In the following days.

Wang Hao has been thinking about countermeasures to break the city.

For this reason, he even stopped the training of archery and cavalry warfare.

The training of the army was even fully handed over to Gao Lan, and he only listened to some reports.

But even so, several days passed, and Wang Hao still couldn't think of a suitable countermeasure.

Just as history progressed.

Not long after.

Little Huangmen Zuo Feng came to inspect on behalf of the emperor and came to comfort the army.

The soldiers were naturally very happy, which proved that the emperor was thinking about them.

But Wang Hao has been observing Zuo Feng.

Sure enough!

Before the next day, he learned from the clan members that Lu Zhi had quarreled with Zuo Feng.

Although the specific reason is unclear, it is not a good sign after all.

Wang Hao felt that the disaster was approaching, and his heart became more panic!

He even thought that if there was no way to conquer Guangzong, he could only send people to kill Zuo Feng on his way back to Luoyang, and then put the blame on the Yellow Turbans to eliminate future troubles!


This is a very bad strategy.

After all, Zuo Feng represented the emperor, but he was killed.

The court will definitely send someone to investigate!

If the crime can really be pinned on the Yellow Turbans, it will be fine.

But if the emperor believes that Lu Zhi failed to protect the emperor, and the Yellow Turbans are still rampant, he will be fired directly; or, someone with ulterior motives will simply provoke a war between scholars and eunuchs, and then involve Lu Zhi, or even affect a wider area!

That would be a real catastrophe!

The risk is too great, and Wang Hao would never resort to this strategy unless it is absolutely necessary.


Before he knew it,

Wang Hao was a little hungry.

Maybe thinking was too much brainpower.

In fact, he had just finished breakfast and it was far from dinner time.

(PS: In the Eastern Han Dynasty, people only had two meals a day!)

However, he still came to the camp to find Zhao Yu to replenish some energy.

""Is Yu'er there?"

Wang Hao shouted from outside the tent.

After all, it was a girl's boudoir, so Wang Hao didn't dare to barge in.

"Yes, I'm here!"

Zhao Yu's voice came from inside:"Is that Brother Hao?"

Wang Hao responded:"Yes, I feel a little hungry suddenly. Can I go in and find something to eat?"

"Of course!"

The curtain was raised and Zhao Yu came out.

She must have just washed her hair, as her black hair still had traces of being dyed with water:"Brother Hao, come in quickly!"

Wang Haoju stepped into the tent, turned around and smiled at Zhao Yu:"What a pity, you are obviously a beautiful girl, but you have to dress up as a man. It's really hard for you!"

"No way!"

Zhao Yu was a little shy, and hurriedly helped Wang Hao move a straw mound:"It is obviously Yu'er who made things difficult for Brother Hao, and made you take such a big risk. Yu'er is worried every day, what if........."


Wang Hao interrupted directly with a wave of his hand:"I believe Yu'er, unless there is a chance, you will never be exposed!"

Zhao Yu smiled dimples and nodded:"Well, Yu'er will try her best."

After that, she took out two wheat cakes left over from the morning from the basket beside her, and scooped out a bowl of roe deer meat soup for Zhao Feng to nourish his body, and served it to Wang Hao:"Brother Hao, eat it, if it's not enough, I'll make more."

""Enough, enough!"

Wang Hao took Tang Wan and smiled:"I'm just a little hungry, I'm not a pig!"

Zhao Yu pursed her lips and smiled lightly:"Brother Hao is really a joker!"

She sat down aside, picked up a wooden stick, and kept fiddling with the pottery jar next to her.

The pottery jar was broken, only half of it was open, and it was full of soil.

Zhao Yu kept poking it, as if she was turning the soil to make it fluffy!

"Are you growing flowers?"

Wang Hao couldn't help but ask curiously.


Zhao Yu answered while turning the soil:"I don't have time to grow flowers. I just planted some sprouts. After two or three days, when the sprouts grow out, I will improve your food."


It is what people call bean sprouts.

It has a history of more than 2,000 years.

《There are also records about it in Shennong's Herbal Classic.

"Oh, that's it!"

Wang Hao suddenly realized, and relevant information about bean sprouts flashed through his mind.


A story about bean sprouts appeared in Wang Hao's mind.

He smiled indifferently and said softly:"Speaking of sprouts, I have another story about it. Do you want to hear it?"

Zhao Yu blinked her big black pearl-like eyes, and her interest was aroused at once:"Oh? There is a story about sprouts?"

"Of course I have!"

Wang Hao gulped down the broth in the bowl.

He wanted to tell Zhao Yu about the White Lotus Sect's deception of the people, so as to show his erudition.

But suddenly......

He was startled.

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

It was as if he had opened the door to a new world.

At this moment!

Wang Hao simply loved himself!

You know, during this period of time, he has been thinking about why Zhang Jue, who had suffered a great defeat, could still gather more than 100,000 soldiers and garrison Guangzong!

It was not because Zhang Jue had food!

But because of faith!

Taiping Dao!

It was Zhang Jue's faith. It was also the faith of the people of Jizhou!

Zhang Jue had been operating here for more than ten years. Taiping Dao had long been deeply rooted, and the people were enslaved by it.

And Zhang Jue was the core of the Taiping Dao faith. In the subconscious of the people, they wanted to pursue Zhang Jue all their lives to realize that illusory Taiping dream!

Therefore! Zhang

Jue didn't need to do it himself.

When he was defeated, those defeated Yellow Turban soldiers would subconsciously come to Guangzong.

The reason was simple!

Zhang Jue was here!

Their great virtuous teacher was here!

In other words!

Their faith was here!

This was Zhang Jue's most powerful weapon!

If we cannot destroy the Taiping Dao founded by Zhang Jiao and the people's faith in it, then......

Even if Zhang Jue is killed, it is impossible to destroy the Taiping Dao!

It will always exist in the Han Dynasty, like an immortal curse, passed down from generation to generation!

If you want to defeat Zhang Jue in a short time!

The only way!

Is to shatter the Yellow Turbans' belief in the Taiping Dao!

Once successful, the Yellow Turbans' morale will be shaken, and Zhang Jue will collapse without a fight!

And this sprout......

It is the key to shattering the Taiping Dao faith!

"Brother Hao, what are you doing?......"

Zhao Yu was waiting for Wang Hao's story, but found that Wang Hao was standing there in a daze.

"Very good!"

"It’s really great!"

"This time there is a way!"

Wang Hao was so excited that he couldn't help but hold Zhao Yu's hand:"Yu'er, you are awesome, you are the first to contribute in this attack on Guangzong, hahaha!"


Zhao Yu was confused.

She didn't even know what was going on, but she was already the first to achieve success?

More importantly!

How could this hand.........How come......Just hold it......Together?

"I'll go find Lu Zhonglang now!"

Wang Hao was so excited that he didn't even realize that he had done such a thing.

"Brother Hao!" Zhao Yu blushed," hurt me!"

"Oh!" Wang Hao was so scared that he quickly let go of his hand,"That......Sorry, it's me who's wrong."

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yu smiled faintly,"Are you still hungry? Do you want some more?""

"No!" Wang Hao couldn't contain his joy,"I have to go immediately to find Lu Zhonglang!"


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