Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 718 Incomplete 【Tianwu True Vein】


Great Wilderness Territory, True Dragon Pavilion.

"Senior, the second thing you promised is to find this rotten stone ball that is too broken?" Lin Mu's eyes widened, his right hand tremblingly pointed at the mottled stone ball the size of a football, with a look of disbelief. With a look of confidence, he asked Long Chu beside him.

This stone ball is quite similar to the moon that has been smashed by countless meteorites. It is full of potholes and filled with the traces of time.


At this moment, five days have passed since the battle of Jinyuan Village.

After finishing the affairs of Jinyuan Village, Lin Mu rushed back to the Great Wilderness Territory. And when he passed Wenyuan Town in the middle of the night, Lin Mu learned the news that shocked him: Wenyuan Town was also attacked by Wang Lang's soldiers.

The loss of buildings and materials is not counted for now, but the death of nearly 30,000 people made Lin Mu's heart ache.

These 30,000 people cannot be resurrected! Moreover, one of them is a master quarryman! !

Hearing this news, Lin Mu was frightened and furious and almost ran to look for Wang Lang on horseback.

This is the first time such a loss has occurred in the Great Wilderness Territory! !

What surprised Lin Mu even more was that the culprit who massacred these tens of thousands of people was obviously Shi A who had suffered at the hands of Yu Jin!

Xu Huang also appeared, but he was as open and upright as a strong man fighting for wind.

If Long Chu and Guo Jia hadn't arrived later, Shi A, who was like a jackal, would have massacred the whole town as soon as he showed his momentum!

Wang Lang's plan blossomed in both places.

When we first started to expand, we encountered disasters, and we don't know what will happen in the future.


"What is a rotten stone ball that is too broken to look good! This is [Tianwu Zhenmai]. It is something that many princes dream of!" Long Chu rubbed the oblate stone ball full of mottled holes and said embarrassingly.

"Tianwu True Vein...but it's just a broken and ugly solid stone ball!"

"[Tianwu True Meridian] is the famous Heaven and Earth Martial Meridian, which is very precious. It just became broken due to some historical reasons." Long Chu argued.

"The second thing you promised was to find the broken one for us?" Lin Mu asked helplessly again.

"That's right!" Long Chu said firmly again.

"That's not as good as the [Gengjin Martial Meridian] we found using the mysterious treasure map." The first thing is to forge a soldier's cave, which is awesome, but the second thing is to find one who doesn't have it. Broken martial arteries with additional gains? ! The gap is too big.

Lin Mu also attached great importance to the matter of Wumai. When subduing the first epic history, Yu Jin, the mysterious map that Lin Mu chose was a map for searching for martial veins. (There is in Chapter 292. The pit has been filled.)

"Your martial vein, can it grow? It's just an ordinary metal Gengjin vein like garbage. It's fixed and has no potential." Long Chu said with a look of ignorance on your face.

"But this broken martial vein, if you want to repair it, you don't know what resources will be consumed, and you don't have specific reference information, so I don't have a clue!" Lin Mu said speechlessly.

This [Tianwu Zhenmai] has an awesome name, and its own historical label is also awesome, but if you want to repair it, you don't know how long it will take.

"You boy..." Long Chu was speechless for a moment. Indeed, this martial art is amazing, but it was before it was complete, and now it is a dilapidated product, and its value is not worth it. Moreover, even for him, there is no specific repair information, which is flawed.

"Your luck is good, your fortune is strong, and you will definitely find a way to repair it." Long Chu could only forcefully turn his attention to Lin Mu's fortune.

"You're lucky, hum..." Thinking of the loss of Ten Dragon Luck, Lin Mu felt resentful. You guy didn't vaccinate me before, and the ten dragons and dragons are gone, it's your fault.

"In addition, your martial arteries can only be moved once." Ignoring Lin Mu's resentment, Long Chu argued hard.

"Now it's still lying in that area and can't move. After you find a Fengshui treasure to activate the martial arts, if there is a problem with the Fengshui treasure in the future, the martial arts will be useless. Death."

"As for my martial art, although it can only allow the leader to break through the 60th level limit, there is no other buff attribute, which is not as good as your martial art's [Golden Sharpness] buff, but it can move at will. As long as it is established With the Martial Temple, it can be placed down, how wonderful. Be safe with whatever happens!"

"God-level attribute!" Long Chu said arrogantly.

"It's definitely worth a promise." Finally, Long Chu said again.

It's not that Lin Mu thinks [Tianwu Zhenmai] is worse than [Gengjin Wumai], but just thinks that the former is not worth a super promise.

"You boy, don't overestimate the value of the last two things just because you have the first thing. The first thing is the most valuable." Long Chu threw the 'rotten stone ball' to Lin Mu. soundtrack.

Lin Mu is good at climbing up poles.

Lin Mu took the 'Rotten Stone Ball' carefully and smiled. The reason why Lin Mu complained was because the gap was too big.

"It's a pity that there is a martial vein, and it can't be settled for the time being. There are no architectural drawings of the Wu Temple, and there is no geomantic treasure." Lin Mu shook his head and said helplessly.

"These are the things you need to consider." Seeing that Lin Mu didn't continue to entangle, Long Chu's tone became normal.

"How about, the third thing for me is to find a blueprint of the Martial Temple for you?" Suddenly, Long Chu turned his head to look at Lin Mu, and asked with a narrow expression.

"Are you kidding me? You want to cheat a super promise with just a blueprint!! No way." Lin Mu jumped suddenly when he heard this, and said angrily.

He was really afraid that Long Chu's last promise would be like this.

Hearing this, Long Chu laughed. Seeing Lin Mu frightened and angry, he felt refreshed for a while.

"However, the placement of the Martial Temple of the Martial Vein must be carefully planned. Yinglong Canyon is not acceptable, this is the source of the Dragon Vein."

"I suggest you, build it in the same place as your family's ancestral hall. It's best to build an academy together. Respect literature and martial arts."

After being refreshed for a while, Long Chu suggested calmly.

Hearing Long Chu's suggestion, Lin Mu snorted softly, as if he didn't care. However, this combination is deeply remembered in the bottom of my heart.

There are many small skills in the construction of the territory, and it is not laid out casually, otherwise, why do you need the city governor and other craftsmen to come.

After exchanging pleasantries with Long Chu, Lin Mu bid farewell to him when he found that he couldn't get any information about the third matter from him, and got ready to work on other things.

While Lin Mu was busy with the affairs of the territory, "Big Uncle" Ji Beiqin came to communicate.

"I said Lin Mu, Lord Lin, when will you be free! I'm waiting for you to be free, and I'm waiting for the year of the monkey to pass." Ji Beiqin complained.

"Uh, I've been busy expanding my territory recently. I only have a few subordinate territories now, which is far behind you big lords who have tens or hundreds of subsidiary territories." Lin Mu laughed.

"Is there anything you want from me? It's okay, I'll go to practice."

"It's something! Don't practice yet!" Ji Beiqin was speechless.

"Didn't you promise me to pass a dungeon for us last time? Didn't you...forget?" Ji Beiqin stared at Lin Mu with dangerous eyes. (Chapter 316 has)

"Have a dungeon?! No... I haven't forgotten, how could I... Raid an underground palace and cemetery, I haven't forgotten! I haven't forgotten!" Lin Mu patted his forehead and replied awkwardly. He really forgot.

"Hmph... No matter what, come here quickly. Daoze Town is our subsidiary territory." Ji Beiqin said with a dangerous expression on his face. Lin Mu definitely forgot about it.

"Okay! I'll make arrangements to go there right away."

In order to appease the uncle, Lin Mu immediately got ready.

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