Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 752: The Biggest Official in the Great Wilderness Territory!

Many of Lin Mu's cognitions are actually based on his previous life experience, and a lot of information is hearsay, and the specific details are unclear.

Although he knew that the Longting Seal and Ribbon was the [Glory True Xuan Pei], he didn't know that it was only an orthodox job.

And the last system prompt made Lin Mu's heart tremble. This is a restriction, a restriction from the Yun Dynasty of the Han Dynasty!

Perhaps because of this sentence, Lin Mu's unfettered freedom had to come to an end. In other words, Lin Mu has already entered the game! !

"Damn it, just now I thought I would enter the game during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but I didn't want to start entering the game after one recognized the master. What a shame!" Lin Mu was speechless in his heart.

However, no matter what, he finally became the perpetual motion machine in the mouth of the players.

Players in the previous life called the quartermaster a perpetual motion machine! Because, as long as there are red dragon points, meritorious service and other things, the quartermaster can have endless reserve materials, and there is no need for freight, transportation time, etc., and they can directly use the seal ribbon to buy them!

In the huge Han Dynasty, the number of perpetual motion machines was very limited.

Of course, this perpetual motion machine is just an exaggeration. There is a limit to the quartermaster's daily exchange.

While exchanging greetings with Xiao Huangmen, Lin Mu patiently checked the exchange rules and got familiar with them. As a perpetual motion machine, it was the first time for him to get on the sedan chair as a girl with yellow flowers.

Soon, Lin Mu learned from the seal that the upper limit of exchange for the sixth-rank general Fubo was one million, one hundred thousand, and one ten thousand. Among them, one million is the upper limit of Chilong points; one hundred thousand is the upper limit of merit; ten thousand is the upper limit of luck gold cake.

That is to say, a maximum of one million red dragon points, one hundred thousand meritorious deeds, and ten thousand red dragon chapters can only be exchanged for luck gold cakes per day.

The value of these three cannot be directly converted, but the value of the latter is basically higher than the former.

After exchanging greetings for a while, Xiao Huangmen gave some instructions and left in a hurry.

Watching the little yellow gate leave, Huang Zhong turned his head to look at the lord Lin Mu, and said, "Zhang Rang's gift should be given to the orthodox General Fubo."

Hearing this, Lin Mu looked at Huang Zhong in surprise. It turned out that he knew this too!

Seeing the lord's expression, Huang Zhong knew that his guess was right.

"In this way, when there is an incident in Taipingdao, our mobility will be even stronger!" Huang Zhong knew the importance of the quartermaster, and immediately analyzed the key points.

Lin Mu shook the extremely smooth silk decree in his hand, nodded, and said, "Zhang Rang really surprised us with the change this time!"

"The original plan was for Feng Xiao to contact Zhu Hao, then contact Zhu Jun, and then use it as a basis to act cheaply. Now, I have the function of a quartermaster. Whether it is an independent army or an attachment to the Longting Army, They can all be chosen. It is easier to achieve the Lord of the Rebel Army and the Lord of the Strong Army.”

"Then the manpower we deployed in Zhu Hao, should we withdraw it?" Huang Zhong asked after a pause.

"There is no need to withdraw, let's go according to the original plan. Zhu Hao is an extremely important fixed number, continue to attack." Lin Muning said.

He knew that Zhu Hao involved Zhu Jun, and Zhu Jun was one of the core commanders of the three armies of the Han faction during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and one of the most important generals who won Ming Ding's victory, so no matter what, he must not give up.

"On the other side of the Taiping Road, we have a plan, and on our side, we also have a plan, which is to seek for ourselves and the other. With the addition of Wen Ze, Youping Tiger General, Feng Xiao, Zhicai and other divine plans, our Great Wilderness Territory is really coming. How fierce! I am really looking forward to the next battle!" Huang Zhonghu stared round, like a copper bell, piercing and radiant, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, showing its sharpness.

"Yes, I'm also looking forward to it. That will be the most important step for our Great Wilderness Territory to enter the glorious stage, and it will also be the most important step for us to shorten the gap." Lin Mu's eyes sparkled, and he said in a concentrated voice.

From the player's point of view, the Yellow Turban Rebellion is the prologue, and it is also the most important battle accumulated by the players, more important than the subsequent battles!

"Okay, let's go back first, the second meeting of the territory is almost ready. Wen Zegong Yi and the others should have returned. According to the information sent, there is another surprise for their development!" Lin Mu waved his hand and said softly .

Immediately, the two returned to the valley as originally planned.



"Papa..." A series of waves hit the pillars under the pier, and there was a burst of rippling sound.

Two warships, like prehistoric behemoths, slowly moored at the pier.

The figures of these two giant warships immediately enveloped the extremely spacious pier, and the pier seemed extremely quiet for a while.

These two warships are obviously the God-rank battleships inherited from Xu Fuzhen, and they were gathered on the pier for the first time after Lin Mu conquered Xu Fuzhen. In the past, they all had tasks, and they never stopped on the pier for a long time.

"Chief Guo, what a coincidence, I didn't expect you to come back at this time." Yu Jin and others got off a battleship, and saw Guo Jia and others coming down from a nearby battleship at the same time.

Chief Guo is what Yu Jin called Guo Jia. It's an endorsement.

"General Yu's overseas expeditions have yielded fruitful results and boundless combat power!" Seeing Yu Jin and the others with red faces, Guo Jia smiled slightly.

Guo Jia, who has obtained the mysterious and yellow spirit, appears more calm and has a more majestic literary spirit.

"Chief Guo praised it absurdly, and we just slipped around. It's not an expedition." Yu Jin said modestly. During their expedition this time, there were basically no tragic battles, and the fine armor on the soldiers was still as new as ever.

However, the complexions of some soldiers were a little pale, obviously not very adapted to the ocean journey.

When Yu Jin was exchanging greetings with Guo Jia, a young scribe next to Guo Jia, wearing a brocade robe and a blue crown hairpin, carefully sized up the generals in the Great Wilderness Territory.

"Yuan Tan, this is the general of our Great Wilderness Territory, Yu Jin Yu Wenze, and the one next to him is Jiang Qin and Jiang Gongyi." After greeting Yu Jin for a while, Guo Jia immediately introduced it to the young scholars around him.

"Yuan Tan? Is this the new governor of Kuaiji County?" Yu Jin and Jiang Qin exclaimed at the same time.

The prefect of Kuaiji County has changed again. This is the second change of shepherd in a short period of time after the Xu Zhao Rebellion. In the past, Xu Zhao had controlled Kuaiji County for ten years, and the position of prefect of Kuaiji County was equivalent to being iron-clad under Xu Zhao.

However, after his rebellion, this iron position became a position of flowing water!

It is said that some nobles in the Central Dragon Court were dissatisfied with Liu Yao, who was a relative of the emperor, and wanted to promote his cronies, so he dismissed the prefect who had just taken office.

In fact, Lin Mu had a premonition of this situation when he was the governor's mansion.

As a governor, even at the beginning, you took the credit, worked hard to move around, promoted your cronies, and took control of Yangzhou, it was just a whim. If someone in the Central Dragon Court is dissatisfied and wants to get rid of it, just one court meeting can destroy everything.

Pastor is a very sensitive official position. Generally speaking, county magistrates, prefects, governors, etc. are very sensitive and easily touch the nerves of many people.

The reason why Lin Mu took the military position and did not take the path of local pastoral officials and politics is because there are too many variables in it.

In the eyes of those in the Central Dragon Court, military officers are not very important.

This is also the characteristic of the biggest gap between the player group and the poor and noble gentry.

The new eunuch is Gu Yong, the eldest son of the Gu family of Yangzhou noble family, Yuan Tan, a disciple of the great writer Cai Yong!

"Master Taishou, I've paid tribute to you for a long time!" Yu Jin, Jiang Qin and the others, who were still white, immediately bowed respectfully. Regardless of other things, this position is worthy of their admiration.

"Brother Wen Ze and Brother Gong Yi, please be polite! We will work together in the future, and we will be a family." Gu Yuantan, that is, Gu Yong, returned the salute indifferently, and said humbly, without the slightest attitude of being a prefect.

With Gu Yong's attitude, he vaguely put himself on the same level as Yu Jin, Jiang Qin and others, while Guo Jia was above this.

Guo Jia not only wins over Gu Yong, but also convinces Gu Yong in terms of personal charm. This was Yu Jin and Jiang Qin's first feeling!

Chief Guo deserves to be Chief Guo, he even dragged this man onto the thief ship in the Great Wilderness Territory, in the words of the lord, awesome!

The biggest official in the Great Wilderness Territory finally appeared!

Now, Kuaiji County's own plan can be carried out in a drastic manner, and there is no need to act like walking on eggshells.

Different from Liu Yao's situation, Lin Mu controls Kuaiji County from the bottom up, all positions are under control, the layout is slow, the overall situation is under control, and it is firm and firm!

In the past, it was slowly infiltrated from several counties such as Dongye County. Now, with the prefect as the backing, it is possible to control Kuaiji County faster. Whether in a broad sense or a narrow sense, Kuaiji County is the territory of the Great Wilderness. In this way, even if the prefect is changed, this fact will not be changed!

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