man refused, "Have you ever read 'Zheng Ren Buys Shoes'? I didn't let the old man try on my feet. I just bought shoes based on the size. Can I buy shoes that fit my feet?"

"Haha..." Guan Lin laughed, "——'If Zheng people want to buy shoes, they should first satisfy themselves.'" He read out a sentence first, and then changed the topic: "Han Feizi wrote this 'Zheng people buy shoes' This is a distorted interpretation. The world says that when buying shoes, Zheng people 'would rather have trust than confidence'. In fact, people in the world have wrongly blamed Zheng people! According to me, people should rather trust the size of their strength than their own feet? "

"Why is this?" The old man opened his eyes wide, and Guan Lin's words successfully aroused his curiosity.

Guan Lin pointed to his feet and said, "Are you afraid you don't know? Human feet are smaller in the morning and larger in the evening. If you buy shoes at night, they will naturally be smaller. If you buy shoes in the morning, they will naturally be bigger. Shouldn't we learn from Zheng Ren? , measure it at noon and find the middle value. Otherwise, if you buy a larger one or a smaller one, will you refund my money?"

This is not long after Guan Lin just traveled through time.

Otherwise, he would never argue like this with an old man.

Fortunately, Guan Lin was not led astray by the old man... and even successfully led the old man into a trap.

Sure enough, the old man was furious: "You are bluffing me!"

Guan Lin didn't explain, he stretched out his hand and said, "Take two steps, if you don't believe me, take two steps!"

"From morning to night, measure and see if the size of your feet changes!"

The old man said harshly, "Just watch..."

So, the two agreed that if people's feet were different sizes, the old man would never provoke Guan Lin again. If they were the same size, Guan Lin would have to find shoes that fit the old man.

Early the next morning, the old man came to the alley opposite Guan Mansion as promised. He first measured the size of his feet. After Guan Lin verified it, he went back to the house to sleep. The old man began to "walk two steps" continuously!

For Guan Lin, this is a rare day of peace...

In the evening, when Guan Lin went out, the old man was still there.


The old man's original arrogance and stubbornness disappeared, as if he was covered in huge surprise.

He looked at his feet in a daze, and then stared blankly at the newly measured size, and fell into a huge daze for a moment.

It seems that even now, he still cannot accept the fact that human feet are "small in the morning and big in the evening."

Guan Lin walked up to him very politely, "I remember the story of 'Zheng Ren buys shoes'. The moral is that you can't be too rigid in doing things and only believe in dogma. Old man, old man, do you understand it? Zheng Ren buys shoes." Is it right or wrong to wear shoes? You are focusing on his feet, have you ever tried your own feet for a moment!"

The words came out of my mouth...

This old man's outlook on life has been subverted.

He grabbed Guan Lin and exclaimed: "I finally found a disciple who is intelligent, interesting and not rigid!"

Guan Lin quickly threw away the old man's arm, "Don't... look for disciples elsewhere, I won't be your disciple! Besides, you haven't even understood 'Zheng Ren Buying Lu'? We two Who teaches whom?”

It would be better if Guan Lin didn't say this...

As soon as he said this, the old man came forward again, "There are countless people in Jingzhou who are begging and rushing to become my disciple. I will make an exception and accept you as my closed disciple. Aren't you happy? You're not happy. I still have to accept you as my disciple!"

When he heard these words, Guan Lin was stunned again.

He felt that he was stupid. He had been messing around with an old man for so long. With such time, wouldn't it be nice to go home and have a good sleep?

But it was obvious that the old man was relying on him...

If he doesn't give up, he won't be able to give up.

So, Guan Lin asked, "You said you would be my master, but you have to let me know, what do you know?"

At this point, Guan Lin asked tentatively: "Don't fool me with a copy of "Tai Gong's Art of War". I know more about the art of war than you!"

The old man stroked his beard and leaned on his donkey.

It seems that when it comes to the things he is good at, he has changed from his previous imprudence and has become more elegant in his speech.

"I can't teach you the art of war and strategy!"

"Then what can you teach?"

"All kinds of tricks!" The old man said calmly and confidently, not like he was trying to fool people.

Guan Lin's eyes were fixed, "Not just any cat or dog can be my master. Cheng, since you are so confident, then tomorrow morning, I will draw a blueprint. If you can make it according to this blueprint, When the real thing comes, I will worship you as my teacher, how about it?"

The old man was happy to hear this.

——This guy can also make blueprints?

Agree immediately…

So, the next day, Guan Lin gave the old man a manufacturing diagram, which was the most complete manufacturing diagram of the "Qin Crossbow" dismantled from the terracotta warriors and horses in his previous life.

You know, during the Warring States Period, the reason why the Qin soldiers were invincible in battles and invincible was that the Qin crossbows could shoot far!

According to the "Warring States Policy Han Ce", the maximum range of Qin Nu can reach more than 800 meters!

Of course, this is a bit bragging!

According to Guan Lin's thinking, similar to the divine arm crossbow of the Song Dynasty, the problem of 300 meters is not big.

The picture drawn by Guan Lin is of the "stretching crossbow" in the Qin crossbow. It requires pedaling and the strength of the whole body to wind it. The process in the picture alone exceeds a hundred steps.

In addition, many of the sizes and proportions Guan Lin drew were extremely general, making it extremely difficult to create.

Of course, Guan Lin's purpose was just to make the old man retreat.


It seemed that the powerful "Qin Nu" had been "lost" in this era. When the old man got the "manufacturing diagram", his eyes glowed green.

Guan Lin thought he was scared, and said sternly, "It's still too late to give up now."

The old man just put away the drawings and left without saying a word.

Then there were ten or twenty days, when Guan Lin thought that the old man couldn't do it, that he was too embarrassed to see him again, and that the world was at peace.

The old man appeared again.

The first thing he said when he saw Guan Lin was, "Liu Xiang's "Warring States Policy" is not rigorous. It is actually a random fabrication. How can Qin's crossbow shoot 800 steps? At most 450 steps!"

The words came out of my mouth...

Guan Lin was stunned.

——No way, no way, this old man really made Qin Nu?

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