Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 12 Conspiracy, Chang Yin!

In addition, how much a person's aptitude is, and the maximum level limit is so many. For example, if a player's aptitude is level 4, then his highest level can be upgraded to level 49 without bottlenecks. If he wants to break through level 50, he needs to break through the shackles. Participating in advanced trials is difficult, but there is still a way forward, and it is much less advantageous than those with qualifications above level 6. However, if they are at level 9, there is no bottleneck before level 99. Among them The gap is big.

However, the leveling difficulty of "Mythical Three Kingdoms" in Huaxia District is hell level for players.


Qualifications limit the increase in levels and original attributes, so fate limits the quality of talent.

A person's fate enters different fate houses, and the talents he inspires are different.

In Lin Mu's view, [Central Fate] and [Changing Fate] belong to the better Fate, while [Eastern Fate] is common, and it is also the most likely to be activated by ordinary players and ordinary NPCs. It also occupies the largest proportion of the total.

In the previous life, Lin Mu's fate was to enter the [Wu Ma] Fate Palace in [Eastern Fate]. The talents inspired are average, so I'm embarrassed to mention it.

I hope that there will be adventures in this life, and activate a better fate and talent. As for aptitude, eating some panacea, heaven and earth spirits can also be improved.

Lin Mu's thoughts came back from Feng Zhong's shocking attributes, and he was very much looking forward to the location Kai Changyin's attributes:

Name: Chang Yin, styled Yuanjian

Qualification: Tier 9 [Astrology] (seal)

Loyalty: 100

Occupation: God-level scribe

God name: no

Qi number: 1.16 yuan

Status: Village Cao engaged in

Merit: 0

Level: 0 (0%)

Commander: 10 Force: 10 Intelligence: 10 Politics: 28

【Derived attributes】:

Combat power: 1000

Command power: 1000

Divine Force: 1000

Internal affairs efficiency: 308% (100% (special bonus for the scribe profession) + 28% + 180%)

Stamina: 200

Speed: 26

Defense: 100

Morale: 100

Talent: [Innovation Pioneer]

Skills: Good harvests, good weather, human harmony, living and working in peace and contentment


Specialty 1. High-level [Field Farming] Specialty. People with this speciality will increase grain production by 10% when doing farmland operations.

Specialty 2. Master-level [Expanding Frontiers and Expansion] Specialty. People with this specialty will increase the overall effect by 100% when leading the people to open up wasteland.

Internal strength: "Natural Scripture": God-level exercises, with a total of twelve layers. Each level of study will increase the political attribute by 2 points. After the successful study of this exercise, the effect of the skills of counselors and scribes will be greatly improved. It is good for farming, planting trees There are special bonuses for territorial operations such as afforestation, digging mountains and lakes, and mining minerals. At present, I have studied to the ninth floor, which increases the politics by 18 points, the territorial operation status bonus effect is 180% (each floor increases by 20%), and the scribe skills bonus effect is 900%.

Equipment: commoner clothing, straw sandals, [ancestral protection]

Wealth: 191 fortune gold coins, 39 gold coins

After Lin Mu read Feng Zhong's attributes, he didn't feel too excited about Chang Yin's attributes, and Chang Yin's skills and equipment are relatively common. The attributes are familiar, and I haven't checked them carefully one by one.

Lin Mu clicked on [Ancestral Asylum], the special equipment and talent [Innovation Pioneer] to see:

Item name: [Ancestral Asylum]

Tier: Inheritance Artifacts

Features: accessories

Attribute: Contains all the inheritance of the ancient sage [Chang Xian], which can only be passed on to his descendants.

Introduction: According to legend, it is an artifact inherited from the Changshi clan, carrying the inheritance of the noble clan, and can only be used by descendants of the Changshi clan's blood. There are "natural classics" and other shocking strategies and exercises.


[Innovation Pioneer]: The ninth-level [celestial aspect] talent, assigned to the celestial star, in the research and development department led by him, the success rate of research and development will increase by 30%.

Lin Mu was not surprised by [Ancestral Protection]. After seeing Feng Zhong's attributes, Lin Mu guessed that Chang Yin might be the descendant of the ancient sage [Chang Xian].

However, after seeing the ninth-level [celestial aspect] talent [Innovation Pioneer], Lin Mu's mind roared! This is too perverted, the R\u0026D success rate is increased by 30%. If the R\u0026D organization is established, how many new skills, illustrations, items, etc. will be created. By then, the R\u0026D department will be a cornucopia! Lin Mu seems to have seen the situation where money will be softened in the future.

Lin Mu remembered that the R\u0026D department used to be up to 5%, which was the effect of an expert-level building. This is already a very impressive figure. Compared with [Innovation Pioneer], it is simply the difference between Mount Tai and a feather.

Lin Mu used to think that Chang Yin was a god-level scribe who paid attention to the order of production in the territory. He never thought that this [Innovation Pioneer] would make the territory a city of innovation. Continuous innovation will improve the foundation of the territory. Lin Mu was really surprised I was stunned.

Technology is the primary productive force, and innovation is the source of technology.

As an ambitious man, as soon as he saw this talent, he immediately had a detailed positioning.

Haha, like a tiger with wings!!!!

Now Lin Mu doesn't care about other things, just immersed in the great surprise.

Chang Yin's ninth-level [Astrology] talent is already so awesome, but what does Feng Zhong's ninth-level [Martial Arts] talent [Suppressing God Power] look like?

Really been waiting! !

Both Feng Zhong and Chang Yin practice god-level exercises. Lin Mu is not surprised. They have heard of god-level exercises before. As a player who understands the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, the exercises learned by gods such as Lu Bu and Zhao Yun are all It is a god-level kung fu method, and all the weapons in the hands are magic weapons, and all the horses are riding epic-level mounts, high-end and high-end.

It's extraordinary that the two assistant government NPCs rewarded by their own system can be like them. At the same time, I also lament the abnormality of the god-level village building token.

If someone gets this token, it will be a nightmare for me. Fortunately, I am the one who has become someone else's nightmare. Why does it feel so good.

Lin Mu has never heard of Feng Zhong and Chang Yin's skills, but their descriptions should be of extraordinary effect. It seems that we should pay attention to them in the future.

What is more important to players is weapons and equipment, magical weapons and sharp weapons. This is also the biggest pursuit of playing games. In the past, in ordinary games, players had the greatest desire to pursue equipment and weapons. Push it to various game bosses and play dungeons. ...these are for equipment.

The ranks of equipment in "Mythical Three Kingdoms" are divided into five levels: god rank, heaven, earth, mysterious, and yellow, that is, god rank equipment, heaven rank equipment, earth rank equipment, mysterious rank equipment, yellow rank equipment, and Ordinary equipment, the cloth shoes that Lin Mu owns are ordinary junk equipment, they can be used to wear and walk, but if encountering fierce battles, the cloth shoes with a little durability will soon be broken.

However, Lin Mu remembered that there was a special kind of straw sandals, which were made by Liu Bei!

Before making a fortune and rising, Liu Bei's deputy was a tailor, who specialized in making straw sandals. However, this straw sandal is not an ordinary straw sandal. Lin Mu clearly remembered that the properties of the straw sandals are a bit against the sky: speed +5, speed +100%, durability can be automatically restored.

Each of the three attributes is very precious, and this is the legendary straw sandal!


God-level equipment is sealed, this is understandable, haha, it's too awesome, the system's restrictions are also a manifestation of strength, Lin Mu doesn't have much resentment towards those sealed equipment, the stronger the better, haha... Lin Mu After reading the attributes of Feng Zhong and Chang Yin, like a child who has been greatly satisfied, his hands and feet trembled, his face was full of smiles, and his laughter gradually became louder.

Lin Mu's laughter caught Chang Yin's attention, and he asked, "My lord, my lord... Your lord, do you have any happy event? Can you share it with your subordinates?" Lin Mu in a happy state.

"Ah, Yuanjian, it's you, it's okay, it's okay!" Lin Mu waved his hand, recovering from the surprise.

"I just saw that your attributes are so outstanding. With you and Fengjin, I am like a fish in water, like a tiger with wings added! Great luck, great luck! Haha..." Lin Mu usually calls people he is familiar with, which means closeness , if there is no word, call the name again. Although it was the first day they met, Lin Mu and Chang Yinfengzhong seemed to be very familiar with each other. Pooh! It is like-minded!

"This subordinate's attribute is not very strong, it's just average!" Chang Yin didn't have any pride, and was still as plain as usual.

"By the way, both you and Fengjin have inherited artifacts, so you are descendants of ancient times, right? Can you tell me about your glorious ancestors?" Lin Mu paid attention to the [Ancestral Shelter] and [Wind Wind] in their equipment. After Asylum].

"My lord, my surname is Chang, and I am a descendant of [Chang Xian], a subject of [Emperor Xuanyuan]! And Feng Zhongfeng Fengjin is also a descendant of [Fenghou], a subject of [Emperor Xuanyuan]! Therefore, there are predecessors. We are the only ones who are sheltered by us! Don't be proud to show off!"

Sure enough, both Chang Yin and Feng Zhong are descendants of gods, with glorious identities and glorious bloodlines, they are indeed extraordinary. With their assistance, the future will be easier and more brilliant!

【Emperor Xuanyuan】Who is it? That is one of the human emperors of the human race, who made a great contribution to the unification of the Central Plains, and created countless tools and products to produce descendants of Pize. [Chang Xian] and [Feng Hou] are both capable subjects and have made great contributions!

The ancient sages usually have blood inheritance, but unfortunately in the current mythical world, this kind of thing seems to have disappeared in the world.

"The [Yellow Dragon Token] that my lord obtained before is the heart of [Emperor Xuanyuan] to build a city without a god!" Chang Yin suddenly revealed a secret, which shocked Lin Mu.

Supreme, imperial dynasty, the heart of the city... Lin Mu's mind was in confusion. It turned out to be that person's property. Suddenly, Lin Mu was frightened and asked hastily, "Is Emperor Xuanyuan dead? Will he put [Huang Long Do you want to go back?" Lin Mu didn't think that Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor would die, and the mythical world was extremely mysterious, and such a person with astonishing grandeur would definitely not be so easily lost. But Lin Mu still couldn't help asking

"My lord, don't worry, Emperor Zun will not take the [Huanglong Token] back. Now this is your personal property, and you have already recognized the Lord with a drop of blood. No one can occupy and claim it! As long as you don't want it, the gods will Can't!" Chang Yin knew Lin Mu's worry, and joked slightly, but he didn't answer Emperor Xuanyuan's situation, so he avoided it, but Lin Mu was in great worry now, so he didn't continue to ask.

"That's okay, okay, okay, I'm relieved!" Lin Mu has his own ideas. If someone takes the [Huanglong Order] away and loses his greatest advantage, then it's just a matter of fighting for world hegemony. The fart is all over the world, and I am not a descendant of the gods and dragons. I am on a completely different level from Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, and Yuan Shao. I am just an ordinary player who has upgraded to a level and got 4 points of original attributes. .

Ordinary players have the social status of the humble children of the Han Dynasty.

In fact, Lin Mu didn't completely let go of his worries. As much as he gained, he would pay as much and take on more responsibilities or obligations. It's just that he doesn't know it now...

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, it seems that there will be a different journey in the future...

Lin Mu is not worried that Chang Yin and Feng Zhong are deceiving him. Their loyalty has reached 100, and they are in a state of diehard loyalty. Their loyalty will not decline due to other reasons.

Loyalty is a special state, which is the highest level for players to recruit NPCs. In this state, the NPC will never betray the lord.

No matter what, I have to develop in a low-key way, don't be proud and slack, as long as I become stronger and my territory develops better, no one can bully me, and no one can make me compromise, Lin Mu secretly made up his mind.

After figuring this out, Lin Mu felt refreshed and extremely relaxed. The words with Chang Yin really shocked Lin Mu.

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