Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 211 Yu Ban (for subscription)

After pondering for a while, Lin Mu put them all into his backpack. Afterwards, Lin Mu played with Xiaoying for a while, and let him carry him back to the cliff.


Time went back to the time when Lin Mu changed his equipment.

On Juejian Cliff, a hundred elites under Lin Mu's command fought fiercely with 20,000 players from the Heaven and Hell Guild.

In order to protect Lin Mu, the hundred elites focused on defense, using steel shields to block the arrows.

"The Bow and Arrow Legion is projected at 45 degrees, and the target is the black armored soldiers. The Sword and Shield Legion presses forward and acts as a forward meat shield to prevent them from rushing into the Bow and Arrow Legion. The Long Spear Legion is free to attack, draw hatred, and contain them..." Chapter of Heaven Under Luo Tiange's orders, the attack plan was continuously arranged.

"Ignore that player and the seriously injured giant eagle for the time being, cut off his wings first, and see how rampant he is, daring to ignore our super guild, hehe..." Luo Tiange said indifferently.

"Boss, these black armored soldiers are equipped with powerful equipment, maybe they are yellow rank suits!" Said an elite player next to him.

"When we kill them, we will distribute the equipment to your sword and shield army to strengthen the meat shield army."

"Hey, thank you boss!"

"This arrogant guy must have spent all his money on the training of these subordinates, otherwise the equipment would not be so good, which would be cheaper for us!" Zhang Tianzhang looked at those black armors, as if they were already in their pocket.

After Luo Tiange arranged the battle rhythm, he couldn't help looking at Lin Mu. Lin Mu treated the wound calmly, without any urgency or fear of being surrounded and suppressed, as if the life and death of the hundred soldiers had nothing to do with him.

Something was wrong in Luo Tiange's heart, but looking at the number of 20,000 players on his side and the situation of suppressing their fight, Luo Tiange suppressed that something was wrong, and continued to watch the battle indifferently.

After watching for a while, I found that although these soldiers were a little embarrassed to resist, none of them were killed. He suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to have any information about spying on these black armored soldiers.

Luo Tiange recalled the conversation with Lin Mu, as if he remembered something, his face changed, and he shouted: "I was fooled, this player is not pretending to look down on us, but he has such strength, we have always been affected by his emotions , I even forgot the important thing of knowing the strength of the enemy.”

Guided by that guy's indifferent emotions, I always thought they were weak chickens, and didn't even use detection skills.

Luo Tiange, whose expression changed in surprise, immediately rushed to the battle, activated the investigative skills he bought with a lot of money, and looked at the attributes of these soldiers:

【Name】:? ? ?

【Level】: 60

【identity】:? ? ?

【Profession】:? ? ?

[Basic Attributes]:? ? ?

【equipment】:? ? ?

【Skill】? ? ?

Hiss, Luo Tiange gasped, his investigative skills had been honed to an advanced level, yet he only managed to detect their level, and other information was just question marks.

"Level 60, 6th-level soldiers, are these 100 black-armored soldiers all 6th-level? This...soldier is actually higher than the Qing Lin Snake boss I attacked before. With such a high level, could it be that he came from the county? Recruited from the military camp?" Luo Tiange finally knew where the slightest strangeness came from.

Knowing the strength of these soldiers, Luo Tiange couldn't get off like a tiger, but he was not easy, so he continued to attack cruelly, and shouted: "Brothers, attack by force at all costs, kill me! They are all level 60, kill quickly!" "

The longer it is delayed, the soldiers who are on the defensive will slowly approach their formation, possibly like wolves into a herd of sheep.

At this time, Luo Tiange also took out his bow and arrow to join the attacking sequence, and ignored Lin Mu at all. He didn't know that Lin Mu had already left the cliff at this time and went down to hunt for treasure.

After Lin Mu left, the black armored soldiers began to change their defensive status. They roared fiercely and ran wildly, ignoring the arrows hitting the Jiawei. They wanted to quickly break up the formation of these people and break their attack rhythm .

Sure enough, after a wave of shock, these players whose level did not exceed level 30, like weak lambs, had no power to resist under their swords and guns.

"TMD, why are these soldiers so high-level, is that player cheating!" An ordinary player complained before dying.

"Boss, these Tier 6 soldiers are simply invincible soldiers. Our ordinary iron weapons can't even break through their defenses. Their weapons are extremely sharp. One knife and one gun will kill a brother. It's too powerful. What should we do? "The Chapter of Heaven fought a black armored soldier for one round, and then fled in a hurry.

20,000 players surrounded and suppressed a hundred black armored soldiers like a bee swarm, but after a wave of their charge, they pierced through their formation and caused chaos.

"Retreat, those present are the elites of our guild. Now that the death penalty is so heavy, it's not appropriate to force them to death." Luo Tiange said helplessly through gritted teeth.

If it was a hard hit, and with the powerful props in his backpack, he could still kill these people, but when he turned his head to pay attention to Lin Mu, he found that his traces had disappeared. No need to fight pointless battles.

After hearing the retreat signal from the president, the terrified Heaven and Hell Guild players retreated immediately. As elites, although their retreat was somewhat flustered, it was orderly.

Hundreds of soldiers were helpless when they saw the enemy retreating. The terrain was rugged and the number of pigs was huge. Even if they killed 20,000 pigs, they couldn't kill them all at once. But it's okay, after several charges, they have already left a lot of corpses.

When Luo Tiange retreated for a short distance and a hundred soldiers were chasing after him, a tall and strong man with a height of more than 190 centimeters and a dignified appearance slowly walked up the mountain and appeared on the battlefield.

This big man was majestic, and as he walked, he seemed to have an aura that overwhelmed the entire battlefield.

After the retreating players saw this tall and mighty man, they couldn't help but slowly move away.

The hundred elites under Lin Mu also stopped, staring at this big man who suddenly appeared on the battlefield. They can feel that this person is very powerful.

As soon as the big man appeared, he seemed to be the most dazzling center, making everyone present pay attention to him involuntarily. Some people are the center as soon as they appear on the stage.

"What are you fighting for?" The big man was wearing a pair of green armor, with a long spear on his back. Under the gaze of thousands of people, he asked with a frown. Although his voice was soft, every player could hear it.

At this time, Lin Mu had already arrived at the battlefield under the flight of the little eagle, and saw this big man.

The big man looked up and saw the huge green eagle slowly descending. He stared at the green eagle with a strange expression on his face, and praised: "What a majestic mount! What a strange species of Bailongjian."

Lin Mu was shocked when he saw this big man. He knew this man, but he kept his face on the surface. He jumped off Xiaoying's back and walked slowly to the big man. Luo Tiange also walked up to him.

It seemed that Luo Tiange also saw how extraordinary this big man was, and wanted to make friends.

"This strong man, we are only fighting because of a small dispute, please explain to the strong man!" He said with a sunny face.

Luo Tiange took it over with a word, suppressing the emotion of fleeing in embarrassment in his heart, as if the player who died before was worthless.

"Hehe, even a small dispute is a life-and-death struggle. Although you aliens have immortal bodies, the price is heavy. I hope you will pay attention to it." It looks like a fierce general.

Luo Tiange felt that this big man was very extraordinary, so he couldn't help asking: "Thank you for your concern, the strong man, I will remember it in my heart, what is the strong man's name?"

Lin Mu stood beside him without saying a word, and waved his hand to let Xiaoying go back. When the little eagle was stared at by the big man, he also gave birth to a huge threat, this man is so strong. It was a little cautious, it didn't spread its wings and shake, and the wind was strong, but it flew up into the sky with a slight shock, stared at Lin Mu reluctantly for a few times, circled a few times, and flew away.

"I'm a wild man in the mountains, how can I be respected!" The big man shook his head, modestly, but he didn't answer Luo Tiange's question, and said his name.

Then he turned his head to look at Lin Mu, staring for a while, as if he wanted to see through Lin Mu. This person gave him a very strange feeling, as if there was something noble in his body that was being suppressed, and he couldn't see clearly.

Luo Tiange was at a loss for words for a moment, the big man seemed to ignore him. A gloomy mood suddenly appeared in his heart. Whether in reality or in the game, he has always been the center of attention and enjoyed the praise of countless people. Today, I met two people who dismissed him in a row.

Luo Tiange's complexion gradually became gloomy...

Lin Mu looked indifferent, glanced at the black-faced Luo Tiange, and didn't say much. Looking at the big man again, there are many thoughts in his heart.

This big man is not some kind of wild man, his surname is Yu Mingjin, and his writing is regular.

Yu Jin, Yu Wenze!

One of the rare super generals of the Three Kingdoms recorded in the real historical classics, together with Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Le Jin, and Xu Huang, he is also known as the "Five Sons of Good Generals".

This is the most powerful historical general that Lin Mu has seen so far.

After the rebellion of the lords, the Heaven and Earth God List was born, and heroes from all walks of life were listed on the list, attracting attention from China.

Yu Jin is an epic-level historical military general, who is listed on the subsidiary list [Epic Historical Generals List], and is at the forefront of the epic list.

In his previous life, Lin Mu memorized the biographical information of the peak figures in the highest honor list; for their appearance, to be exaggerated, he knew them even when they turned into ashes. So when Lin Mu saw Yu Jin, he was very shocked. At the same time, he secretly wished that he was lucky to meet this super general in the field.

But a little uncomfortable, there are flies next to it!

Lin Mu looked at Luo Tiange and said, "You Heaven and Hell Guilds are still not leaving, are you staying and being killed by us?"

Luo Tiange's complexion was a bit dark, and his complexion was even more gloomy, like a dark cloud that could burst into downpour at any time.

Facing Tier 6 soldiers, I was hunted down and fell into a disadvantage, but don't underestimate them. He said gloomyly: "Don't be too arrogant, if you play all your cards, you won't be much better! Hmph!"

Luo Tiange looked at Lin Mu, then at Yu Jin, and knew that this big man didn't seem to like him very much, and he didn't even want to say his name. Proud of him, he couldn't bear this feeling of being ignored, turned around to greet his subordinates, and left down the mountain.

Today is really an unlucky day for the Heaven and Hell Guild, and for Luo Tiange! Miscalculated the strength of the enemy, causing thousands of elite deaths, and dropped 10 levels. He didn't attribute today's incident to himself, but transferred it to Lin Mu. Even if he thought about it afterwards, he would still be like this.

Selling girls' little matches, you wait!

(Third update, ask for tickets! Finally, the first peak historical general appears! Slowly other historical generals will also appear!)

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