Imperial Palace.

Jiade Hall.

Liu Hong held the memorial in his hand, frowned, and exhaled a long breath.

He was a little anxious.

Yong County was vacant!

Yang Ci recommended one person;

Yuan Wei recommended one person;

Lu Zhi recommended another person; the three ministers each had their own reasons.

For a moment,

Liu Hong was a little confused.


He sighed, shook his head, and put the memorial aside.

""Your Majesty!"

Just at this moment, a familiar voice sounded outside the palace.

It was Liu Zhong!

Liu Hong knew it without looking up:"Prince Ganling, you are here!"

Liu Zhong smiled:"Your Majesty, you look so sad, what are you worried about?"

Liu Hong smiled awkwardly:"Apart from government affairs, what else can it be? Unlike you, before Jizhou is completely pacified, you can be leisurely and you can come to the palace to chat with me when you have nothing to do. What a good life!"

"My life is indeed good."

"A rare quietness!"


Liu Zhong changed the subject and said,"Your Majesty, you have so many ministers here. Can't you just leave the government affairs to them? How could it be possible for Your Majesty to be so worried!"

"This matter is different!"

Liu Hong stretched his muscles and said,"I have to make the decision myself!"


Liu Zhong pretended to be curious and asked tentatively:"What is it? Do you need your Majesty to make the decision yourself?"

Liu Hong waved his hand to signal him to sit aside for a while:"Well, what could it be? During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, many officials died. Now the court needs to be filled, and the important officials from all sides need my decision."


Liu Zhong suddenly realized:"Then your majesty should make the decision personally, but I think there will be a list for your majesty to choose from, right?"

Liu Hong nodded:"Yes, there is, but it's a bit difficult to decide!"

"Could it be......"

Liu Zhong frowned:"Is it because there are too many people?"

Liu Hong shook his head:"Not really, compared to those fertile and important places, there are still much fewer, only three, but Lu Qing said that Yong County is an important place, it is the gateway to the three prefectures, it is extraordinary!"


Liu Hong picked up Lu Zhi's memorial and said,"The person he recommended is a commoner!"

"Oh, right!"

Liu Hong suddenly remembered something and whispered,"This person has some relationship with you. He is the one who snatched you back from the Yellow Turbans. His name is Wang Hao!"


Liu Zhong nodded with interest:"Then Your Majesty should indeed choose him!"

Liu Hong frowned:"Prince Ganling, you......"

"Your Majesty, please be patient."

Liu Zhong interrupted without hesitation:"I am not talking to him, but thinking about your Majesty!"

Liu Hong exclaimed in surprise:"What do you mean?"

Liu Zhong continued:"Your Majesty, think about it, the main troops of the court are now all concentrated in Guandong. If the Qiang and Hu in Liangzhou have the intention of rebelling, they will definitely take advantage of the situation!"

"By then, Liang Province will be in chaos, and within half a year, the army will inevitably invade the Three Prefectures!"

"That’s Sanfu!"

Liu Zhong deliberately emphasized:"Once Chang’an is captured, tens of thousands of elite cavalry from Qiang and Hu will definitely cross Hangu Pass and attack Luoyang directly, so there must be a capable fighter to guard the Sanfu area!"

Liu Hong nodded slowly:"Your idea coincides with Lu Zhi’s, but Wang Hao was born a local militia, how can he be directly given a Qianshi county magistrate? This is probably not in accordance with the rules!"


Liu Zhong waved his hand and retorted directly:"What a bullshit rule! Sanfu is close to Liangzhou. Although Yong County is usually inconspicuous, once there is a war, it is directly related to the safety of Chang'an!"

"It is not a place that follows rules!"

Liu Zhong relied on his good relationship with Liu Hong and spoke more casually:"Your Majesty, I didn't quite understand it before, but now that I have been caught once, I see it clearly!"

"In the face of war, young children from aristocratic families are unreliable. They will not fight to the death for the city. They will either abandon the city and flee, or open the city and surrender. They always only care about themselves!"

"Those local militiamen are still reliable!"

At this point, Liu Zhong came up and said with great experience:"It is precisely because of their humble origins that they are not afraid of dying in battle. They dare to fight to the death and take risks. Only in this way can they defend the city!"

"Take the Yellow Turban Rebellion for example!"

Liu Zhong would have been fine if he hadn't said anything, but he started to talk nonstop:"Before the imperial army arrived, Yecheng suffered a fierce attack from more than 40,000 Yellow Turbans, and almost all the officers and soldiers were killed in the battle."

"If it weren't for this group of militiamen, under the desperate leadership of Wang Hao, it would have been impossible for them to hold out until Lu Zhi arrived. Your Majesty, once Yecheng fell, the Yellow Turbans would inevitably appear in Henei. If Sishui Pass was breached again, wouldn't Luoyang be in trouble?......"

Liu Hong kept nodding his head:"Yes! It makes sense!"

Liu Zhong continued:"So! Some bullshit rules are better to ignore. Yong County is a barrier to Chang'an. It is better to find someone who can fight to garrison there than those nobles who can only talk big!"

Liu Hong let out a long breath:"That's right! Chang'an is the barrier of Luoyang, and Yong County is the barrier of Chang'an. The county magistrate of such a place really needs a capable person to garrison there!"

"In that case!"

Liu Hong glanced at Lu Zhi's memorial and said softly,"Someone come!"

The Yellow Gate Minister came in from outside the door and said,"Your Majesty!"

"You should quickly go and inform the Secretariat that Wang Hao will be the magistrate of Yong County. Let them draft the edict!"


Liu Hong smiled and said,"Prince Ganling, it seems that you have learned a lot from this Yellow Turban Rebellion!"

Liu Zhong was a little embarrassed:"How could I not learn something? I almost lost my life there!"

Liu Hong:"Hahahaha!"


"By the Will of Heaven, the Emperor decrees:"


"Because Wang Hao had made many outstanding achievements and meritorious services, he was promoted to be the magistrate of Yong County and would take up the post soon!"


Wang Hao bowed and saluted:"I, Wang Hao, thank your majesty for your grace!"

The eunuch who read the imperial edict said softly:"County Magistrate Wang, from today on, you are the county magistrate of Yong County. You must express your gratitude and then go to Yong County to take up your post within half a month. There must be no mistake!"

Wang Hao took the imperial edict with both hands:"Thank you for the reminder!"


Congratulations on being promoted to county magistrate.

Reward: Politics +5;

Reward: Three-bow crossbow flow chart;


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