Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 724 Xiaoqi Guerrilla General, Zhu Xuan

"Zhu Xuan, I didn't expect that you came here!" Ji Beiqin shouted in a deep voice when he saw the young red-armored general.

Ji Beiqin really didn't expect that the so-called army was pressing down on the country, the so-called first competitor to appear was actually the youngest member of the Zhu family.

After everyone came out of the tomb, under the leadership of Ji Beihua, who was in charge of the checkpoint, they met the army commander. It turned out that his name was Zhu Xuan, not other players.

Lin Mu, who was next to him, immediately reacted when he heard Ji Beiqin's words. Zhu Xuan, the sixth-rank guardian of the Eastern Qiang school that Yunqi was talking about, is that him?

Even before his rebirth, Lin Mu had never seen Zhu Xuan, only heard a few rumors.

Unexpectedly, the low-key Zhu Xuan appeared here.

Looking carefully, I found that Zhu Xuan should not be very old, with a bright smile on his sharp and resolute face, a pair of piercing tiger eyes, and two black eyebrows, like two thin swords, hanging on the eyelids. people. The corners of the mouth were slightly raised, as if infected by an inexplicable charm.

About 1.8 meters tall, wearing a fiery crimson light armor, holding a black spear that is not too long in his hand, walking like the wind, with an inexplicable aura.

There are not many accessories around the waist, only two, one is a blue ribbon accessory, and the word "Xiaoqi" is impressively engraved on it. The other accessory is a jade pendant similar to the seven-star soul-suppressing pendant, but it is purple all over, and the engraved pattern on it is a lifelike fire phoenix.

Like other players, the unified ancient hairpin looks quite decent on his head. What a young man.

Lin Mu couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw the ribbon accessory with the word "Xiaoqi" engraved on it.

The soft position of the fifth rank Zhongchen, [Xiaoqi Guerrilla General]! !

Lin Mu can distinguish the grade of Yinshou and the military position it represents at a glance, which is an essential skill for him.

Xiaoqi Guerrilla General, Zhu Xuan! !

Unexpectedly, while he was working hard to develop and climbed to the core military position of Longting, others were also climbing, even faster than him!

His sixth-rank General Fubo was obtained only after he had to bear a certain political burden on the eunuch camp, but this Zhu Xuan, who didn't know how to accumulate it, was already a fifth-rank! Although it is not as good as the prefect of a shepherd in a county, it is also a position of equal rank, so it should not be underestimated.

Lin Mu couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring, Huaxia Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger is no joke!

In addition, Lin Mu, who was in the camp of eunuchs, knew that Zhu Xuan was not in the camp of eunuchs.

"Brother Ji, long time no see! It's been three years since the last city meeting." Zhu Xuan walked forward slowly, holding his spear.

"Beihua, Shiting!" Zhu Xuan greeted Ji Beihua and Ji Shiting next to Ji Beiqin politely.

Ji Beihua and Ji Shiting also nodded to Zhu Xuan, and replied in a familiar manner: "Brother Xuan."

Zhu Xuan was older than the two of them, and younger than Ji Beiqin. Obviously, the Ji family and the Zhu family have an intersection, and the relationship should be friendly.

However, even Lin Mu, who has worked in the Ji family's elite team for so long, doesn't know about the low-key Zhu family, which shows how deep the family hides.

And when Zhu Xuan saw Lin Mu next to Ji Shiting, Zhu Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, pondered for a while, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and asked softly: "Brother Ji, this one is sold to the Beitang family." Lin Mu of the order to build the village, Lord Lin."

"Yes!" Hearing Zhu Xuanruo's pointed words, Ji Beiqin frowned deeply and said softly.

Since Zhu Xuan pointed out so bluntly that the Beitang family had a heaven-level village and obtained it through Lin Mu, then he must have a channel to reach the sky. He also doesn't need to lie to make people laugh.

After speaking, he glanced at Lin Mu pointedly.

In Ji's family, only Ji Shiting and other core children knew that the Beitang family had obtained the Tianjie Village Building Order through Lin Mu. It should not have been leaked by their family, otherwise, Zhu Xuan might even have known the secret information that the Ji family had obtained the Tianjie village building order.

Now that the Zhu family already knows, it is not far from other families knowing. The exact information about Lin Mu's Tianjie building village has already been leaked.

Lin Mu frowned when he heard Zhu Xuan's words, the visitor was not kind!

The first time Zhu Xuan greeted him, he labeled him as not the number one lord in the world, nor the number one lord in China. Instead, he posted the Tianjie Village Building Order, and Lin Mu knew Zhu Xuan's purpose as soon as he heard it.

He didn't come here for the vision of the tomb, but him!

As expected of a child of a big family, just one sentence has already expressed everything, including his family heritage, purpose, attitude, and needs.

"I've heard about you for a long time! It's a great honor to meet such a hero. Hello, I'm Zhu Xuan." With Ji Beiqin's confirmation, Zhu Xuan came along and greeted Ji Beiqin immediately.

He said hello and extended his right hand to shake hands.

Lin Mu didn't refuse. I stretched out my right hand, shook it, and said with a smile, "General Zhu is overrated. I'm General Fubo, Lin Mu, and I'm honored to meet General Xiaoqi Guerrilla!"

Ji Beiqin next to him heard Lin Mu's words, and couldn't help but spit secretly: "Damn, both of them are pretenders! Hypocrisy, too hypocritical!"

"However, Zhu Xuan, since when has he become a guerrilla general of Xiaoqi? According to the information, this is a fifth-rank high-ranking military position! The promotion is too fast, do you want to take a space rocket?"

Due to some special reasons, he is now only a county captain, far inferior to the fifth-rank Xiaoqi guerrilla general and sixth-rank general Fubo. His envy, jealousy and hatred!

He didn't feel Ji Beiqin's envy, jealousy and hatred. Lin Mu, who was holding Zhu Xuan's hand at the moment, just felt a sense of strength and solidity.

This guy Zhu Xuan, his strength is also a mysterious general who condenses his inner strength Jinghu!

"General Lin, I don't know if you still have the Tianjie Village Construction Order in your hand?" Now that you have formally known each other, it doesn't matter if you are abrupt or arrogant, Zhu Xuan went straight to Huanglong. Since Lin Mu singled out the military title, he directly called Lin Mu General Lin.

Zhu Xuan's straightforward words did not have the arrogance of Sima Longxiang and others, but instead had a logical tone of request, which made people feel very comfortable.

As expected of a child of the elite, he has a very high art of speaking. The Tianjie Village Construction Order was mentioned for the second time, and he was not abrupt. Communicating with it is like spring breeze. This was Lin Mu's first feeling. It is undeniable that there are dudes from big families, but there are also many elite fighters.

Hearing this, Lin Mu shook his head and refused without any hesitation: "Where is the Heavenly Rank Village Building Order? I had two in my hand, but due to various reasons, they are gone."

Lin Mu's tone was very sincere, making Huang Zhong, who stood behind with no sense of presence, as if he thought that the lord really didn't have a heavenly order to build a village in his hand.

Two of them, one of which was given to Beitangxue, and the other one was given to Ji Shi. From Ji Beiqin's point of view, it was the truth.

However, from Zhu Xuan's point of view, it has another meaning: one was given to Beitangxue, and the other one established Jinyuan Village!

In Lin Mu's hands, are there really only two?

After pondering for a while, Zhu Xuan sighed softly and said again: "It's such a pity. If General Lin gets another order to build a village at the Heavenly Rank, then you must keep one for me."

"I really don't have one, it's a pity. If I can get it from the heaven-ranked Nuwa treasure chest, I will keep one for General Zhu." Lin Mu said sincerely.

If you want to get rid of Zhu Xuan's entanglement, you have to reveal something. Lin Mu seemed to be slipping the tongue, revealing a method of the Tianjie Village Construction Order.

"Heaven-rank Nuwa's treasure chest?!" Sure enough, everyone was thoughtful when they heard the words.

"Okay! If General Lin wins again, I'm willing to exchange the information of a top historical general." Zhu Xuan threw out the bait.

"A top historical general?! Zhu Xuan, which historical general is he?" Ji Beiqin asked with a slight frown. It's really unfair. At present, the Ji family has not even found the hair of a top historical general.

Lin Mu couldn't help but glance at Ji Beiqin when he heard Ji Beiqin's question. Even if there are top historical players, can you tell me?

However, what Zhu Xuan said next told Lin Mu that it was really possible.

"Liangzhou's top historical general, Hua Xiong!" Zhu Xuan said in a deep voice.

Hua Xiong? Ji Beiqin and the others were shocked when they heard this. Even the one who was beheaded by Guan Yu at Hulao Pass?

Warm the wine and chop Hua Xiong.

In some previous virtual online games of the Three Kingdoms, Hua Xiong had a super powerful setting and was quite famous, which made everyone's eyes shine.

However, this information is worthless to Lin Mu who has advanced experience. Because he knew that Hua Xiong was Dong Zhuo's destiny general! !

Hua Xiong cannot be recruited.

I don't know if Zhu Xuan knew this information, if he knew, it would be an open pit, but if he didn't know, it was also a pit, but it was just a dark pit, not set up by Zhu Xuan.

Although he knew one of the secrets, Lin Mu still did enough on the surface, with a 'shocked' expression on his face, he took a breath and said, "Is that Hua Xiong who dominates the tiger prison?"

"That's right! It's him. However, his specific information cannot be disclosed for the time being. This is a commercial secret. I'm sorry." Zhu Xuan also looked sincere.

"Hehe... If there is information about him, why don't you attack him? There must be something hidden in it." Ji Beiqin knew it, so he pointed it out immediately.

"I can't help it, because of some reasons, I have turned against him." Zhu Xuan said with a word.

"Let's not talk about it for a while. We exchanged greetings in the wilderness and were seen by other people. Where does our Ji family's hospitality come from?" Ji Beihua next to him interrupted everyone and said softly.

"Let's go back to Daoze Town first. I've already arranged the banquet." Ji Beihua arranged everything.

Since Zhu Xuan did not come here to rob the tomb, he is not an enemy, and he is greeted with good wine.

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