【[List of Legion Members]

Li Le: Military Strength 12; Intelligence 9; Politics 3; Commander 2;

Tie Niu: Military Strength 17; Intelligence 6; Politics 2; Commander 1;......

Zhang Nan: Military Strength 25; Intelligence 16; Politics 10; Command 11;......

Awang: Force 8; Intelligence 7; Politics 2; Command 1;

Wang Hao took a quick look.

The four-dimensional attributes of Li Le and Tie Niu have been slightly improved.

It seems that the natives of the Three Kingdoms can also grow, but they don’t have the assistance of the system.

However, even with a slight improvement, they still can’t escape the category of rural warriors.

It is difficult to predict to what extent they can grow in this battle.

It is good to survive, but it is normal to die.

When Wang Hao was lamenting the difficulties of the new recruits.

Suddenly, a name broke into his field of vision.

Zhang Nan!

Force 25!

All four-dimensional attributes are above 10 points.

Such attribute values are basically similar to his own.

Could it be that the Zhang Nan in front of him will be the Zhang Nan under Yuan Shao in the future?

I have to admit that this is indeed possible!

After all!

This is Jizhou!

In history, Yuan Shao split Jizhou, and Zhang Nan became his subordinate at this time.

"Are you Zhang Nan?"

Wang Hao walked up to the man and looked him up and down.

He was about 1.7 meters tall, a bit burly, with thick arms, and was a strong man.

He had a broad face and a pair of eyes like bells. With a short beard under his chin, he looked really intimidating when he glared at me!

"That's right!"

The man clasped his fists and bowed:"I am Zhang Nan!"

Wang Hao nodded and asked in confusion:"Are you from a local militia?" Zhang Nan replied:"No! I am a county official, usually responsible for arresting bandits."

Wang Hao suddenly realized:"No wonder, he is so strong!"

Zhang Nan clasped his fists:"Thank you for the compliment, captain!"

Wang Hao raised the corners of his lips and teased:"Didn't they say that the county lieutenant's personal soldiers are protecting the county government? Why are you here?" Zhang Nan said calmly:"The local militia are fighting hard on the battlefield, how can I, Zhang Nan, live in peace in the city!"

"Well said!"

Wang Hao couldn't help but look up to Zhang Nan, and then he turned to the crowd in a loud voice:"Everyone, I don't have anything to explain to you, I just want to tell you!"

"The Yellow Turbans are also human beings. If you stab them with a knife, a bloody hole will still be left. On the battlefield, if you are not afraid of them, they will be afraid of you. If you don’t kill them, they will kill you!"


Wang Hao emphasized again:"The way to survive on the battlefield is not about skills, but courage! We all have two shoulders and one head. There is no reason to be intimidated by the Yellow Turbans, right!"

The soldiers answered in unison:"Yes!"

Wang Hao:"Louder, I didn't hear it!"

The soldiers:"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Wang Hao waved his hand:"Okay! Now divide the team, Li Le, Tie Niu, Er Gouzi, Wang Mazi, you are old, each lead a squad, Zhang Nan, you lead a squad alone!"

Zhang Nan, Li Le and others:"Yes!"

Wang Hao ordered:"Be quick, after the division, quickly return to your position, without any mistakes."

Everyone bowed again:"Yes!"

After that, Wang Hao turned and went up to the city.

Li Lu had been waiting on the city. Seeing Wang Hao coming up, he smiled and said:

"You are indeed quite capable, I was not wrong about you."

Wang Hao smiled calmly and said modestly:

"No way! It was just a few simple words."

Li Lu chuckled, stopped talking nonsense, and pointed to the side:

"This is the defense zone reserved for you. Your team will guard here."

""I have prepared all the pounding stones, rolling logs, and arrows for you. Please use them sparingly. There are not many left."

Wang Hao nodded and immediately returned to the jurisdiction to check the equipment and city defense equipment.

7 pounding stones;

11 rolling logs;

346 arrows; obviously, they are the leftovers from a group of people, plus a batch of equipment that was transferred.

Although not much, it should be enough to resist this wave of Yellow Turbans.

However, if the Yellow Turbans continue to attack, perhaps these things will not last more than two or three rounds.

Wang Hao could hear that the other party meant that this batch of equipment was the last batch, and there would be no replenishment after it was used up, so he had to use it sparingly!

Damn it!

A good cook cannot cook without rice.

With these things and these soldiers, who knows how long they can last!

Wang Hao sighed, fortunately he had a good heart.

Since he couldn't change the status quo, he would accept it and try his best.

After a while ,

Li Le, Zhang Nan and others led the troops back to their positions.

After Wang Hao simply divided the area, he summoned a sergeant to give a lecture:

"We don't have much left with the stuff we have!"

"Therefore, you are not allowed to shoot arrows without my order!"

"Furthermore, if the Yellow Turbans attack the city walls, the military commander will definitely ask me for support."

At this point, Wang Hao turned his gaze to Zhang Nan and said,"When the time comes, Zhang Nan, you must follow me closely with your troops. Remember, after killing the Yellow Turbans, you must take away their equipment, especially the arrows!"

"Do you understand?"

Zhang Nan nodded:"I understand!"

Wang Hao let out a long breath:"Okay, everyone get ready!"

All the soldiers:"Yes!"


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