Qin Bin said that the empress was not idle, and was busier.

The land area is more than three times larger than the original Han, which also leads to more than three times the pressure on infrastructure.

In order to completely connect the Xinde territory with the Xianyang hub, Qin Bin and his cabinet had to bias infrastructure resources to the northwest region, repeatedly issued policies to encourage childbirth, and even directly ordered the Western Prefecture and the Western Regions Protectorate to set up slave buying institutions to buy slaves from Central Asia, the Dayue clan, and the body poison.

As for why not beat down what Otsuki clan, body poison, etc.?

Please, the infrastructure in Han has made Qin Bin and the cabinet rack their brains, can’t they put the newly laid territory in the future?

Therefore, from the beginning of the first year of Shengwu, Qin Bin’s national policy shifted to the direction of defense, and issued national letters to countries such as the Great Moon Clan and Body Poison, indicating that the Great Han was willing to trade with the whole world and sign a peace agreement.

The Great Moon Clan, Body Poison and other countries were also afraid of the Han army, although the main task of Yue Fei and other legions was defense and construction, but the generals of Yue Fei’s army from time to time let their generals lead people to fight across the border, all of which were small-scale disturbance battles of three or five thousand people, and pursued the policy of scraping land with war to maintain war, so that the Great Moon Clan, Body Poison and other countries were exhausted and annoyed.

Now when they heard that the Han army did not intend to continue the war and were willing to trade, the lords agreed without thinking, and sent an embassy to Xianyang to pay tribute and sign a peace agreement.

It was also because of Qin Bin’s national letter that for a while, there was a prosperous scene of all nations coming to the dynasty in New Xianyang.

In the second year of Shengwu, the main road of the Grand Canal was opened to navigation, and Emperor Shengwu, with his empress and concubines, as well as a group of civil and military officials, took a giant ship to the south of Jiangnan to inspect the world.

In the third year of Shengwu, the navy was formally established, and the young generals Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were the main generals, and Gan Ning, Zhou Tai and other generals who were good at water warfare set out from the south of Yunzhou and landed on the Dongying Islands, beginning a two-year clean-up strategy.

At the end of the fourth year of Shengwu, the first batch of huge amounts of gold and silver shipped back from Yingzhou was ordered by Qin Bin to mint coins with his avatar, and the monetary system of gold, silver and copper decimal, plus silver tickets, officially became the mainstream monetary system of the Great Han.

In the fifth year of Shengwu, the cabinet was changed, and Wang Anshi and others were included in the Senate after retiring, and they had the post of monitoring hundreds of officials, but they did not have the power to determine the sentence, and sentencing was a matter for the Criminal Department.

And the new head of the cabinet is Cao Cao!

After Huangfu Song entered the Senate, Cao Cao succeeded Huangfu Song as Shangshu of the military department, and later changed his office, began to run for the first assistant, and narrowly defeated Fan Zhongyan and became the first assistant of the second cabinet of the Shengwu Dynasty.

Cao Cao then began to form a cabinet, and the four second assistants were Liu Yu, Fan Zhongyan, Wang Yun, and Cai Yong.

Looking at this list, Qin Bin also understood what Cao Cao meant, Liu Yu was the representative of the sect, Fan Zhongyan was the representative of Qin Bin’s hardcore followers, Wang Yun was the representative of the old Han court, and Cai Yong was the representative of foreign qi.

“Meng De, this is to achieve a balance in many aspects.” In the imperial history room of Xianyang Wende Hall, after Qin Bin smiled, he gave the file to Zhen Mi, “Approval, Yun.” As for letting Sun Jian take over the post of Shangshu of the Military Department, Zhang Xi taking over the post of Shangshu of the Public School Department, Liu Biao taking over the post of Shangshu of the Zongmu Department, and Guoyuan taking over the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Agriculture were all approved. ”

“Oh.” Zhen Mi, who has grown up, has replaced Tang Ji and other daughters who are going to take children at this time, and has become the female official attendant, while the attendant is Huang Yueying, and the female officials who are resident in the imperial study room are also women such as Qiao Ying, Qiao Xin, Zhen Rong, and step trainer.

“Yueying.” Qin Bin looked at Huang Yueying. To be honest, Huang Yueying is not ugly, even very beautiful, at least at the level of Zhen Jiang, she is the kind of beauty that is rare in the world. This is very different from the historical record, and it seems that as described in the wild history, the Huang family deliberately released Huang Yueying as ugly, so as to have the heart of some young people who want to become the son-in-law of the Huang family.

But this is not important, the point is that Huang Yueying is already a servant, in other words, he can’t escape Qin Bin’s ‘clutches’.

Even Huang Yueying’s father, Huang Chengyan, was recruited as a left attendant of the Ministry of Works at this time and had been working for Qin Bin for several years.

“Your Majesty.” Huang Yueying said, “Shangshu Song Yingxing of the Ministry of Engineering is on the table, the research and development of steam engines has fallen into a bottleneck, and no effective method has been figured out yet. ”

Qin Bin’s eyebrows rose, “Let him do his best.” After all, it is a new subject, and I can’t help much. ”


Qin Bin asked again, “What is the latest baby birth data this year?” ”

Huang Yueying didn’t need to look at the file, and said directly, “There are 1,000 people who registered and created the register, 357,612, which is about one million more than last year. ”

“Very good, as long as in twenty years, the new generation of Dahan grows up, the population of Dahan will have a chance to break 100 million, set a small goal first, and strive to make the population of Dahan reach one billion.”

As soon as Qin Bin’s words fell, Huang Yueying and the other women couldn’t help but raise their eyebrows, but they were soon relieved, after all, His Majesty would occasionally be out of tune.

Then Qin Bin said again, “So, we also have to work hard to have children, we can’t let the people compare, right?” ”

When the women heard this, their faces were like peach blossoms.

Of course, Qin Bin will not mess around during work, but devote himself to government affairs with Zhen Mi, Huang Yueying and others.

In the afternoon, the day’s government affairs were basically completed, and Qin Bin went to accompany Tang Ji and the others, as well as play with his children.

Tang Ji gave birth to a son and a daughter for Qin Bin, a daughter of Sable Cicada, a son of Cai Yan, two daughters of Mi Huan, and a son of Zhen Jiang, and all of a sudden, Qin Bin also changed from a lonely person to a big family.

Qin Bin also sighed a lot about this, although according to the current age, Qin Bin is twenty-five years old, which is when he is young, but plus the age before the crossing, Qin Bin is actually in his thirties, and he can be regarded as entering middle age, at least mentally entering middle age. This made Qin Bin occasionally a little sentimental.

After accompanying his wife and concubine, Qin Bin went to a Yingtai pavilion in Xianyang Palace to sit alone, looking at the sky that was gradually darkening in the distance, and talking to his assistant in his heart.

“Assistant, I just need to set the coordinates of this world and come back at any time, right?”

[The host can rest assured that this will definitely not go wrong, and it will not make the host unable to go home. ] 】

“Home… yes, my home is here…”


“I’m fine, it’s been so many years, I have also started my own family, presumably my parents and little sister will be very happy.” The only pity is that I can’t honor my parents, and I don’t have the opportunity to see my little sister married…”

[Maybe, maybe the host still has a chance.] 】

“Oh? How to say? ”

[Because the time flow of each world is inconsistent, it is not clear that the time flow of the world before the host travels through and the gap between this world.] Maybe when the host returns to the world before the crossing, maybe a second has passed in that world. 】

“Oh, then it can’t be 10,000 years?”

[Uh, host, you won’t have a girlfriend if you carry it like this! ] 】

“I have a wife, and the seventy-two concubines of the queen~palace.”

【.. Host, you who are stranded in modern times, will definitely be burned alive by the big FF group! 】

“Haha… Well, laughed. Assistant, can you determine the situation in the new world? ”

[No, there is also the host, please don’t worry, accumulate a little more reputation value, after all, after going to the new world, I don’t know what situation will happen, it is best to have enough reputation value, so that you can open a new manifestation module at any time, and when necessary, open the dimensional door connecting the two realms, and bring the eighteen legions of the Han Empire over! ] 】

“I am a little enthusiastic when I listen to it, it seems that this encounter is the rhythm of conquering the ten thousand worlds.”

[That’s fine. After all, as the monarch of an empire, the direction you are considering is to obtain more living space for the empire, so as to step on the heavens and realms. 】

“Got it. I’ll be patient and prepared. ”

[Uh-huh, that’s it. Come on host! 】

“Well, I will.” _

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