Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 150 Big Case, Shen Zhuang's Fall

Regardless of Lin Mu's side, another major event in his territory also happened silently. This event caused a shock in Dongye County, and it was a major case.

Under the careful planning of Feng Zhong and others, and according to the information provided by Xu Ying, Liu Feng, He Yuan, Wang Sheng and others led 6,000 5th-level elite soldiers of the Legion into the county in disguise.

Some pretended to be farmers and went to the city to sell food and crops, some played merchants, some were busy in the dust, and some pretended to be young and brave country knights. It was so easy to enter a peaceful and stable county.

Feng Zhong didn't go out with the army, he was strategizing, everything had been planned, and Liu Feng and the others would just go along with the plan and proceed as planned.

Liu Feng and the others gathered 6,000 soldiers in a wood outside Shenzhuang as planned on a dark and windy night.

All the topography of Shenzhuang has been thoroughly investigated.

"Everyone prepares for the change of clothes. If everyone does not move, use all your strength. The portraits of all the important members of Shen Zhuang are in mind. Wang Sheng, you lead the first team of 1,000 people to capture the main clansman of Shen Thief 19 Fan Shun, you lead the second team of 1,000 people to capture the servant technician of the thief; He Yuan, you lead the third team of 1,000 people to move the property to the warehouse; the other three teams are responsible for cleaning the southeast, southwest, and northwest of the thief. The guests and vassals in the three directions, if anyone surrenders, they can be captured and brought back to the territory, and Lord Fengzhong will reward you! Lord Fengzhong has promised, everyone has done a good job, and there will be big fish, meat and wine when you go back! Everyone, don’t let the Lord Lord down! Look forward to it!" A deep command came from the darkness, and it was Liu Feng who was directing.

"Yes" the dull low drink echoed in the woods.

"Everyone remember, after half an hour, the gate of Dongye County will be breached by our other brothers. You must retreat before the reinforcements from the county lieutenant army arrive, you know?" Liu Feng did not forget to remind them, After all, these are elites trained by Mr. Feng Zhong for so many days. Currently, they are only fifth-rank soldiers, and their subsequent development potential has not been fully realized. I don’t want them to be smashed into the sand among the Tu people in a small county town. Their affiliation, this can be regarded as a military training, Liu Feng thought of Master Feng Zhong's instructions in his heart.

"Decree!" The soldiers shouted in unison.

"Let's go!" Without the slightest hesitation, the group of soldiers shuttled out of the woods like fish and rushed to the predetermined place.

The night is dark and the wind is high, which is a good day for murder and arson.

In Feng Zhong's plan, they didn't storm the gate of the Shen family's manor, they directly climbed over the wall of the side door, attacked from the west and south at the same time, and bloomed on both sides.

After the soldiers climbed over the city wall, there were bursts of swords and guns in a short while, but it soon fell silent. Feng Zhong's soldiers are still very powerful. Ordinary country brave guests are harvested like wheat. Many of them are at a loss in the face of such a sudden change, crying their noses bitterly. In the face of cruel and brutal thieves who kill without blinking an eye, it is courageous to take up arms.

Only some elites resisted.

The Shen family manor is still not small, covering an area of ​​over a thousand acres, but the servants and related technical personnel gather relatively densely, and this part will soon complete the task. The most difficult thing is to capture the main family of the Shen family. According to Ye Ying's news, Today is the Shen family's daily gathering of the whole family to celebrate, and basically all the family members have returned, which is a good opportunity to catch them all in one go.

The members of the Shen family who were in the center were quickly startled by countless loud cries and the sound of family guards, but they soon fell silent.

As the head of the Shen family, Shen Jinfei has a big brain, but he still has a little bit of strategy and city government. Now there should be thieves attacking his manor. Thinking of the heavily guarded mansion being attacked, and today all the clansmen are in the manor. It can't be such a coincidence. The Patriarch of the Shen family, Shen Jin, was startled in a hurry by the tenderness and warmth of his concubine.

Dressing in a hurry, I suddenly felt a cold wind coming from my back, and a big black knife with a cold light suddenly appeared on my neck.

"The strong man spares his life, the strong man spares his life, no matter what you want, the villain will give it with both hands, and spare the villain's life!" No matter what, Shen Jin immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Standing behind him was Liu Feng. After the soldiers started the incident, he went straight to the main house to arrest the mastermind, Shen Jin.

"Ah, there are assassins, there are assassins, come quickly, help..." Shen Jin's concubine who was on the bed saw Feng Zhong dressed in black, appearing here late at night, it must be an assassin, she yelled Calling out, the whole body shakes like a funnel.

Liu Feng was not polite either, and knocked her out directly, she was nothing more than an idiot.

Liu Feng thought for a while and decided not to knock Shen Jin unconscious for the time being, but to interrogate him first and ask him if he has any other treasures.

"Haha, Patriarch Shen, we are bandits who have turned into bandits, and we don't necessarily kill you. As long as we have money, we don't mind letting you die. Apart from the little treasure in the warehouse, do you have any other property? Just ask you One time, if you don’t cooperate with me, I accidentally raise the knife and drop it, and your head will fall to the ground! I hope you cherish the dog’s life!” Feng Zhong asked the whereabouts of the treasure directly, as if he was just a thief seeking money.

Hearing the thief's question, Shen Jin breathed a sigh of relief, just now he thought he was dying, and he, who has done a lot of evil, was most afraid of those desperadoes, otherwise he would not have brought a large group of guards with him when he went out.

Life-saving is the most important thing, there will be opportunities to collect wealth and so on in the future. When Shen Jin met this sudden change, when he heard that he was still alive, the defense in his heart suddenly opened up, "The strong man spares his life, and there is a secret library in the villain's house, which stores the usual The rare and precious treasures you have collected! Please move forward, strong man, and I will take you there right away." Shen Jin told Liu Feng the location of the family's most important secret storehouse, thinking that he would save a dog's life, but he didn't know that his fate had already passed. It is in the hands of others, and I am still grateful in my heart.

The secret library is on the back wall of the nave, and there is a secret door next to it, which is usually only opened by him.

It can only be opened when one gets a rare treasure. Occasionally, Shen Jin himself will open it to appreciate the rare treasure, and enjoy his life.

Liu Feng escorted Shen Jin inside, not afraid of traps inside, after all, Shen Jin would come in from time to time to admire the treasures, and would not guard against himself.

The secret vault is not big, with a stepped entrance. There are three cabinets on three sides at the bottom. The front cabinet stores three boxes. Feng Zhong quickly opened the boxes to check. One box contained a whole box of shiny silver coins. I don’t know. The specific quantity, the other box is gold coins, and it is also a whole box, and the last box is also gold, but not one by one, but gold cakes in high circulation. It's extremely dazzling, but Liu Feng has no expression on his face, it's just an ordinary thing, but the lord needs this thing very much.

Seeing that the stock in the secret treasury did not have the Dahan Dynasty Fortune Gold Cake mentioned by the lord, I felt a little disappointed.

Liu Feng also knew that he was in a hurry, so he didn't check the rest of the cabinets carefully, and directly packed the boxes and items into the large travel bag he had prepared earlier.

Shen Jin saw Feng Zhong violently scraping away his family's savings for many years like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, the muscles on his face trembled, his heart ached and his heart felt as if his heart had been cut by a knife, leaving countless drops of blood, but in order to survive, he gritted his teeth , turned around, out of sight and out of sight.

At the same time, Shen Jin also made a poisonous oath in his heart that when he was out of danger, he would definitely encourage the county lieutenant to kill all these villains. Thinking of this, Shen Jin's eyes showed a cold and murderous look.

After a while, Liu Feng finished cleaning up and led Shen Jin out of the secret vault. Although there were still sounds of swords and guns clashing outside, it was not as hasty as before. It seemed that the cleaning had been completed and it was time to harvest.

Shen Jin thought Liu Feng would spare him, but Liu Feng didn't explain much, just knocked him unconscious, tied him up, and prepared to take him back.

Liu Feng escorted the heavily bound Shen Jin to the west side door. This is the planned retreat position. He is quick in his hands and feet, has a clear purpose, and acts like a wind. The performance of the soldiers today is very outstanding, and the recent training is still very effective.

The most powerful servants of the Shen Family Manor are soldiers of the third and fourth ranks, who usually only bully and bully the common people. Facing the disciplined and strategic regular army that drills day and night, Liu Feng and others can handle it without showing their skills. up.

Soon, all the scheduled subordinates arrived, but they were like dragging their families. Many prisoners with dejected and low morale were escorted. This was scheduled. , all brought back to the territory, the territory is "Han Xin's troops, the more the better" for the population.

After the soldiers of each team returned to the west gate according to the scheduled time, they immediately set off and rushed to the west gate of Dongye County.

The soldiers completed the task much earlier than scheduled, but because there were many production talents who were helpless, the rush was not as fast as when they came.

In the middle of the night, there were almost no people in the remote parts of the county, and a group of people rushed on the road in a mighty manner.

There were no officers and soldiers on patrol on the road. They should have been led by the brothers who were ambushing in the east. They set fire to attract the official soldiers and attacked east and west. This was one of the plans.

The team didn't have any luggage, and a lot of belongings were put into the army bag, and they rushed the prisoners forward. Soon, when it was still dark, they had arrived at the west city gate. In the silent night, only the occasional dog barking and children Just crying.

However, there were still some episodes during the rush. Some players wandering around late at night saw such a mighty team, and they were flashing with swords, well-equipped, well-mannered, and there were some bloodstains on their bodies. They escorted many NPCs and many players. Thinking that there was an adventure mission, they kept coming forward to ask, but Liu Feng and the others ignored them, and hurried on in a muffled voice, followed by some little tails.

When Liu Feng arrived at the city gate, he didn't say much. He came directly to the city gate, where the city gate was already opened. Seeing their movements, some people were left behind to close the city gates, and those players were not allowed to leave the city, in the name of the government.

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