Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 398 It turns out that everything is in the hands of the Emperor Han!

"Can't hold on anymore! Return to the army, we must return to the army!"

"If we don't go back, our livestock will be killed by the Han people. What will we eat? 55

"Wife and children will freeze to death and starve to death!

"Roman's castle is too hard to chew, warriors can't die here in vain!

"You say that the God of Light is omnipotent, but it shows miracles, show us-!"

Dozens of barbarian chiefs clamored and demanded to withdraw from the barbarian territory, at least - to defend their hometown first.

The high-level members of the Guangming Sect looked at each other, their faces full of bitterness.

Their ideas are not as simple as these barbarians.

Now, it is not a matter of obediently retreating from the army and losing face, but the most dangerous moment for both the Guangming Sect and the barbarians!

Finally, under the Pope's signal, Saint Fei Lin stood up and said loudly: "Be quiet! Be quiet! Everyone, listen to me! Do you think that if you return to the barbaric realm, you will be done? Think So beautiful! Now the Han people have turned your hometown upside down with only the equipment they used more than ten years ago. Even if you go back, what will happen to the Han people? His own responsibility, can he spare you barbarians? He doesn't even have to do it himself, as long as he armed with hundreds of thousands of Romans, he can sweep the barbarian realm! Not to mention your wives and children, all of you... have the fear of life!

"Ah? Then what should we do?" One word woke the dreamer, and the barbarian chiefs were shocked.

Saint Fei Lin said: "What should we do? There is only one way to do it now, and that is to fight it! Liu Zhao once boasted about Haikou and gave us two choices: First, no matter how many we have, he will only send Ten thousand Han troops met the enemy. Second, we sent a hundred thousand troops, and Liu Zhao only led a thousand troops to fight with us. This bishop thinks that the more the number of people, the more

The larger the variable. We should choose the second one, what do you think?"

"Yes! Choose the second one! One hundred thousand warriors, can't beat the ten thousand Han army? It's a joke!

"Han Emperor Liu Zhao, so unwise? It seems that the God of Light is really reliable!"

"God of Light bless us!

"As long as the Han emperor is killed, Rome will be without a leader, and there will be chaos. Our opportunity has come! Rome's food, Rome's wealth, and Rome's beauties are all ours!

"We still have to invade the big man and spread the glory of the God of Light to the far east! 35

The voice of Saint Fei Lin fell, and the barbarian chiefs immediately turned their worries into joy.

In their opinion, Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, was doomed this time!

A hundred thousand warriors can't beat a thousand Han troops? One person can drown them by spit!

However, the high-level members of the Guangming Sect looked at each other in dismay, full of bitterness.

Sure enough, everything is under the control of the Han emperor Liu Zhao?

He said that a month is a month, one day, without delay!

Then, the result of this war, I am afraid... not optimistic!

However, agreeing to a decisive battle with Emperor Han is our best choice!

God, what kind of enemy have we provoked?

When will you show your mighty power to lead us faithful believers to victory?

How long are you going to test us?

Two days later, Rome.

"Respected Emperor Han, on behalf of the Light God Cult, I agree with your proposal. Saint Cai Fei Lin bowed slightly and said: "We suggest that ten days later, in Strasbourg, this decisive battle will be fought. You lead a thousand troops of your own, while we have organized a hundred thousand warriors. Please quickly issue a decree and order your subordinates to stop the destruction of the barbaric realm. ""

Liu Zhao nodded slightly and said, "Stop destroying the savage realm? Good to say, good to say. Very good, you finally made a wise decision."9

"Then I'll retire now." Saint Cai Fei Lin took a breath and didn't want to stay in front of Liu Zhao anymore.


Liu Zhao chuckled softly and said, "Don't rush to leave! I heard that you came with two slaves this time?"

"Exactly. 35

"It's the same for them to go to the Guangming Sect to spread the letter, so you don't necessarily need a cardinal, right?"

"Having said that... an extremely ominous premonition flooded into Saint Fei Lin's heart, and said, "Your Majesty, you... what exactly do you want to do?

Liu Zhao raised his eyebrows and said, "Hey, what are you doing? I have decreed that the Light Sect will be banned in Rome. Those who continue to believe in the Light Sect will all be executed! Saint Cai Fei Lin, Saint Cai Fei Lin, why do you think , are you an exception? Come on, take the saint Fei Lin and behead him!

"According to the order!"

Two warriors in front of the hall stepped forward, pulled Saint Fei Lin and left.

When death was imminent, Saint Fei Lin was really anxious, and cried out in a heart-wrenching manner: "No! Your Majesty, you can't do this! You can't do this! The two countries are fighting, and you won't be able to do it!

"Hmph, if the two countries are fighting each other, they won't be killed?" Liu Zhao sneered: "What qualifications do you have, no matter what kind of barbarian or Guangming Cult is, to call me two countries?! Behead!"

In the twenty-fourth year of Tianyou, the fourth day of the sixth lunar month, Emperor Liu Zhao of the Han Dynasty beheaded the Cardinal Saint Cai Feilin of the Guangming Sect.

Even though the people of the Light God Sect were full of grief and indignation, but the situation was stronger than people, they had to hold back and hope for revenge in the decisive battle in the future.

Finally, on June 20, Emperor Liu Zhao of Han brought a thousand troops and many Roman nobles to Strasbourg.

Hundreds of thousands of Slavic and Germanic warriors are already on guard.

One thousand to one hundred thousand, there is no conspiracy, it is a head-to-head battle. A decisive battle with extremely disparate forces is about to start!

The grievances between the civilized world and the barbarians will also be completely resolved in this war! For a long time,

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