Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 96: Order to build a village at the ground level!

"Of course, no, no, Huangpu's horse is also an important resource in our territory, and we must develop it well." Lin Mu waved his hand and explained.

"Well, well, if the lord needs it, the best 120,000 horses can equip the cavalry now! Because of the promise of our ancestors, none of the masters in our townships rode dragon-scale horses, and only waited for the arrival of the lord to have them." You are qualified to ride, and now the lord has come, and you guys will be blessed in the future!" Shan Jing sighed, after all, he is so old, and he has never ridden a dragon-scaled horse, which is very regrettable!

"Oh, haven't you guys ever ridden a horse?" Lin Mu asked in surprise. He didn't know this. It turned out that the villagers in Longma Town had never ridden a dragon-scaled horse. It was really strange.

"Yes, I don't know why, we can't ride dragon-scale horses. Although there are ancestors' instructions, some young men are naughty and want to ride secretly. Unfortunately, dragon-scale horses are very irritable, even if they are skilled bow horses. , the townspeople and herdsmen with outstanding skills have not been able to tame them successfully, it may be true as the ancestors said, the dragon-scaled horse only exists for the lord's hegemony, and it cannot be tamed without a master!" Although Shan Jing sighed, but in his own eyes In this generation, when the lord appears, there will be blessings in the future.

"Oh, that's it!" Lin Mu pondered, maybe this is the need for the master to appear in Yinglong Valley, so that the dragon-scaled horse can be born in front of people, well, the system is restricted! It must be so, Lin Mu said in his heart...

"Haha, no matter what, you will have a dragon-scaled horse in Nanfeng in the future. You have worked hard to manage Longma Town for many years, but I will still rely on you in the future. There is nothing wrong with giving you a dragon-scaled horse!" Lin Mu said happily.

"Hehe, thank you so much, my lord!" Shan Jing didn't refuse, owning a dragon-scaled horse, that's the extravagant wish of many seniors!

"You deserve it. I think you have always been by the side of the dragon-scaled horse. It is a great pity in life not to be able to ride such a horse!! Haha..." BMW bestows heroes, orbs bestow beauties!

"In the future, everyone will be able to ride the dragon-scaled horse and gallop across the prairie!!"

"By the way, Nanfeng, what level of village building order did our Longma Town use to build it?" Lin Mu didn't go in and check the properties of the territory the day after tomorrow, so he didn't know, but he just asked here first.

"Our Longma Town was established using the [District Village Construction Order], and has three territorial attributes that are conducive to the development of animal husbandry. Come with me, my lord, you can check it in the back hall, and you also need to carry out Recognize the Lord with blood, and officially incorporate Longma Town into the Real Dragon Territory." Shan Jing pulled Lin Mu into the back hall, which is the core of the territory, with a stele of the heart of the territory city.

Lin Mu told Liu Feng and the others to go out with Shan Gong, so they don't need to be bodyguards anymore!

Pushing open the gate, as soon as you walk into the back hall, you will be greeted with a heavy and simple atmosphere. The atmosphere is different from the back halls in Zhenlong Village, Qingfeng Town, and Qinglong Town. The latter three may have been established for a short period of time due to various reasons. Or the background is not deep, and there is no heavy and simple feeling. Although it looks like an ancient building, it gives people a fresh and light feeling.

Perhaps it is due to human activities all the year round, and many places in the back hall seem to have been baptized by the years.

Lin Mu circled around and looked over, the back hall is not big, about 30 square meters, there are many things inside, all kinds of rare ores, black, red and purple, Lin Mu didn't look carefully, there is another ore The shelves are lined up, and the upper layers are some stone boxes or jade boxes, the workmanship is relatively rough, and the rare medicinal herbs are loaded inside.

Next to the herb shelf are two rows of weapons and equipment, some of which are too damaged to be used, but what is left on them is the testimony of the years, so I want to keep it like this.

"My lord, please!" Shan Jing said softly.

"Okay!" Lin Mu nodded and said

Put your hands on the stone tablet with ease, and the attributes of Longma Town will be displayed:

[Longma Town] (a township established by the order to build a village at the prefectural level)

Level: Intermediate Township

Township attributes:

1. Prosperous livestock: The output of animal husbandry in the territory will increase by 50%.

2. Galloping horses: The output of the racecourse in the territory is increased by 50%.

3. Cub shelter: The premature death rate of cubs in the territory is reduced by 50%.

Current residents: 134078/150000

Popularity: 88

Security: 82

Tax rate: 10%

Existing resources: 5,679,000 units of grain, 658,768 units of wood, 234,807 units of stone, 485,700 copper coins, 67,930 ordinary ironware, and 54,970 units of iron ore

Existing buildings: intermediate township deliberation hall (1), master-level dragon scale racecourse (1), expert-level pigsty (2), high-level pigsty (20), intermediate-level pigsty (60), high-level bullpen (5), Intermediate cattle pens (12), advanced sheep pens (6), intermediate sheep pens (7), residential buildings (57608), school grounds (1), intermediate grocery stores (10), high-level grocery stores (3), and advanced lumberyards (2 ), Advanced Mining Field (1), Advanced Quarry (1), Intermediate Tailoring Shop (1), Junior Tailoring Shop (5), Advanced Woodworking Workshop (1), Advanced Medical Center (5), Intermediate City Wall (3 meters high), high-level cemetery (1), high-level ancestral hall, high-level warehouse (60), farmland (20,000 mu, fertile)...

Existing resources: 1 ordinary small iron mine, 2 ordinary wood forests, 2 second-grade fir forests, 4 ordinary stone mines, 1 third-grade biotite mine, and 1 special-quality dragon blood pasture , 5 high-level monster camps.

Buildings that can be built: primary dwellings, primary docks, primary fishing grounds, primary recessions, primary restaurants, primary martial arts halls, primary breweries, primary barracks, intermediate barracks, advanced barracks, primary research institutes...

Township area: 50 square kilometers

Territory area: 100 square kilometers

Heart of Towns and Cities: Durability: 10w/10w

Intermediate-level townships need resources to upgrade to high-level townships: 500,000 units of grain, 500,000 units of stone, 500,000 units of wood, 5,000,000 copper coins, and 70 basic buildings. The number of people in the territory must reach or exceed 150,000.

Sure enough, the animal husbandry in Longma Town is very developed. Except for the buildings needed for basic living, everything else is completely unworthy of being a township-level territory.

"Nanfeng, now I have a problem, and I want to discuss it with you!" Lin Mu said to Shan Jing after looking at the properties of Longma Town.

In the past, Qinglong Village and Qingfeng Village were only called cottages because they were built in the mountains. Now Longma Town is built in Yinglong Valley, a place where people lived for a long time, and this place is very special. Important sources, all Lin Mu must be handled properly and not recklessly.

"Oh, what's the matter, my lord?" Shan Jing asked a little puzzled.

"Our Zhenlong Village was established using a god-level village building order. All attributes are very magical and play a vital role in the development of the territory. There is also a secret setting, which is to convert the real dragon village Territory attributes are overridden by other affiliated territories!"

"What, the god-level village building order is actually a god-level village building order. Isn't it possible to establish a country with this thing? My lord has such a god, no wonder my subordinates mentioned that Longma Town uses the village building token The lord was not surprised at the time! That's how it is!" Shan Jing murmured in shock.

The god-level village building order is something in legends!


My heart is heavy today. . The editor came to inform me that my book will be on the shelves on August 1st. In other words, you have to spend a little money to read genuine books. Now the results of "Three Kingdoms Mythology World" are very average, not bad, but not very outstanding. A little irritable today. . . Of course, there will be joy, because no matter what my book is, the editor approves it, and the book friends also support it very much. Thank you, thank you! There will be another update later, and I will go to write a testimonial for the shelf. . . .

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