After Tang Ji sat down, Qin Bin lightly clamped the horse’s belly, and the black BMW under his crotch took a very spiritual step and walked towards the front door of the yard.

After Qin Bin made a move, the black-armored cavalry around him also gathered, a total of eighty people, and turned on their horses one after another, and one of the strong cavalry generals tied Li Ru on the back of the horse and led a group of cavalry to follow Qin Bin.

Before the horse team came to the main gate of Yong’an Palace, Qin Bin raised his head to the cavalry behind him.

Behind him, the two knights in the horse team successively planted the ‘Liu’ banner and the Hongnong King banner.


With Qin Bin’s order, eighty cavalry clapped their horses and rushed to the gate of Yong’an Palace with Qin Bin’s crotch.

The guards outside the Yong’an Palace were immediately alarmed by the sound of horse trampling, but before they could react, they were assassinated by black-clothed delicacons who appeared out of nowhere.

As if they had been rehearsed countless times, these black-clad masterpieces quickly controlled the palace gate and opened it, allowing Qin Bin and other cavalry who came immediately to quickly rush out of the Yong’an Palace and enter Shangdongmen West Street.

After Qin Bin and the other cavalry all passed through the palace gate, these black-clad delicate works set a fire, created chaos, and retreated after taking advantage of the chaos.

Leaving the Yong’an Palace, these black-clothed fine works took Qin Bin’s remaining orders, did not enter the market, and there was no trace.

At this time, Li Ru, who was tied up on horseback, was extremely surprised in his heart.

Because it was not yet dark at this time, it was not suitable for a surprise attack at all.

Moreover, looking at the situation, this Hongnong King seems to be planning to directly charge!

The gate of the Yong’an Palace was successfully attacked by a sneak attack, which is quite reasonable. But didn’t King Hongnong know that next to the Yong’an Palace were the arsenal and Taicang that had been guarded by heavy soldiers?

If there was such a big movement, if it alarmed the defenders of the arsenal and Taicang, it only took those defenders to hold these black-armored cavalry for a moment, and when the Northern Army garrison reacted and quickly surrounded it, wouldn’t it be a failure?!

Is this Hongnong King really so stupid?

Besides, even if you rush through the arsenal and the defenders of Taicang, then there is still the Luoyang City Gate!

Li Ru, who was very puzzled, was immediately woken up by a shouting of killing.

Glancing at the front of the horse team, in front of King Hongnong, a pawn of about a thousand people rushed out, and looking at the banner, he knew that this was part of the defenders of the arsenal.

It seemed that he was startled by the movement of the horse team, and the captain guarding the arsenal brought people out to check.

However, the next moment, what made Li Ru’s eyes widen again was that King Hongnong and these dozens of black-armored knights walked silently, and launched a charge ~ front, directly gouging through the arsenal defenders.

Like a strong wind blowing, I only saw more than a hundred arsenal defenders lying in a pool of blood.

The other arsenal defenders were unable to return to their senses for a long time, and when they reacted, those Hongnong Kings had already rushed towards Taicang with the black-armored cavalry.

In the eyes of those stunned arsenal defenders, only silent black backs remained, with a cold killing intent, and the shadows were pulled particularly fiercely in the setting sun.

The captain of the arsenal garrison also came to his senses at this time, especially the moment when the horse team chiseled through just now, he saw Li Ru tied on the back of the horse of one of the cavalry of the horse team!

The captain of the arsenal garrison also knew that the matter was serious, and quickly sent people out, one team to report the city defense, the other team to the prime minister’s mansion, and finally sounded a gold warning.

Back to the truth, King Hongnong’s horse team was extremely fast, and at this time it had already arrived near Taicang, and the Taicang defenders, who were also alarmed by the movement, came over with hundreds of pawns to check.

But before the Taicang defenders could come and understand the situation and form a defense, King Hongnong’s horse team once again chiseled through, leaving only the Taicang defenders with a surprised and stunned face and dozens of pawns who were not in a good position and were just blocking the front of the horse team.

With the gouging of two bursts of lightning, Li Ru, who was bumping on horseback, was even more shocked in his heart.

Although Li Ru had seen that these black armor warriors were elite, the two short battles just now made Li Ru understand that he had underestimated the combat power of these dozens of cavalrymen!

Especially the clean, muddy killing ~ killing, and in the process of killing ~ killing, the entire horse team actually did not make a single shout, just silently, quietly hand up and down, long hammer dance, like the evil ghosts from the nine ghosts, silent.

Such an elite, even Eun Xiang’s flying bear iron ride may not be able to reach!

When did this Hongnong King have such a strong force?!

Could it be that the first emperor stayed?

No, the first emperor favored Liu Xie, even if he wanted to leave the back hand, the most likely thing was to leave it to Liu Xie.

After all, at that time, Liu Zhen was protected by the foreign Qi group headed by He Jin, if it were not for the change in the imperial city, He Jin’s death was unknown, and the foreign Qi group would collapse, and Liu Zhen’s throne would definitely be stable.

So who left this powerful army to King Hongnong?

It can’t be Ho Jin that butcher, right?!

And what made Li Ru feel even more incredible was that in the two charges just now, that Hongnong King actually rushed to the front and personally killed several enemies!

Is this really the frail and sickly Hongnong King with a frivolous and cowardly personality?!

As Li Ru’s mind flew around, the horse team had already entered Shangdongmen West Street.

At this time, there were not many pedestrians on West Street, after all, it was all this time, and the merchants and people would also rush home before nightfall, so the black-armored cavalry easily passed through Shangdongmen West Street and came to the city gate located in the northeast of Luoyang City.

Because King Hongnong’s horse team was so fast and unbelievable, the guards of the city gate were scattered before they could react.

Fortunately, due to the recent tension with the Kanto princes, the Luoyang City Gate was not all open, and the Upper East Gate, which happened to be close to the arsenal and Taicang, had been closed recently, which allowed the horse team not to rush out of Luoyang City at once.

Although it stopped for a while, it was not difficult to rush out of Luoyang City, at least under this kind of mental calculation.

Therefore, Qin Bin indifferently ordered, the horse team was divided into three teams, each with more than twenty people, one team attacked the city tower garrison, one team forcibly opened the city gate and cut down the drawbridge rope, and the last team followed Qin Bin to line up the horse formation to deal with the Western Liang soldiers and horses who soon surrounded them.

The city gate guards also knew that the matter was critical at this time, and were about to organize a manpower defense, but before they could act, they saw dozens of black-armored cavalry dismounted and formed a formation, advancing with continuous crossbows, horse plastics, and thick shields, as if the momentum of destroying the decay would kill the city gate defenders who had not yet had time to form a formation, and the defenders also died of several arrows in their bodies, causing chaos in the city tower, and the overall situation was about to be decided.

On the west street under the city tower, in front of the formation, Wu Xiao immediately, Qin Bin, who was holding Tang Ji, saw the situation on the city tower, and also secretly relaxed, looked back and lowered his head, and gently rubbed Tang Ji’s small face in his arms with his chin, “Are you afraid?” ”

Tang Ji seemed to be a little unaccustomed to this kind of intimacy, especially in public, so her face quickly became red, but she replied very surely, “Don’t be afraid, as long as you are by Your Highness’s side, the concubines are not afraid of anything.” ”

Qin Bin smiled slightly, looked up at the end of the long street, and soon, he saw more than a hundred cavalry and countless infantry quickly surrounded.

Especially the general who led more than 100 cavalry, I saw that the general was wearing a three-pronged purple-gold crown, hanging a Xichuan red cotton robe, wearing a beast face swallowing head chain armor, a delicate lion belt on his waist, a bow and arrow, holding a halberd, sitting down on a red rabbit horse, and at a glance he knew that he was the first general in the speech – Lü Bu!

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