Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 302 The prosperous Han, shocked the rest of the mission!

Dahan Tianyou six years, May fifteenth.

Under the leadership of the Han officials, the Parti mission came to the Siyi Pavilion outside Luoyang City.

That's right, our big man is such a pissing man. The Siyi Pavilion, which entertains envoys from various countries, is not arranged in Luoyang City, but outside Luoyang City.

The meaning is very obvious: you just stay outside the city honestly, don't come into the city to make trouble for us without the permission of the government.

The contempt of the big man for the "four barbarians" is evident.

The rest of the delegation had no opinion on this.

First of all, of course, because Liu Zhao easily destroyed the Kushuang Kingdom, which gave the Parthians a great shock and made them not dare to make trouble.

Another very important reason is that what they saw and heard when they entered the Han territory made him "860" admit the fact that they were "barbarians".

First is the line.

The newly harvested Guishuang is not counted. Today, the official roads between the state capitals in Dahan are paved with concrete roads.

The main means of transportation on the cement road is the four-wheeled carriage.

The four-wheeled carriage is far less than the two-wheeled carriage in terms of load capacity and comfort, so why was it not developed in ancient times?

Because it doesn't work.

First of all, the road must be very flat for the wagon to really play its true role. With cement paving, there are conditions for the smooth running of the four-wheeled carriage.

Secondly, the four-wheeled carriage cannot be steered flexibly. To change direction, you must rely on brute force to deadlift, which in turn cancels out most of the benefits of the wagon.

Therefore, apart from the imperial chariots of the emperor, there were few carriages in ancient China with four wheels.

However, Liu Zhao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, solved the problem with ease using the technology he got from a Japanese gift package.

Well, it's actually not that difficult, just the front two wheels are mounted on one frame and the rear two wheels are mounted on the other frame. The rear frame is mounted on the front frame and is connected by a vertical shaft. In other words, the combination of two two-wheeled vehicles is a four-wheeled carriage that can be steered freely.

Overall, there's really nothing to brag about.

But then again, who is the score compared to!

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away!

The bastards of the Parthian mission went crazy when they saw the concrete road and the four-wheeled carriage.

Flat, hard, not muddy in the rain, no end in sight, the road that leads directly from the border of the empire to the capital!

How much manpower does this cost?

Not to mention the rest, they have never even dreamed of it.

Are the Romans better than the Parthians? It is said that all roads lead to Rome. When the Parthians saw the “high way” of Rome, they were amazed.

However, compared with the "road" of the Romans and the cement road of the Dahan, it is simply not worthy of carrying shoes.

In the past, the Parthians were also scolded by the Romans as barbarians. The Parthians were not as civilized as the Romans.

It's good now, scold, even if you scold, compared with the big man, we are all barbarians, big brother, don't laugh at second brother!

By the way, and the four-wheeled carriage.

There was no bump in the whole process of riding the wagon, including turning!

Because someone is driving, it is no problem to take a temporary rest.

In order to form an alliance with Dahan as soon as possible, the Parthian mission had been riding for more than half a month, and had long wanted to rest. With such a comfortable carriage ride, I almost fell asleep with a pillow!

There is such a comfortable carriage in the world!

If we enjoy such enjoyment in the resting country, why do the officials and nobles usually go out on horseback?

It can be said that traveling in a four-wheeled carriage is a treatment that even the king of kings cannot enjoy.

But in Dahan, the common people can enjoy it after spending a few big bucks.

The food of the big man made the rest of the mission astonished!

The Parthian mission was surprised to find that ordinary farmers in the Han Dynasty had three meals a day, and occasionally used meat to beat their teeth as sacrifices!

You know, we rest ordinary farmers, and it is difficult to maintain food and clothing!

The food served to the embassy is even more delicious, full of color and flavor... I really don't know how the Han people do it. Compared with the food of the Han people, what we usually eat is pig food! Including the king of kings, all we eat is pig food!

By the way, there are also delicious white sugar and rock candy... This trip to the ambassador, we really enjoyed it, and it was an eye-opener.

As for clothing, not to mention.

The silk and wool products of the Han people have long been sold by merchants to rest in peace.


The price of wool products in the rest of the world is ten times that of Dahan! The price of silk is dozens of times.

In addition, the Han people are far richer than the Anxi people... Therefore, the silk and wool products that only noble people can wear in Anxi can be worn casually by ordinary people in the Han Dynasty.

Comparing all aspects, the Han is not the upper country of the heaven, who is the upper country of the heaven? Anxi is not a barbarian, who is a barbarian?

It can be said that, except for the big Han, all countries are barbarians!

The ambassador of the mission, Prime Minister Pi Nuolu is convinced of the big man!

The bards Zhuo and Luo Ma became prosperous in poetry, and wrote countless poems along the way, praising the prosperity and greatness of the big man, and they were about to become the brains of the big man. Is convinced!

With such a mood, they came to the Siyi Pavilion under the guidance of officials from the Ministry of Rites of the Han Dynasty.


An 4.8 Prime Minister Pi Nuolu frowned slightly, and said, "I live in the Siyi Pavilion outside Luoyang City. I have no problem with this old man. However, our delegation of more than 20 people lives in such a small courtyard? Is it... ...Isn't it inappropriate? No matter what, Anxi is also a great country in the world!"

"What? Too small?" The Han official sneered and said, "Yes, Anxi is a great country in the world. But, do you know how many envoys from countries come to pay homage to my great emperor? Don't be greedy, you have it. It's good to live.

An ominous premonition came to Pino Road's heart, and he said, "How many? How many countries are there to pay homage to the emperor? Among these countries, there shouldn't be... Rome?"

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