Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 488 Great Wilderness Territory VS Taiping Road

Zhou Tai was holding the big knife in his hand tightly, his eyes were shining red, and his energy was constantly rising.

On the other hand, Guan Hai was not to be outdone. Although there was a faint look of disdain on his face, deep in his eyes, there was seriousness.

Guan Hai is a well-known commander-in-chief of Taiping Dao, and his reputation spreads far and wide. In the Taoist district he is in charge of, no matter whether he is a high-ranking official or a low-level commoner, they all respect him. Now facing such an unknown person, It is indeed inevitable to be a little proud.

But in Guan Hai's heart, there was always a sudden crisis, which was brought to him by the general who had fought him equally before. As if facing an ancient ferocious beast that has not yet shown its fangs, it is waiting for the opportunity to move.

Guan Hai's right hand inadvertently raised the Heihuhuan first knife in his hand.

"Guan Daqu is handsome, you can let go!" After a long silence, Guan Hai heard the voice of the military adviser Guo Tu.

"Guan Hai, if you can, cut off his arm and seriously injure him, but don't hurt his life, in case the other party jumps over the wall in a hurry!" Zhang Baoning whispered to Guan Hai.

Guo Tu on the side had a wry smile on his face when he heard the words, but he didn't say much.

"The subordinates will definitely do their best!" Guan Hai said in a deep voice.

Then Guan Hai stepped forward, and at the same time, Zhou Tai also came to a foot in front of Guan Hai.

After Lin Mu discussed with Zhang Bao, Zhou Tai and Guan Hai fought again.

"I'm Guan Hai, commander-in-chief of Daqu, Taiping Road, who's on the other side?" Guan Hai shouted.

"I am from Xiacai, Jiujiang County, so is Zhou Tai!" Zhou Tai replied indifferently.

Without too many introductions, both of them know that although this is a sparring, they are hostile camps after all. The so-called sparring is just a title, and the danger in it needs to be grasped by each. What about the situation!

"Hmph... just a nobody, today I will drink your blood to stop the war!" Guan Hai shouted without showing any weakness.

On the other hand, Zhou Tai just smiled lightly, and immediately put the big knife in his right hand across his chest, ready to fight.

This battle is a battle that he wants to take the opportunity to break through. The stronger and more confident the opponent is, the better.

"Huh!" A gust of wind suddenly sounded, and the two figures turned into a red shadow and a black shadow, and ran towards each other.

A bloody knife light shot out from Zhou Tai's big knife, cut through the air, and charged away.

Guan Hai, who had turned into a black shadow, was not weak in strength and cultivation. He didn't stagnate in the aggressive situation. He dragged the knife slightly, and then charged up to pick it up. A black knife gang also rushed away.

"Boom!" The two blades collided and burst, sending dust flying.

With a sound of "Dang!", the two figures intertwined and began to fight close to each other.

Then, the sound of countless metal collisions echoed in the battlefield.

"How dare you show off in front of me with this little trick?" Guan Hai and Zhou Tai sternly said after a few rounds of back and forth.

His words seemed to be full of disdain in the ears of Lin Mu, Zhang Bao and others.

But in Guan Hai's heart, this sentence is just a brash speech. He found that his martial power was actually weaker than the opponent's. If it wasn't for his superior cultivation, he might have fallen into a disadvantage at this time.

After saying the brave words, Guan Hai immediately roared: "Take my knife, and the black tiger will tear the mountain!"

Guan Hai kicked the ground suddenly, a terrifying and violent aura bloomed all over his body, black light suddenly appeared, and he slashed at Zhou Tai fiercely.

Guan Hai jumped off the ground and slashed down with a threatening aura.

Zhou Tai, who was quite indifferent, saw Guan Hai's offensive, put away the smile at the corner of his mouth, and his face gradually became serious.

The warm-up is over, and the fierce fighting begins.

Zhou Tai didn't dodge, he bowed slightly, stepped back with his right foot, raised his sword, his whole body glowed red. He was ready to take the blow head-on!

"Boom!~~" The strong red light exploded, Zhou Tai stepped back more than ten steps, and Guan Hai also flew out backwards.

Zhou Tai's shield of celestial qi all over his body shook violently under this blow, and then shattered, and several small cuts on his arms suddenly appeared after the black qi raged.

As for Guan Hai, who flew upside down, after adjusting his body a little, he landed quite gracefully, but the violent inertia still made him take a few steps back after landing.

At this time, several cracks appeared on the yellow fine armor in front of Guan Hai. Good guy, his golden armor is an earth-level equipment, and it has a tendency to shatter under a single blow.

After feeling the state for a while, Guan Hai didn't think about it any more, and continued to fight!

In the central arena where the Great Wilderness Territory and Taiping Road confronted each other, following the battle between Zhou Tai and Guan Hai, storms of dust were set off. In this gray storm, there was a faint green color.

"Boom!" Another round, Zhou Tai swung his knife and slashed down, but Guan Hai was the defender this time.

"Bang!" The two suddenly separated again.

Before parting, Guan Hai yelled fiercely, and then his whole body surged with black light, and he stabbed upwards with his right hand, preparing to bombard Zhou Tai with his fist.

However, the ending was still beyond his expectation, Shang Guan's right hand was caught by Zhou Tai's left hand.

"Who is Zhou Tai on the other side? He's so brave and skilled in combat. I have been neutralized by him several times. Even when I used the Holy Strike of Peace, his aura was only disturbed for a while. After a little adjustment, it returned to its original state! "The more Guan Hai fought, the more surprised he felt.

"I have the status of the holy religion and the blessing of the title of first-class historical military general. The opponent certainly does not have the blessing of Taoist status, but he is also very impressive and not weak at all. Could it be that Zhou Tai is also a first-class historical general at this time, even known as a legendary historical general? "Guan Hai kept guessing in his mind.

"This battle is the most difficult one in my life! However, I will not admit defeat!" Guan Hai roared in his heart.

"Hey! Good! Come again..."

"Come again!"

The two sides played evenly. The fierce battle made all the generals excited. Including Zang Ba behind Lin Mu.

Zang Ba, who has just entered the realm of heaven, is eager to try.

Lin Mu felt the fighting spirit of the generals beside him, even Feng Zhong was also fighting.

"Dao Jiu, if the generals want to end, you can let them go. This confrontation may be a rare opportunity in the past two years!" Xi Zhicai said softly to Lin Mu.

"Okay! If you are willing, go down and fight, but you must ensure your safety! Don't act recklessly! As for the generals on the opposite side, if you can kill them, you don't need to be soft! I have already thought of the excuse for you, and I said that I can't accept it after the exchange. Yes!" Lin Mu exhorted with a righteous face.

When the others heard the words, they all smiled lightly, the lord is also a person with a dark heart! But I like it!

With Lin Mu's permission, Zang Ba took the lead and rushed forward with his weapon in hand. Instead of joining Zhou Tai's battlefield, he moved a little to the right and shouted, "I am Zang Ba of Mount Tai. Who dares to fight?"

"I'll fight you!" Zhou Cang responded loudly, and then stepped out under Zhang Bao's signal.

Afterwards, Le Jin, Li Dian, and Jiang Qin from the Great Wilderness Territory all played against Liao Hua, Bu Si, and Cheng Yuanzhi respectively!

The five great tigers of the Great Wilderness Territory will face the five great marshals of the Taiping Road!

Great Wilderness Territory VS Taiping Road!

The big battle that Lin Mu was looking forward to came.

To be honest, if Lin Mu had seen such a scene before, his teeth would definitely drop out of shock.

How can a mere commander-in-chief of Taiping Dao resist several famous historical generals?

In real history, Qu Shuai of the Yellow Turban Army of Taiping Road is just a boss who gives experience and treasures. How can he fight against the epic and legendary historical generals?

However, such a situation is indeed happening in front of us.

But at this time, Lin Mu was not too surprised, because the Taipingdao in the mythical world is stronger than the Taipingdao in the previous virtual games and the Taipingdao in real history!


"The five commanders of Daqu fought like equals with the enemy. It's really abominable!" Zhang Bao stared at the intense battle on the battlefield and said bitterly.

"The layout of our Taipingdao in Kuaiji County, after meeting Lin Mu, we are always frustrated, which really makes me angry!" Zhang Bao scolded again.

"General, our Taiping Dao has always had very little layout for Kuaiji County. If it weren't for Xu Zhao and the tomb palace, our top forces in Taiping Dao would not have sent too many here. And because of Xu Zhao, we sent Zhou Cang and Cheng Yuanzhi, the two commanders of Daqu, are in charge of the affairs of Xu Zhao, and Liu Pi is in charge of the affairs of the tomb of the living dead. The layout must be stagnant, which will be harmful to Ba Ye, but not beneficial!"

"As General Tiangong said, our current core goal is world supremacy, and some newly-rising vassals in remote counties are just harmless! We will try our best to make friends with them in the future, and don't let them delay our plans!" Guo Tu Youyou said .

"General Rengong is training more and more talisman soldiers. When the army becomes 10% and descends on the land of Shenzhou, will we still be afraid of them?" Guo Tu asked with anticipation in his eyes.

"That's right, the talisman army that the third brother tried his best to cultivate is not as good as the Yellow Turban Warriors, the exclusive unit of the elder brother, but it is also better than the ordinary quasi-legendary units. When the time comes, we can dispatch a legion to wipe out this Dong Ye A thief from the county!" Zhang Bao said proudly when he heard this.

"Yes! However, it's a pity that the secret realm is still too small, and can only accommodate one million soldiers!" Guo Tuning said. As the chief strategist, he knew that Taiping taught a lot of secrets.

"It's okay, once every two years, one million at a time, at that time, counting the damage, there will be more than one million rune soldiers appearing, so why not worry about the big thing!" Zhang Bao said about the situation of his third brother Zhang Liang, all the while Sweep the previous gloom.

"Indeed! However, although the secret realm is small, the area it connects to is a country that practices Buddhism, which just makes up for the practice of our Taoist soldiers! I kind of want to go there and observe it!" Guo Tu seemed to think of something , a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

"Hehe, if there is a chance, when the power of teleportation in the secret realm recovers, I will take you there. The items there are very different from ours in China, but they will greatly assist our Taoism. If there is a chance, It's not impossible for Mister to be promoted to a legendary historical general!" Zhang Bao said triumphantly.


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