"Poor old man, he didn't want to spend money on medicine, but bought magic water. But he died within three days after drinking it. Old man, you died so tragically!"

Outside Guangzong City, a hoarse voice rang out with great penetration.

This was an old woman in her fifties.

Her husband bought magic water because of his illness, but the illness was not cured, and he died.

In the past, she always thought that her husband was not pious enough.

But today, Huangdi and Laojun appeared and told her that the magic water was fake.

Suddenly, she couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears in front of everyone!

"Now, I am the only one left in the family. My eldest son died fighting for the Taiping Dao, my second son is now missing, and my third son is only eight years old. What should I do?"

"Damn Yellow Turbans!"

"Damn Taiping Dao!"

"You deceive the people, you will die a horrible death!"

"Woo woo woo~~~~"

For a moment.

They cried and wept, and the gods and ghosts were sobbing!

Many of the people who came to worship also knew similar things.

Before, they always thought it was because they were not pious enough, but now that Huang Lao appeared, they knew that it was Zhang Jue who lied!

Now, infected by the old woman's crying, the depression in their hearts suddenly vented:

"Old man, we are all just like you, we have all been deceived by the Yellow Turban evildoer!"

"Yes, my second son is still a Yellow Turban soldier. I really want him to come back and stop working for Zhang Jue!"

"Alas, I also wanted to, but unfortunately my son died in the battle. He was killed by Zhang Jue!"

"Woo woo woo~~~~"


At this moment, wailing sounds were heard everywhere.

The altar outside the city had become a grievance meeting for the common people.

However, Wang Hao did not stop it!

He just wanted to let this most simple voice be transmitted little by little through the yellow turbans on the city.

They were all born by their parents, so who could tolerate such deception?

This set of emotional combination cards can definitely kill Zhang Jue without any ability to fight back.

Although Wang Hao could not see the expressions of the yellow turbans on the city, he could fully guess that at this moment, their hearts were like turmoil, experiencing painful ideological struggles!!

In fact!

The yellow turbans on Guangzong City were just as Wang Hao expected.

Some people were secretly wiping tears; some people subconsciously clenched their weapons; and some people even whispered abuses to Zhang Jue, abused this inhumane deceiver!

If it weren't for the yellow turban general standing guard in person!

If it weren't for the fear of having their heads chopped off!


At this moment.

A huge wave seemed to have been set off on the city.

They were originally firm pursuers of the Taiping Dao, but at this moment, their hearts were also shaken!

Although Zhang Liang was personally sitting on the top of the city, he was on pins and needles!

Because he could feel the vague murderous intent from the expressions of the people around him, as if if he was not careful, a sharp dagger would stab into his chest, saying that he wanted to avenge his father!

He really was!

Scared to the extreme!

So Zhang Liang replaced the defenders one by one.

Just to make them less stimulated by the sad wailing of the people outside the city, and try their best to maintain their firm belief in the Taiping Dao!


Zhang Liang didn't realize it.

What he did was to speed up the transmission of information inside and outside the city.

Those Yellow Turbans who were not firm in their beliefs would always find out what was happening outside the city through various channels!

Then, through their own imagination, they constructed another picture!

Zhang Nan paid special attention to this kind of intelligence!

He also compiled a statement through his own imagination that even surprised himself.

"How is it impossible for Huangdi and Laojun to crawl out of the earth?"

"I think he should just crawl out of the ground!"

"The reason is very simple. Our Han Dynasty belongs to the element of fire. According to Huang-Lao theory, fire creates earth. Huangdi and Laojun emerged from the earth. That means the Han Dynasty is bound to become more and more prosperous. How could it possibly decline?"

"Let's talk about the Taiping Rebellion again. From the beginning to now, can you tell me whether there has been a single day when everything went smoothly? Have you been losing battles since the soldiers came?"

"Not to mention the officers and soldiers, many of our teams cannot even defeat the local militia from various counties. What does this prove?"

"I won't explain it any further, you can figure it out for yourself!"

Zhang Nan babble a lot, making the yellow turbans around him look puzzled.

After a while, the group of people kept nodding their heads, thinking it made sense.

"Let’s talk about this talisman water again!"

"Why was it effective in the beginning? Because the great and wise teacher Zhang Jue was a witch doctor in the past, proficient in medicine, and he cured diseases and saved lives. His medicine cured all diseases!"

"But later, after he founded the Taiping Dao relying on the trust of the people, he no longer treated people personally. So could this talisman water still have the effect of curing diseases?"

"Obviously not!"

Zhang Nan heard some of these words from Wang Hao.

He slightly modified them and turned them into his own set of rhetoric, which was surprisingly effective!

"Bullshit, sincerity will do the trick!"

Zhang Nan was relatively calm at first, but he became more and more annoyed as he spoke, and his emotions immediately reached their maximum:"The only thing that can be cured is that the person's body is healed, it has nothing to do with the talisman water!"

"But the Taiping Dao specifically said that it was their talisman water that worked, and that it could cure all diseases. It makes me so pissed just thinking about it, this is a complete scam!"

"Old Jiao!"

Zhang Nan looked at Jiao Chu and said,"Now it seems that your relatives have also been deceived by this evil Taoist!"

Zhang Nan remembered very clearly that Jiao Chu had told him about this.

His father died three years ago, and within two months, his mother also died. A year later, his eldest brother also died.

"Now it seems that it is not that they are not pious, but that the Taiping Dao is simply a scam!"

"Old Jiao!"

Zhang Nan patted Jiao Chu's shoulder and let out a long sigh:"Brother, I sympathize with you. If this happened to me, I would definitely be very annoyed, but you must be patient!"

Jiao Chu gritted his teeth, anger written on his face.

In the past, he was an optimistic guy, always smiling.

But today!

But now!

There is no joy on his face, instead, there is endless anger.

"You bastard!"

Jiao Chu was so angry that he stood up and uttered,"I want to avenge my parents and chop that old bastard Zhang Jiao into pieces!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

Zhang Nan suddenly held him down, glanced around, and seeing that there was no one around, he said:"If you want revenge, you have to listen to me. I promise to help you kill the traitor Zhang Jiao!"

Jiao Chu forced himself to suppress his surging anger:"Lao Zhang, then tell me, what should we do?"

Zhang Nan said softly:"We only have fifty or sixty brothers now. If we want to kill Zhang Jiao, we must rely on the power of the officers and soldiers. If I guess correctly, they will attack the city soon."

Jiao Chu nodded in agreement:"Then what should we do?"

Zhang Nan lowered his voice:"It's very simple, find more people, and then take over the city gate while the officers and soldiers are attacking!"

Jiao Chu nodded:"Okay, I'll do it!"


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