Two days later, the new clothes were returned.

Wang Hao took off his coarse linen clothes, put on a brand new set of satin clothes, and came out of the room.

Zhao Yu was stunned and stood there for a while, unable to say a word.

"How......What's wrong?"

Wang Hao twisted his body and looked around:"Is there something wrong?"


Zhao Yu's pretty face flushed.

Her heart was throbbing as if it was about to burst out of her chest.


Zhang Nan beside him chuckled and said jokingly,"My Lord, it's because you are so handsome that Yu'er has fallen in love with you. Look at her.......My face is red and burning hot!"


Zhao Yu covered her cheeks in shame:"Zhang Nan, you bad guy!"

Da! Da! Da!

Then he ran all the way back to his room.


He closed the door.

Zhao Yu was breathing heavily.

But in her mind, all she could see was Wang Hao, the tall and handsome man with a dignified demeanor.

Even though she shook her head violently, trying to wake herself up, Wang Hao's shadow was still lingering, and that face was still smiling at her, as if it was completely imprinted in her mind.


"What's wrong with me?"

Zhao Yu covered her chest and took a deep breath.

She could clearly feel her heartbeat.

This feeling......

Never before

"Rain, time waits for no one"

"If you don't come out, we have to leave!"

Wang Hao's voice came from outside the door.

Zhao Yu felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body trembled slightly.


"I'll be right out!"

Zhao Yu took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

After a while, she felt it was almost time, so she opened the door and walked out:"Brother Hao,......I'm sorry!"

Wang Hao raised the corners of his lips and showed his harmless sweet smile:"What are you sorry for? It didn't waste any time! Let's go!"

Zhao Yu said, and followed Wang Hao obediently.

She didn't sneak a peek at his back.

Even so, she still enjoyed it so much!

Wang Hao could only laugh!

Damn, handsomeness is also a kind of lethality!

It seems that this little girl Zhao Yu is destined to not escape from his palm!

After leaving the posthouse.

The group went straight to the painting studio.

After painting the portraits of the three people, it was already evening.

Just as they were about to go back to the posthouse to rest, they bumped into Lu Yu at the door.

Lu Yu looked a little anxious, as if there was something important.

"Brother Lu, why are you here?"

Lu Yu turned around and was also shocked.......

He immediately calmed down as usual:

"Brother Wang, you are finally back!"

Lu Yu grabbed Wang Hao and walked to the street:"My father asked me to inform you that Huangfu Song returned to Beijing yesterday and will host a banquet at Hongbin Tower today. Fortunately, you have time, so go quickly!"

Hongbin Tower!

When Lu Yu took Wang Hao to visit Luoyang before, he knew the way.

But looking at this......

Wang Hao couldn't help but wonder:"Why, Brother Lu isn't going?"

Lu Yu nodded:"I have some things on hand that need to be dealt with urgently tomorrow, so I have to make some preparations in advance tonight. You can go by yourself, and my father will come later!"

"All right!"

Wang Hao nodded:"Then I will go by myself."

Lu Yu bowed:"Brother Wang, I know you are definitely not ordinary. Today's banquet is for the dignitaries in the court. You must remember not to be stage-frightened. If you can get the approval of Yuan Wei, Yang Ci and others, your matter will be much easier."

Wang Hao smiled lightly:"No force! No force!"

Lu Yu shook his head:"You......."

The two parted ways at the street corner.

Zhang Nan and Zhao Yu were also tired after a day.

Besides, they might not be able to enter the banquet, so they returned to the inn.

Wang Hao walked to Hongbin Tower and stepped in.

Because Lu Zhi had not come yet, he chose a seat nearby and sat down quietly.

After a while, a carriage drove in.

A young man and an old man got on it.

The two chatted while walking, and Wang Hao inadvertently heard something like:

"Lu Zigan is also here this time. Let's try to talk less about classics to avoid any more arguments."

"Don't worry, father. I will be careful. But don't worry too much. I heard that he attended the party for a purpose."

"Are you talking about the young man who was a militiaman?"

"Well, his name is Wang Hao. I heard that he has made many great achievements. Unfortunately, he is just a local warrior and does not know the classics."

"Haha! What the hell, Lu Zigan, always doing these thankless tasks, is a local militia worth all the trouble?"

"Who says it's not true? So, Lu Zhi will definitely be patient and restrained at this banquet, so father doesn't have to worry."

"I am old now, so I am too lazy to argue with him, but others may not."


Wang Hao, who was standing by, was furious when he heard this.

Although he had been prepared, he did not expect that this group of people would be so rampant.

On the surface, they were friendly, but behind the scenes, they were full of swords and knives.

If it were not for Lu Zhi's face, Wang Hao really wanted to slap him twice!

He forced himself to remain calm and continued to wait.

"Unexpectedly, Lu Zigan will also participate this time!"

"He! To seek a career as a local militiaman, he actually went to Ma Riti"

"Rural militia? How ridiculous!"


"He is just a local militiaman, what abilities can he have!"

"Perhaps we can make him look bad and dampen Lu Zhi's arrogance!"

"That’s a good idea!"


"After all, Huangfu Song is a talented person from the Huangfu family in the north. He is well versed in military tactics and has many good plans!"

"What's a village warrior like him?"

"That's right! I really don't know what Lu Zigan was thinking!"

"After this war, we should take advantage of the lifting of the ban on political parties and promote some young people with family background and talents. Why promote a local militia?"

"Does he think that the country boys are better than us, the children of noble families?"


"You kid, you must behave well, do you understand?"

"Uncle, don't worry. Even though our performance may not be the best, it will definitely be no worse than those militiamen!"

"Really! A local militiaman dares to compete with us for a position?"


Wang Hao was really amazed!

He just realized it!

On the surface, this banquet was a celebration banquet, but in fact, it was a meeting for the aristocratic families to support their younger generations!

Not only him, Wang Hao, but many of the powerful people in the dynasty all came with their children.

What the hell!

How can it be a celebration banquet? It's clearly a Hongmen Banquet!

Wang Hao let out a long breath, feeling helpless.

After a while,

Lu Zhi appeared at the door.

Wang Hao hurriedly went up to him:"Lu Zhonglang."

Lu Zhi said indifferently:"How do you feel?"

Wang Hao suddenly realized that this was deliberately arranged by Lu Zhi.

He smiled awkwardly:"It will be a severe battle."

Lu Zhi nodded:"I'm glad you understand, let's go up!"

Wang Hao followed behind him and tried to ask:"Lu Zhonglang, if I perform well, can I really get their recognition?"

Lu Zhi said indifferently:"......"

After a long while, he finally uttered a sentence:

"Just try your best!"


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