Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 312 The rest of the country has completely kneeled: reserved? reserved ghost!

The so-called acne, of course, refers to smallpox.

It should be pointed out that in this era, the threat of smallpox to children is far greater than that of adults, so it is also called: Pediatric Sore.

After being reminded by Liu Zhao, the medical department researched cowpox and finally found the perfect way to vaccinate.

From today onwards, the mortality rate of big boys and children will drop by about 20%!

After the method of vaccination is rolled out, smallpox can no longer threaten the people of the big man!

Human life is at stake, and the significance of this pox technique is really not under penicillin.

Most importantly, who doesn't love a child?

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, no descendant is the greatest!

Being able to guarantee the safety of his beloved son is more significant than guaranteeing his own safety.

Liu Zhao24 announced at the right time: "It's not rude to come and go! All of you are presenting gifts for the birth of your little girl, and I also have a gift to give back to you. Starting today, the technique of vaccination will be implemented by the Ministry of Medicine throughout the country. All expenses required, It will be borne by my young government, without the people paying a penny!

In fact, it is extremely beneficial to the imperial court that important vaccines are free.

people oriented!

For industrial countries, as long as the people live in good health, regardless of whether they are good or bad, it is extremely beneficial.

This is the welfare that should be given to the people when the country develops to a certain stage.

However, don't forget, it's still the Han Dynasty.

Although the people were greatly prosperous materially under the influence of Liu Zhao, ideologically, they made very little progress!

"Your Majesty... my emperor... long live, long live, long live!"

By now, nothing can express my feelings enough.

All the people and ministers pay homage!

What kind of king is this?

A penny, the people gave the emperor a gift of only a penny. No matter how cheap this acne technique is, it won’t cost only a penny per person, right?

The emperor's return gift to everyone is free vaccination for everyone!

Everyone gave gifts to the emperor, and they took a big advantage?

From ancient times to the present, the emperor who has been light-hearted and low-paying has become a rare sage. What is this emperor looking for money?

For a time, people only bowed to the emperor.

Saying anything is superfluous.

People treat me with a nationalist, and I repay it with a nationalist!

The officials thought, they did their best and died.

What the farmer wanted was to raise more grain to ensure the stability of the empire.

What the businessmen thought was, pay more business tax and repay your majesty!

What the workers are looking for is that they work diligently and live up to the big man!

What the soldiers thought was that the body should be wrapped in horse leather and serve the country with loyalty!

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. What if the upper beam is extremely positive?

It is unprecedented unity and unprecedented strength!


At this moment, the heart of Prime Minister Pino Lu almost jumped out of the cavity!

"According to the description of the big Han official, this acne... how similar to smallpox? Could it be that the acne he said is the smallpox where we rest in peace?"

"Little man, go ask."

Although it has long been known that Dahan is extremely powerful, it is beyond the imagination of the bard Zhuo and Luoma to solve the acne.

You know, smallpox is now ravaging the Parthian Empire.

The capital of Taixifeng, because of smallpox, was dying before the Roman army came.

The King of Kings and the nobles in the country begged the gods, offered bounties to the non-human beings, burned the sick to death... They took countless methods, but it was difficult to prevent the spread of smallpox.

If anyone can contain smallpox in peace, I am afraid he can be regarded as a living god!

But now, this method, unexpectedly, was given to the emperor of the Han Dynasty as a gift by the officials of the Han Dynasty.

Is this true?

of course it's true!

Zhuo and Luo Ma suffered from smallpox himself, but he was very lucky, and after recovering, there was no trace on his face.

When he pointed to the scar on his arm and asked Dahan officials, he got an extremely affirmative answer. In Dahan, this is acne.

"Minister of the State, it's true, acne is smallpox! The big man is really amazing, and now there is a way to restrain smallpox, we can rest in peace and be saved!" Zhuo and Luoma said happily.

"In that case..."

Suddenly, Pinuolu stood up and said loudly, "Reporting to the great man, the emperor, I rest in peace to congratulate His Majesty on the joy of his daughter. I have a gift of more than one million dollars. Please accept it with a smile!""

At this moment, why are you afraid of making the big Han queen unhappy?

What is the noble princess of rest?

What should be reserved?

Completely thrown out of the sky by Pino Road!

He only knew that the big man was far more powerful than the rest, and he had to make good friends, and make good friends as soon as possible. If Rome preempts it, it will be all over.

He knows even more that the rest is like flowers raging today, thousands of people are at stake, and they... can't wait for a moment!

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