Three Kingdoms: The Reverse Son of the Guan Family, Dragon Blessing Jingxiang

Chapter 19 Guan Gongyan: The rats from Jiangdong are nothing to worry about

Jingnan, Changsha County.

The ancients always said that Jingzhou was the place of the Four Wars, and this is true.

But... in detail, in Jingzhou, a place where four wars took place, Jiangling is undoubtedly the most contested place for military strategists, and the most important city and county that supplies Jiangling's money is this - Changsha!

There is a record in "Three Kingdoms" - "(Changsha belongs to Empress Wu), Shu's money and food are always in short supply."

This shows the importance of Changsha County.

However, today's Changsha, since Han Xuan was defeated by Liu Bei, has become a paradise under the rule of Uncle Liu Huang, a paradise without war.

At this moment, on the bank of the Xiangjiang River, the piano and the harp sang in harmony, playing the unique and elegant music here.

Outside a stone pavilion, a group of soldiers stood around, but two men inside the stone pavilion were drinking.

"'Li' has come to take over General Liu's post as the prefect of Changsha on the orders of Uncle Liu. I hope General Liu will give you convenience!"

The man who calls himself "Li" is named Liao Li and he is from Wuling.

When Liu Bei concurrently served as the shepherd of Jingzhou, he promoted him to the post of governor of Changsha when he was less than thirty years old.

As for Liao Li’s resume.

In the past, when Liu Bei and Pang Tong entered Shu and Zhuge Liang was guarding Jingzhou, Sun Quan sent an envoy to ask Zhuge Liang who among the Shu sergeants would rule with him.

Zhuge Liang replied: "Pang Tong and Liao Li are both outstanding talents in Chu. They can work with me to achieve the great cause of governing the country."

It is precisely because of this sentence that Liao Li has always been honored as "the talented person of Chu", and Liu Bei also thinks highly of him.

The man sitting opposite him was Liu Pan, a son of Jingzhou shepherd Liu Biao. He used to be stationed in Changsha with Han Xuan. After the city was broken, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan surrendered. Huang Zhong recommended Liu Pan to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei came to pay homage to him in person. He is the governor of Changsha.

Now I have been serving as the governor of Changsha for four years...

At this moment... Liu Pan was not surprised when he heard Liao Li say that he had come to take over the post of governor of Changsha. He drank the wine bottle in one gulp and immediately turned his head to look at the Xiangjiang River.

He pointed to a river flowing to the Xiangjiang River: "Mr. Liao, do you know what the name of this river is?"

"Appreciate further details…"

"The name of this river is 'Laodao River'. According to legend, when Uncle Liu Huang sent Guan Gong to attack Changsha in the past, Guan Gong came to this river and took a boat along the river into the Xiangjiang River. He originally wanted to explore the river defense situation of Changsha City. But he never thought that a big wave would The boat bumped up, but Guan Gong was not careful and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand accidentally fell into the river."

"General Zhou Cang has followed Guan Gong for many years and knows the temperament of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, so he plunged into the water and chased against the current for seven miles before fishing the sword out."


Hearing this, Liao Li was startled. He never imagined that... this seemingly ordinary river could have such origins.

He asked in reply: "Is it for this reason that this river is called 'Laodao River'?"

Liu Pan shook his head. "This is just one of them"

"Then the second thing..."

"The second reason is that dragons belong to the Lin tribe, and water creatures of the Lin tribe like to swim against the water. Guan Gong's sword is inlaid with a green dragon, and the green dragon comes alive when it enters the water. Therefore, after the sword enters the water, the green dragon will naturally carry the sword and swim upstream... That's why, The people here named the place where Guan Gong dropped his sword 'Luodaozui', and the river where the sword was fished out was called 'Ludao River'!"

Hear this…

Liao Li's eyes widened. He was also a proud man who relied on his talents. After hearing this story, he naturally thought it was a bit fantasy!

He immediately laughed and said: "Such stories can scare a three-year-old child...Why does General Liu..."

Before Liao Li could finish speaking, there was a "bang" sound, and Liu Pan immediately interrupted, "Mr. Liao's words are wrong. Guan Gong is the god in Jingzhou! He is the god of war, the god of water, the god of kitchens, and the god of wealth. In recent years, the people in Jingnan did not worship other gods, but only worshiped Guan Gong!"

Speaking of which…

Liu Pan stood up suddenly, "Pan would like to advise Mr. Liao, it is not difficult to be the governor of Changsha, as long as you obey Guan Gong's orders, just make sure that the money and grain transported to Jiangling arrive on time and do not delay the military plane!"

Liao Li just felt it when he blurted out these words.

Guan Yu... what does this name mean to Jingzhou, to the people of Jingzhou, and to Jingzhou officials?

It's because he's new here and doesn't understand the rules.

Liao Li continued to ask: "I just looked at the city defense. There are only 3,000 troops stationed in Changsha, and General Liu sent half of them to transport money and grain to Jiangling. But...Changsha connects Jingzhou, Jiaozhou, and Jiangdong, and Zhuge's military advisor and Jiangdong's envoys crossed the Xiangshui River this time, if Jiangdong suddenly takes action, what should we do?"


Before Liao Li could finish what he said, Liu Pan burst out laughing, "Guan Gong said: There is nothing to worry about the rats from the east of the Yangtze River! How dare they invade Jingzhou?"


Liao Li took a breath and found that whether it was Jingnan or Jingbei, people here respected Guan Yu too much, to the point of myth!

I wanted to just say a few perfunctory words and send Liu Pan off first...

Never thought that it would be at this moment.


A drawn-out voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a scout rushed to the stone pavilion, got off his horse and reported immediately: "Report to the prefect... a suspicious ship was found in the Xiangjiang River, it seems... like an intruder from Jiangdong warships! There are... hundreds of them So many!"


As soon as this statement came out...

The expressions of Liu Pan and Liao Li changed suddenly.

——Kodong warship?

——Hundreds of ships?

Is intrusion?

Are you going to invade with the help of the "Sun-Liu Alliance"?

For a moment, Liu Pan's eyes widened, and Liao Li opened his mouth and said: "Didn't General Liu say... Guan Gong said that the rats from Jiangdong are nothing to worry about? Then... what is the situation now? Did Guan Gong say what should be done? "

——Guan Xing wants to fight ten!

It doesn’t matter if a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers;

Be brave and courageous...

At this moment, on the martial arts stage, Guan Xing was dancing with a green dragon sword. His movements were swaying and powerful. Facing the siege of ten wolves, he was able to do it with ease and take advantage of the opportunity.

The generals in the audience couldn't help but applaud...

Guan Yu also nodded repeatedly with approving eyes.

Compared to Guan Ping and Guan Xing, here's martial arts and sword skills are more like him!

"This is how you fight a wolf. If you are more ferocious than it, it will become timid, timid, and wait to be killed!"

Guan Yu stroked his long beard, and his arrogant voice came out.

He looked at Ma Liang beside him.

"Ji Chang, haha, I have a feeling that the 'wolf' my son beat up is just like Jiang Dong. The more domineering Guan is, the more tyrannical Jingzhou is, the more frightened Bi Yan'er and Jiang Dong will be!"


After listening to Guan Yu's words, Ma Liang took a deep breath, but did not comment on his words.

After all... whether Jiangdong is a docile quail or a tiger in sheep's clothing, I'm afraid it will be decided soon.

Guan Gong, on the other hand, still didn't take Sun Quan seriously!

After a burst of sword light, five wolves had fallen to the ground, but Guan Xing was also tired to the naked eye...

After all, he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and his sword skills are very similar to those of his father Guan Yu. The first three swords have accumulated enough strength, and then they will lose their strength and enter a short buffer period.


At this moment, the repeated gasps on the martial arts stage made people sweat for him.

Never thought that at this moment...

Beside Guan Yu, Guan Suo's voice suddenly came out.

——"Fourth brother? Why are you here? You're not..."

Because of his surprise, Guan Suo's voice was loud and naturally attracted everyone's attention.

But Guan Lin came panting...


The continuous gasping sound sounded like Guan Lin had just run several miles to get here.

As for... Guan Suo's inquiry, he didn't bother to answer...

Guan Lin walked to Guan Yu with tired steps.

In a breathless tone, Guan Lin opened his mouth:

——"Father, I'm sorry, the child is...late again..."


Guan Yu sensitively noticed the word "you" in Guan Lin's mouth. I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentionally aggravated.

what is this?


To challenge his father, the majesty of his handsome father?

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