"Lao Zhang, I didn't expect that you are a member of the government army, and a military marquis at that?"

"To be honest, I didn't expect that you would bring me to Guangzong City."

"Haha, okay, we're even."

"Well, but you have to call me Junhou from now on."


Zhang Nan and Jiao Chu explained everything that happened before.

The two looked at each other and laughed, and their past grudges were completely resolved.

Wang Hao received the military order and led the troops back to the barracks to report.

But as soon as he stepped into the central army, he was stunned!

He saw

Lu Zhi sitting upright with a serious expression.

Next to him was Zuo Feng, the eunuch, who looked at him with strange eyes.

More importantly, a guard was escorting a woman, standing between the two of them, staring at Wang Hao.

""Brother Hao!"

Zhao Yu shouted.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she quickly apologized:

"I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!"

Zuo Feng glanced at Wang Hao fiercely:

"You are so good, Wang Hao, you actually dare to hide a woman in the army!"

"You know, the court has a clear rule that there can be no women in the army!"

Without waiting for Wang Hao to answer, Lu Zhi turned his head and glared at Zuo Feng:

"Zuo Feng, this is my, Lu Zhi's, military camp. You will not be allowed to act recklessly here!"

It is obvious!

Lu Zhi was protecting Wang Hao.

He was afraid that Wang Hao would fall into Zuo Feng's trap if he said something careless.

After all, others did not understand the viciousness of a eunuch, but Lu Zhi knew it well!

Zuo Feng snorted coldly:"Lu Zhi, Wang Hao is your Sima of a separate department. He violated military regulations, and you are also responsible."

Lu Zhi did not hesitate and directly retorted:"It is not your turn to act wild here. His Majesty sent you here to entertain the troops, not to interfere in my military affairs!"

The words were fierce.

It was even more terrifying than when Zuo Feng embarrassed Lu Zhi himself!

Even the generals of the five camps of the Northern Army could clearly feel Lu Zhi's intention to shield Wang Hao.

"Don't forget!"

Lu Zhi said in a loud voice, his eyes stern:"I am the General of the North Army appointed by His Majesty himself. All military affairs should be decided by me, Lu Zhi, and you, Zuo Feng, have no right to interfere!"


Zuo Feng was speechless.


He just came here to entertain the troops.

At best, he has the right to supervise military affairs.

You can report to the emperor, that is your right, but you do not have the right to interfere in military affairs!


Zuo Feng was not an easy man to deal with.

He swallowed his anger and reminded him:"Lu Zhonglang, we will not interfere with your military affairs, but no matter what, you must give everyone a satisfactory answer to this matter!"

Lu Zhi was neither humble nor arrogant, and retorted again:"That is my own business, what does it have to do with you, Zuo Feng! Even if His Majesty blames me, I, Lu Zhi, will bear it alone!"


"Very good!"

Zuo Feng was furious, and said,"Lu Zhi, I really underestimated you! I will report this matter to His Majesty, and then we'll see how you explain it to His Majesty!"

"That's my own business!"

"Very good!" Zuo Feng stood up,"Then I'll take my leave, you take care of yourself!"

After saying that, Zuo Feng turned around and left.

The big tent was silent.

Even Wang Hao himself felt a little confused.

After a long time.

Lu Zhi exhaled a breath of turbid air and whispered:"Sima Wang, tell me honestly, who is this woman to you?"

Wang Hao did not hesitate and blurted out:"To be honest with Lu Zhonglang, Zhao Yu is my unmarried daughter-in-law. She and I both have no family. I am worried about her being alone at home, so I can only bring her with me!"


Wang Hao wanted to confess honestly.

But he knew too well that once Lu Zhi knew that Zhao Yu was Zhao Feng's sister.

Wang Hao would at most be guilty of harboring a criminal.

Then, he would push Zhao Feng out without hesitation, and then try his best to protect himself.

But Wang Hao couldn't do this!

This not only involves the issue of Zhao Yun.

It is also his explanation to Zhao Feng for such a long time!

If he encounters a problem, he will throw his subordinates out to take the blame, then who will follow Wang Hao wholeheartedly in the future.

What's more!

Wang Hao expected.

Even so, Lu Zhi would do his best to protect himself!

Otherwise, he would not have confronted Zuo Feng in front of him just now!

At this moment, Zhao Yu was stunned.

She shook her head hurriedly:"No......"

But Wang Hao interrupted her as soon as she opened her mouth:"Don't worry, Yu'er, even if Brother Hao is not in the right position, I will never abandon you. I kill the enemy to be loyal to my country, and I protect you to be loyal to my love!"

"I am Wang Hao!"

"Even in front of His Majesty, you dare to say that!"

After saying that, Wang Hao clasped his hands and said in a sonorous voice:"Lu Zhonglang, I know my crime, but I accept the punishment!"

"What a great Wang Hao!"

"I knew you were a man of love and righteousness!" At this moment, Lu Zhi showed a satisfied smile on his face.......

He let out another long breath:"However, you have given me a difficult problem. If there is no proper solution to this problem, it will be difficult to explain to His Majesty."

Sure enough!

Lu Zhi still wanted to protect himself.

Wang Hao guessed correctly.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and bowed:

"It is me who has caused trouble for Lu Zhonglang!"

Lu Zhi pinched the wisp of goatee under his chin.


The figure of Xu Feng appeared in his mind.

Lu Zhi clearly remembered that he had blamed Xu Feng for taking on too many responsibilities that did not belong to him for a local militia.

But now!

At this moment!

Lu Zhi actually made the same decision.

This is really a great irony!


Lu Zhi would never allow the pillars of the court to be buried in the torrent of history.

He must do something for Wang Hao!

After a moment of silence.

Lu Zhi's eyes fell on Wang Hao, and he said very solemnly:

"Wang Hao, are you willing to give up your military position and go to Luoyang with me?"

"You have made great contributions this time. Perhaps I can help you get a better reward in front of His Majesty."

At this moment!

The whole tent exploded!

What is a Sima of a separate department?

After all, it is a temporary position, and it was conferred by Lu Zhi himself.

Once the war is over, it can be disbanded at any time!

But if you follow Lu Zhi to Luoyang.

That would be completely different!

After all, Luoyang is the core of the Han Dynasty. If you want to get an official position, this is the most direct channel!

Wang Hao was immediately surprised!


Is this going to be a blessing in disguise?

"Then my brothers......"

Of course, Wang Hao was still a little worried.

But Lu Zhi had already thought it through for him:"The troops will not be disbanded. You can pick someone you trust to take over your position as Sima of the other troops, and then stay in Jizhou to wipe out the remnants of the Yellow Turbans!"

What the hell!

Best of both worlds!

Wang Hao had no more room for hesitation, and immediately clasped his hands and said,"Thank you, Lu Zhonglang!"

Lu Zhi waved his hand and said,"Okay, from today on, you are no longer Sima of the other troops. After you have completed the handover, bring your fiancée and follow me to Luoyang!"


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