Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 309 Happy and happy, the princess is born!

Pinuolu looked at Zhuo and Luoma and said, "How?"

"Okay." Zhuo and Luo Ma smiled bitterly: "The villain admits that I was wrong, I was wrong just now. The emperor of the big man is different from all the kings. He is the most benevolent, he is the most kind, the villain Just guessing that the emperor of Han will perfunctory ordinary people is simply blasphemous. After the villain returns, he will write a new poem, praising the greatness of the emperor of Han, in order to atone for the sins just now."

"I don't want to tell you this." Pi Nuolu frowned slightly and said, "I mean, have you seen the powerful secret of the big man? Shi, peasant, business, and the emperor of Han even valued it and gave it to me. Great benefit! In the end, it was because the emperor of the Han valued who made the big man stronger?

Pi Nuolu said cautiously: "Maybe... the secret of the great man's power is to care for all the people under his rule?"

"All caring is equal to not caring!" Pi Nuolu said angrily: "I can't really ask the king of kings to distribute the benefits to all the people, right?"

"That is the industry and commerce! Didn't the emperor of the Han say that now the industry and commerce tax has accounted for about 70% of the tax revenue of the Han Dynasty. It is because of this that he has the confidence to exempt the agricultural tax.

Pi Nuo Road was distressed: "However, business and industry, how can they bring such great benefits? My resting country does not discriminate against business and industry. However, until now, the tax on business is still far inferior to the agricultural tax. If the truth is true Let the king of kings, improve the treatment of industrial and commercial, can really make Anxi stronger again? 35


Zhuo and Luo Ma rolled their eyes and said, "The villain is a bard, I'm afraid I can't help you on this issue. However, I think... There is a saying in the Han people that you need to tie the bell to untie the bell. "Go and ask the Emperor of Han directly?"

"This is the top secret of the Han, how could the emperor of the Han tell the truth?" Pino sank on the road, and his tone became more and more bad.

Zhuo and Luo Ma were confident and said, "If you ask the Emperor of Han, of course you are unlikely to get an answer. But...what if it was me, Princess Anxi?

(ceei) "Yeah! Princess?!

Pino Road's eyes lit up.

He is the first wise man of rest, and of course much higher than Zhuo and Loma in terms of wisdom. It's just that I have been thinking about the problem from a positive perspective, and I have been negligent.

When Zhuo and Luo Ma reminded him like this, Pinuolu suddenly realized.

Yes, my princess rest in peace!

As long as the marriage is completed, what secrets can be kept under the pillow wind?

It seems that Anxi and Dahan's marriage should be more urgent.

Of course, if Liu Zhao knew what Pi Nuo Road was thinking now, he would definitely sneer.

What is the most important reason for Dahan's strength? It is himself and the system! It is impossible for him to tell this secret no matter what.

What about secondary reasons?

It's because of industrialization!

The industrialized countries are completely crushing the agricultural countries.

However, even if the Parth Empire knew this secret, do they have the technology provided by the system? If Parth just passively follows the big man's ass, it will only be used by the big man farther and farther.

Of course, Pinuolu himself didn't have a long dream of "getting the powerful secret of Dahan".

Because he can't take it anymore.

Today, Liu Zhao appears to be a great reward to the four peoples, but in fact, he has successfully changed a series of policies, paving the way for the industrial and commercial development after the Great Khan.

Next, he wanted to give the people some real benefits, the benefits of not adding a trace of impurities.


Barbecue and wine to be exact.

On the outskirts of Luoyang, next to the Leyou Pavilion, the big man invited everyone on the scene to have a barbecue.

Barbecue, for the common people, is nothing special. During the Han Dynasty, roasting meat with fire was a common cooking method.

The key is in the spice.

You know, even in the Tang Dynasty, pepper was more expensive than gold.

In the Ming Dynasty, there may be peppers!

Liu Zhao used the spice seeds obtained by opening the system package to plant a lot of spices,

Today, these spices appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

Is that still worth it?

The barbecue has just started, and some people can't help but stream the lazi, and there are even many nobles in the court!

After eating it in their mouths, many noble people feel that the first half of their life has been in vain. If there is no emperor to give a banquet today, I would not know that there is such a delicious food in the world!

The Parthian Prime Minister Pinolu almost swallowed his tongue. He originally thought that those big Han delicacies he had eaten were the ultimate in food, and he was a big bumpkin when he was resting before. However, he only discovered now that he is still a big bumpkin!

Of course, the happiest are the common people.

Today, their beloved emperor returned to Luoyang.

Today, the emperor gave them a great reward.

Today, the emperor also invited them to dinner, and they ate such delicious food!

It's just three joys!

In the world, is there anything happier than this?

There really is!

wow leng leng ~ ~

With the sound of hurried horses' hooves, a horse came galloping from afar, shouting while running, "Great joy! Great joy! The queen gave birth, and my big man has a queen born! The queen gave birth, and my great man has a queen born! , mother and daughter are safe!

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