Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 31 Ming is used to gain insight, philosophy is used to protect oneself

Sun Quan, the leader of Soochow, was proficient in the art of checks and balances.

He is very good at balancing the complex factions in Jiangdong.

And this is his unique check and balance.

He looks gentle on the surface, but secretly he is stained with a lot of blood!

In order to achieve absolute balance, Sun Quan was always making choices between weakening, maintaining, and supporting the three factions within Jiangdong.

But Lu Xun was the most transparent...

After the Battle of Chibi, some people's rights were too tyrannical, as the saying goes - "The master is shocked by his great achievements!"

The "Huaisi Expedition" faction headed by Sun Ce's old subordinate Zhou Yu...should be weakened.

The Jiangdong faction headed by the local clans "Gu, Lu, Zhu and Zhang" must also be supported and strengthened to check and balance the "Huaisi" faction.

As for what is sandwiched in the middle, it is a branch of the Huaisi sect, the "Huaisi Liuyu sect" headed by Lu Su and Zhuge Jin!

The so-called tripartite confrontation!

The great "Three Kingdoms" stand together!

But within each country, aren’t there the “Little Three Kingdoms” mixed in?

Aren’t these three small countries standing in a tripod, checking and balancing each other?

As for Zhou Yu’s betrayal.

It's not betrayal in the broadest sense.

At that time, the whole Han Dynasty was rumored that Yizhou would have an emperor and Wu Yi's sister would be the queen.

It happened that at that time Zhou Yu gave up his confrontation with Cao Cao in Nanjun and proposed to march westward to Bashu.

Bashu and Jiangdong are thousands of miles away. Zhou Yu leads his troops there. Can Sun Quan still control it?

After that...

Sun Quan's eyes obviously dodge for a few times, but soon he returned to the majestic Lord of Soochow.

"Bo Yan was joking. When my brother passed away, he told me to ask Zhang Zhao if he was not sure about domestic affairs, and Zhou Yu when he was not sure about foreign affairs. I treat Gong Jin as my eldest brother. Why would my eldest brother betray me? As for Gong Jin's death, I am heartbroken and heartbroken. !”

Having said that, it was obvious that the way Sun Quan looked at Lu Xun changed and he became much more friendly.

It seemed that he had restored his trust in Lu Xun, and besides this trust, there was another surprise.

"Bo Yan, please step back first!"

"Wei!" Lu Xun bowed his hands and resigned.

After he had gone away, Sun Quan's son Sun Deng walked out from behind the curtain.

Sun Quan sighed to him: "Apart from Gu, I didn't expect that Lu Boyan would become the most transparent one!"

Sun Deng's eyes were burning and he said with emotion: "Yes, my father has another handsome man who can be of great use."


Hearing this word, Sun Quan narrowed his eyes, "After all, this handsome guy is too young!"

Sun Dengze nodded first, and then shook his head. He looked at the map hanging in the palace, looking in the direction of Jingzhou, "Guan Yunchang is unparalleled in martial arts. If there is a weakness, is he too proud? What if Lu Zijing, Lu Ziming, he will still be more defensive, but if it is Lu Boyan, then... maybe..."


"Guan Yunchang will definitely not take a young general like Lu Xun seriously. Maybe at some point in the future, Boyan can make great achievements for his father!"

I heard my son admire Lu Xun so much.

Sun Quan sighed: "It seems that my son is very optimistic about Lu Boyan..."

Sun Deng nodded, "But now, Cao Cao has many advisers, Liu Bei has Zhuge Liang, and his father's Lu Su and Zhang Zhao are also talented people. But what about the future? Ten, twenty, thirty years from now Who else can Cao Cao use? Who else can Liu Bei use? Does Guan Yu have any useful advisers?"

Sun Deng's words attracted Sun Quan's praise, "My son can see far!"

Speaking of this, Sun Quan ordered: "The most urgent task is to send a letter to Jiangling to ask Ziyu (Zhuge Jin) to pay close attention to the movements in Jiangling. As for Lu Meng in Jingnan, continue to hold the troops stationary. This time, he will not move at Guan Yunchang. Don’t move alone! Wait for him to make the first move!”


Sun Deng added, "What about Hefei?"

Sun Quan said firmly, "Don't move either!"

Jiangling City, inside the post house.

Zhuge Jin was wearing Yanju casual clothes and wrote a few big words with deep thoughts:

——Ge grows in Mengchu and spreads in the wild.

——Kudzu grows with thorns, and vines spread over the field.

His son Zhuge Ke, who had just come to Jiangling for the first time, commented by his side, "Kudzu vines grow and are covered with thorns, and weeds spread in the graveyard... What my father recited was the chapter 'Ge Sheng' in "The Book of Songs: Guofeng", but it's not that he didn't like this. Are you waiting for an article that combines 'Xing, Bi, and Fu'?"

Zhuge Jin smiled and shook his head, "Only yellow thorns can grow in the kudzu vines, and wild grapes can grow on desolate tombs. What a wonderful gift, comparison, and prosperity. But the tiger father has no dog son, why... This Guan Gong's son is crooked." What’s up?”

When Zhuge Ke mentioned this, he understood that the article "Gesheng" written by his father was related to the topic that everyone was talking about in the streets and alleys of Jiangling City recently.

It has been two days... Guan Lin, Guan Yunqi, Guan Yu's fourth son, openly defied Guan Gong. In full view of the public, he asked his father to write a "book of guilt"!

This kind of news was quite explosive in ancient times.

It seems that it has become the talk of the entire Jiangling city, and countless people are eagerly looking forward to the development of the situation.

Zhuge Ke sighed with emotion: "As a son, even if you are smart and resourceful, you cannot be arrogant and conceited in front of your father! But..."

Zhuge Ke paused for a moment and continued: "What's outrageous is that Guan Lin was so unfilial, but Guan Yu didn't punish him. This kid can't understand."

In Jiangdong, Zhuge Ke was known as a "child prodigy" because he was smart and agile.

Together with Gu Tan, Zhang Xiu and others, they often accompanied Sun Quan's eldest son Sun Deng to study together, and they were regarded as the prince's companions from childhood to adulthood.

Many times, it was Zhuge Ke who gave him guidance on the questions Sun Deng had doubts about.

This time I am waiting for my father in Jiangling because I specially went out to Jiangdong to see the world with my father.

I didn’t expect it, but it really opened my eyes.

As soon as I arrived in Jiangling, I heard that Guan Lin and his father Guan Yu were facing each other tit for tat in public, in the military camp, and in the school grounds. This arrogance was so arrogant that even Zhuge Ke found it incredible.

As for why Guan Yu didn't punish him... Zhuge Ke didn't understand, but Zhuge Jin understood a little bit.

"Yuan Xun (Zhuge Ke), can you hear what the dispute between the Guan family father and son was about?"

"It seems like it's a martial arts test? A wolf test!"

"No!" Zhuge Jin gently tapped his son's forehead with a pen, "Where have you learned the lesson that my father always taught you, 'Ming is used to gain insight, philosophy is used to protect one's life'?"

"You can't just look at things on the surface, you have to look at the inside. For example... the reason for the dispute between the Guan family and his son is that Guan Lin didn't know any martial arts, but he came first in the martial arts test. Guan Yunchang was unparalleled in martial arts. How could such a martial artist allow his children to Don’t you want to learn martial arts?”

"As for why Guan Yunchang didn't punish Guan Lin, it's because of his 'literary talent'!"

"Literary talent?" Zhuge Ke asked quickly.

Zhuge Jin nodded, "If you can react quickly when facing injustice, criticize Guan Yu with the violence of tigers and wolves in Nanjun, Jingzhou a hundred years ago, and derive the 'No Hunting Order' and the 'Book of Sin', this guy is quite capable." Yes, but after all, like his father, he is trapped by the word 'arrogance'. The so-called arrogance is invincible. Sooner or later, this father and son will fall into trouble!"

Zhuge Ke pondered...

He is actually quite arrogant. Could it be that sooner or later he will also stumble on the word arrogance?

Just when I was muttering in my heart.

A servant came in to report. "Master, we have found out clearly that Jiangdong made a surprise attack on Jingnan... The person who spread this news to the beggars is... Guan Yu's fourth son - Guan Lin!"

Guan...Guan Lin?

As soon as the name came out, Zhuge Jin was startled.

Zhuge Ke also quickly raised his head.

For a moment, the eyes of the two people turned sharply and became suspicious.

What Zhuge Ke was wondering was, why is there such Guan Lin everywhere?

Zhuge Jin's eyes were fixed and he chanted urgently:

--"not good!"

——"I...I was fooled!"

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