Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 643: Become the God of War in Xiaoyaojin? Or Zhang Wenyuan of the Great Wei Dynasty?

——Foolish brother doesn’t understand!

——You’re not afraid of me, stupid brother?

——What is Brother afraid of?

When Xia Houyuan's deafening voice reached Cao Cao's ears, his spirit was undoubtedly lifted a lot, and the light in his pupils became sharp.

——"Yes, Miaocai is right, Gu still has 400,000 knights, and Gu's territory is still the largest in the world?" 』

——‘What are you afraid of? Why should I be afraid of the Guan family father and son? How could I ever be afraid of the big-eared thief and Zhuge villagers? 』

Thinking of this, "Hahahaha"... Cao Cao burst into laughter. He met Xia Houyuan and saw an excited and excited Xia Houyuan. He slapped his shoulders heavily with both hands, "Miaocai, you are right. , you are here, and Gu’s hundreds of thousands of troops are here, why should Gu be afraid of you?”

Feeling Cao Cao's powerful palm rubbing against his shoulder...

Xia Houyuan's expression was still solemn, and he said solemnly, "Brother, don't worry, Mr. Jia and I are there at Hanzhong and Yangping Pass. Even if there are only more than 100,000 soldiers and horses, it is enough to kill the 200,000 Shu army of the big-eared thief." There is no armor left. Here in Guanzhong, I just asked, including the troops and horses returned by the eldest brother, there are more than 100,000 soldiers. If the eldest brother wants to take back Luoyang, he only needs to send a letter to Ziwen in Jizhou in the north. , he will lead the army down, and the eldest brother will give the order to advance in both directions, so how can Guan Yu resist?"

Xia Houyuan has always been an ultimate pragmatist.

He rose from poverty and gradually became the "Hussars General" of the Wei Dynasty today. Before becoming the commander of the Western Front battlefield, he fought in the north and south, put down the rebellion, and the troops he marched in haste. I'm afraid it's longer than an ordinary general's journey in a lifetime!

Diligence and frugality are his qualities, focusing on the big and letting go of the small in everything, and acting vigorously and resolutely are his methods.

In this situation, he directly stated his point of view.

Lost Luoyang? Lost the emperor? Afraid of birds? It takes the whole country to take it back!


On this point, Cao Cao had different ideas from him.

Cao Cao said seriously: "I received the letter from Ziwen (Cao Zhang) when I was alone on the road. There are still the remnants of Wuhuan in the north, the five tribes of the southern Xiongnu, and the Xianbei Hulu who have been raiding the border every year. When the news of the fall of Luoyang reaches there, I wonder what evil thoughts these barbarians will have! Ziwen's 200,000 soldiers have no intention of moving! Besides... Luoyang is newly defeated, the morale of the three armies is low, and the morale of the enemy is high. At this time, we should avoid its sharp edges and be patient... When the time comes, whether it is Luoyang or the emperor, Gu will take it back sooner or later!"

Because of Xia Houyuan’s passionate and inspiring words;

Because I saw my good brother and brother-in-law Xia Houyuan...the silent Cao Cao disappeared, and in his place...Cao Cao became a brave and wise hero again.

The lost light in the eyes is back again...

Xia Houyuan heard that he was not in a hurry to counterattack Luoyang, and he was a little uninterested at the moment, but... as soon as his elder brother mentioned the word "timing", he vaguely understood.

Jia Xu, who has always been taciturn, pointed out the key to the problem, "General Xiahou, what do you mean by your Majesty... We, the Wei Dynasty, are in urgent need of a big victory! The Battle of Hanzhong... If we win, it will be enough to boost the morale of the three armies and prepare for the counterattack on Luoyang Create conditions! Your Majesty has high hopes for the general..."

This is what Cao Cao likes most about Jia Xu. When to speak, what to say, and when to shut up, this old poisoner knows very well.

The topic turned to the Battle of Hanzhong. Xia Houyuan patted his chest and assured Cao Cao, "I sent Heng'er (Xia Houheng) and Zidan (Cao Zhen) to Guanzhong to recruit Yongliang soldiers and horses just to make sure nothing went wrong. In fact...although the big-eared thief is coming, It's fierce, but it's just the end of the war. He has no food, haha... Mr. Jia's detailed work in Shu sent back intelligence. Even if the Zhuge villagers devoted all their efforts to Bashu, they couldn't raise much food? That's exactly the case. , then Liu Bei wouldn’t dare to go up to Dingjun Mountain, let alone forcefully break through the checkpoint I set!”

Speaking of this, Xia Houyuan's voice gained a bit more confidence, "On the other hand... We in Hanzhong have left a large amount of food and grass from the Five Pecks of Rice Cult. If we hold on, it will be enough for Hanzhong for ten years. Brother, don't worry. The day when the big-eared thief runs out of food is when I lead the army to attack... This time, I will let him bury all 200,000 Shu troops here, and capture the big-eared thief alive to boost the morale of the three armies!"

The more Xia Houyuan talked, the more confident he became.

It’s no wonder that he is like this. In fact, the three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first... What the army is most afraid of is not the unfavorable battle situation, but the supply of food and grass!

Before the farming system, Cao Cao was restricted by grain and grass every time he went on a campaign.

He can understand this feeling best.

Looking at Xia Houyuan's firm eyes, Cao Cao was deeply inspired, and he nodded heavily. "There are wonderful talents, and lonely and carefree!"

Following Cao Cao's words... Jia Xu nodded slowly, and Cheng Yu quickly raised the next topic, "Your Majesty, the war on the Western Front started in Hanzhong, and the situation in the Central Plains is temporarily on hold. But the most worrying thing now is Huainan. …I heard that fighting has started in Huainan, and it’s not easy to think that General Wenyuan is alone and unable to support himself…”

Cheng Yu just finished speaking.

Cao Cao's eyes narrowed, "On the way here, I was already driving to Huainan..."

"Brother, do you want General Zhang to defend Hefei? Or do you want to imitate the battle of Xiaoyaojin in the past and severely injure those Jiangdong rats?"

Xia Houyuan spoke directly.

"No!" Cao Cao replied without hesitation: "The situation now is no better than it was then. Once Luoyang is lost, the entire Wei frontline will inevitably retreat, and Hefei cannot be defended!"

"Then..." Xia Houyuan opened his eyes wide, as if... he had a premonition of his elder brother Cao Cao's order in Huainan. He spoke faster, with confusion in his tone: "Then Huainan just gives in?"

After saying this, Jia Xu and Cheng Yu looked at each other.

The two of them closed their mouths in tacit understanding, with a sense of déjà vu as they looked at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses. They saw everything and understood everything, but said nothing.

But at this moment, Cao Cao said coldly in a decisive tone:

"Let it go!"

"We are reluctant to hold on and lose our troops and generals in Huainan. It is better to gather our troops and form a joint force to defeat the invading enemy..."

Speaking of this, Cao Cao's voice contained a hint of absolute certainty, "If the cost of hurting the enemy's ten fingers is to break one of his fingers, then I would rather hurt his ten fingers! Never break this most critical finger!"

It seems that Cao Cao's words are profound.

The "ten fingers" refer to Huainan, and the broken finger that he cannot accept is Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan.

"Brother... but..." Xia Houyuan seemed to have something to say.

"Huh..." Cao Cao blocked what Xia Houyuan was going to say with a heavy breath, "Wenyuan is a righteous man, and Gu is the most important righteous man. Nothing can happen to Wenyuan. I only hope that he can receive Gu Wei's According to the imperial edict, before the Jiangdong Army formed a siege on Hefei... they fled to Xuzhou! If so, even if Huainan is lost, I can wake up with a smile even in my dreams!"


As Cao Cao chanted these words, the whole audience fell silent. Not only Jia Xu and Cheng Yu, but even Xia Houyuan, who was just emotional, could understand the difficulty and bitterness in his elder brother's heart when he made this decision.

What he can do now... is not to persuade his elder brother, but... to win the battle in Hanzhong that is related to the rise and fall of the Wei Dynasty!

Regain the morale and fighting spirit of the soldiers of the three armies of the Wei Dynasty that had fallen to the bottom!

——"Brother, the current situation is really not easy for you!" 』


"Rat people are rats, look, look, this general just made a slight move, and that Jiangdong rat just ran away, hahaha..."

Huainan, outside Hefei.

Zhang Liao's loud laughter and roar startled several birds that were building nests on the branches.

Just now, he led his cavalry to attack and directly intercepted and killed an army transporting baggage from the east of the Yangtze River. He won a great victory and captured countless baggage and grain.

On the other hand, those Jiangdong soldiers and horses who were transporting baggage just raised their heads and took a look. When they realized that Zhang Liao was charging towards them, how could they have any intention of resisting?

All the shields collapsed and disintegrated at that moment...

All soldiers and horses fled.

This battle... can be said to have once again boosted Zhang Liao's confidence.

It made him realize again that he... was still the God of War of Xiaoyaojin who made Jiangdong's children stop crying. This Huainan, as long as he is still there, can still defend it and has never fallen!

"Rat, no matter how many people there are, even if the master has changed, he is still a rat..."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Zhang Liao's heroic laughter continued.

"General Zhang Shenwu..."

"General Zhang Shenwu..."

The generals and lieutenants praised him one after another.


Under the current situation in Huainan, such a great victory in which General Zhang personally took action seems so precious.

"Report..." At this moment, a voice came.

The messenger's voice came out almost at the same time as the messenger's arrival.

"The King of Wei issued an order to expedite the eight hundred miles...the expedited eight hundred miles..."

The messenger broke into the tent, panted and knelt down on one knee, quickly untied the bamboo basket he was carrying on his back, and then handed the Wei King's edict in the bamboo basket to Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao quickly took it...

Now, he is extremely concerned about the safety of King Cao Cao, but... at least the arrival of this letter can prove that the King is fine! As long as everything is fine, that's fine, it's more important than anything else!

Thinking of this, Zhang Liao was pleasantly surprised.

But... as the edict unfolded, and as each word in the edict appeared in front of Zhang Liao, there was only surprise in his eyes, without the word "happiness" left.

"General? Is the king okay?"

"General...general, what did the king give you?"

As if seeing the surprise on Zhang Liao's expression, Lieutenant General Yiqian asked quickly.

But Zhang Liao, only he, seemed to have an indescribable complex emotion in his heart, because... in Cao Cao's edict, the core words are:

——Abandon Jianghuai and retreat to Xuzhou immediately!

Abandon! retreat!

Abandon? retreat?

For a moment, Zhang Liao was stunned, as if...the scenes that had happened in Huainan in the past flashed before his eyes one by one like a fleeting cloud.

Including the urgent message from Cao Cao when Sun's 100,000-strong army was approaching - "When thieves arrive, they will be dispatched"!

Including, Zhang Wenyuan was stunned and hacked at Sun Shiwan's army for a whole night and a whole morning. In that battle, he liked to mention the name "Zhang Babai"...

Including, the 100,000-strong army returned in fear! That kid stops crying! The rats from the east of the Yangtze looked at the river and sighed.

Huainan, this is... the place where Zhang Liao and his brothers have spent their blood and sweat to build the unyielding city defense. Is it... is it necessary to give up like this?

Zhang Liao began to struggle in his heart.

He knew that Cao Cao's decision must have his own reasons, maybe it was from overall strategic considerations, maybe it was because of other emergencies.

However, abandoning Huainan would undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Zhang Liao, who fought bloody battles on the front lines.


The lieutenants are still asking...

Zhang Liao waved his hand violently, "You guys stand down first..."

"Yes, general..."

The lieutenants seemed to be looking forward to this edict from the king.

The soldiers who followed Zhang Liao were all heroes, and none of them were afraid of death. Even if King Cao Cao asked them to fight bloody battles and resist until the last moment, they would not blink an eye or frown.

"go out--"

Zhang Liao's voice became thicker and thicker...

This made all the lieutenants look at each other, as if they had guessed something, and they filed out of the Chinese army's tent with knowing looks in each other's eyes.

Zhang Liao, on the other hand, seemed to be deep in thought. He thought of the current situation, the days of fighting day and night on this land, and the huge sacrifices they had made here.

Giving up on Huainan would be equivalent to giving up all their efforts and sacrifices——


Haha, maybe, there is nothing wrong with it!

Zhang Liao may not be the war god of Xiaoyaojin in Huainan, but... he must be Zhang Wenyuan, the general of the Wei Dynasty who conquered the east!

Just thought of this.


It was Xue Ti who heard that Zhang Liao's expression was not right, so he came to the Chinese army's tent to ask questions, or... to be precise, he wanted to persuade him.

Who would have thought...I wouldn't wait for Xue Ti to open his mouth.

Zhang Liao's hands that were originally supporting the table suddenly raised a little, and he said calmly and in a low voice, "According to the king's edict, we abandon Huainan and withdraw into Xuzhou..."


This was the calmest voice that Xue Ti had ever heard from Zhang Liao.


Xue Ti wanted to persuade him.

But Zhang Liao raised his hand to stop his next words, "Perhaps, your Majesty is right. Instead of fighting a trapped beast in Hefei, it is better to break out of the encirclement in Xuzhou before the enemy army encircles them. Xuzhou... is the world of land warfare." , where we can stop the invading enemy and we have a better chance of winning! The most...the most important thing is..."

At the end of Zhang Liao's words, he suddenly choked up, as if he couldn't chant the last sentence, and he didn't want to.

Xue Ti's heart is like a mirror...

Zhang Wenyuan's last sentence is...that today's Wei Dynasty can no longer withstand another big defeat, nor can it withstand the death of one of its coaches!

That’s right…

He was killed in action!

It is this heroic and heroic rhetoric.

With this in mind, Xue Ti solemnly bowed his hands to Zhang Liao, then turned around and shouted loudly: "General Zhang has an order to abandon Hefei and evacuate to Xuzhou immediately... evacuate to Xuzhou immediately——"

The voice was hoarse. It was not only Zhang Liao who was unwilling to leave, but also Xue Ti...including every soldier who had made contributions to this land. Their hearts were filled with helplessness and sorrow.



Only an hour later, under the Hefei City, densely packed black armored legions, they finally looked back at the Hefei City plaque, leaving behind a deep sigh.

The most serious one is Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan who never look back, or to be more precise, Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan who can't bear to look back!

In this way, in history...the Huainan War, which ran through the entire Three Kingdoms Wei-Wu game, at this moment...came to an end with the complete victory of the Han army!

In Chengdu, Shuzhong, there is an ordinary Taoist temple.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a spacious hall. On both sides there is a bronze crane incense burner, with green smoke floating in the crane's mouth. There is a bronze ox square tripod in the hall. Above the tripod hangs the four characters "Sanxing Dahan" written in seal script. , the signature... is surprisingly the handiwork of Zhuge Liang, the military strategist general in Shu.

In the past few days, Zhuge Liang would come here every day to burn incense and pray. Firstly, he asked God to bless and protect the soldiers of the Han Dynasty. Secondly, he prayed that... the preparation of food could go smoother.

It is no exaggeration to say that this time... less than three years after Liu Bei captured Bashu, and more than a year after the war between Bazhong and Xiabian, 200,000 soldiers and horses were dispatched in order to capture the gateway to Shuzhong. The strategic center of the Central Plains - Hanzhong!

Zhuge Liang spent all his energy and energy——

In the entire Bashu, men are almost responsible for fighting and women are responsible for luck. All the food and grass that can be raised have been collected. What cannot be raised...that is really gone.

But even so, the documents urging food from the front line just keep coming every day...

Zhuge Liang knew better than Liu Bei what the expected arrival of food meant in this battle in Hanzhong.

But...he has done everything he can, and now all that is left is to pray.


After burning incense and praying, Zhuge Liang slowly stood up and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Yang Yi on the side quickly went to help him, Zhuge Liang asked.

"Raising food and grass? Is there any new progress?"

"No..." Yang Yi could only tell the truth. He was trying to deal with the latest problems he encountered, such as the uncooperation of the Nanzhong and Nanbarbar forces, such as the grain shipped to Chengdu being detained by the barbarian king Meng Huo. He had sent envoys many times to negotiate. But to no avail…

Yang Yi wanted to talk about matters like this...

But at this moment.

"Jingzhou urgent report..."

An urgent letter from Jingzhou arrived in a hurry. Yang Yi quickly took it, unfolded it quickly, and presented it to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the words on the urgent document.

But... soon...

Zhuge Liang's expression changed from melancholy to surprise, and he exclaimed: "Okay, okay, Yun Chang and his son have captured Luoyang and have received the emperor, okay...ok..."


This was too surprising for Zhuge Liang.

You know, the Longzhong pair he made with Liu Bei was to go north in two ways, once out of the Qinling Mountains and into Guanzhong, and then out of Jingzhou to attack Luoyang in the north. Now... half of this strategy has been completed ahead of schedule.

Even the emperor won back...

Then, from this moment on, it will become justifiable for the Han army to attack Cao Cao! Will be able to gain support from all people of insight in the world!

This... is so important!

But the important thing is one thing, and suddenly, Zhuge Liang noticed another thing.


If Yun Chang and Yun Qi have already reached Luoyang, and Longzhong has overfulfilled his strategy, then... wouldn't the pressure be on Xuande's side?

If Shuzhong cannot break through...then...then Yun Chang will go deep alone.

So... then...

Grain… Grain——

For a moment, Zhuge Liang was a little dizzy. He...he had the feeling of watching Longzhong's strategic plan achieve great success step by step, happened to be him...he was the one who was responsible for raising food and internal affairs. Lagging behind!


Taking a deep breath, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but feel a little depressed and depressed.

But suddenly, he thought of something again.

He quickly turned to Yang Yi and did not mention the content of the urgent report. Instead, he asked solemnly: "Wei Gong (Yang Yi)? What are Adou and Ke'er doing recently?"

…(End of chapter)

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