Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 324: Cover the people and retreat first

"General, the troops of the puppet Wei Dynasty are attacking from two directions from the northeast. They seem to have a lot of troops."

After the Han army entered Kunyang, Ma Di gathered all the information and held a new team meeting.

Now there are three people following Ma Su, one is the deputy general Wang Ping, the other is the subordinate general Ma Zhong, and the third is the junior general Gofu.

There are a total of three generals and less than 20,000 Han troops. They need to rely on two places in Kunyang Ye County to resist the counterattack of Cao Wei's subsequent troops. This has to be said to be a very difficult task, but it is one that the Han army must face.

"Based on the speed now, the Wei army in the north will arrive early. But although the Wei army in Huainan in the east will be slower along the river, it will not be too late." Wang Ping calculated the time for Ma Su in detail based on the intelligence. account.

"The difference between them is at most a few days, and both Wei armies are elite. For now, we basically have no chance to defeat them one by one."

"I've been blasting Wei Dog every day for the past two years. It would be strange if they were unprepared." Ma Di didn't take it seriously. He knew better than Wang Ping how much his opponents valued him.

"They won't fall to death in a pit, so they will naturally be wary of us. So don't think about taking the initiative and defeat each one. Just think about defending the city honestly."

"This time I will personally supervise the defense of Kunyang and lead the troops to have a head-on confrontation with the Wei army in Kunyang. Wang Ping is responsible for guarding Ye County and ensuring that the Wei army cannot sneak through."

"General, the Wei army is strong this time, and it is probably extremely dangerous to defend Kunyang. Why don't you let me defend Kunyang, and General, you can be responsible for guarding Ye County." Wang Ping hesitated for a moment, looked at Ma Su's face and suggested cautiously.

"Such a dangerous thing, General..."

"Go, go, what are you thinking about! If I don't take the lead in this kind of thing, should I let others die?" Ma Di waved his hand and rejected Wang Ping's proposal.

"And Ye County is also very important and needs a general to guard it. Zijun, you are now a senior general in the army, so you must be in charge here."

"As for Kunyang, you don't have to worry. I regard the Wei army's millions as nothing, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Seeing Ma Di insisting on guarding the city of Kunyang personally, Wang Ping also shut up.

The general has given orders, so he has no choice but to obey them.

Ma Su then assigned some tasks, and the young general Jufu followed Wang Ping to guard Ye County. Ma Di took Ma Zhong in charge of Kunyang and led more than 10,000 troops to face the Wei army head-on.

Because the Wei army had many soldiers and horses, Ma Su was prepared to defend the city from the beginning.

After everything was arranged, Ma Di was ready to order the generals to prepare to defend the city. Otherwise, at this moment, a deputy general came forward and reported something to Ma Su.

"General, the old and new people you mentioned a few days ago have not yet finished their journey. Many people have just packed up their belongings and have not yet arrived in Ye County."

"What? Haven't you finished walking yet?" Ma Su was slightly startled, but after thinking about it, it was normal.

It has been less than seven days since the Caihan Army arrived in Ye County. It is normal for the people who were forcibly moved to the north to not finish their journey.

But at this time, Ma Su thought of a very serious problem.

The Wei army will arrive soon, and with the speed at which this group of people are fleeing, there is a high probability that they will not be able to escape before they arrive. If you fail to escape successfully, there is a high probability that you will be recruited as a civilian husband on the spot, or even if there is not enough food...

Ahem, probably not.

Thinking of this, Ma Su's expression suddenly became serious. Then he turned around and entered the room again, immediately overturning his previous arrangement.

"Don't rush to prepare to defend the city. We have to confront the Wei army for a few days to delay! There are many people from the old and new fields who have not left yet. If they fall into the hands of the Wei people, they will basically be finished!"

Wang Ping and others had not yet left. They were stunned for a moment when they saw General Zhengbei leaving and returning. He was about to revise his deployment as soon as he came back.

"For the sake of some common people, General, you are going to personally send troops to confront the Wei army? This..."

Since ancient times, I have never heard of anyone sending troops to cover the safety of the people. Even Wang Ping didn't understand. Especially since these people fled voluntarily and were not moved by the imperial court to farm their fields, there was no need to take such risks.

But Ma Su didn't see it that way, and simply changed the combat deployment to a new one.

"These people were the ones who followed the late emperor to flee across the Han River in the past. If we abandon them, our Han army in Nanyang will lose all the support it has among the people."

"What's more, the late emperor once said, "In order to achieve great things, people must be the first priority. "We are all Han officials, how can we abandon the Han people and ignore them?"

"Needless to say, I will personally lead the troops into battle, and I must protect the people's safe withdrawal from the war zone!"




At this moment, the vanguard of the Wei army in the north has entered Yingchuan and arrived at Fucheng, which is only more than a hundred miles away from Kunyang. General Qin Lang of the Wei army also received the battle report from the front line, and Kunyang had been lost.

"The Shu army sent troops to Wudang this time, and quickly sent troops to seize Kunyang. It seems that they intend to swallow up the entire Nanyang." Qin Lang received the battle report from the front line, squinted his eyes and began to analyze the next situation.

He is now Cao Wei's hussar general, but he has not actually led an army. Cao Rui sent him this time to actually gild and lead the troops on his behalf. The real main force had to be Man Chong's Huainan Army.

Speaking of which, it's hard for Cao Rui. Last year, he transferred all the generals who could fight in Kanto to the west. As a result, Ma Di suddenly came out from Nanyang, and Cao Rui had no one to use, so he could only pull Qin Lang out to support him.

Qin Lang is cautious and low-key by nature, so Cao Rui is assured that he will not waste time in front of Ma Di.

This is indeed the case. After Qin Lang heard about the fall of Kunyang, he quickly entered his father's city and did not continue to move forward. Then many scouts were sent to gather information and see what the Han army was planning now.

Soon the scouts passed back the battle report from the front line.

"The Shu army did not defend the city, but divided into three groups and rushed towards the father city?" Qin Lang was shocked by this information, especially when he saw that the Han army was only a few dozen miles away from the father city. My heart suddenly shuddered.

Could it be that the Han army did not come to rob Nanyang, but planned to go straight to Huanglong to appeal to Luoyang?

This year quickly flashed through Qin Lang's mind, making the cavalry general of Cao Wei suddenly nervous.

If it were replaced by someone else, such as Soochow's soldiers and horses, Qin Lang might not care. But Ma Su has been too dazzling in recent years and has done many "impossible" things.

What's more, because Cao Wei's intelligence on Shu Han was sparse, the number of Han troops sent is not clear.

What if this time this man brings the main force from Shu and is really going to Luoyang?

Qin Lang made a decision quickly,

"The entire army is guarding Father's City. Send people to warn the rear. Anyone who dares to abandon the city and flee will be killed!"

"No matter what, we can't let the Shu army steal my father's city!"

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