Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 356 The Unlucky Xu Zhao

The reborn Lin Mu has many advantages, one of the most important and key advantages is to understand the appearance of most famous historical generals and celebrities in the mythical world, as well as some haunted places!

This will be of great help to recruit famous generals and celebrities in the future, and even fight against them!

But Lin Mu would not say that he knew all the famous generals and celebrities in China, because China is really too big, and there are too many strange people! There are too many mysteries!

Just like the brave general in front of him, he has never seen it before.

After his thoughts turned sharply, Lin Mu turned his attention to the city wall.

It turned out that after the mysterious and powerful general killed Yan Baihu, he held up his bloody head and shouted: "The leader of the rebels, Yan Baihu, is dead. Here is his head. You weak soldiers, why don't you surrender?"

Lin Mu, who was far away, could clearly hear the sound of surrender. He sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Qinglong City is broken! The next step is to besiege the City Lord's Mansion and break the [city] formed by the Qinglong God's Order." heart]!"

"The Azure Dragon Token and the Divine Stone of the Territory are both contained in [Heart of the City]. If you want to get the Divine Stone of the Territory, you must participate in the final battle..."

"The Azure Dragon God's Order can be given up, but the Territory God Stone must be obtained! Fortunately, Feng Zhong was able to go out, and the system's restrictions have also been lifted, so he should be able to fight head-on!"

"In addition, there is also the rare water god soul in the water god temple, which is also a treasure, and we must fight for it!"

"It's a little early, Qinglong City was broken a little earlier, if it's a day later, the 200,000 troops under his command will be able to rush to the north city wall,"


While Lin Mu was thinking about how to act, Wang Lang, surrounded by all the soldiers, came to the high pavilion on the west city wall.

The defenders to the west of Qinglong City, except for a small part of the defenders who are still stubbornly resisting, most of the soldiers have surrendered!

"My lord, it's beyond our expectations. It didn't take half a day. The west city wall was breached so easily! Moreover, the number of soldiers defending the city was 30% less than expected!" Finally, tell Wang Lang the information.

"The number of soldiers guarding the city has decreased by 30%?" Wang Lang frowned slightly when he heard the news, and murmured softly.

He had been keeping a low profile before, just to make the enemy look down on him and despise him. But he was secretly accumulating strength, preparing for this fatal blow!

However, Wang Lang, who was quite capable of planning, didn't think that the generals and advisers under Xu Zhao's command would be so despised that the soldiers guarding the city would be reduced by 30%!

Could it be that Xu Zhao has already transferred his military power to other places, or did Xu Zhao transfer most of his soldiers to the east and south city walls to make a final decision in one fell swoop?

A sense of uneasiness rose in Wang Lang's heart, and he was slightly absent-minded. However, after thinking about it for a while, greed and determination flashed across his face, and he secretly decided, no matter what, continue to march into the City Lord's Mansion, break through the heart of the city, and get the legendary treasure!

"My lord, should we continue to march quickly and raid the Qinglong City Lord's Mansion, or should we take a rest and recover to a perfect state before attacking?" Shi A looked at Wang Lang and asked softly.

Wang Lang regained his senses, and after pondering for a while, he said decisively: "March quickly, attack the city lord's mansion!"

After the other generals heard such an urgent strategy, there was a hint of hesitation on their faces, and they hesitated to speak, trying to persuade Wang Lang.

After Wang Lang finished speaking, he looked around and saw the hesitation on the faces of the soldiers under his command.

Smiling slightly, he said sonorously and forcefully: "There is a saying in the ancients: To attack those who are not prepared, to be caught by surprise! If you want to plunder the strongest power, you must use dangerous moves!"

"It's a hidden danger for soldiers not to rest, but if you can go straight to Huanglong, seize the world-leading achievements, seize the world-shaking treasure, and sacrifice a little, why not?" Wang Lang said loudly, with a faint charm in his words.

If Lin Mu was here, he would definitely know, because this guy Wang Lang actually used some kind of mysterious skill, and he didn't know if it was right or wrong to use the skill on his subordinates...

An hour later, after a little rectification of the army, Wang Lang, with his head held high and chest high, led the army with excitement, like a tsunami wave, sweeping across the west side of Qinglong City, heading straight for the central mansion of Qinglong City!


When Wang Lang was rectifying the army, Lin Mu also easily entered Qinglong City. After seeing the actions of Wang Lang's generals, he understood that Wang Lang wanted to directly attack the Lord's Mansion of Qinglong City instead of fighting steadily!

After Lin Mu thought for a while, he disappeared into the noisy crowd.


Qinglong City City Lord's Mansion.

Xu Zhao, who had endured round after round of blows, became calm again after venting.

Xu Zhao stood in the tallest building in the mansion, overlooking the east and south city walls from afar. These two battlefields were the most important in his heart, and they were the key to life and death.

Because his last hope of escape had been snuffed out.

Xu Zhao had already guessed who owned the giant sword when the rune-defying giant sword destroyed the transmission channel.

Although he was uneasy and not angry, Xu Zhao, who was quite deep in the city, calmed down, calmed down, and looked into the distance indifferently.

Not to mention how indifferent his heart is, at least on the surface.

After looking at it for a while, Xu Zhao felt something and turned to look west.

In the distance to the west, a wave slowly appeared, no, it was not a wave, but soldiers like a wave! And it's an enemy!

The enemy in the west actually broke through the city wall? ! ! Xu Zhao was startled.

Xu Zhao, who had experienced ups and downs, quickly calmed down, looked at the mighty wave of soldiers from a distance, a sneer flashed across his mouth, and stared fiercely at Wang Lang who was galloping ahead.

Xu Zhao had an impression of Wang Lang's appearance.

"You guys, you all think I'm a soft persimmon, you can bully me casually?" Xu Zhao secretly said with a sneer in his heart.

Want to attack the final core by surprise? joke!

He lightly touched the items in his arms, and said in his heart: "I have three one-time super-capacity space soldier charms, each of which can hold one hundred thousand elite soldiers. These are all my rare soldiers! They were sent over by my lord father." Baby, it’s really extraordinary! I originally planned to use it on Cao Cao, Sun Jian, and the most disgusting Lin Mu. Since Wang Lang’s thief wants to be the first bird, I’ll give you the feeling of despair of a heavenly soldier!”

Suddenly a hundred thousand elites appeared in the army formation, and they would definitely be able to make a move that caught them by surprise. When soldiers suddenly appeared, the enemy would definitely be a little dazed. In this moment of daze, even if each soldier killed an enemy, it would cause the enemy to lose 100,000 people in an instant.

There are only two 100,000 people in a legion, and removing half of them at once will be shocking, and it must be extremely surging!

With this transcendent talisman, it is not a fantasy to defeat a million enemy troops with a mere 100,000 soldiers!

Too bad it's just a one-off.

Xu Zhao gently took out a gray and strange talisman. This talisman seal, the size of three fingers, is made of very sophisticated materials, and there are strands of white fluorescent light flowing throughout the body, which is quite miraculous.

Looking closely, it is engraved with obscure and mysterious inscriptions, all in one piece. If Lin Mu was here, he would have exclaimed, because these inscriptions are not much different from the mysterious eternal gods on the Dutian battleship. There are some faint differences, but they seem to come from the same source!

However, when Xu Zhao lightly took this talisman in his hand and rubbed it carefully, a soft '呲' sound suddenly resounded, which was very ear-piercing in the quiet high pavilion.

Xu Zhao's heart trembled suddenly, his liver and gallbladder burst!

Because of that talisman, when the ear-piercing sound sounded, a crack unexpectedly appeared, and the fluorescent light on the talisman suddenly disappeared!

It has lost its effectiveness! This was Xu Zhao's first reaction!

Xu Zhao used an insight technique tremblingly, and after sensing the information, he roared angrily, "Due to an unknown movement, the talisman was destroyed?! What's going on, it can't be used anymore? It will take ten days to repair naturally?"

After the roar, Xu Zhao's face flashed with horror, and he immediately took out the other two talisman seals from his bosom. The original luminous talisman seals showed exactly the same situation when Xu Zhao held them in his hands. .

The three super space soldier talismans can't be used anymore? ! Why are you so unlucky! !

Just because he took it lightly and destroyed the talisman seal that was invulnerable to water and fire and as tough as steel? What are you kidding?

Is this God's punishment? Why are you so unlucky? Xu Zhao kept roaring in his heart...

In fact, if Xu Zhao was a player, he would definitely hear the following system message:


"——The system prompts, the lord Xu Zhao, because of your light caress, it caused a little damage to the space soldier talisman, and it cannot be used temporarily. It will take ten days before it will be completely restored naturally! Please handle it with care next time when you are narcissistic. Handle with care so as not to cause damage!"

Of course, Xu Zhao also vaguely knew that something bad had happened to him! The so-called destruction of this talisman is just a manifestation of not being able to change!

Xu Zhao's face sank like water!

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